package hudson.plugins.jobConfigHistory; import org.junit.Assert; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HtmlAnchor; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HtmlForm; import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HtmlPage; import hudson.model.FreeStyleProject; public class JobConfigHistoryProjectActionIT extends AbstractHudsonTestCaseDeletingInstanceDir { private WebClient webClient; // we need to sleep between saves so we don't overwrite the history // directories // (which are saved with a granularity of one second) private static final int SLEEP_TIME = 1100; @Override public void before() throws Throwable { super.before(); webClient = createWebClient(); } /** * Tests restore link on job config history page. */ public void testRestore() { final String firstDescription = "first test"; final String secondDescription = "second test"; final String projectName = "Test1"; try { final FreeStyleProject project = createFreeStyleProject( projectName); Thread.sleep(SLEEP_TIME); project.setDescription(firstDescription); Thread.sleep(SLEEP_TIME); project.setDescription(secondDescription); Thread.sleep(SLEEP_TIME); Assert.assertEquals(project.getDescription(), secondDescription); final HtmlPage htmlPage = webClient.goTo("job/" + projectName + "/" + JobConfigHistoryConsts.URLNAME); final HtmlAnchor restoreLink = (HtmlAnchor) htmlPage .getElementById("restore2"); final HtmlPage reallyRestorePage =; final HtmlForm restoreForm = reallyRestorePage .getFormByName("restore"); final HtmlPage jobPage = submit(restoreForm, "Submit"); Assert.assertTrue( "Verify return to job page and changed description.", jobPage.asText().contains(firstDescription)); Assert.assertEquals("Verify changed description.", project.getDescription(), firstDescription); } catch (Exception ex) {"Unable to complete restore config test: " + ex); } } /** * Tests restore button on "Really restore?" page. */ public void testRestoreFromDiffFiles() { final String firstDescription = "first test"; final String secondDescription = "second test"; final String projectName = "Test1"; final FreeStyleProject project; try { project = createFreeStyleProject(projectName); Thread.sleep(SLEEP_TIME); project.setDescription(firstDescription); Thread.sleep(SLEEP_TIME); project.setDescription(secondDescription); Thread.sleep(SLEEP_TIME); Assert.assertEquals(project.getDescription(), secondDescription); final HtmlPage htmlPage = webClient.goTo("job/" + projectName + "/" + JobConfigHistoryConsts.URLNAME); final HtmlPage diffPage = submit( htmlPage.getFormByName("diffFiles"), "Submit"); final HtmlPage reallyRestorePage = submit( diffPage.getFormByName("forward"), "Submit"); final HtmlPage jobPage = submit( reallyRestorePage.getFormByName("restore"), "Submit"); Assert.assertTrue( "Verify return to job page and changed description.", jobPage.asText().contains(firstDescription)); Assert.assertEquals("Verify changed description.", project.getDescription(), firstDescription); } catch (Exception ex) {"Unable to complete restore config test: " + ex); } } }