package hudson.plugins.jobConfigHistory; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import org.junit.Test; /** * * @author Mirko Friedenhagen */ public class ParsedDateComparatorTest { private static final String DATE = "2012-11-21_11-29-12"; private static final String DATE_NEWER = "2012-11-21_11-29-14"; private final HistoryDescr historyDescr = new HistoryDescr( "Firstname Lastname", "userId", "operation", DATE, null, null); private final HistoryDescr historyDescrClone = new HistoryDescr( "Firstname Lastname", "userId", "operation", DATE, null, null); private final HistoryDescr historyDescrNewer = new HistoryDescr( "Firstname Lastname", "userId", "operation", DATE_NEWER, null, null); /** * Test of compare method, of class ParsedDateComparator. */ @Test public void testCompare() { assertEquals(0,, historyDescrClone)); assertEquals(0, ParsedDateComparator.DESCENDING .compare(historyDescrClone, historyDescr)); } /** * Test of compare method, of class ParsedDateComparator. */ @Test public void testSortAndMin() { final List<HistoryDescr> list = Arrays.asList(historyDescr, historyDescrNewer); Collections.sort(list, ParsedDateComparator.DESCENDING); assertEquals(historyDescr, list.get(1)); assertEquals(historyDescrNewer, list.get(0)); assertEquals(historyDescrNewer, Collections.min(list, ParsedDateComparator.DESCENDING)); } }