package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.junit.Assert; import com.enioka.jqm.api.JobRequest; import com.enioka.jqm.jdbc.DbConn; import com.enioka.jqm.model.JobDefParameter; import com.enioka.jqm.test.helpers.CreationTools; import com.enioka.jqm.test.helpers.TestHelpers; public class JqmSimpleTest { private DbConn cnx; private Integer jd = null; private Map<String, String> runtimePrms = new HashMap<String, String>(); private List<String> nodeNames = new ArrayList<String>(); private String sessionId = null; private int expectedOk = 1, expectedNonOk = 0; private int waitMsMin = 0, waitMarginMs = 0; private JqmSimpleTest(DbConn cnx, String className, String artifactName) { this.cnx = cnx; this.jd = CreationTools.createJobDef(null, true, className, null, "jqm-tests/" + artifactName + "/target/test.jar", TestHelpers.qVip, -1, "TestJqmApplication", "appFreeName", "TestModule", "kw1", "kw2", "kw3", false, cnx); nodeNames.add("localhost"); } public static JqmSimpleTest create(DbConn cnx, String className) { return new JqmSimpleTest(cnx, className, "jqm-test-pyl"); } public static JqmSimpleTest create(DbConn cnx, String className, String artifact) { return new JqmSimpleTest(cnx, className, artifact); } public JqmSimpleTest addDefParameter(String key, String value) { JobDefParameter.create(cnx, key, value, jd); cnx.commit(); return this; } public JqmSimpleTest addRuntimeParameter(String key, String value) { this.runtimePrms.put(key, value); return this; } public JqmSimpleTest addEngine(String nodeName) { nodeNames.add(nodeName); return this; } public JqmSimpleTest expectOk(int expected) { this.expectedOk = expected; return this; } public JqmSimpleTest expectNonOk(int expected) { this.expectedNonOk = expected; return this; } public JqmSimpleTest setSessionId(String id) { this.sessionId = id; return this; } public JqmSimpleTest setExternal() { cnx.runUpdate("jd_update_set_external_by_id", jd); cnx.commit(); return this; } /** * Time always waited (even if jobs have ended) */ public JqmSimpleTest addWaitTime(int ms) { this.waitMsMin = ms; return this; } /** * Time added to the 9000ms time "waiting for job end". */ public JqmSimpleTest addWaitMargin(int ms) { this.waitMarginMs = ms; return this; } public Integer run(JqmBaseTest test) { int nbExpected = expectedNonOk + expectedOk; for (String nodeName : nodeNames) { test.addAndStartEngine(nodeName); } Integer i = JobRequest.create("TestJqmApplication", "TestUser").setSessionID(sessionId).setParameters(runtimePrms).submit(); TestHelpers.waitFor(nbExpected, 9000 + waitMarginMs + nbExpected * 2000, cnx); if (waitMsMin > 0) { try { Thread.sleep(waitMsMin); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // not an issue during tests. } } Assert.assertEquals(expectedOk, TestHelpers.getOkCount(cnx)); Assert.assertEquals(expectedNonOk, TestHelpers.getNonOkCount(cnx)); return i; } }