package org.tigris.juxy; import; /** * <p/> * * @author Pavel Sher */ public class Tracer { private static String currentSystemid; private static int lastLine; private static StringBuffer buf; private static PrintStream traceOs; public static void startTracing(PrintStream os) { traceOs = os; buf = new StringBuffer(20); lastLine = -1; currentSystemid = null; } public static void trace(int line, int level, String systemId, String statement) { boolean sameSystemId = systemId.equals(currentSystemid); if (!sameSystemId) { traceOs.println("Tracing of the stylesheet " + systemId + " started"); lastLine = -1; } if (line == lastLine) traceOs.print(unescapeMessage(statement)); else { if (lastLine != -1) { traceOs.println(); } traceOs.print(messageAndLocation(line, level, unescapeMessage(statement))); } currentSystemid = systemId; lastLine = line; } /** * Should be called when transformation is completed */ public static void stopTracing() { traceOs.println(); buf.delete(0, buf.length()); } private static String unescapeMessage(String message) { return message.replaceAll("'", "'"); } private static String messageAndLocation(int line, int level, String message) { buf.delete(0, buf.length()); buf.append(line); buf.append(":\t"); for (int i = 0; i < level * TABSTOP; i++) { buf.append(' '); } buf.append(message); return buf.toString(); } private final static int TABSTOP = 4; }