package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.jboss.reddeer.common.logging.Logger; import org.jboss.reddeer.common.wait.AbstractWait; import org.jboss.reddeer.common.wait.TimePeriod; import org.jboss.reddeer.common.wait.WaitUntil; import org.jboss.reddeer.eclipse.exception.EclipseLayerException; import org.jboss.reddeer.swt.api.Tree; import org.jboss.reddeer.swt.api.TreeItem; import org.jboss.reddeer.swt.condition.WidgetIsEnabled; import org.jboss.reddeer.swt.exception.SWTLayerException; import org.jboss.reddeer.swt.impl.button.CheckBox; import org.jboss.reddeer.swt.impl.button.PushButton; import; import org.jboss.reddeer.swt.impl.tree.DefaultTree; import org.jboss.reddeer.swt.impl.tree.DefaultTreeItem; import org.jboss.reddeer.swt.impl.text.LabeledText; import org.jboss.reddeer.swt.impl.toolbar.DefaultToolItem; import; import; import org.jboss.reddeer.workbench.impl.view.WorkbenchView; /** * Represents the Build List view - to support Mylyn automated tests. * * @author ldimaggi * */ public class MylynBuildView extends WorkbenchView { protected final static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(MylynBuildView.class); public static final String TITLE = "Builds"; public MylynBuildView() { super(TITLE); } public List<MylynBuild> getMylynBuilds(){ List<MylynBuild> theMylynBuilds = new ArrayList<MylynBuild>(); Tree tree; try { tree = new DefaultTree(); } catch (SWTLayerException e){ return new ArrayList<MylynBuild>(); } for (TreeItem item : tree.getItems()){ theMylynBuilds.add(new MylynBuild(item)); } return theMylynBuilds; } public MylynBuild getMylynBuild(String name){ for (MylynBuild repository : getMylynBuilds()){ if (repository.getName().equals(name)){ return repository; } } throw new EclipseLayerException("There is no build with name " + name); } protected Tree getBuildsTree(){ open(); return new DefaultTree(); } /* Method to locate and select a build in the build list view */ public TreeItem getBuild (String buildName) { new DefaultTree(); DefaultTreeItem theBuild = new DefaultTreeItem (buildName);; return theBuild; } /* Method to locate and select a job under a build in the build list view */ public TreeItem getJenkinsJob (String buildName, String jobName) { new DefaultTree(); DefaultTreeItem theBuild = new DefaultTreeItem (buildName);; List<TreeItem> theJobs = theBuild.getItems(); for (TreeItem theItem : theJobs) { if (theItem.getText().equals(jobName)){ return theItem; } } throw new EclipseLayerException("There is no job with name " + jobName); } /* For use in the Build List View */ public void createAuthBuildServer (String serverURL, String userName, String passWord) {"Creating New Build Server - " + serverURL); new DefaultToolItem("New Build Server Location").click(); new DefaultShell ("New Repository"); new DefaultTreeItem ("Hudson (supports Jenkins)").select(); new PushButton("Next >").click(); TestSupport.closeSecureStorageIfOpened (); new DefaultShell ("New Build Server"); new LabeledText ("Server:").setText(serverURL); new LabeledText ("Label:").setText(serverURL); new CheckBox ("Anonymous").click(); new CheckBox ("Save Password").click(); new LabeledText ("User:").setText(userName); new LabeledText ("Password:").setText(passWord); /* Workaround for */ new PushButton("Validate").click(); new PushButton("Select All").click(); new PushButton("Finish").click(); } /* For use in the Build List View */ public void createBuildServer (String serverURL) {"Creating New Build Server - " + serverURL); new DefaultToolItem("New Build Server Location").click(); new DefaultShell ("New Repository"); new DefaultTreeItem ("Hudson (supports Jenkins)").select(); new PushButton("Next >").click(); TestSupport.closeSecureStorageIfOpened(); new DefaultShell ("New Build Server"); new LabeledText ("Server:").setText(serverURL); new LabeledText ("Label:").setText(serverURL); validateSettings(); new PushButton("Select All").click(); new PushButton("Finish").click(); } /* Check for the Validate button before and after it is clicked * as validation can be slow */ public void validateSettings() { new WaitUntil(new WidgetIsEnabled(new PushButton("Validate")), TimePeriod.VERY_LONG); new PushButton("Validate").click(); new WaitUntil(new WidgetIsEnabled(new PushButton("Validate")), TimePeriod.VERY_LONG); } }