/* * Copyright (C) 2003-2011 eXo Platform SAS. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package org.exoplatform.services.jcr.impl.storage.jdbc.optimisation.db; import org.exoplatform.services.jcr.impl.storage.jdbc.JDBCDataContainerConfig; import org.exoplatform.services.jcr.util.IdGenerator; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; /** * Created by The eXo Platform SAS. * * <br>Date: * * @author <a href="karpenko.sergiy@gmail.com">Karpenko Sergiy</a> * @version $Id: SybaseSingleDBJDBCConnection.java 111 4.05.2011 serg $ */ public class SybaseSingleDbJDBCConnection extends SingleDbJDBCConnection { /** * SELECT_LIMIT_OFFSET_NODES_INTO_TEMPORARY_TABLE */ protected String SELECT_LIMIT_OFFSET_NODES_INTO_TEMPORARY_TABLE; protected String SELECT_LIMIT_OFFSET_NODES_INTO_TEMPORARY_TABLE_B; /** * DELETE_TEMPORARY_TABLE_A */ protected String DELETE_TEMPORARY_TABLE_A; /** * DELETE_TEMPORARY_TABLE_B */ protected String DELETE_TEMPORARY_TABLE_B; protected PreparedStatement selectLimitOffsetNodesIntoTemporaryTable; protected PreparedStatement selectLimitOffsetNodesIntoTemporaryTableB; protected PreparedStatement deleteTemporaryTableA; protected PreparedStatement deleteTemporaryTableB; /** * @param dbConnection * JDBC connection, should be opened before * @param readOnly * boolean if true the dbConnection was marked as READ-ONLY. * @param containerConfig * Workspace Storage Container configuration */ public SybaseSingleDbJDBCConnection(Connection dbConnection, boolean readOnly, JDBCDataContainerConfig containerConfig) throws SQLException { super(dbConnection, readOnly, containerConfig); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected String escapeSpecialChars(String pattern) { char[] chars = pattern.toCharArray(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) { switch (chars[i]) { case '*' : sb.append('%'); break; case '_' : case '%' : case '[' : //Sybase pattern special symbol case ']' : //Sybase pattern special symbol sb.append(getWildcardEscapeSymbol()); default : sb.append(chars[i]); } } return sb.toString(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected void prepareQueries() throws SQLException { super.prepareQueries(); FIND_PROPERTY_BY_ID = "select datalength(DATA), I.P_TYPE, V.STORAGE_DESC from JCR_SITEM I, JCR_SVALUE V where I.ID = ? and V.PROPERTY_ID = I.ID"; SELECT_LIMIT_OFFSET_NODES_INTO_TEMPORARY_TABLE = "select TOP ${TOP} I.ID, I.PARENT_ID, I.NAME, I.VERSION, I.I_INDEX, I.N_ORDER_NUM into " + SybaseJDBCConnectionHelper.TEMP_A_TABLE_NAME + " from JCR_SITEM I (index JCR_PK_SITEM)" + " where I.CONTAINER_NAME=? AND I.I_CLASS=1 AND I.ID > ? order by I.ID ASC"; SELECT_LIMIT_OFFSET_NODES_INTO_TEMPORARY_TABLE_B = "select TOP ${TOP} J.* into " + SybaseJDBCConnectionHelper.TEMP_B_TABLE_NAME + " from JCR_SITEM J (index JCR_PK_SITEM)" + " where J.CONTAINER_NAME=? AND J.I_CLASS=1 AND J.PARENT_ID=? AND J.N_ORDER_NUM >= ? " + " order by J.N_ORDER_NUM, J.ID ASC"; FIND_NODES_AND_PROPERTIES = "select " + SybaseJDBCConnectionHelper.TEMP_A_TABLE_NAME + ".*, P.ID AS P_ID, P.NAME AS P_NAME, P.VERSION AS P_VERSION, P.P_TYPE, P.P_MULTIVALUED," + " V.DATA, V.ORDER_NUM, V.STORAGE_DESC from JCR_SVALUE V, JCR_SITEM P, " + SybaseJDBCConnectionHelper.TEMP_A_TABLE_NAME + " where P.PARENT_ID = " + SybaseJDBCConnectionHelper.TEMP_A_TABLE_NAME + ".ID and P.I_CLASS=2 and P.CONTAINER_NAME=? and V.PROPERTY_ID=P.ID " + "order by " + SybaseJDBCConnectionHelper.TEMP_A_TABLE_NAME + ".ID"; if (containerConfig.useSequenceForOrderNumber) { FIND_NODES_BY_PARENTID_LAZILY_CQ = "select " + SybaseJDBCConnectionHelper.TEMP_B_TABLE_NAME + ".*,P.NAME AS PROP_NAME, V.ORDER_NUM, V.DATA " + " from JCR_SVALUE V, JCR_SITEM P, " + SybaseJDBCConnectionHelper.TEMP_B_TABLE_NAME + " where P.PARENT_ID = " + SybaseJDBCConnectionHelper.TEMP_B_TABLE_NAME + ".ID and P.I_CLASS=2 and P.CONTAINER_NAME=? and" + " (P.NAME='[http://www.jcp.org/jcr/1.0]primaryType' or" + " P.NAME='[http://www.jcp.org/jcr/1.0]mixinTypes' or" + " P.NAME='[http://www.exoplatform.com/jcr/exo/1.0]owner' or" + " P.NAME='[http://www.exoplatform.com/jcr/exo/1.0]permissions')" + " and V.PROPERTY_ID=P.ID order by " + SybaseJDBCConnectionHelper.TEMP_B_TABLE_NAME + ".N_ORDER_NUM, " + SybaseJDBCConnectionHelper.TEMP_B_TABLE_NAME + ".ID"; FIND_LAST_ORDER_NUMBER = "exec " + JCR_ITEM_NEXT_VAL + " 'LAST_N_ORDER_NUM', ?, ?"; } DELETE_TEMPORARY_TABLE_A = "drop table " + SybaseJDBCConnectionHelper.TEMP_A_TABLE_NAME; DELETE_TEMPORARY_TABLE_B = "drop table " + SybaseJDBCConnectionHelper.TEMP_B_TABLE_NAME; FIND_WORKSPACE_DATA_SIZE = "select sum(datalength(DATA)) from JCR_SITEM I, JCR_SVALUE V where I.I_CLASS=2 and I.CONTAINER_NAME=?" + " and I.ID=V.PROPERTY_ID"; FIND_NODE_DATA_SIZE = "select sum(datalength(DATA)) from JCR_SITEM I, JCR_SVALUE V where I.PARENT_ID=? and I.I_CLASS=2" + " and I.CONTAINER_NAME=? and I.ID=V.PROPERTY_ID"; FIND_VALUE_STORAGE_DESC_AND_SIZE = "select datalength(DATA), STORAGE_DESC from JCR_SVALUE where PROPERTY_ID=?"; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected ResultSet findNodesAndProperties(String lastNodeId, int offset, int limit) throws SQLException { String tempTableAName = "tempdb..a" + IdGenerator.generate(); boolean tempTableACreated = false; try { // the Sybase is not allowed DDL query (CREATE TABLE, DROP TABLE, etc. ) within a multi-statement transaction if (!dbConnection.getAutoCommit()) { dbConnection.setAutoCommit(true); } selectLimitOffsetNodesIntoTemporaryTable = dbConnection.prepareStatement(SELECT_LIMIT_OFFSET_NODES_INTO_TEMPORARY_TABLE.replaceAll( SybaseJDBCConnectionHelper.TEMP_A_TABLE_NAME, tempTableAName).replace("${TOP}", new Integer(offset + limit).toString())); if (findNodesAndProperties != null) { findNodesAndProperties.close(); } findNodesAndProperties = dbConnection.prepareStatement(FIND_NODES_AND_PROPERTIES.replaceAll( SybaseJDBCConnectionHelper.TEMP_A_TABLE_NAME, tempTableAName)); deleteTemporaryTableA = dbConnection.prepareStatement(DELETE_TEMPORARY_TABLE_A.replaceAll( SybaseJDBCConnectionHelper.TEMP_A_TABLE_NAME, tempTableAName)); selectLimitOffsetNodesIntoTemporaryTable.setString(1, this.containerConfig.containerName); selectLimitOffsetNodesIntoTemporaryTable.setString(2, getInternalId(lastNodeId)); selectLimitOffsetNodesIntoTemporaryTable.execute(); tempTableACreated = true; findNodesAndProperties.setString(1, this.containerConfig.containerName); return findNodesAndProperties.executeQuery(); } finally { if (tempTableACreated) { try { deleteTemporaryTableA.execute(); } catch (SQLException e) { LOG.warn("Can not delete temporary table " + tempTableAName); } } // close prepared statement since we always create new if (selectLimitOffsetNodesIntoTemporaryTable != null) { selectLimitOffsetNodesIntoTemporaryTable.close(); } if (deleteTemporaryTableA != null) { deleteTemporaryTableA.close(); } } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected ResultSet findChildNodesByParentIdentifier(String parentCid, int fromOrderNum, int offset, int limit) throws SQLException { if (!containerConfig.useSequenceForOrderNumber) { return super.findChildNodesByParentIdentifier(parentCid, fromOrderNum, offset, limit); } String tempTableBName = "tempdb..b" + IdGenerator.generate(); boolean tempTableBCreated = false; try { // the Sybase is not allowed DDL query (CREATE TABLE, DROP TABLE, etc. ) within a multi-statement transaction if (!dbConnection.getAutoCommit()) { dbConnection.setAutoCommit(true); } selectLimitOffsetNodesIntoTemporaryTableB = dbConnection.prepareStatement(SELECT_LIMIT_OFFSET_NODES_INTO_TEMPORARY_TABLE_B.replaceAll( SybaseJDBCConnectionHelper.TEMP_B_TABLE_NAME, tempTableBName).replace("${TOP}", new Integer(offset + limit).toString())); if (findNodesByParentIdLazilyCQ != null) { findNodesByParentIdLazilyCQ.close(); } findNodesByParentIdLazilyCQ = dbConnection.prepareStatement(FIND_NODES_BY_PARENTID_LAZILY_CQ.replaceAll( SybaseJDBCConnectionHelper.TEMP_B_TABLE_NAME, tempTableBName)); deleteTemporaryTableB = dbConnection.prepareStatement(DELETE_TEMPORARY_TABLE_B.replaceAll( SybaseJDBCConnectionHelper.TEMP_B_TABLE_NAME, tempTableBName)); selectLimitOffsetNodesIntoTemporaryTableB.setString(1, this.containerConfig.containerName); selectLimitOffsetNodesIntoTemporaryTableB.setString(2, parentCid); selectLimitOffsetNodesIntoTemporaryTableB.setInt(3, fromOrderNum); selectLimitOffsetNodesIntoTemporaryTableB.execute(); tempTableBCreated = true; findNodesByParentIdLazilyCQ.setString(1, this.containerConfig.containerName); return findNodesByParentIdLazilyCQ.executeQuery(); } finally { if (tempTableBCreated) { try { deleteTemporaryTableB.execute(); } catch (SQLException e) { LOG.warn("Can not delete temporary table " + tempTableBName); } } // close prepared statement since we always create new if (selectLimitOffsetNodesIntoTemporaryTableB != null) { selectLimitOffsetNodesIntoTemporaryTableB.close(); } if (deleteTemporaryTableB != null) { deleteTemporaryTableB.close(); } } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override protected ResultSet findLastOrderNumber(int localMaxOrderNumber, boolean increment) throws SQLException { if (findLastOrderNumber == null) { findLastOrderNumber = dbConnection.prepareCall(FIND_LAST_ORDER_NUMBER); } else { findLastOrderNumber.clearParameters(); } int value=increment ? 1 : 0; findLastOrderNumber.setInt(1, localMaxOrderNumber); findLastOrderNumber.setInt(2, value); findLastOrderNumber.execute(); return (findLastOrderNumber).getResultSet(); } }