package ddg; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import misc.HashMapOfSets; import ddg.DataDependenceGraph.DDG; import ddg.DefUseCFG.BatchInserterFactory; import ddg.DefUseCFG.DefUseCFG; import ddg.DefUseCFG.DefUseCFGFactory; public class DDGCreator { DefUseCFG cfg; DefUseCFGFactory cfgFactory = new BatchInserterFactory(); HashMapOfSets in = new HashMapOfSets(); HashMapOfSets out = new HashMapOfSets(); HashMapOfSets gen = new HashMapOfSets(); HashSet<Object> changedNodes; private class Definition { public Definition(Object aStatement, String aIdentifier) { statement = aStatement; identifier = aIdentifier; } public Object statement; public String identifier; }; public void setFactory(DefUseCFGFactory aFactory) { cfgFactory = aFactory; } public DDG createForFunctionById(Long funcId) { DefUseCFG cfg = cfgFactory.create(funcId); return createForDefUseCFG(cfg); } public DDG createForDefUseCFG(DefUseCFG aCfg) { cfg = aCfg; calculateReachingDefs(); return createDDGFromReachingDefs(); } private void calculateReachingDefs() { initReachingDefs(); while (!changedNodes.isEmpty()) { Object currentBlock = popFromChangedNodes(); updateIn(currentBlock); boolean changed = updateOut(currentBlock); if (!changed) continue; List<Object> children = cfg.getChildBlocks().getListForKey( currentBlock); if (children == null) continue; for (Object o : children) changedNodes.add(o); } } private void initReachingDefs() { initOut(); initGenFromOut(); changedNodes = new HashSet<Object>(); changedNodes.addAll(cfg.getStatements()); } private Object popFromChangedNodes() { Object x = changedNodes.iterator().next(); changedNodes.remove(x); return x; } private void initOut() { for (Object statement : cfg.getStatements()) { // this has the nice side-effect that an // empty hash is created for the statement. out.removeAllForKey(statement); List<Object> symsDefined = cfg.getSymbolsDefined().getListForKey( statement); if (symsDefined == null) continue; for (Object s : symsDefined) { String symbol = (String) s; out.add(statement, new Definition(statement, symbol)); } } } private void initGenFromOut() { for (Object statement : cfg.getStatements()) { for (Object o : out.getListForKey(statement)) gen.add(statement, o); } } private void updateIn(Object x) { List<Object> parents = cfg.getParentBlocks().getListForKey(x); if (parents == null) return; in.removeAllForKey(x); // in(x) = union(out(p))_{p in parents(x)} for (Object parent : parents) { HashSet<Object> parentOut = out.getListForKey(parent); if (parentOut == null) continue; for (Object o : parentOut) in.add(x, o); } } private boolean updateOut(Object x) { HashSet<Object> listForKey = out.getListForKey(x); HashSet<Object> oldOut = new HashSet<Object>(listForKey); out.removeAllForKey(x); // in(x) HashSet<Object> inForX = in.getListForKey(x); if (inForX != null) { for (Object o : inForX) { out.add(x, o); } } // -kill(x) List<Object> killX = cfg.getSymbolsDefined().getListForKey(x); if (killX != null) { Iterator<Object> it = out.getListForKey(x).iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Definition def = (Definition); if (killX.contains(def.identifier)) it.remove(); } } // gen(X) HashSet<Object> genX = gen.getListForKey(x); if (genX != null) { for (Object o : genX) { out.add(x, o); } } return !oldOut.equals(out.getListForKey(x)); } private DDG createDDGFromReachingDefs() { DDG ddg = new DDG(); for (Object statement : cfg.getStatements()) { HashSet<Object> inForBlock = in.getListForKey(statement); if (inForBlock == null) continue; List<Object> usedSymbols = cfg.getSymbolsUsed().getListForKey( statement); if (usedSymbols == null) continue; for (Object d : inForBlock) { Definition def = (Definition) d; if (usedSymbols.contains(def.identifier)) ddg.add(def.statement, statement, def.identifier); } } return ddg; } }