package org.codefx.mvn.jdeps.result; import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException; import org.codefx.mvn.jdeps.rules.DependencyRule; import; import java.util.function.Function; import; import static java.util.Comparator.comparing; import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull; /** * Interprets a result's violations as dependency rules and writes them to a file. */ public class RuleOutputStrategy implements ResultOutputStrategy { private final Function<Result, Stream<DependencyRule>> getRulesFromResult; private final Function<DependencyRule, Stream<String>> convertRuleToLines; private final Writer writer; /** * Creates a new output strategy, relying on the specified functions to do most of the work. * * @param getRulesFromResult * transforms a {@link Result} to a stream of {@link DependencyRule}s * @param convertRuleToLines * transforms dependency rules to lines * @param writer * writes lines to a file */ public RuleOutputStrategy( Function<Result, Stream<DependencyRule>> getRulesFromResult, Function<DependencyRule, Stream<String>> convertRuleToLines, Writer writer) { this.getRulesFromResult = requireNonNull(getRulesFromResult, "The argument 'getRulesFromResult' must not be null."); this.convertRuleToLines = requireNonNull(convertRuleToLines, "The argument 'convertRuleToLines' must not be null."); this.writer = requireNonNull(writer, "The argument 'writer' must not be null."); } @Override public void output(Result result) throws MojoFailureException { Stream<String> lines = getDependencyRuleLines(result); writeDependencyRuleLines(lines); } private Stream<String> getDependencyRuleLines(Result result) { return getRulesFromResult .apply(result) .sorted(comparing(DependencyRule::getDependent).thenComparing(DependencyRule::getSeverity)) .flatMap(convertRuleToLines); } private void writeDependencyRuleLines(Stream<String> dependencyRuleLines) throws MojoFailureException { try { writer.write(dependencyRuleLines); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new MojoFailureException(ex.getMessage(), ex.getCause()); } } /** * Writes a stream of lines to a file. */ public interface Writer { void write(Stream<String> lines) throws IOException; } }