package; import; import net.jxta.peergroup.PeerGroup; import net.jxta.peergroup.PeerGroupID; import org.jmock.Expectations; import java.util.List; public class InMemorySrdiIndexBackendTest extends AbstractSrdiIndexBackendTest { /* (non-Javadoc) * @see, net.jxta.peergroup.PeerGroupID, java.lang.String) */ @Override public Expectations createExpectationsForConstruction_withPeerGroup_IndexName( final PeerGroup mockGroup, final PeerGroupID groupId, String groupName ) { return new Expectations( ) { { ignoring( mockGroup ).getPeerGroupName( ); will( returnValue( "testGroup" ) ); } }; } @Override protected void setUp( ) throws Exception { super.setUp( ); } @Override protected void tearDown( ) throws Exception { super.tearDown( ); } @Override public String getBackendClassname( ) { return InMemorySrdiIndexBackend.class.getName( ); } @Override protected SrdiIndexBackend createBackend( PeerGroup group, String indexName ) { return new InMemorySrdiIndexBackend( group, indexName ); } /** * Checks that expired entries recorded under the same primary key, attribute and * value combination are removed on a call to add. * <p> * It may not make sense for all implementations to remove expired entries on add - * it is done in the XIndice implementation simply because it is convenient. It * should be possible to copy this test to the test class of an alternate implementation * if it too should remove expired entries. */ public void testAdd_removesExpiredEntries( ) throws Exception { srdiIndex.add( "a", "b", "c", PEER_ID, 10000L ); srdiIndex.add( "a", "b", "c", PEER_ID_2, 5000L ); // this entry should not be deleted automatically as it is under a different // (pkey, attr, value) combination. srdiIndex.add( "a", "d", "x", PEER_ID_2, 5000L ); clock.currentTime = 8000L; srdiIndex.add( "a", "b", "c", PEER_ID_3, 12000L ); List<Entry> record = srdiIndex.getRecord( "a", "b", "c" ); assertNotNull( record ); assertEquals( 2, record.size( ) ); assertContains( record, new Entry( PEER_ID, 10000L ), new Entry( PEER_ID_3, 20000L ) ); } // Never will survive a restart public void testDataSurvivesRestart( ) throws Exception { assertTrue( true ); } // Index content is inexplicably linked to the in-memory index object. Creating a new in-memory model // does not clone the data model from another index. Therefore this test is modified to prove isolation // without the need to implement data model cloning public void testClearViaStatic_groupsWithSameStoreAreIsolated( ) { srdiIndex.add( "a", "b", "c", PEER_ID, 1000L ); srdiIndexForGroup2.add( "a", "b", "c", PEER_ID, 1000L ); srdiIndex.stop( ); //srdiIndexForGroup2.stop(); SrdiIndex.clearSrdi( group1 ); SrdiIndex group1IndexRestarted = new SrdiIndex( group1, "testIndex" ); //SrdiIndex group2IndexRestarted = new SrdiIndex(group2, "testIndex"); assertTrue( group1IndexRestarted.query( "a", "b", "c", -1 ).isEmpty( ) ); // assertContains(group2IndexRestarted.query("a", "b", "c", NO_THRESHOLD), PEER_ID); assertContains( srdiIndexForGroup2.query( "a", "b", "c", -1 ), PEER_ID ); } }