package org.datadog.jmxfetch; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import org.datadog.jmxfetch.converter.ExitWatcherConverter; import org.datadog.jmxfetch.converter.ReporterConverter; import org.datadog.jmxfetch.converter.StatusConverter; import org.datadog.jmxfetch.reporter.ConsoleReporter; import org.datadog.jmxfetch.reporter.Reporter; import org.datadog.jmxfetch.validator.Log4JLevelValidator; import org.datadog.jmxfetch.validator.PositiveIntegerValidator; import org.datadog.jmxfetch.validator.ReporterValidator; import com.beust.jcommander.Parameter; import com.beust.jcommander.Parameters; @Parameters(separators = "=") class AppConfig { public static final String ACTION_COLLECT = "collect"; public static final String ACTION_LIST_JVMS = "list_jvms"; public static final String ACTION_LIST_EVERYTHING = "list_everything"; public static final String ACTION_LIST_COLLECTED = "list_collected_attributes"; public static final String ACTION_LIST_MATCHING = "list_matching_attributes"; public static final String ACTION_LIST_NOT_MATCHING = "list_not_matching_attributes"; public static final String ACTION_LIST_LIMITED = "list_limited_attributes"; public static final String ACTION_HELP = "help"; public static final HashSet<String> ACTIONS = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(ACTION_COLLECT, ACTION_LIST_EVERYTHING, ACTION_LIST_COLLECTED, ACTION_LIST_MATCHING, ACTION_LIST_NOT_MATCHING, ACTION_LIST_LIMITED, ACTION_HELP, ACTION_LIST_JVMS)); private static final String SD_WIN_PIPE_PATH = "\\\\.\\pipe\\"; private static final String SD_PIPE_NAME = "dd-service_discovery"; @Parameter(names = {"--help", "-h"}, description = "Display this help page", help = true) private boolean help; @Parameter(names = {"--log_level", "-L"}, description = "Level of verbosity", validateWith = Log4JLevelValidator.class, required = false) private String logLevel = "INFO"; @Parameter(names = {"--log_location", "-l"}, description = "Absolute path of the log file (default to null = no logging)", required = false) private String logLocation; @Parameter(names = {"--conf_directory", "-D"}, description = "Absolute path to the conf.d directory", required = true) private String confdDirectory; @Parameter(names = {"--tmp_directory", "-T"}, description = "Absolute path to a temporary directory", required = false) private String tmpDirectory = "/tmp"; @Parameter(names = {"--reporter", "-r"}, description = "Reporter to use: should be either \"statsd:[STATSD_PORT]\" or \"console\"", validateWith = ReporterValidator.class, converter = ReporterConverter.class, required = false) private Reporter reporter; @Parameter(names = {"--check", "-c"}, description = "Yaml file name to read (must be in the confd directory)", required = false, variableArity = true) private List<String> yamlFileList; @Parameter(names = {"--check_period", "-p"}, description = "Sleeping time during two iterations in ms", validateWith = PositiveIntegerValidator.class, required = false) private int checkPeriod = 15000; @Parameter(names = {"--sd_enabled", "-w"}, description = "Enable Service Discovery.", required = false) private boolean sdEnabled = false; @Parameter(names = {"--sd_pipe", "-S"}, description = "Service Discovery pipe name.", required = false) private String sdPipe = SD_PIPE_NAME; @Parameter(names = {"--status_location", "-s"}, description = "Absolute path of the status file. (default to null = no status file written)", converter = StatusConverter.class, required = false) private Status status = new Status(); @Parameter(names = {"--exit_file_location", "-e"}, description = "Absolute path of the trigger file to watch to exit. (default to null = no exit on file)", converter = ExitWatcherConverter.class, required = false) private ExitWatcher exitWatcher = new ExitWatcher(); @Parameter(description = "Action to take, should be in [help, collect, " + "list_everything, list_collected_attributes, list_matching_attributes, " + "list_not_matching_attributes, list_limited_attributes, list_jvms]", required = true) private List<String> action = null; public String getAction() { return this.action.get(0); } public boolean isConsoleReporter() { return reporter != null && (reporter instanceof ConsoleReporter); } public boolean isHelp() { return help; } public Status getStatus() { return status; } public ExitWatcher getExitWatcher(){ return exitWatcher; } public int getCheckPeriod() { return checkPeriod; } public boolean getSDEnabled() { return sdEnabled; } public Reporter getReporter() { return reporter; } public List<String> getYamlFileList() { return yamlFileList; } public String getConfdDirectory() { return confdDirectory; } public String getTmpDirectory() { return tmpDirectory; } public String getLogLevel() { return logLevel; } public String getLogLocation() { return logLocation; } public String getServiceDiscoveryPipe() { String pipePath; if (System.getProperty("").startsWith("Windows")) { pipePath = SD_WIN_PIPE_PATH + "/" + sdPipe; } else { pipePath = getTmpDirectory() + "/" + sdPipe; } return pipePath; } }