package org.codefx.mvn.jdeps; import org.codefx.mvn.jdeps.dependency.InternalType; import org.codefx.mvn.jdeps.dependency.Type; import org.codefx.mvn.jdeps.dependency.Violation; import org.codefx.mvn.jdeps.dependency.Violation.ViolationBuilder; import java.util.Arrays; /** * Factory methods that can be shared across different tests. */ public class Factory { /** * @param dependent * the fully qualified name of the dependent * @param dependencies * a variable number of dependencies * * @return a violation */ public static Violation violation(String dependent, String... dependencies) { ViolationBuilder violationBuilder = Violation.buildForDependent(Type.of(dependent)); // 'InternalType.of' requires the fully qualified name to be split into package and class name; // to not write such code here, create a 'Type' from the fully qualified name, first .map(Type::of) .map(type -> InternalType.of(type.getPackageName(), type.getClassName(), "", "")) .forEachOrdered(violationBuilder::addDependency); return; } /** * @return the violation in {@code OnActions} */ public static Violation onActionsViolation() { return violation( "org.codefx.mvn.jdeps.testproject.OnActions", "", ""); } /** * @return the violation in {@code OnBASE64} */ public static Violation onBASE64Violation() { return violation( "org.codefx.mvn.jdeps.testproject.OnBASE64", "sun.misc.BASE64Decoder", "sun.misc.BASE64Encoder"); } /** * @return the violation in {@code OnUnsafe} */ public static Violation onUnsafeViolation() { return violation("org.codefx.mvn.jdeps.testproject.OnUnsafe", "sun.misc.Unsafe"); } }