/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.alibaba.jstorm.metric; import backtype.storm.generated.MetricInfo; import backtype.storm.generated.MetricSnapshot; import com.alibaba.jstorm.common.metric.*; import com.alibaba.jstorm.common.metric.snapshot.AsmSnapshot; import com.alibaba.jstorm.utils.NetWorkUtils; import com.google.common.base.Joiner; import com.google.common.collect.Lists; import com.google.common.collect.Sets; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; /** * @author Cody (weiyue.wy@alibaba-inc.com) * @since 2.0.5 */ @SuppressWarnings({"unused", "unchecked"}) public class JStormMetrics implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -2580242512743243267L; public static final String NIMBUS_METRIC_KEY = "__NIMBUS__"; public static final String CLUSTER_METRIC_KEY = "__CLUSTER__"; public static final String SUPERVISOR_METRIC_KEY = "__SUPERVISOR__"; public static final String[] SYS_TOPOLOGIES = { NIMBUS_METRIC_KEY, CLUSTER_METRIC_KEY, SUPERVISOR_METRIC_KEY }; public static final Set<String> SYS_TOPOLOGY_SET = Sets.newHashSet(SYS_TOPOLOGIES); public static final String DEFAULT_GROUP = "sys"; public static final String NETTY_GROUP = "netty"; protected static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JStormMetrics.class); /** * Metrics in this object will be uploaded to nimbus */ protected static final AsmMetricRegistry workerMetrics = new AsmMetricRegistry(); protected static final AsmMetricRegistry nettyMetrics = new AsmMetricRegistry(); protected static final AsmMetricRegistry componentMetrics = new AsmMetricRegistry(); protected static final AsmMetricRegistry compStreamMetrics = new AsmMetricRegistry(); protected static final AsmMetricRegistry taskMetrics = new AsmMetricRegistry(); protected static final AsmMetricRegistry streamMetrics = new AsmMetricRegistry(); protected static final AsmMetricRegistry topologyMetrics = new AsmMetricRegistry(); protected static final AsmMetricRegistry[] allRegistries = { streamMetrics, taskMetrics, componentMetrics, compStreamMetrics, workerMetrics, nettyMetrics, topologyMetrics}; protected static String topologyId; protected static String host; protected static int port; protected static boolean debug; protected static final Set<String> debugMetricNames = new HashSet<>(); protected static final Set<String> disabledMetricNames = new HashSet<>(); protected static int histogramValueSize; static { host = NetWorkUtils.ip(); } public static void setHistogramValueSize(int histogramValueSize) { JStormMetrics.histogramValueSize = histogramValueSize; } public static volatile boolean enabled = true; public static volatile boolean enableStreamMetrics = true; public static void setTimerUpdateInterval(long interval) { AsmHistogram.setUpdateInterval(interval); } public static int getPort() { return port; } public static void setPort(int port) { JStormMetrics.port = port; } public static String getHost() { return host; } public static void setHost(String host) { JStormMetrics.host = host; } public static String getTopologyId() { return topologyId; } public static void setTopologyId(String topologyId) { JStormMetrics.topologyId = topologyId; } public static boolean isDebug() { return debug; } public static void setDebug(boolean debug) { JStormMetrics.debug = debug; LOG.info("topology metrics debug enabled:{}", debug); } public static String workerMetricName(String name, MetricType type) { return MetricUtils.workerMetricName(topologyId, host, port, name, type); } public static void addDebugMetrics(String names) { if (names == null) { return; } String[] metrics = names.split(","); for (String metric : metrics) { metric = metric.trim(); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(metric)) { debugMetricNames.add(metric); } } LOG.info("debug metric names:{}", Joiner.on(",").join(debugMetricNames)); } public static void updateDisabledMetrics(String names) { if (names == null) { return; } disabledMetricNames.clear(); String[] metrics = names.split(","); for (String metric : metrics) { metric = metric.trim(); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(metric)) { disabledMetricNames.add(metric); } } LOG.info("disabled metric names:{}", Joiner.on(",").join(disabledMetricNames)); } /** * reserve for debug purposes */ public static AsmMetric find(String name) { for (AsmMetricRegistry registry : allRegistries) { AsmMetric metric = registry.getMetric(name); if (metric != null) { return metric; } } return null; } public static List<AsmMetric> search(String metricName, MetaType metaType, MetricType metricType) { if (metaType == MetaType.TOPOLOGY) { return search(topologyMetrics, metricName, metricType); } else if (metaType == MetaType.COMPONENT) { return search(componentMetrics, metricName, metricType); } else if (metaType == MetaType.TASK) { return search(taskMetrics, metricName, metricType); } else if (metaType == MetaType.COMPONENT_STREAM) { return search(compStreamMetrics, metricName, metricType); } else if (metaType == MetaType.WORKER) { return search(workerMetrics, metricName, metricType); } return Lists.newArrayList(); } private static List<AsmMetric> search(AsmMetricRegistry registry, String metricName, MetricType metricType) { List<AsmMetric> ret = Lists.newArrayList(); Map<String, ?> metricMap; if (metricType == MetricType.COUNTER) { metricMap = registry.getCounters(); } else if (metricType == MetricType.GAUGE) { metricMap = registry.getGauges(); } else if (metricType == MetricType.METER) { metricMap = registry.getMeters(); } else { metricMap = registry.getHistograms(); } for (Map.Entry<String, ?> entry : metricMap.entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey().endsWith(metricName)) { ret.add((AsmMetric) entry.getValue()); } } return ret; } public static AsmMetric registerStreamMetric(String name, AsmMetric metric, boolean mergeTopology) { name = fixNameIfPossible(name); LOG.debug("register stream metric:{}", name); AsmMetric ret = streamMetrics.register(name, metric); //ret.setEnabled(enableStreamMetrics); if (metric.isAggregate()) { List<AsmMetric> assocMetrics = new ArrayList<>(); // in this step we've normalized metric names which contains "." // e.g., a metric named: 'abc.def' will be normalized to 'def' String taskMetricName = MetricUtils.stream2taskName(name); AsmMetric taskMetric = taskMetrics.register(taskMetricName, metric.clone()); assocMetrics.add(taskMetric); String compMetricName = MetricUtils.task2compName(taskMetricName); AsmMetric componentMetric = componentMetrics.register(compMetricName, taskMetric.clone()); assocMetrics.add(componentMetric); String compStreamMetricName = MetricUtils.stream2compStreamName(name); AsmMetric componentStreamMetric = compStreamMetrics.register(compStreamMetricName, ret.clone()); assocMetrics.add(componentStreamMetric); if (mergeTopology) { String topologyMetricName = MetricUtils.comp2topologyName(compMetricName); AsmMetric topologyMetric = topologyMetrics.register(topologyMetricName, ret.clone()); assocMetrics.add(topologyMetric); } ret.addAssocMetrics(assocMetrics.toArray(new AsmMetric[assocMetrics.size()])); } return ret; } public static AsmMetric registerTaskMetric(String name, AsmMetric metric) { name = fixNameIfPossible(name); AsmMetric ret = taskMetrics.register(name, metric); if (metric.isAggregate()) { String compMetricName = MetricUtils.task2compName(name); AsmMetric componentMetric = componentMetrics.register(compMetricName, ret.clone()); ret.addAssocMetrics(componentMetric); } return ret; } public static AsmMetric registerTaskTopologyMetric(String name, AsmMetric metric) { name = fixNameIfPossible(name); AsmMetric ret = taskMetrics.register(name, metric); String compMetricName = MetricUtils.task2compName(name); AsmMetric compMetric = topologyMetrics.register(compMetricName, ret.clone()); String topologyMetricName = MetricUtils.comp2topologyName(compMetricName); AsmMetric topologyMetric = topologyMetrics.register(topologyMetricName, ret.clone()); ret.addAssocMetrics(compMetric, topologyMetric); return ret; } public static AsmMetric registerWorkerMetric(String name, AsmMetric metric) { name = fixNameIfPossible(name); return workerMetrics.register(name, metric); } public static AsmMetric registerWorkerTopologyMetric(String name, AsmMetric metric) { name = fixNameIfPossible(name); AsmMetric ret = workerMetrics.register(name, metric); String topologyMetricName = MetricUtils.worker2topologyName(name); AsmMetric topologyMetric = topologyMetrics.register(topologyMetricName, ret.clone()); ret.addAssocMetrics(topologyMetric); return ret; } public static AsmMetric registerNettyMetric(String name, AsmMetric metric) { name = fixNameIfPossible(name, NETTY_GROUP); return nettyMetrics.register(name, metric); } /** * simplified helper method to register a worker histogram * * @param topologyId topology id * @param name metric name, NOTE it's not a full-qualified name. * @param histogram histogram * @return registered histogram */ public static AsmHistogram registerWorkerHistogram(String topologyId, String name, AsmHistogram histogram) { return (AsmHistogram) registerWorkerMetric( MetricUtils.workerMetricName(topologyId, host, 0, name, MetricType.HISTOGRAM), histogram); } /** * simplified helper method to register a worker gauge */ public static AsmGauge registerWorkerGauge(String topologyId, String name, AsmGauge gauge) { return (AsmGauge) registerWorkerMetric( MetricUtils.workerMetricName(topologyId, host, 0, name, MetricType.GAUGE), gauge); } /** * simplified helper method to register a worker meter */ public static AsmMeter registerWorkerMeter(String topologyId, String name, AsmMeter meter) { return (AsmMeter) registerWorkerMetric( MetricUtils.workerMetricName(topologyId, host, 0, name, MetricType.METER), meter); } /** * simplified helper method to register a worker counter */ public static AsmCounter registerWorkerCounter(String topologyId, String name, AsmCounter counter) { return (AsmCounter) registerWorkerMetric( MetricUtils.workerMetricName(topologyId, host, 0, name, MetricType.COUNTER), counter); } public static AsmMetric getStreamMetric(String name) { name = fixNameIfPossible(name); return streamMetrics.getMetric(name); } public static AsmMetric getTaskMetric(String name) { name = fixNameIfPossible(name); return taskMetrics.getMetric(name); } public static AsmMetric getComponentMetric(String name) { name = fixNameIfPossible(name); return componentMetrics.getMetric(name); } public static AsmMetric getWorkerMetric(String name) { name = fixNameIfPossible(name); return workerMetrics.getMetric(name); } public static void unregisterWorkerMetric(String name) { name = fixNameIfPossible(name); workerMetrics.remove(name); } public static void unregisterNettyMetric(String name) { name = fixNameIfPossible(name, NETTY_GROUP); nettyMetrics.remove(name); } public static void unregisterTaskMetric(String name) { name = fixNameIfPossible(name); taskMetrics.remove(name); } public static AsmMetricRegistry getNettyMetrics() { return nettyMetrics; } public static AsmMetricRegistry getWorkerMetrics() { return workerMetrics; } public static AsmMetricRegistry getComponentMetrics() { return componentMetrics; } public static AsmMetricRegistry getTaskMetrics() { return taskMetrics; } public static AsmMetricRegistry getStreamMetrics() { return streamMetrics; } public static AsmMetricRegistry getTopologyMetrics() { return topologyMetrics; } /** * convert snapshots to thrift objects, note that timestamps are aligned to min during the conversion, * so nimbus server will get snapshots with aligned timestamps (still in ms as TDDL will use it). */ public static MetricInfo computeAllMetrics() { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); MetricInfo metricInfo = MetricUtils.mkMetricInfo(); List<Map.Entry<String, AsmMetric>> entries = Lists.newLinkedList(); if (enableStreamMetrics) { entries.addAll(streamMetrics.metrics.entrySet()); } entries.addAll(taskMetrics.metrics.entrySet()); entries.addAll(componentMetrics.metrics.entrySet()); entries.addAll(compStreamMetrics.metrics.entrySet()); entries.addAll(workerMetrics.metrics.entrySet()); entries.addAll(nettyMetrics.metrics.entrySet()); entries.addAll(topologyMetrics.metrics.entrySet()); for (Map.Entry<String, AsmMetric> entry : entries) { String name = entry.getKey(); AsmMetric metric = entry.getValue(); // skip disabled metrics, double check if (disabledMetricNames.contains(metric.getShortName())) { continue; } Map<Integer, AsmSnapshot> snapshots = metric.getSnapshots(); if (snapshots.size() == 0) { continue; } int op = metric.getOp(); if ((op & AsmMetric.MetricOp.LOG) == AsmMetric.MetricOp.LOG) { MetricUtils.printMetricSnapshot(metric, snapshots); } if ((op & AsmMetric.MetricOp.REPORT) == AsmMetric.MetricOp.REPORT) { MetaType metaType = MetricUtils.metaType(metric.getMetricName()); try { if (metric instanceof AsmCounter) { Map data = MetricUtils.toThriftCounterSnapshots(snapshots); putIfNotEmpty(metricInfo.get_metrics(), name, data); } else if (metric instanceof AsmGauge) { Map data = MetricUtils.toThriftGaugeSnapshots(snapshots); putIfNotEmpty(metricInfo.get_metrics(), name, data); } else if (metric instanceof AsmMeter) { Map data = MetricUtils.toThriftMeterSnapshots(snapshots); putIfNotEmpty(metricInfo.get_metrics(), name, data); } else if (metric instanceof AsmHistogram) { Map data = MetricUtils.toThriftHistoSnapshots(metaType, snapshots); putIfNotEmpty(metricInfo.get_metrics(), name, data); } } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error("Error", ex); } } } if (debug) { MetricUtils.printMetricInfo(metricInfo, debugMetricNames); } LOG.debug("compute all metrics, cost:{}", System.currentTimeMillis() - start); return metricInfo; } public static MetricInfo approximateComputeAllMetrics() { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); // metric name => worker count Map<String, Integer> histogramMetricNameCounters = new HashMap<>(); MetricInfo metricInfo = MetricUtils.mkMetricInfo(); Map<String, Map<Integer, MetricSnapshot>> mergeWorkerMetrics = metricInfo.get_metrics(); mergeLevelMetricSnapshot(mergeWorkerMetrics, streamMetrics.metrics, histogramMetricNameCounters); mergeLevelMetricSnapshot(mergeWorkerMetrics, taskMetrics.metrics, histogramMetricNameCounters); mergeLevelMetricSnapshot(mergeWorkerMetrics, componentMetrics.metrics, histogramMetricNameCounters); mergeLevelMetricSnapshot(mergeWorkerMetrics, compStreamMetrics.metrics, histogramMetricNameCounters); mergeLevelMetricSnapshot(mergeWorkerMetrics, workerMetrics.metrics, histogramMetricNameCounters); mergeLevelMetricSnapshot(mergeWorkerMetrics, nettyMetrics.metrics, histogramMetricNameCounters); mergeLevelMetricSnapshot(mergeWorkerMetrics, topologyMetrics.metrics, histogramMetricNameCounters); if (debug) { MetricUtils.printMetricInfo(metricInfo, debugMetricNames); } Set<String> filteredStreamNames = new HashSet<>(); if (!enableStreamMetrics) { for (Map.Entry<String, AsmMetric> entry : streamMetrics.metrics.entrySet()) { filteredStreamNames.add(entry.getKey()); } } Map<String, Map<Integer, MetricSnapshot>> uploadWorkerMetrics = new HashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry<String, Map<Integer, MetricSnapshot>> entry : mergeWorkerMetrics.entrySet()) { if (!filteredStreamNames.contains(entry.getKey())) { Integer count = histogramMetricNameCounters.get(entry.getKey()); Map<Integer, MetricSnapshot> values = entry.getValue(); //adjust Histogram if (values != null && count != null && count > 1) { for (Map.Entry<Integer, MetricSnapshot> entry1 : values.entrySet()) { MetricSnapshot metricSnapshot = entry1.getValue(); metricSnapshot.set_min(metricSnapshot.get_min() / count); metricSnapshot.set_max(metricSnapshot.get_max() / count); metricSnapshot.set_p50(metricSnapshot.get_p50() / count); metricSnapshot.set_p75(metricSnapshot.get_p75() / count); metricSnapshot.set_p95(metricSnapshot.get_p95() / count); metricSnapshot.set_p98(metricSnapshot.get_p98() / count); metricSnapshot.set_p99(metricSnapshot.get_p99() / count); metricSnapshot.set_p999(metricSnapshot.get_p999() / count); metricSnapshot.set_mean(metricSnapshot.get_mean() / count); metricSnapshot.set_stddev(metricSnapshot.get_stddev() / count); } } uploadWorkerMetrics.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } metricInfo.set_metrics(uploadWorkerMetrics); LOG.debug("approximately compute all metrics, cost:{}", System.currentTimeMillis() - start); return metricInfo; } public static void mergeLevelMetricSnapshot(Map<String, Map<Integer, MetricSnapshot>> mergeWorkerMetrics, ConcurrentMap<String, AsmMetric> metrics, Map<String, Integer> histogramMetricNameCounters) { for (Map.Entry<String, AsmMetric> entry : metrics.entrySet()) { String name = entry.getKey(); AsmMetric metric = entry.getValue(); if (metric.isAttached() || disabledMetricNames.contains(metric.getShortName()) || metric.getSnapshots().size() == 0) { continue; } Set<AsmMetric> assocMetrics = metric.getAssocMetrics(); MetricType metricType = MetricUtils.metricType(metric.getMetricName()); List<AsmMetric> asmMetricList = Lists.newLinkedList(assocMetrics); asmMetricList.add(metric); // snapshot of the root metric: stream/task Map<Integer, MetricSnapshot> rootSnapshotMap = MetricUtils.toThriftSnapshots(metric.getSnapshots(), metricType); for (AsmMetric asmMetric : asmMetricList) { int op = metric.getOp(); if ((op & AsmMetric.MetricOp.LOG) == AsmMetric.MetricOp.LOG) { MetricUtils.printMetricSnapshot(asmMetric, metric.getSnapshots()); } if ((op & AsmMetric.MetricOp.REPORT) == AsmMetric.MetricOp.REPORT) { try { String metricName = asmMetric.getMetricName(); Map<Integer, MetricSnapshot> oldSnapshotMap = mergeWorkerMetrics.get(metricName); if (oldSnapshotMap == null) { mergeWorkerMetrics.put(metricName, copyMetricSnapshotMapWithId(rootSnapshotMap, asmMetric.getMetricId())); } else { MetricUtils.mergeMetricSnapshotMap(oldSnapshotMap, rootSnapshotMap, metricType); } if (metricType == MetricType.HISTOGRAM) { if (histogramMetricNameCounters.containsKey(metricName)) { histogramMetricNameCounters.put(metricName, histogramMetricNameCounters.get(metricName) + 1); } else { histogramMetricNameCounters.put(metricName, 1); } } } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error("Error", ex); } } } } } private static Map<Integer, MetricSnapshot> copyMetricSnapshotMapWithId(Map<Integer, MetricSnapshot> snapshotMap, Long metricId) { Map<Integer, MetricSnapshot> ret = new HashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry<Integer, MetricSnapshot> entry : snapshotMap.entrySet()) { MetricSnapshot snapshot = new MetricSnapshot(entry.getValue()); snapshot.set_metricId(metricId); ret.put(entry.getKey(), snapshot); } return ret; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <T extends Map> void putIfNotEmpty(Map base, String name, T data) { if (data != null && data.size() > 0) { base.put(name, data); } } public static String fixNameIfPossible(String name) { return fixNameIfPossible(name, DEFAULT_GROUP); } public static String fixNameIfPossible(String name, String group) { MetaType type = MetricUtils.metaType(name); String[] parts = name.split(MetricUtils.DELIM); if (parts[1].equals("")) { parts[1] = topologyId; } if (type != MetaType.WORKER && parts[5].equals("")) { parts[5] = group; } else if (parts[2].equals("")) { parts[2] = host; parts[3] = port + ""; if (parts[4].equals("")) { parts[4] = group; } } return MetricUtils.concat(parts); } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { JStormMetrics.topologyId = "topologyId"; JStormMetrics.host = ""; JStormMetrics.port = 6800; String tpId = "test"; String compName = "bolt"; int taskId = 1; String streamId = "defaultStream"; String type = MetaType.STREAM.getV() + MetricType.COUNTER.getV(); String metricName = "counter1.abcde"; String group = "udf"; String name = MetricUtils.metricName(type, tpId, compName, taskId, streamId, group, metricName); System.out.println(name); AsmCounter counter = new AsmCounter(); AsmMetric ret1 = JStormMetrics.registerStreamMetric(name, counter, true); AsmMetric ret2 = JStormMetrics.registerStreamMetric(name, counter, false); System.out.println(ret1 == ret2); metricName = MetricUtils.workerMetricName("metric1", MetricType.COUNTER); System.out.println(metricName); metricName = fixNameIfPossible(metricName); System.out.println(metricName); System.out.println(fixNameIfPossible(metricName)); } }