/* D-Bus Java Implementation Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Matthew Johnson This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2 or the Academic Free Licence Version 2.1. Full licence texts are included in the COPYING file with this program. */ package jolie.net.dbus; import static org.freedesktop.dbus.Gettext._; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.GenericDeclaration; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.lang.reflect.TypeVariable; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Vector; import org.freedesktop.dbus.exceptions.DBusException; import org.freedesktop.dbus.exceptions.MessageFormatException; import cx.ath.matthew.debug.Debug; public class DBusSignal extends Message { DBusSignal() { } public DBusSignal(String source, String path, String iface, String member,byte endian, String sig, Object... args) throws DBusException { super(endian, Message.MessageType.SIGNAL, (byte) 0); if (null == path || null == member || null == iface) throw new MessageFormatException(_("Must specify object path, interface and signal name to Signals.")); headers.put(Message.HeaderField.PATH,path); headers.put(Message.HeaderField.MEMBER,member); headers.put(Message.HeaderField.INTERFACE,iface); Vector<Object> hargs = new Vector<Object>(); hargs.add(new Object[] { Message.HeaderField.PATH, new Object[] { ArgumentType.OBJECT_PATH_STRING, path } }); hargs.add(new Object[] { Message.HeaderField.INTERFACE, new Object[] { ArgumentType.STRING_STRING, iface } }); hargs.add(new Object[] { Message.HeaderField.MEMBER, new Object[] { ArgumentType.STRING_STRING, member } }); if (null != source) { headers.put(Message.HeaderField.SENDER,source); hargs.add(new Object[] { Message.HeaderField.SENDER, new Object[] { ArgumentType.STRING_STRING, source } }); } if (null != sig) { hargs.add(new Object[] { Message.HeaderField.SIGNATURE, new Object[] { ArgumentType.SIGNATURE_STRING, sig } }); headers.put(Message.HeaderField.SIGNATURE,sig); setArgs(args); } blen = new byte[4]; appendBytes(blen); append("ua(yv)", ++serial, hargs.toArray()); pad((byte)8); long c = bytecounter; if (null != sig) append(sig, args); marshallint(bytecounter-c, blen, 0, 4); bodydone = true; } static class internalsig extends DBusSignal { public internalsig(String source, String objectpath, String type, String name,byte endian, String sig, Object[] parameters, long serial) throws DBusException { super(source, objectpath, type, name,endian, sig, parameters, serial); } } private static Map<Class<? extends DBusSignal>, Type[]> typeCache = new HashMap<Class<? extends DBusSignal>, Type[]>(); private static Map<String, Class<? extends DBusSignal>> classCache = new HashMap<String, Class<? extends DBusSignal>>(); private static Map<Class<? extends DBusSignal>, Constructor<? extends DBusSignal>> conCache = new HashMap<Class<? extends DBusSignal>, Constructor<? extends DBusSignal>>(); private static Map<String, String> signames = new HashMap<String, String>(); private static Map<String, String> intnames = new HashMap<String, String>(); private Class<? extends DBusSignal> c; private boolean bodydone = false; private byte[] blen; static void addInterfaceMap(String java, String dbus) { intnames.put(dbus, java); } static void addSignalMap(String java, String dbus) { signames.put(dbus, java); } /* static DBusSignal createSignal(Class<? extends DBusSignal> c, String source, String objectpath, String sig, long serial, Object... parameters) throws DBusException { String type = ""; if (null != c.getEnclosingClass()) { if (null != c.getEnclosingClass().getAnnotation(DBusInterfaceName.class)) type = c.getEnclosingClass().getAnnotation(DBusInterfaceName.class).value(); else type = AbstractConnection.dollar_pattern.matcher(c.getEnclosingClass().getName()).replaceAll("."); } else throw new DBusException(_("Signals must be declared as a member of a class implementing DBusInterface which is the member of a package.")); DBusSignal s = new internalsig(source, objectpath, type, c.getSimpleName(), sig, parameters, serial); s.c = c; return s; }*/ /* @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static Class<? extends DBusSignal> createSignalClass(String intname, String signame) throws DBusException { String name = intname+'$'+signame; Class<? extends DBusSignal> c = classCache.get(name); if (null == c) c = DBusMatchRule.getCachedSignalType(name); if (null != c) return c; do { try { c = (Class<? extends DBusSignal>) Class.forName(name); } catch (ClassNotFoundException CNFe) {} name = name.replaceAll("\\.([^\\.]*)$", "\\$$1"); } while (null == c && name.matches(".*\\..*")); if (null == c) throw new DBusException(_("Could not create class from signal ")+intname+'.'+signame); classCache.put(name, c); return c; }*/ /* @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") DBusSignal createReal(AbstractConnection conn) throws DBusException { String intname = intnames.get(getInterface()); String signame = signames.get(getName()); if (null == intname) intname = getInterface(); if (null == signame) signame = getName(); if (null == c) c = createSignalClass(intname,signame); if (Debug.debug) Debug.print(Debug.DEBUG, "Converting signal to type: "+c); Type[] types = typeCache.get(c); Constructor<? extends DBusSignal> con = conCache.get(c); if (null == types) { con = (Constructor<? extends DBusSignal>) c.getDeclaredConstructors()[0]; conCache.put(c, con); Type[] ts = con.getGenericParameterTypes(); types = new Type[ts.length-1]; for (int i = 1; i < ts.length; i++) if (ts[i] instanceof TypeVariable) for (Type b: ((TypeVariable<GenericDeclaration>) ts[i]).getBounds()) types[i-1] = b; else types[i-1] = ts[i]; typeCache.put(c, types); } try { DBusSignal s; Object[] args = Marshalling.deSerializeParameters(getParameters(), types, conn); if (null == args) s = (DBusSignal) con.newInstance(getPath()); else { Object[] params = new Object[args.length + 1]; params[0] = getPath(); System.arraycopy(args, 0, params, 1, args.length); if (Debug.debug) Debug.print(Debug.DEBUG, "Creating signal of type "+c+" with parameters "+Arrays.deepToString(params)); s = (DBusSignal) con.newInstance(params); } s.headers = headers; s.wiredata = wiredata; s.bytecounter = wiredata.length; return s; } catch (Exception e) { if (AbstractConnection.EXCEPTION_DEBUG && Debug.debug) Debug.print(Debug.ERR, e); throw new DBusException(e.getMessage()); } }*/ /** * Create a new signal. * This contructor MUST be called by all sub classes. * @param objectpath The path to the object this is emitted from. * @param args The parameters of the signal. * @throws DBusException This is thrown if the subclass is incorrectly defined. */ /* @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected DBusSignal(String objectpath, Object... args) throws DBusException { super(Message.Endian.BIG, Message.MessageType.SIGNAL, (byte) 0); if (!objectpath.matches(AbstractConnection.OBJECT_REGEX)) throw new DBusException(_("Invalid object path: ")+objectpath); Class<? extends DBusSignal> tc = getClass(); String member; if (tc.isAnnotationPresent(DBusMemberName.class)) member = tc.getAnnotation(DBusMemberName.class).value(); else member = tc.getSimpleName(); String iface = null; Class<? extends Object> enc = tc.getEnclosingClass(); if (null == enc || !DBusInterface.class.isAssignableFrom(enc) || enc.getName().equals(enc.getSimpleName())) throw new DBusException(_("Signals must be declared as a member of a class implementing DBusInterface which is the member of a package.")); else if (null != enc.getAnnotation(DBusInterfaceName.class)) iface = enc.getAnnotation(DBusInterfaceName.class).value(); else iface = AbstractConnection.dollar_pattern.matcher(enc.getName()).replaceAll("."); headers.put(Message.HeaderField.PATH,objectpath); headers.put(Message.HeaderField.MEMBER,member); headers.put(Message.HeaderField.INTERFACE,iface); Vector<Object> hargs = new Vector<Object>(); hargs.add(new Object[] { Message.HeaderField.PATH, new Object[] { ArgumentType.OBJECT_PATH_STRING, objectpath } }); hargs.add(new Object[] { Message.HeaderField.INTERFACE, new Object[] { ArgumentType.STRING_STRING, iface } }); hargs.add(new Object[] { Message.HeaderField.MEMBER, new Object[] { ArgumentType.STRING_STRING, member } }); String sig = null; if (0 < args.length) { try { Type[] types = typeCache.get(tc); if (null == types) { Constructor<? extends DBusSignal> con = (Constructor<? extends DBusSignal>) tc.getDeclaredConstructors()[0]; conCache.put(tc, con); Type[] ts = con.getGenericParameterTypes(); types = new Type[ts.length-1]; for (int i = 1; i <= types.length; i++) if (ts[i] instanceof TypeVariable) types[i-1] = ((TypeVariable<GenericDeclaration>) ts[i]).getBounds()[0]; else types[i-1] = ts[i]; typeCache.put(tc, types); } sig = Marshalling.getDBusType(types); hargs.add(new Object[] { Message.HeaderField.SIGNATURE, new Object[] { ArgumentType.SIGNATURE_STRING, sig } }); headers.put(Message.HeaderField.SIGNATURE,sig); setArgs(args); } catch (Exception e) { if (AbstractConnection.EXCEPTION_DEBUG && Debug.debug) Debug.print(Debug.ERR, e); throw new DBusException(_("Failed to add signal parameters: ")+e.getMessage()); } } blen = new byte[4]; appendBytes(blen); append("ua(yv)", ++serial, hargs.toArray()); pad((byte)8); }*/ /* void appendbody(AbstractConnection conn) throws DBusException { if (bodydone) return; Type[] types = typeCache.get(getClass()); Object[] args = Marshalling.convertParameters(getParameters(), types, conn); setArgs(args); String sig = getSig(); long c = bytecounter; if (null != args && 0 < args.length) append(sig, args); marshallint(bytecounter-c, blen, 0, 4); bodydone = true; }*/ }