package org.datadog.jmxfetch; import; import java.lang.ClassCastException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.datadog.jmxfetch.reporter.Reporter; public class Instance { private final static Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(Instance.class.getName()); private final static List<String> SIMPLE_TYPES = Arrays.asList("long", "java.lang.String", "int", "float", "double", "java.lang.Double","java.lang.Float", "java.lang.Integer", "java.lang.Long", "java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger", "java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong", "java.lang.Object", "java.lang.Boolean", "boolean", "java.lang.Number"); private final static List<String> COMPOSED_TYPES = Arrays.asList("", "java.util.HashMap", "java.util.Map"); private final static List<String> MULTI_TYPES = Arrays.asList(""); private final static int MAX_RETURNED_METRICS = 350; private final static int DEFAULT_REFRESH_BEANS_PERIOD = 600; public static final String PROCESS_NAME_REGEX = "process_name_regex"; public static final String ATTRIBUTE = "Attribute: "; private Set<ObjectName> beans; private LinkedList<String> beanScopes; private LinkedList<Configuration> configurationList = new LinkedList<Configuration>(); private LinkedList<JMXAttribute> matchingAttributes; private HashSet<JMXAttribute> failingAttributes; private Integer refreshBeansPeriod; private long lastCollectionTime; private Integer minCollectionPeriod; private long lastRefreshTime; private LinkedHashMap<String, Object> yaml; private LinkedHashMap<String, Object> initConfig; private String instanceName; private LinkedHashMap<String, String> tags; private String checkName; private int maxReturnedMetrics; private boolean limitReached; private Connection connection; private AppConfig appConfig; private Boolean cassandraAliasing; public Instance(Instance instance, AppConfig appConfig) { this(instance.getYaml() != null ? new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(instance.getYaml()) : null, instance.getInitConfig() != null ? new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(instance.getInitConfig()) : null, instance.getCheckName(), appConfig); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Instance(LinkedHashMap<String, Object> yamlInstance, LinkedHashMap<String, Object> initConfig, String checkName, AppConfig appConfig) { this.appConfig = appConfig; this.yaml = yamlInstance != null ? new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(yamlInstance) : null; this.initConfig = initConfig != null ? new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(initConfig) : null; this.instanceName = (String) yaml.get("name"); this.tags = getTagsMap(yaml.get("tags")); this.checkName = checkName; this.matchingAttributes = new LinkedList<JMXAttribute>(); this.failingAttributes = new HashSet<JMXAttribute>(); this.refreshBeansPeriod = (Integer) yaml.get("refresh_beans"); if (this.refreshBeansPeriod == null) { this.refreshBeansPeriod = DEFAULT_REFRESH_BEANS_PERIOD; // Make sure to refresh the beans list every 10 minutes // Useful because sometimes if the application restarts, jmxfetch might read // a jmxtree that is not completely initialized and would be missing some attributes } this.minCollectionPeriod = (Integer) yaml.get("min_collection_period"); if (this.minCollectionPeriod == null) { this.minCollectionPeriod = (Integer) initConfig.get("min_collection_period"); } this.lastCollectionTime = 0; this.lastRefreshTime = 0; this.limitReached = false; Object maxReturnedMetrics = this.yaml.get("max_returned_metrics"); if (maxReturnedMetrics == null) { this.maxReturnedMetrics = MAX_RETURNED_METRICS; } else { this.maxReturnedMetrics = (Integer) maxReturnedMetrics; } // Generate an instance name that will be send as a tag with the metrics if (this.instanceName == null) { if (this.yaml.get(PROCESS_NAME_REGEX) != null) { this.instanceName = this.checkName + "-" + this.yaml.get(PROCESS_NAME_REGEX); } else if (this.yaml.get("host") != null) { this.instanceName = this.checkName + "-" + this.yaml.get("host") + "-" + this.yaml.get("port"); } else { LOGGER.warn("Cannot determine a unique instance name. Please define a name in your instance configuration"); this.instanceName = this.checkName; } } // Alternative aliasing for CASSANDRA-4009 metrics // More information: this.cassandraAliasing = (Boolean) yaml.get("cassandra_aliasing"); if (this.cassandraAliasing == null){ this.cassandraAliasing = false; } // In case the configuration to match beans is not specified in the "instance" parameter but in the initConfig one Object yamlConf = this.yaml.get("conf"); if (yamlConf == null && this.initConfig != null) { yamlConf = this.initConfig.get("conf"); } if (yamlConf == null) { LOGGER.warn("Cannot find a \"conf\" section in " + this.instanceName); } else { for (LinkedHashMap<String, Object> conf : (ArrayList<LinkedHashMap<String, Object>>) (yamlConf)) { configurationList.add(new Configuration(conf)); } } // Add the configuration to get the default basic metrics from the JVM configurationList.add(new Configuration((LinkedHashMap<String, Object>) new YamlParser(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/jmx-1.yaml")).getParsedYaml())); configurationList.add(new Configuration((LinkedHashMap<String, Object>) new YamlParser(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/jmx-2.yaml")).getParsedYaml())); } /** * Format the instance tags defined in the YAML configuration file to a `LinkedHashMap`. * Supported inputs: `List`, `Map`. */ private static LinkedHashMap<String, String> getTagsMap(Object yamlTags){ try { // Input has `Map` format return (LinkedHashMap<String, String>) yamlTags; } catch (ClassCastException e){ // Input has `List` format LinkedHashMap<String, String> tags = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); for (String tag: (List<String>)yamlTags) { tags.put(tag, null); } return tags; } } public Connection getConnection(LinkedHashMap<String, Object> connectionParams, boolean forceNewConnection) throws IOException { if (connection == null || !connection.isAlive()) {"Connection closed or does not exist. Creating a new connection!"); return ConnectionFactory.createConnection(connectionParams); } else if (forceNewConnection) {"Forcing the creation of a new connection"); connection.closeConnector(); return ConnectionFactory.createConnection(connectionParams); } return connection; } public void init(boolean forceNewConnection) throws IOException, FailedLoginException, SecurityException {"Trying to connect to JMX Server at " + this.toString()); connection = getConnection(yaml, forceNewConnection);"Connected to JMX Server at " + this.toString()); this.refreshBeansList(); this.getMatchingAttributes(); } @Override public String toString() { if (this.yaml.get(PROCESS_NAME_REGEX) != null) { return "process_regex: `" + this.yaml.get(PROCESS_NAME_REGEX) + "`"; } else if (this.yaml.get("jmx_url") != null) { return (String) this.yaml.get("jmx_url"); } else { return this.yaml.get("host") + ":" + this.yaml.get("port"); } } public LinkedList<HashMap<String, Object>> getMetrics() throws IOException { // We can force to refresh the bean list every x seconds in case of ephemeral beans // To enable this, a "refresh_beans" parameter must be specified in the yaml config file if (this.refreshBeansPeriod != null && (System.currentTimeMillis() - this.lastRefreshTime) / 1000 > this.refreshBeansPeriod) {"Refreshing bean list"); this.refreshBeansList(); this.getMatchingAttributes(); } LinkedList<HashMap<String, Object>> metrics = new LinkedList<HashMap<String, Object>>(); Iterator<JMXAttribute> it = matchingAttributes.iterator(); // increment the lastCollectionTime this.lastCollectionTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (it.hasNext()) { JMXAttribute jmxAttr =; try { LinkedList<HashMap<String, Object>> jmxAttrMetrics = jmxAttr.getMetrics(); for (HashMap<String, Object> m : jmxAttrMetrics) { m.put("check_name", this.checkName); metrics.add(m); } if (this.failingAttributes.contains(jmxAttr)) { this.failingAttributes.remove(jmxAttr); } } catch (IOException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.debug("Cannot get metrics for attribute: " + jmxAttr, e); if (this.failingAttributes.contains(jmxAttr)) { LOGGER.debug("Cannot generate metrics for attribute: " + jmxAttr + " twice in a row. Removing it from the attribute list"); it.remove(); } else { this.failingAttributes.add(jmxAttr); } } } return metrics; } public boolean timeToCollect() { if (this.minCollectionPeriod == null) { return true; } else if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - this.lastCollectionTime) / 1000 < this.minCollectionPeriod) { return false; } else { return true; } } private void getMatchingAttributes() { limitReached = false; Reporter reporter = appConfig.getReporter(); String action = appConfig.getAction(); boolean metricReachedDisplayed = false; this.matchingAttributes.clear(); this.failingAttributes.clear(); int metricsCount = 0; if (!action.equals(AppConfig.ACTION_COLLECT)) { reporter.displayInstanceName(this); } for (ObjectName beanName : beans) { if (limitReached) { LOGGER.debug("Limit reached"); if (action.equals(AppConfig.ACTION_COLLECT)) { break; } } MBeanAttributeInfo[] attributeInfos; try { // Get all the attributes for bean_name LOGGER.debug("Getting attributes for bean: " + beanName); attributeInfos = connection.getAttributesForBean(beanName); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.warn("Cannot get bean attributes " + e.getMessage()); continue; } for (MBeanAttributeInfo attributeInfo : attributeInfos) { if (metricsCount >= maxReturnedMetrics) { limitReached = true; if (action.equals(AppConfig.ACTION_COLLECT)) { LOGGER.warn("Maximum number of metrics reached."); break; } else if (!metricReachedDisplayed && !action.equals(AppConfig.ACTION_LIST_COLLECTED) && !action.equals(AppConfig.ACTION_LIST_NOT_MATCHING)) { reporter.displayMetricReached(); metricReachedDisplayed = true; } } JMXAttribute jmxAttribute; String attributeType = attributeInfo.getType(); if (SIMPLE_TYPES.contains(attributeType)) { LOGGER.debug(ATTRIBUTE + beanName + " : " + attributeInfo + " has attributeInfo simple type"); jmxAttribute = new JMXSimpleAttribute(attributeInfo, beanName, instanceName, connection, tags, cassandraAliasing); } else if (COMPOSED_TYPES.contains(attributeType)) { LOGGER.debug(ATTRIBUTE + beanName + " : " + attributeInfo + " has attributeInfo composite type"); jmxAttribute = new JMXComplexAttribute(attributeInfo, beanName, instanceName, connection, tags); } else if (MULTI_TYPES.contains(attributeType)) { LOGGER.debug(ATTRIBUTE + beanName + " : " + attributeInfo + " has attributeInfo tabular type"); jmxAttribute = new JMXTabularAttribute(attributeInfo, beanName, instanceName, connection, tags); } else { try { LOGGER.debug(ATTRIBUTE + beanName + " : " + attributeInfo + " has an unsupported type: " + attributeType); } catch (NullPointerException e) { LOGGER.warn("Caught unexpected NullPointerException"); } continue; } // For each attribute we try it with each configuration to see if there is one that matches // If so, we store the attribute so metrics will be collected from it. Otherwise we discard it. for (Configuration conf : configurationList) { try { if (jmxAttribute.match(conf)) { jmxAttribute.setMatchingConf(conf); metricsCount += jmxAttribute.getMetricsCount(); this.matchingAttributes.add(jmxAttribute); if (action.equals(AppConfig.ACTION_LIST_EVERYTHING) || action.equals(AppConfig.ACTION_LIST_MATCHING) || action.equals(AppConfig.ACTION_LIST_COLLECTED) && !limitReached || action.equals(AppConfig.ACTION_LIST_LIMITED) && limitReached) { reporter.displayMatchingAttributeName(jmxAttribute, metricsCount, maxReturnedMetrics); } break; } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Error while trying to match attributeInfo configuration with the Attribute: " + beanName + " : " + attributeInfo, e); } } if (jmxAttribute.getMatchingConf() == null && (action.equals(AppConfig.ACTION_LIST_EVERYTHING) || action.equals(AppConfig.ACTION_LIST_NOT_MATCHING))) { reporter.displayNonMatchingAttributeName(jmxAttribute); } } }"Found " + matchingAttributes.size() + " matching attributes"); } public LinkedList<String> getBeansScopes(){ if(this.beanScopes == null){ this.beanScopes = Configuration.getGreatestCommonScopes(configurationList); } return this.beanScopes; } /** * Query and refresh the instance's list of beans. * Limit the query scope when possible on certain actions, and fallback if necessary. */ private void refreshBeansList() throws IOException { this.beans = new HashSet<ObjectName>(); String action = appConfig.getAction(); Boolean limitQueryScopes = !action.equals(AppConfig.ACTION_LIST_EVERYTHING) && !action.equals(AppConfig.ACTION_LIST_NOT_MATCHING); if (limitQueryScopes) { try { LinkedList<String> beanScopes = getBeansScopes(); for (String scope : beanScopes) { ObjectName name = new ObjectName(scope); this.beans.addAll(connection.queryNames(name)); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Unable to compute a common bean scope, querying all beans as a fallback", e); } } this.beans = (this.beans.isEmpty()) ? connection.queryNames(null): this.beans; this.lastRefreshTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } public String[] getServiceCheckTags() { List<String> tags = new ArrayList<String>(); if (this.yaml.get("host") != null) { tags.add("jmx_server:" + this.yaml.get("host")); } if (this.tags != null) { for (Entry<String, String> e : this.tags.entrySet()) { if (e.getValue()!=null){ tags.add(e.getKey() + ":" + e.getValue()); } else { tags.add(e.getKey()); } } } tags.add("instance:" + this.instanceName); return tags.toArray(new String[tags.size()]); } public String getName() { return this.instanceName; } LinkedHashMap<String, Object> getYaml() { return this.yaml; } LinkedHashMap<String, Object> getInitConfig() { return this.initConfig; } public String getCheckName() { return this.checkName; } public int getMaxNumberOfMetrics() { return this.maxReturnedMetrics; } public boolean isLimitReached() { return this.limitReached; } public void cleanUp() { this.appConfig = null; if (connection != null) { connection.closeConnector(); } } }