/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.exoplatform.services.jcr.impl.core.query.lucene; import org.exoplatform.commons.utils.PrivilegedFileHelper; import org.exoplatform.services.log.ExoLogger; import org.exoplatform.services.log.Log; import java.io.BufferedOutputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import javax.jcr.NamespaceException; import javax.jcr.RepositoryException; /** * The class <code>NamespaceMappings</code> implements a * NamespaceResolver that holds a namespace * mapping that is used internally in the search index. Storing paths with the * full uri of a namespace would require too much space in the search index. * <br> * Whenever a yet unknown namespace uri to prefix mapping is requested, a new * prefix is created on the fly and associated with the namespace. Known * namespace mappings are stored in a properties file. */ public class FileBasedNamespaceMappings extends AbstractNamespaceMappings { /** * Default logger instance for this class */ private static Log log = ExoLogger.getLogger("exo.jcr.component.core.NamespaceMappings"); /** * Location of the file that persists the uri / prefix mappings */ private final File storage; /** * Map of uris indexed by prefixes */ private Map<String, String> prefixToURI = new HashMap<String, String>(); /** * Map of prefixes indexed by uris */ private Map<String, String> uriToPrefix = new HashMap<String, String>(); /** * Current prefix count. */ private int prefixCount; /** * Creates <code>NamespaceMappings</code> instance. Initial mappings are * loaded from <code>file</code>. * * @param file the <code>File</code> to load initial mappings. * @throws IOException if an error occurs while reading initial namespace * mappings from <code>file</code>. */ public FileBasedNamespaceMappings(File file) throws IOException { storage = file; load(); } /** * Returns a namespace uri for a <code>prefix</code>. * * @param prefix the namespace prefix. * @return the namespace uri. * @throws NamespaceException if no namespace uri is registered for * <code>prefix</code>. */ public synchronized String getNamespaceURIByPrefix(String prefix) throws NamespaceException { if (!prefixToURI.containsKey(prefix)) { throw new NamespaceException(prefix + ": is not a registered namespace prefix."); } return prefixToURI.get(prefix); } /** * Returns a prefix for the namespace <code>uri</code>. If a namespace * mapping exists, the already known prefix is returned; otherwise a new * prefix is created and assigned to the namespace uri. * * @param uri the namespace uri. * @return the prefix for the namespace uri. * @throws NamespaceException if an yet unknown namespace uri / prefix * mapping could not be stored. */ public synchronized String getNamespacePrefixByURI(String uri) throws NamespaceException { String prefix = uriToPrefix.get(uri); if (prefix == null) { // make sure prefix is not taken while (prefixToURI.get(String.valueOf(prefixCount)) != null) { prefixCount++; } prefix = String.valueOf(prefixCount); prefixToURI.put(prefix, uri); uriToPrefix.put(uri, prefix); log.debug("adding new namespace mapping: " + prefix + " -> " + uri); try { store(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new NamespaceException("Could not obtain a prefix for uri: " + uri, e); } } return prefix; } //-----------------------< internal >--------------------------------------- /** * Loads currently known mappings from a .properties file. * * @throws IOException if an error occurs while reading from the file. */ private void load() throws IOException { if (PrivilegedFileHelper.exists(storage)) { InputStream in = PrivilegedFileHelper.fileInputStream(storage); try { Properties props = new Properties(); log.debug("loading namespace mappings..."); props.load(in); // read mappings from properties Iterator<Object> iter = props.keySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String prefix = (String)iter.next(); String uri = props.getProperty(prefix); log.debug(prefix + " -> " + uri); prefixToURI.put(prefix, uri); uriToPrefix.put(uri, prefix); } prefixCount = props.size(); log.debug("namespace mappings loaded."); } finally { in.close(); } } } /** * Writes the currently known mappings into a .properties file. * * @throws IOException if an error occurs while writing the file. */ private void store() throws IOException { Properties props = new Properties(); // store mappings in properties Iterator<String> iter = prefixToURI.keySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String prefix = iter.next(); String uri = prefixToURI.get(prefix); props.setProperty(prefix, uri); } OutputStream out = PrivilegedFileHelper.fileOutputStream(storage); try { out = new BufferedOutputStream(out); props.store(out, null); } finally { // make sure stream is closed out.close(); } } public String[] getAllNamespacePrefixes() throws RepositoryException { return (String[])prefixToURI.keySet().toArray(new String[prefixToURI.keySet().size()]); } }