package com.enioka.jqm.test; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import; import org.hsqldb.Server; import org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCDataSource; import com.enioka.jqm.api.Deliverable; import com.enioka.jqm.api.JobInstance; import com.enioka.jqm.api.JobRequest; import com.enioka.jqm.api.JqmClient; import com.enioka.jqm.api.JqmClientFactory; import com.enioka.jqm.api.JqmInvalidRequestException; import com.enioka.jqm.api.Query; import com.enioka.jqm.api.State; import com.enioka.jqm.jdbc.Db; import com.enioka.jqm.jdbc.DbConn; import com.enioka.jqm.model.DeploymentParameter; import com.enioka.jqm.model.GlobalParameter; import com.enioka.jqm.model.Node; import com.enioka.jqm.model.Queue; import; import; /** * An asynchronous tester for JQM payloads. It allows to configure and start one or more embedded JQM engines and run payloads against them. * It is most suited for integration tests.<br> * <br> * It starts full JQM nodes running on an in-memory embedded database. They are started with all web API disabled.<br> * The user should handle interactions with the nodes through the normal client APIs. See {@link JqmClient} and {@link JqmClientFactory}. As * the web services are not loaded, the file retrieval methods of these APIs will not work, so the tester provides a * {@link #getDeliverableContent(Deliverable)} method to compensate. The tester also provides a few helper methods (accelerators) that * encapsulate the client API.<br> * * If using resources (JNDI), they must be put inside a resource.xml file at the root of class loader search.<br> * Note that tester instances are not thread safe. */ public class JqmAsyncTester { private Map<String, JqmEngineOperations> engines = new HashMap<String, JqmEngineOperations>(); private Map<String, Node> nodes = new HashMap<String, Node>(); private Map<String, Integer> queues = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); private Db db = null; private DbConn cnx = null; private Server s = null; private boolean hasStarted = false; private String logLevel = "DEBUG"; private boolean oneQueueDeployed = false; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CONSTRUCTION /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public JqmAsyncTester() { // Ext dir File extDir = new File("./ext"); if (!extDir.exists() && !extDir.mkdir()) { throw new RuntimeException(new IOException("./ext directory does not exist and cannot create it")); } s = Common.createHsqlServer(); s.start(); JDBCDataSource ds = new JDBCDataSource(); ds.setDatabase("jdbc:hsqldb:mem:" + s.getDatabaseName(0, true)); db = new Db(ds, true); cnx = db.getConn(); Properties p2 = Common.dbProperties(s); p2.put("com.enioka.jqm.jdbc.contextobject", db); JqmClientFactory.setProperties(p2); Main.setDb(db); // Minimum parameters Main.main(new String[] { "-u" }); cnx.runUpdate("q_delete_all"); cnx.commit(); // Needed parameters addGlobalParameter("defaultConnection", ""); addGlobalParameter("disableWsApi", "true"); addGlobalParameter("logFilePerLaunch", "false"); } /** * Equivalent to simply calling the constructor. Present for consistency. */ public static JqmAsyncTester create() { return new JqmAsyncTester(); } /** * A helper method which creates a preset environment with a single node called 'node1' and a single queue named 'queue1' being polled * every 100ms by the node with at most 10 parallel running job instances.. */ public static JqmAsyncTester createSingleNodeOneQueue() { return new JqmAsyncTester().addNode("node1").addQueue("queue1").deployQueueToNode("queue1", 10, 100, "node1"); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TEST PREPARATION /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Create a new node. It is not started by this method.<br> * This must be called before starting the tester. * * @param nodeName * the name of the node. Must be unique. */ public JqmAsyncTester addNode(String nodeName) { if (hasStarted) { throw new IllegalStateException("tester has already started"); } File resDirectoryPath = Common.createTempDirectory(); Node node = Node.create(cnx, nodeName, 12, resDirectoryPath.getAbsolutePath(), ".", resDirectoryPath.getAbsolutePath(), "test"); cnx.commit(); nodes.put(nodeName, node); setNodesLogLevel(logLevel); return this; } /** * Changes the log level of existing and future nodes. * * @param level * TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR (or anything, which is interpreted as INFO) */ public JqmAsyncTester setNodesLogLevel(String level) { logLevel = level; cnx.runUpdate("node_update_all_log_level", level); cnx.commit(); return this; } /** * Create a new queue. After creation, it is not polled by any node - see {@link #deployQueueToNode(String, int, int, String...)} for * this.<br> * The first queue created is considered to be the default queue.<br> * This must be called before starting the engines. * * @param name * must be unique. */ public JqmAsyncTester addQueue(String name) { if (hasStarted) { throw new IllegalStateException("tester has already started"); } int q = Queue.create(cnx, name, "test queue", queues.size() == 0); cnx.commit(); queues.put(name, q); return this; } /** * Set one or more nodes to poll a queue for new job instances.<br> * This must be called before starting the engines. */ public JqmAsyncTester deployQueueToNode(String queueName, int maxJobsRunning, int pollingIntervallMs, String... nodeName) { if (hasStarted) { throw new IllegalStateException("tester has already started"); } for (String name : nodeName) { DeploymentParameter.create(cnx, nodes.get(name).getId(), maxJobsRunning, pollingIntervallMs, queues.get(queueName)); cnx.commit(); } oneQueueDeployed = true; return this; } /** * Set or update a global parameter. */ public void addGlobalParameter(String key, String value) { GlobalParameter.setParameter(cnx, key, value); cnx.commit(); } /** * Add a new job definition (see documentation) to the database.<br> * This can be called at any time (even after engine(s) start). */ public JqmAsyncTester addJobDefinition(TestJobDefinition description) { Common.createJobDef(cnx, description, queues); cnx.commit(); return this; } /** * A helper method to create a job definition from a class <strong>which is present inside the current class path</strong>.<br> * The job description and name will be the class name (simple name, not the fully qualified name).<br> * If you need further customisation, directly create your {@link TestJobDefinition} and call * {@link #addJobDefinition(TestJobDefinition)} instead of using this method. * * @param classToRun * a class present inside the class path which should be launched by JQM. * @return the tester itself to allow fluid API behaviour. */ public JqmAsyncTester addSimpleJobDefinitionFromClasspath(Class<? extends Object> classToRun) { TestJobDefinition jd = TestJobDefinition.createFromClassPath(classToRun.getSimpleName(), "test payload " + classToRun.getName(), classToRun); return this.addJobDefinition(jd); } /** * A helper method to create a job definition from a class <strong>which is present inside an existing jar file</strong>.<br> * The job description and name will be identical<br> * If you need further customisation, directly create your {@link TestJobDefinition} and call * {@link #addJobDefinition(TestJobDefinition)} instead of using this method. * * @param name * name of the new job definition (as used in the enqueue methods) * @param className * the full canonical name of the the class to run inside the jar * @param jarPath * path to the jar. Relative to current directory. * @return the tester itself to allow fluid API behaviour. */ public JqmAsyncTester addSimpleJobDefinitionFromLibrary(String name, String className, String jarPath) { TestJobDefinition jd = TestJobDefinition.createFromJar(name, name, className, jarPath); return this.addJobDefinition(jd); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DURING TEST /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * This actually starts the different engines configured with {@link #addNode(String)}.<br> * This can usually only be called once (it can actually be called again but only after calling {@link #stop()}). */ public JqmAsyncTester start() { if (hasStarted) { throw new IllegalStateException("cannot start twice"); } if (nodes.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalStateException("no engines defined"); } if (queues.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalStateException("no queues defined"); } if (!oneQueueDeployed) { throw new IllegalStateException("no queue was ever deployed to any node"); } hasStarted = true; for (Node n : nodes.values()) { engines.put(n.getName(), Main.startEngine(n.getName())); } return this; } /** * Helper method to enqueue a new launch request. Simple JqmClientFactory.getClient().enqueue wrapper. * * @return the request ID. */ public int enqueue(String name) { return JqmClientFactory.getClient().enqueue(JobRequest.create(name, "test")); } /** * Wait for a given amount of ended job instances (OK or KO). * * @param nbResult * the expected result count * @param timeoutMs * give up after this (throws a RuntimeException) * @param waitAdditionalMs * after reaching the expected nbResult count, wait a little more (for example to ensure there is no additonal unwanted * launch). Will usually be zero. */ public void waitForResults(int nbResult, int timeoutMs, int waitAdditionalMs) { Calendar start = Calendar.getInstance(); while (Query.create().run().size() < nbResult && Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis() - start.getTimeInMillis() <= timeoutMs) { sleepms(100); } if (Query.create().run().size() < nbResult) { throw new RuntimeException("expected result count was not reached in specified timeout"); } sleepms(waitAdditionalMs); } /** * Wait for a given amount of ended job instances (OK or KO). Shortcut for {@link #waitForResults(int, int, int)} with 0ms of additional * wait time. * * @param nbResult * the expected result count * @param timeoutMs * give up after this (throws a RuntimeException) */ public void waitForResults(int nbResult, int timeoutMs) { waitForResults(nbResult, timeoutMs, 0); } private void sleepms(int ms) { try { Thread.sleep(ms); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // not an issue in tests } } /** * Stops all engines. Only returns when engines are fully stopped. */ public void stop() { if (!hasStarted) { throw new IllegalStateException("cannot stop a tester which has not started"); } for (JqmEngineOperations op : this.engines.values()) { op.stop(); } JqmClientFactory.resetClient(); cnx.close(); s.stop(); waitDbStop(); s = null; hasStarted = false; this.engines.clear(); } private void waitDbStop() { while (s.getState() != 16) { this.sleepms(1); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CLEANUP /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Removes all job instances from the queues and the history. * * @param em */ public void cleanupOperationalDbData() { cnx.runUpdate("deliverable_delete_all"); cnx.runUpdate("message_delete_all"); cnx.runUpdate("history_delete_all"); cnx.runUpdate("jiprm_delete_all"); cnx.runUpdate("ji_delete_all"); cnx.commit(); } /** * Deletes all job definitions. This calls {@link #cleanupOperationalDbData()} * * @param em */ public void cleanupAllJobDefinitions() { cleanupOperationalDbData(); cnx.runUpdate("jdprm_delete_all"); cnx.runUpdate("jd_delete_all"); cnx.commit(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TEST RESULT ANALYSIS HELPERS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Helper query (directly uses {@link Query}). Gives the count of all ended (KO and OK) job instances. */ public int getHistoryAllCount() { return Query.create().run().size(); } /** * Helper query (directly uses {@link Query}). Gives the count of all non-ended (waiting in queue, running...) job instances. */ public int getQueueAllCount() { return Query.create().setQueryHistoryInstances(false).setQueryLiveInstances(true).run().size(); } /** * Helper query (directly uses {@link Query}). Gives the count of all OK-ended job instances. */ public int getOkCount() { return Query.create().addStatusFilter(State.ENDED).run().size(); } /** * Helper query (directly uses {@link Query}). Gives the count of all non-OK-ended job instances. */ public int getNonOkCount() { return Query.create().addStatusFilter(State.CRASHED).addStatusFilter(State.KILLED).run().size(); } /** * Helper method. Tests if {@link #getOkCount()} is equal to the given parameter. */ public boolean testOkCount(long expectedOkCount) { return getOkCount() == expectedOkCount; } /** * Helper method. Tests if {@link #getNonOkCount()} is equal to the given parameter. */ public boolean testKoCount(long expectedKoCount) { return getNonOkCount() == expectedKoCount; } /** * Helper method. Tests if {@link #getOkCount()} is equal to the first parameter and if {@link #getNonOkCount()} is equal to the second * parameter. */ public boolean testCounts(long expectedOkCount, long expectedKoCount) { return testOkCount(expectedOkCount) && testKoCount(expectedKoCount); } /** * Version of {@link JqmClient#getDeliverableContent(Deliverable)} which does not require the web service APIs to be enabled to work. * Also, returned files do not self-destruct on stream close.<br> * See the javadoc of the original method for details. * * @throws FileNotFoundException */ public InputStream getDeliverableContent(Deliverable file) throws FileNotFoundException { List<com.enioka.jqm.model.Deliverable> dd =, "deliverable_select_by_id", file.getId()); if (dd.isEmpty()) { throw new JqmInvalidRequestException("no deliverable with this ID"); } com.enioka.jqm.model.Deliverable d = dd.get(0); JobInstance ji = Query.create().setJobInstanceId(d.getJobId()).run().get(0); String nodeName = ji.getNodeName(); Node n = nodes.get(nodeName); return new FileInputStream(FilenameUtils.concat(n.getDlRepo(), file.getFilePath())); } }