package com.sun.xml.xsom; import com.sun.xml.xsom.impl.scd.Iterators; import com.sun.xml.xsom.impl.scd.ParseException; import com.sun.xml.xsom.impl.scd.SCDImpl; import com.sun.xml.xsom.impl.scd.SCDParser; import com.sun.xml.xsom.impl.scd.Step; import com.sun.xml.xsom.impl.scd.TokenMgrError; import com.sun.xml.xsom.util.DeferedCollection; import javax.xml.namespace.NamespaceContext; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; /** * Schema Component Designator (SCD). * * <p> * SCD for schema is what XPath is for XML. SCD allows you to select a schema component(s) * from a schema component(s). * * <p> * See <a href="">XML Schema: Component Designators</a>. * This implementation is based on 03/29/2005 working draft. * * @author Kohsuke Kawaguchi */ public abstract class SCD { /** * Parses the string representation of SCD. * * <p> * This method involves parsing the path expression and preparing the in-memory * structure, so this is useful when you plan to use the same SCD against * different context node multiple times. * * <p> * If you want to evaluate SCD just once, use {@link XSComponent#select} methods. * * @param path * the string representation of SCD, such as "/foo/bar". * @param nsContext * Its {@link NamespaceContext#getNamespaceURI(String)} is used * to resolve prefixes in the SCD to the namespace URI. */ public static SCD create(String path, NamespaceContext nsContext) throws java.text.ParseException { try { SCDParser p = new SCDParser(path,nsContext); List<?> list = p.RelativeSchemaComponentPath(); return new SCDImpl(path,list.toArray(new Step[list.size()])); } catch (TokenMgrError e) { throw setCause(new java.text.ParseException(e.getMessage(), -1 ),e); } catch (ParseException e) { throw setCause(new java.text.ParseException(e.getMessage(), e.currentToken.beginColumn ),e); } } private static java.text.ParseException setCause(java.text.ParseException e, Throwable x) { e.initCause(x); return e; } /** * Evaluates the SCD against the given context node and * returns the matched nodes. * * @return * could be empty but never be null. */ public final Collection<XSComponent> select(XSComponent contextNode) { return new DeferedCollection<XSComponent>(select(Iterators.singleton(contextNode))); } /** * Evaluates the SCD against the whole schema and * returns the matched nodes. * * <p> * This method is here because {@link XSSchemaSet} * doesn't implement {@link XSComponent}. * * @return * could be empty but never be null. */ public final Collection<XSComponent> select(XSSchemaSet contextNode) { return select(contextNode.getSchemas()); } /** * Evaluates the SCD against the given context node and * returns the matched node. * * @return * null if the SCD didn't match anything. If the SCD matched more than one node, * the first one will be returned. */ public final XSComponent selectSingle(XSComponent contextNode) { Iterator<XSComponent> r = select(Iterators.singleton(contextNode)); if(r.hasNext()) return; return null; } /** * Evaluates the SCD against the whole schema set and * returns the matched node. * * @return * null if the SCD didn't match anything. If the SCD matched more than one node, * the first one will be returned. */ public final XSComponent selectSingle(XSSchemaSet contextNode) { Iterator<XSComponent> r = select(contextNode.iterateSchema()); if(r.hasNext()) return; return null; } /** * Evaluates the SCD against the given set of context nodes and * returns the matched nodes. * * @param contextNodes * {@link XSComponent}s that represent the context node against * which {@link SCD} is evaluated. * * @return * could be empty but never be null. */ public abstract Iterator<XSComponent> select(Iterator<? extends XSComponent> contextNodes); /** * Evaluates the SCD against the given set of context nodes and * returns the matched nodes. * * @param contextNodes * {@link XSComponent}s that represent the context node against * which {@link SCD} is evaluated. * * @return * could be empty but never be null. */ public final Collection<XSComponent> select(Collection<? extends XSComponent> contextNodes) { return new DeferedCollection<XSComponent>(select(contextNodes.iterator())); } /** * Returns the textual SCD representation as given to {@link SCD#create(String, NamespaceContext)}. */ public abstract String toString(); }