package com.onelogin.saml2.logout; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException; import org.apache.commons.lang3.text.StrSubstitutor; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import com.onelogin.saml2.exception.ValidationError; import com.onelogin.saml2.exception.XMLEntityException; import com.onelogin.saml2.exception.SettingsException; import com.onelogin.saml2.http.HttpRequest; import com.onelogin.saml2.settings.Saml2Settings; import com.onelogin.saml2.util.Util; import com.onelogin.saml2.util.Constants; import com.onelogin.saml2.util.SchemaFactory; /** * LogoutRequest class of OneLogin's Java Toolkit. * * A class that implements SAML 2 Logout Request builder/parser/validator */ public class LogoutRequest { /** * Private property to construct a logger for this class. */ private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LogoutRequest.class); /** * SAML LogoutRequest string */ private final String logoutRequestString; /** * SAML LogoutRequest ID. */ public String id; /** * Settings data. */ private final Saml2Settings settings; /** * HttpRequest object to be processed (Contains GET and POST parameters, request URL, ...). */ private final HttpRequest request; /** * NameID. */ private String nameId; /** * NameID Format. */ private String nameIdFormat; /** * SessionIndex. When the user is logged, this stored it from the AuthnStatement of the SAML Response */ private String sessionIndex; /** * URL of the current host + current view */ private String currentUrl; /** * Time when the Logout Request was created */ private Calendar issueInstant; /** * After validation, if it fails this property has the cause of the problem */ private String error; /** * Constructs the LogoutRequest object. * * @param settings * OneLogin_Saml2_Settings * @param request * the HttpRequest object to be processed (Contains GET and POST parameters, request URL, ...). * @param nameId * The NameID that will be set in the LogoutRequest. * @param sessionIndex * The SessionIndex (taken from the SAML Response in the SSO process). * @param nameIdFormat * The nameIdFormat that will be set in the LogoutRequest. * @throws XMLEntityException * */ public LogoutRequest(Saml2Settings settings, HttpRequest request, String nameId, String sessionIndex, String nameIdFormat) throws XMLEntityException { this.settings = settings; this.request = request; String samlLogoutRequest = null; if (request != null) { samlLogoutRequest = request.getParameter("SAMLRequest"); currentUrl = request.getRequestURL(); } if (samlLogoutRequest == null) { id = Util.generateUniqueID(); issueInstant = Calendar.getInstance(); this.nameId = nameId; this.nameIdFormat = nameIdFormat; this.sessionIndex = sessionIndex; StrSubstitutor substitutor = generateSubstitutor(settings); logoutRequestString = substitutor.replace(getLogoutRequestTemplate()); } else { logoutRequestString = Util.base64decodedInflated(samlLogoutRequest); id = getId(logoutRequestString); } } /** * Constructs the LogoutRequest object. * * @param settings * OneLogin_Saml2_Settings * @param request * the HttpRequest object to be processed (Contains GET and POST parameters, request URL, ...). * @param nameId * The NameID that will be set in the LogoutRequest. * @param sessionIndex * The SessionIndex (taken from the SAML Response in the SSO process). * * @throws XMLEntityException */ public LogoutRequest(Saml2Settings settings, HttpRequest request, String nameId, String sessionIndex) throws XMLEntityException { this(settings, request, nameId, sessionIndex, null); } /** * Constructs the LogoutRequest object. * * @param settings * OneLogin_Saml2_Settings * * @throws XMLEntityException */ public LogoutRequest(Saml2Settings settings) throws XMLEntityException { this(settings, null, null, null); } /** * Constructs the LogoutRequest object. * * @param settings * OneLogin_Saml2_Settings * @param request * the HttpRequest object to be processed (Contains GET and POST parameters, request URL, ...). * * @throws XMLEntityException */ public LogoutRequest(Saml2Settings settings, HttpRequest request) throws XMLEntityException { this(settings, request, null, null); } /** * @return the base64 encoded unsigned Logout Request (deflated or not) * * @param deflated * If deflated or not the encoded Logout Request * * @throws IOException */ public String getEncodedLogoutRequest(Boolean deflated) throws IOException { String encodedLogoutRequest; if (deflated == null) { deflated = settings.isCompressRequestEnabled(); } if (deflated) { encodedLogoutRequest = Util.deflatedBase64encoded(getLogoutRequestXml()); } else { encodedLogoutRequest = Util.base64encoder(getLogoutRequestXml()); } return encodedLogoutRequest; } /** * @return the base64 encoded unsigned Logout Request (deflated or not) * * @throws IOException */ public String getEncodedLogoutRequest() throws IOException { return getEncodedLogoutRequest(null); } /** * @return the plain XML Logout Request */ public String getLogoutRequestXml() { return logoutRequestString; } /** * Substitutes LogoutRequest variables within a string by values. * * @param settings * Saml2Settings object. Setting data * * @return the StrSubstitutor object of the LogoutRequest */ private StrSubstitutor generateSubstitutor(Saml2Settings settings) { Map<String, String> valueMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); valueMap.put("id", id); String issueInstantString = Util.formatDateTime(issueInstant.getTimeInMillis()); valueMap.put("issueInstant", issueInstantString); String destinationStr = ""; URL slo = settings.getIdpSingleLogoutServiceUrl(); if (slo != null) { destinationStr = " Destination=\"" + slo.toString() + "\""; } valueMap.put("destinationStr", destinationStr); valueMap.put("issuer", settings.getSpEntityId()); String nameIdFormat = null; String spNameQualifier = null; if (nameId != null) { if (this.nameIdFormat == null) { nameIdFormat = settings.getSpNameIDFormat(); } else { nameIdFormat = this.nameIdFormat; } } else { nameId = settings.getIdpEntityId(); nameIdFormat = Constants.NAMEID_ENTITY; spNameQualifier = settings.getSpEntityId(); } X509Certificate cert = null; if (settings.getNameIdEncrypted()) { cert = settings.getIdpx509cert(); } String nameIdStr = Util.generateNameId(nameId, spNameQualifier, nameIdFormat, cert); valueMap.put("nameIdStr", nameIdStr); String sessionIndexStr = ""; if (sessionIndex != null) { sessionIndexStr = " <samlp:SessionIndex>" + sessionIndex + "</samlp:SessionIndex>"; } valueMap.put("sessionIndexStr", sessionIndexStr); return new StrSubstitutor(valueMap); } /** * @return the LogoutRequest's template */ private static StringBuilder getLogoutRequestTemplate() { StringBuilder template = new StringBuilder(); template.append("<samlp:LogoutRequest xmlns:samlp=\"urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol\" xmlns:saml=\"urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion\" "); template.append("ID=\"${id}\" "); template.append("Version=\"2.0\" "); template.append("IssueInstant=\"${issueInstant}\"${destinationStr} >"); template.append("<saml:Issuer>${issuer}</saml:Issuer>"); template.append("${nameIdStr}${sessionIndexStr}</samlp:LogoutRequest>"); return template; } /** * Determines if the SAML LogoutRequest is valid or not * * @return true if the SAML LogoutRequest is valid * * @throws Exception */ public Boolean isValid() throws Exception { error = null; try { if (this.logoutRequestString == null || logoutRequestString.isEmpty()) { throw new ValidationError("SAML Logout Request is not loaded", ValidationError.INVALID_XML_FORMAT); } if (this.request == null) { throw new Exception("The HttpRequest of the current host was not established"); } if (this.currentUrl == null || this.currentUrl.isEmpty()) { throw new Exception("The URL of the current host was not established"); } String signature = request.getParameter("Signature"); Document logoutRequestDocument = Util.loadXML(logoutRequestString); if (settings.isStrict()) { Element rootElement = logoutRequestDocument.getDocumentElement(); rootElement.normalize(); if (settings.getWantXMLValidation()) { if (!Util.validateXML(logoutRequestDocument, SchemaFactory.SAML_SCHEMA_PROTOCOL_2_0)) { throw new ValidationError("Invalid SAML Logout Request. Not match the saml-schema-protocol-2.0.xsd", ValidationError.INVALID_XML_FORMAT); } } // Check NotOnOrAfter if (rootElement.hasAttribute("NotOnOrAfter")) { String notOnOrAfter = rootElement.getAttribute("NotOnOrAfter"); DateTime notOnOrAfterDate = Util.parseDateTime(notOnOrAfter); if (notOnOrAfterDate.isEqualNow() || notOnOrAfterDate.isBeforeNow()) { throw new ValidationError("Could not validate timestamp: expired. Check system clock.", ValidationError.RESPONSE_EXPIRED); } } // Check destination if (rootElement.hasAttribute("Destination")) { String destinationUrl = rootElement.getAttribute("Destination"); if (destinationUrl != null) { if (!destinationUrl.isEmpty() && !destinationUrl.equals(currentUrl)) { throw new ValidationError("The LogoutRequest was received at " + currentUrl + " instead of " + destinationUrl, ValidationError.WRONG_DESTINATION); } } } // Try get the nameID String nameID = getNameId(logoutRequestDocument, settings.getSPkey()); // Check the issuer String issuer = getIssuer(logoutRequestDocument); if (issuer != null && (issuer.isEmpty() || !issuer.equals(settings.getIdpEntityId()))) { throw new ValidationError( String.format("Invalid issuer in the Logout Request. Was '%s', but expected '%s'", issuer, settings.getIdpEntityId()), ValidationError.WRONG_ISSUER ); } if (settings.getWantMessagesSigned() && (signature == null || signature.isEmpty())) { throw new ValidationError("The Message of the Logout Request is not signed and the SP requires it", ValidationError.NO_SIGNED_MESSAGE); } } if (signature != null && !signature.isEmpty()) { X509Certificate cert = settings.getIdpx509cert(); if (cert == null) { throw new SettingsException("In order to validate the sign on the Logout Request, the x509cert of the IdP is required", SettingsException.CERT_NOT_FOUND); } String signAlg = request.getParameter("SigAlg"); if (signAlg == null || signAlg.isEmpty()) { signAlg = Constants.RSA_SHA1; } String relayState = request.getEncodedParameter("RelayState"); String signedQuery = "SAMLRequest=" + request.getEncodedParameter("SAMLRequest"); if (relayState != null && !relayState.isEmpty()) { signedQuery += "&RelayState=" + relayState; } signedQuery += "&SigAlg=" + request.getEncodedParameter("SigAlg", signAlg); if (!Util.validateBinarySignature(signedQuery, Util.base64decoder(signature), cert, signAlg)) { throw new ValidationError("Signature validation failed. Logout Request rejected", ValidationError.INVALID_SIGNATURE); } } LOGGER.debug("LogoutRequest validated --> " + logoutRequestString); return true; } catch (Exception e) { error = e.getMessage(); LOGGER.debug("LogoutRequest invalid --> " + logoutRequestString); LOGGER.error(error); return false; } } /** * Returns the ID of the Logout Request Document. * * @param samlLogoutRequestDocument * A DOMDocument object loaded from the SAML Logout Request. * * @return the ID of the Logout Request. */ public static String getId(Document samlLogoutRequestDocument) { String id = null; try { Element rootElement = samlLogoutRequestDocument.getDocumentElement(); rootElement.normalize(); id = rootElement.getAttribute("ID"); } catch (Exception e) {} return id; } /** * Returns the ID of the Logout Request String. * * @param samlLogoutRequestString * A Logout Request string. * * @return the ID of the Logout Request. * */ public static String getId(String samlLogoutRequestString) { Document doc = Util.loadXML(samlLogoutRequestString); return getId(doc); } /** * Gets the NameID Data from the the Logout Request Document. * * @param samlLogoutRequestDocument * A DOMDocument object loaded from the SAML Logout Request. * @param key * The SP key to decrypt the NameID if encrypted * * @return the Name ID Data (Value, Format, NameQualifier, SPNameQualifier) * * @throws Exception */ public static Map<String, String> getNameIdData(Document samlLogoutRequestDocument, PrivateKey key) throws Exception { NodeList encryptedIDNodes = Util.query(samlLogoutRequestDocument, "/samlp:LogoutRequest/saml:EncryptedID"); NodeList nameIdNodes; Element nameIdElem; if (encryptedIDNodes.getLength() == 1) { if (key == null) { throw new SettingsException("Key is required in order to decrypt the NameID", SettingsException.PRIVATE_KEY_NOT_FOUND); } Element encryptedData = (Element) encryptedIDNodes.item(0); Util.decryptElement(encryptedData, key); nameIdNodes = Util.query(samlLogoutRequestDocument, "/samlp:LogoutRequest/saml:NameID"); if (nameIdNodes == null || nameIdNodes.getLength() != 1) { throw new Exception("Not able to decrypt the EncryptedID and get a NameID"); } } else { nameIdNodes = Util.query(samlLogoutRequestDocument, "/samlp:LogoutRequest/saml:NameID"); } if (nameIdNodes != null && nameIdNodes.getLength() == 1) { nameIdElem = (Element) nameIdNodes.item(0); } else { throw new ValidationError("No name id found in Logout Request.", ValidationError.NO_NAMEID); } Map<String, String> nameIdData = new HashMap<String, String>(); if (nameIdElem != null) { nameIdData.put("Value", nameIdElem.getTextContent()); if (nameIdElem.hasAttribute("Format")) { nameIdData.put("Format", nameIdElem.getAttribute("Format")); } if (nameIdElem.hasAttribute("SPNameQualifier")) { nameIdData.put("SPNameQualifier", nameIdElem.getAttribute("SPNameQualifier")); } if (nameIdElem.hasAttribute("NameQualifier")) { nameIdData.put("NameQualifier", nameIdElem.getAttribute("NameQualifier")); } } return nameIdData; } /** * Gets the NameID Data from the the Logout Request String. * * @param samlLogoutRequestString * A DOMDocument object loaded from the SAML Logout Request. * @param key * The SP key to decrypt the NameID if encrypted * * @return the Name ID Data (Value, Format, NameQualifier, SPNameQualifier) * * @throws Exception */ public static Map<String, String> getNameIdData(String samlLogoutRequestString, PrivateKey key) throws Exception { Document doc = Util.loadXML(samlLogoutRequestString); return getNameIdData(doc, key); } /** * Gets the NameID value provided from the SAML Logout Request Document. * * @param samlLogoutRequestDocument * A DOMDocument object loaded from the SAML Logout Request. * @param key * The SP key to decrypt the NameID if encrypted * * @return the Name ID value * * @throws Exception */ public static String getNameId(Document samlLogoutRequestDocument, PrivateKey key) throws Exception { Map<String, String> nameIdData = getNameIdData(samlLogoutRequestDocument, key); LOGGER.debug("LogoutRequest has NameID --> " + nameIdData.get("Value")); return nameIdData.get("Value"); } /** * Gets the NameID value provided from the SAML Logout Request Document. * * @param samlLogoutRequestDocument * A DOMDocument object loaded from the SAML Logout Request. * * @return the Name ID value * * @throws Exception */ public static String getNameId(Document samlLogoutRequestDocument) throws Exception { return getNameId(samlLogoutRequestDocument, null); } /** * Gets the NameID value provided from the SAML Logout Request String. * * @param samlLogoutRequestString * A Logout Request string. * @param key * The SP key to decrypt the NameID if encrypted * * @return the Name ID value * * @throws Exception */ public static String getNameId(String samlLogoutRequestString, PrivateKey key) throws Exception { Map<String, String> nameId = getNameIdData(samlLogoutRequestString, key); return nameId.get("Value"); } /** * Gets the NameID value provided from the SAML Logout Request String. * * @param samlLogoutRequestString * A Logout Request string. * * @return the Name ID value * * @throws Exception */ public static String getNameId(String samlLogoutRequestString) throws Exception { return getNameId(samlLogoutRequestString, null); } /** * Gets the Issuer from Logout Request Document. * * @param samlLogoutRequestDocument * A DOMDocument object loaded from the SAML Logout Request. * * @return the issuer of the logout request * * @throws XPathExpressionException */ public static String getIssuer(Document samlLogoutRequestDocument) throws XPathExpressionException { String issuer = null; NodeList nodes = Util.query(samlLogoutRequestDocument, "/samlp:LogoutRequest/saml:Issuer"); if (nodes.getLength() == 1) { issuer = nodes.item(0).getTextContent(); } return issuer; } /** * Gets the Issuer from Logout Request String. * * @param samlLogoutRequestString * A Logout Request string. * * @return the issuer of the logout request * * @throws XPathExpressionException */ public static String getIssuer(String samlLogoutRequestString) throws XPathExpressionException { Document doc = Util.loadXML(samlLogoutRequestString); return getIssuer(doc); } /** * Gets the SessionIndexes from the LogoutRequest. * * @param samlLogoutRequestDocument * A DOMDocument object loaded from the SAML Logout Request. * @return the SessionIndexes * * @throws XPathExpressionException */ public static List<String> getSessionIndexes(Document samlLogoutRequestDocument) throws XPathExpressionException { List<String> sessionIndexes = new ArrayList<String>(); NodeList nodes = Util.query(samlLogoutRequestDocument, "/samlp:LogoutRequest/samlp:SessionIndex"); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { sessionIndexes.add(nodes.item(i).getTextContent()); } return sessionIndexes; } /** * Gets the SessionIndexes from the LogoutRequest. * * @param samlLogoutRequestString * A Logout Request string. * @return the SessionIndexes * * @throws XPathExpressionException */ public static List<String> getSessionIndexes(String samlLogoutRequestString) throws XPathExpressionException { Document doc = Util.loadXML(samlLogoutRequestString); return getSessionIndexes(doc); } /** * After execute a validation process, if fails this method returns the cause * * @return the cause of the validation error */ public String getError() { return error; } /** * @return the ID of the Logout Request */ public String getId() { return id; } }