package; /* * Prototype test for Mylyn * * */ import static org.junit.Assert.*; import org.junit.Test; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.jboss.reddeer.swt.api.TreeItem; import org.jboss.reddeer.swt.impl.tree.DefaultTree; import org.jboss.reddeer.swt.impl.tree.DefaultTreeItem; import org.jboss.reddeer.common.exception.WaitTimeoutExpiredException; import org.jboss.reddeer.eclipse.mylyn.tasks.ui.view.TaskListView; import org.jboss.reddeer.eclipse.mylyn.tasks.ui.view.TaskRepositoriesView; import org.jboss.reddeer.swt.impl.styledtext.DefaultStyledText; import org.jboss.reddeer.swt.impl.button.RadioButton; import; public class MylynTestLocalRepo { protected final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass()); protected ArrayList<String> expectedMylynElements = new ArrayList<String>(); protected final String DEFAULT_TASKNAME = "New Task"; protected final String TASKNAME = DEFAULT_TASKNAME + " - a sample task in Mylyn Local Repo"; protected final String UPDATED_TASKNAME = TASKNAME + " - updated"; @Test public void testLocalRepo() { /* Verify Local task repository can be found */ TaskRepositoriesView view = new TaskRepositoriesView();; List<TreeItem> repoItems = TestSupport.mylynTestSetup1(); ArrayList<String> repoList = TestSupport.mylynTestSetup2(repoItems); /* Create a new task in the local task repository */"Create a new task in the local task repository"); view.createLocalTask(repoItems, repoList); /* Verify that the newly created task is populated with the expected default values */ assertEquals ("Failed to find default task name", DEFAULT_TASKNAME, new DefaultStyledText(DEFAULT_TASKNAME).getText()); assertFalse ("Complete button was incorrectly selected", new RadioButton("Complete").isSelected()); assertTrue ("Incomplete button was incorrectly not selected", new RadioButton("Incomplete").isSelected()); /* Set values in the new task, and verify the values */ new DefaultStyledText(DEFAULT_TASKNAME).setText(TASKNAME); assertEquals ("Failed to find task name", TASKNAME, new DefaultStyledText(TASKNAME).getText()); /* Save the newly created task to the local repo */"Saving task " + TASKNAME + " to local repo"); view.saveTask(); /* Activate the newly created task */ /* Find the task in the repo */ TaskListView listView = new TaskListView();; /* Workaround for intermittent/inconsistent situation where newly created task is not visible. * Seems to be a timing issue in the UI - dependent on CPU speed? Only seeing this sometimes * on Jenkins - never locally. */ try { listView.getTask("Uncategorized", TASKNAME); } catch (org.jboss.reddeer.swt.exception.SWTLayerException E) { log.error("Newly created task not found - retrying"); listView.close();; listView.getTask("Uncategorized", TASKNAME); }"Activate the " + TASKNAME + " task"); view.activateTask(TASKNAME); /* Edit the new task, save it, verify that it can be found again in the local repo */"Editing the task " + TASKNAME); view.openTask(TASKNAME); new DefaultStyledText(TASKNAME).setText(UPDATED_TASKNAME); view.saveTask(); /* Verify that the newly created task is populated with the expected default values */ assertEquals ("Failed to find task name", UPDATED_TASKNAME, new DefaultStyledText(UPDATED_TASKNAME).getText()); assertFalse ("Complete button was incorrectly selected", new RadioButton("Complete").isSelected()); assertTrue ("Incomplete button was incorrectly not selected", new RadioButton("Incomplete").isSelected()); listView.close(); /* Mark the task as completed */ /* Find the task in the repo */; listView.getTask ("Uncategorized", UPDATED_TASKNAME); view.openTask(UPDATED_TASKNAME);"Mark the task as complete: " + UPDATED_TASKNAME); new RadioButton("Complete").click(); view.saveTask(); assertTrue ("Complete button was incorrectly not selected", new RadioButton("Complete").isSelected()); listView.close(); /* De-activate and then delete the new task, verify that it can not be found again in the local repo */; listView.getTask ("Uncategorized", UPDATED_TASKNAME);"Deactivate the task: " + UPDATED_TASKNAME); view.deactivateTask(); listView.close(); /* Delete the task */ /* Find the task in the repo */; listView.getTask ("Uncategorized", UPDATED_TASKNAME);"Delete the task: " + UPDATED_TASKNAME); view.deleteTask(); /* Verify that the task has been deleted by confirming that it cannot be found */ new DefaultTree(); try { DefaultTreeItem theTask = new DefaultTreeItem ("Uncategorized", UPDATED_TASKNAME); } catch (WaitTimeoutExpiredException E) { ("Expected Exception as deleted task cannot be found" + E.getMessage() + " correctly trapped"); } listView.close(); view.close(); } /* method */ } /* class */