package databaseNodes; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import udg.CFGToUDGConverter; import udg.useDefGraph.UseDefGraph; import ast.ASTNode; import ast.CodeLocation; import ast.functionDef.FunctionDef; import cdg.CDG; import cdg.CDGCreator; import cfg.ASTToCFGConverter; import cfg.CFG; import ddg.CFGAndUDGToDefUseCFG; import ddg.DDGCreator; import ddg.DataDependenceGraph.DDG; import ddg.DefUseCFG.DefUseCFG; // Note: we currently use the FunctionDatabaseNode // as a container for the Function. That's not very // clean. We should have a sep. Function-Class. public class FunctionDatabaseNode extends DatabaseNode { FunctionDef astRoot; CFG cfg; UseDefGraph udg; DDG ddg; CDG cdg; String signature; String name; ASTToCFGConverter astToCFG = new ASTToCFGConverter(); CFGToUDGConverter cfgToUDG = new CFGToUDGConverter(); CFGAndUDGToDefUseCFG udgAndCfgToDefUseCFG = new CFGAndUDGToDefUseCFG(); DDGCreator ddgCreator = new DDGCreator(); CDGCreator cdgCreator = new CDGCreator(); @Override public void initialize(Object node) { astRoot = (FunctionDef) node; cfg = astToCFG.convert(astRoot); udg = cfgToUDG.convert(cfg); DefUseCFG defUseCFG = udgAndCfgToDefUseCFG.convert(cfg, udg); ddg = ddgCreator.createForDefUseCFG(defUseCFG); cdg = cdgCreator.create(cfg); setSignature(astRoot); } @Override public Map<String, Object> createProperties() { Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<String, Object>(); properties.put(NodeKeys.TYPE, "Function"); properties.put(NodeKeys.LOCATION, this.getLocation()); properties.put(NodeKeys.NAME, this.getName()); // properties.put("signature", this.getSignature()); return properties; } public String getName() { return; } public ASTNode getASTRoot() { return astRoot; } public CFG getCFG() { return cfg; } public UseDefGraph getUDG() { return udg; } public DDG getDDG() { return ddg; } public CDG getCDG() { return cdg; } public String getLocation() { return astRoot.getLocationString(); } public CodeLocation getContentLocation(){ return astRoot.getContent().getLocation(); } public String getSignature() { return signature; } private void setSignature(FunctionDef node) { signature = node.getFunctionSignature(); } }