package org.tigris.juxy; import org.tigris.juxy.util.ArgumentAssert; import org.tigris.juxy.xpath.XPathExpr; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; import javax.xml.transform.Source; import javax.xml.transform.URIResolver; import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource; import javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXSource; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; /** * <p/> * * @author Pavel Sher */ class RunnerContextImpl implements RunnerContext { private String systemId = null; private URIResolver resolver = null; private SourceDocument sourceDocument = null; private XPathExpr currentNodeSelector = null; private Map globalParams = null; private Map globalVariables = null; private Map templateParams = null; private Map namespaces = null; protected RunnerContextImpl(String systemId) { ArgumentAssert.notEmpty(systemId, "System id must not be empty"); this.systemId = systemId; globalParams = new HashMap(); globalVariables = new HashMap(); templateParams = new HashMap(); namespaces = new HashMap(); } protected RunnerContextImpl(String systemId, URIResolver resolver) { ArgumentAssert.notEmpty(systemId, "System id must not be empty"); ArgumentAssert.notNull(resolver, "URIResolver must not be null"); this.systemId = systemId; this.resolver = resolver; globalParams = new HashMap(); globalVariables = new HashMap(); templateParams = new HashMap(); namespaces = new HashMap(); } public void setDocument(String documentContent) { ArgumentAssert.notEmpty(documentContent, "Input document must not be empty"); sourceDocument = new SourceDocument(documentContent); } public void setDocument(Document document) { ArgumentAssert.notNull(document, "Input document must not be null"); sourceDocument = new SourceDocument(document); } public void setDocument(File file) { ArgumentAssert.notNull(file, "File must not be null"); sourceDocument = new SourceDocument(file); } public void registerNamespace(String prefix, String uri) { ArgumentAssert.notNull(prefix, "Prefix must not be null"); ArgumentAssert.notEmpty(uri, "URI must not be null or empty"); namespaces.put(uri, prefix); } public void clearNamespaces() { namespaces.clear(); } public void setCurrentNode(XPathExpr xpathExpr) { ArgumentAssert.notNull(xpathExpr, "XPath expression must not be null"); currentNodeSelector = xpathExpr; } public void setGlobalParamValue(String name, Object value) { globalParams.put(name, new GlobalParam(name, value)); } public void clearGlobalParams() { globalParams.clear(); } public void setGlobalVariableValue(String varName, String varValue) { globalVariables.put(varName, new GlobalVariable(varName, varValue)); } public void setGlobalVariableValue(String varName, XPathExpr xpath) { globalVariables.put(varName, new GlobalVariable(varName, xpath)); } public void setGlobalVariableValue(String varName, Document varContent) { globalVariables.put(varName, new GlobalVariable(varName, varContent)); } public void clearGlobalVariables() { globalVariables.clear(); } public void setTemplateParamValue(String paramName, String paramValue) { this.templateParams.put(paramName, new InvokeParam(paramName, paramValue)); } public void setTemplateParamValue(String paramName, XPathExpr xpath) { this.templateParams.put(paramName, new InvokeParam(paramName, xpath)); } public void setTemplateParamValue(String paramName, Document paramContent) { this.templateParams.put(paramName, new InvokeParam(paramName, paramContent)); } public void clearTemplateParams() { templateParams.clear(); } protected String getSystemId() { return systemId; } protected Source getSourceDocument() { return sourceDocument.toSource(); } protected XPathExpr getCurrentNodeSelector() { return currentNodeSelector; } protected Map getNamespaces() { return namespaces; } protected Collection getGlobalParams() { return globalParams.values(); } protected Collection getGlobalVariables() { return globalVariables.values(); } protected Collection getTemplateParams() { return templateParams.values(); } protected URIResolver getResolver() { return resolver; } void checkComplete() { if (sourceDocument == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Input document was not specified, call setDocument() method first"); } class SourceDocument { private String content; private Document document; private File fileDocument; public SourceDocument(String content) { assert content != null; this.content = content; } public SourceDocument(Document document) { assert document != null; this.document = document; } public SourceDocument(File file) { assert file != null; this.fileDocument = file; } public Source toSource() { if (content != null) return toSAXSource(content); if (document != null) return new DOMSource(document); return new StreamSource(fileDocument); } private SAXSource toSAXSource(String documentContent) { ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(documentContent.getBytes()); InputSource is = new InputSource(bais); return new SAXSource(is); } } }