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Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that * accompanied this code. If applicable, add the following below the * License Header, with the fields enclosed by brackets [] replaced by * your own identifying information: * "Portions Copyrighted [year] [name of copyright owner]" * * Contributor(s): * The Original Software is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original * Software is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2006 Sun * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * If you wish your version of this file to be governed by only the CDDL * or only the GPL Version 2, indicate your decision by adding * "[Contributor] elects to include this software in this distribution * under the [CDDL or GPL Version 2] license." If you do not indicate a * single choice of license, a recipient has the option to distribute * your version of this file under either the CDDL, the GPL Version 2 or * to extend the choice of license to its licensees as provided above. * However, if you add GPL Version 2 code and therefore, elected the GPL * Version 2 license, then the option applies only if the new code is * made subject to such option by the copyright holder. */ package org.netbeans.lib.profiler.heap; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; /** * * @author Tomas Hurka */ @SuppressWarnings({"unused", "rawtypes", "unchecked"}) class DominatorTree { //~ Static fields/initializers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private static final int BUFFER_SIZE = (64 * 1024) / 8; private static final int ADDITIONAL_IDS_THRESHOLD = 30; //~ Instance fields ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private HprofHeap heap; private LongBuffer multipleParents; private LongBuffer revertedMultipleParents; private LongBuffer currentMultipleParents; private Map<Long,Long> map; private Set dirtySet = Collections.EMPTY_SET; private Map canContainItself; private Map nearestGCRootCache = new NearestGCRootCache(400000); //~ Constructors ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DominatorTree(HprofHeap h, LongBuffer multiParents) { heap = h; multipleParents = multiParents; currentMultipleParents = multipleParents; map = new HashMap(multiParents.getSize()); try { revertedMultipleParents = multiParents.revertBuffer(); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(ex.getLocalizedMessage(),ex); } } //~ Methods ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ synchronized void computeDominators() { boolean changed = true; boolean igonoreDirty; try { do { currentMultipleParents.rewind(); igonoreDirty = !changed; changed = computeOneLevel(igonoreDirty); switchParents(); } while (changed || !igonoreDirty); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } deleteBuffers(); dirtySet = Collections.EMPTY_SET; } private boolean computeOneLevel(boolean ignoreDirty) throws IOException { boolean changed = false; Set newDirtySet = new HashSet(map.size()/10); List<Long> additionalIds = new ArrayList(); int additionalIndex = 0; // debug // long processedId = 0; // long changedId = 0; // long index = 0; // List<Long> changedIds = new ArrayList(); // List<Long> changedIdx = new ArrayList(); // List<Boolean> addedBynewDirtySet = new ArrayList(); // List<Long> oldDomIds = new ArrayList(); // List<Long> newDomIds = new ArrayList(); //System.out.println("New level, dirtyset size: "+dirtySet.size()); for (;;) { long instanceId = readLong(); if (instanceId == 0) { // end of level if (additionalIndex >= additionalIds.size()) { if (additionalIndex>0) { //System.out.println("Additional instances "+additionalIndex); } break; } instanceId = additionalIds.get(additionalIndex++).longValue(); } Long instanceIdObj = new Long(instanceId); Long oldIdomObj = (Long) map.get(instanceIdObj); //index++; if (oldIdomObj == null || (oldIdomObj.longValue() != 0 && (ignoreDirty || dirtySet.contains(oldIdomObj) || dirtySet.contains(instanceIdObj)))) { //processedId++; LongMap.Entry entry = heap.idToOffsetMap.get(instanceId); List refs = entry.getReferences(); Iterator refIt = refs.iterator(); Long newIdomIdObj = (Long)refIt.next(); boolean dirty = false; while(refIt.hasNext() && newIdomIdObj.longValue() != 0) { Long refIdObj = (Long)refIt.next(); newIdomIdObj = intersect(newIdomIdObj,refIdObj); } if (oldIdomObj == null) { //addedBynewDirtySet.add((newDirtySet.contains(oldIdomObj) || newDirtySet.contains(instanceIdObj)) && !(dirtySet.contains(oldIdomObj) || dirtySet.contains(instanceIdObj))); map.put(instanceIdObj, newIdomIdObj); newDirtySet.add(newIdomIdObj); changed = true; //changedId++; //changedIds.add(instanceIdObj); //changedIdx.add(index); //oldDomIds.add(null); //newDomIds.add(newIdomIdObj); } else if (oldIdomObj.longValue() != newIdomIdObj.longValue()) { //addedBynewDirtySet.add((newDirtySet.contains(oldIdomObj) || newDirtySet.contains(instanceIdObj)) && !(dirtySet.contains(oldIdomObj) || dirtySet.contains(instanceIdObj))); newDirtySet.add(oldIdomObj); newDirtySet.add(newIdomIdObj); map.put(instanceIdObj,newIdomIdObj); if (dirtySet.size() < ADDITIONAL_IDS_THRESHOLD) { updateAdditionalIds(instanceId, additionalIds); } changed = true; //changedId++; //changedIds.add(instanceIdObj); //changedIdx.add(index); //oldDomIds.add(oldIdomObj); //newDomIds.add(newIdomIdObj); } } } dirtySet = newDirtySet; //System.out.println("Processed: "+processedId); //System.out.println("Changed: "+changedId); //System.out.println("-------------------"); //printObjs(changedIds,oldDomIds,newDomIds, addedBynewDirtySet, changedIdx); //System.out.println("-------------------"); return changed; } private void updateAdditionalIds(final long instanceId, final List<Long> additionalIds) { Instance i = heap.getInstanceByID(instanceId); //System.out.println("Inspecting "+printInstance(instanceIdObj)); if (i != null) { for (Object v : i.getFieldValues()) { if (v instanceof ObjectFieldValue) { Instance val = ((ObjectFieldValue)v).getInstance(); if (val != null) { long idp = val.getInstanceId(); Long idO = new Long(idp); Long idomO = map.get(idO); if (idomO != null && idomO.longValue() != 0) { additionalIds.add(idO); //System.out.println(" Adding "+printInstance(idO)); } } } } } } private void deleteBuffers() { multipleParents.delete(); revertedMultipleParents.delete(); } private long readLong() throws IOException { return currentMultipleParents.readLong(); } long getIdomId(long instanceId, LongMap.Entry entry) { Long idomEntry = (Long) map.get(new Long(instanceId)); if (idomEntry != null) { return idomEntry.longValue(); } if (entry == null) { entry = heap.idToOffsetMap.get(instanceId); } return entry.getNearestGCRootPointer(); } boolean hasInstanceInChain(int tag, Instance i) { ClassDump javaClass; long idom; long instanceId; if (tag == HprofHeap.PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_DUMP) { return false; } javaClass = (ClassDump) i.getJavaClass(); if (canContainItself == null) { canContainItself = new HashMap(heap.getAllClasses().size()/2); } if (tag == HprofHeap.INSTANCE_DUMP) { Boolean canContain = (Boolean) canContainItself.get(javaClass); if (canContain == null) { canContain = Boolean.valueOf(javaClass.canContainItself()); canContainItself.put(javaClass,canContain); } if (!canContain.booleanValue()) { return false; } } instanceId = i.getInstanceId(); idom = getIdomId(instanceId); for (;idom!=0;idom=getIdomId(idom)) { Instance ip = heap.getInstanceByID(idom); JavaClass cls = ip.getJavaClass(); if (javaClass.equals(cls)) { return true; } } return false; } private Long getNearestGCRootPointer(Long instanceIdLong) { LongMap.Entry entry; Long nearestGCLong = (Long) nearestGCRootCache.get(instanceIdLong); Long nearestGC; if (nearestGCLong != null) { return nearestGCLong; } entry = heap.idToOffsetMap.get(instanceIdLong.longValue()); nearestGC = Long.valueOf(entry.getNearestGCRootPointer()); nearestGCRootCache.put(instanceIdLong,nearestGC); return nearestGC; } private Long getIdomId(Long instanceIdLong) { Long idomObj = (Long) map.get(instanceIdLong); if (idomObj != null) { return idomObj; } return getNearestGCRootPointer(instanceIdLong); } private Long intersect(Long idomIdObj, Long refIdObj) { if (idomIdObj.longValue() == refIdObj.longValue()) { return idomIdObj; } if (idomIdObj.longValue() == 0 || refIdObj.longValue() == 0) { return Long.valueOf(0); } Set leftIdoms = new HashSet(200); Set rightIdoms = new HashSet(200); Long leftIdomObj = idomIdObj; Long rightIdomObj = refIdObj; leftIdoms.add(leftIdomObj); rightIdoms.add(rightIdomObj); while(true) { if (leftIdomObj.longValue() != 0) { leftIdomObj = getIdomId(leftIdomObj); if (rightIdoms.contains(leftIdomObj)) { return leftIdomObj; } leftIdoms.add(leftIdomObj); } if (rightIdomObj.longValue() != 0) { rightIdomObj = getIdomId(rightIdomObj); if (leftIdoms.contains(rightIdomObj)) { return rightIdomObj; } rightIdoms.add(rightIdomObj); } } } private void switchParents() { if (currentMultipleParents == revertedMultipleParents) { currentMultipleParents = multipleParents; } else { currentMultipleParents = revertedMultipleParents; } } // debugging private void printObjs(List<Long> changedIds, List<Long> oldDomIds, List<Long> newDomIds, List<Boolean> addedByDirtySet, List<Long> changedIdx) { if (changedIds.size()>20) return; TreeMap<Integer,String> m = new TreeMap(); for (int i=0; i<changedIds.size(); i++) { Long iid = changedIds.get(i); Long oldDom = oldDomIds.get(i); Long newDom = newDomIds.get(i); Long index = changedIdx.get(i); Boolean addedByDirt = addedByDirtySet.get(i); Instance ii = heap.getInstanceByID(iid.longValue()); int number = ii.getInstanceNumber(); String text = "Index: "+index+(addedByDirt?" New ":" Old ")+printInstance(iid); text+=" OldDom "+printInstance(oldDom); text+=" NewDom: "+printInstance(newDom); m.put(number,text); } for (Integer in : m.keySet()) { System.out.println(m.get(in)); } } // debugging String printInstance(Long instanceid) { if (instanceid == null || instanceid.longValue() == 0) { return "null"; } Instance ii = heap.getInstanceByID(instanceid.longValue()); return ii.getJavaClass().getName()+"#"+ii.getInstanceNumber(); } @SuppressWarnings("serial") private static final class NearestGCRootCache extends LinkedHashMap { private final int maxSize; private NearestGCRootCache(int size) { super(size,0.75F,true); maxSize = size; } protected boolean removeEldestEntry(Map.Entry eldest) { return size() > maxSize; } } }