package com.onelogin.saml2.authn; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.joda.time.Instant; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import com.onelogin.saml2.http.HttpRequest; import com.onelogin.saml2.model.SamlResponseStatus; import com.onelogin.saml2.model.SubjectConfirmationIssue; import com.onelogin.saml2.settings.Saml2Settings; import com.onelogin.saml2.util.Constants; import com.onelogin.saml2.util.SchemaFactory; import com.onelogin.saml2.util.Util; import com.onelogin.saml2.exception.SettingsException; import com.onelogin.saml2.exception.ValidationError; /** * SamlResponse class of OneLogin's Java Toolkit. * * A class that implements SAML 2 Authentication Response parser/validator */ public class SamlResponse { /** * Private property to construct a logger for this class. */ private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SamlResponse.class); /** * Settings data. */ private final Saml2Settings settings; /** * The decoded, unprocessed XML response provided to the constructor. */ private String samlResponseString; /** * A DOMDocument object loaded from the SAML Response. */ private Document samlResponseDocument; /** * A DOMDocument object loaded from the SAML Response (Decrypted). */ private Document decryptedDocument; /** * URL of the current host + current view */ private String currentUrl; /** * Mark if the response contains an encrypted assertion. */ private Boolean encrypted = false; /** * After validation, if it fails this property has the cause of the problem */ private String error; /** * Constructor to have a Response object full builded and ready to validate * the saml response * * @param settings * Saml2Settings object. Setting data * @param request * the HttpRequest object to be processed (Contains GET and POST parameters, request URL, ...). * * @throws ValidationError * @throws SettingsException * @throws IOException * @throws SAXException * @throws ParserConfigurationException * @throws XPathExpressionException * */ public SamlResponse(Saml2Settings settings, HttpRequest request) throws XPathExpressionException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException, SettingsException, ValidationError { this.settings = settings; if (request != null) { currentUrl = request.getRequestURL(); loadXmlFromBase64(request.getParameter("SAMLResponse")); } } /** * Load a XML base64encoded SAMLResponse * * @param responseStr * Saml2Settings object. Setting data * * @throws ParserConfigurationException * @throws SettingsException * @throws IOException * @throws SAXException * @throws XPathExpressionException * @throws ValidationError */ public void loadXmlFromBase64(String responseStr) throws ParserConfigurationException, XPathExpressionException, SAXException, IOException, SettingsException, ValidationError { samlResponseString = new String(Util.base64decoder(responseStr), "UTF-8"); samlResponseDocument = Util.loadXML(samlResponseString); if (samlResponseDocument == null) { throw new ValidationError("SAML Response could not be processed", ValidationError.INVALID_XML_FORMAT); } NodeList encryptedAssertionNodes = samlResponseDocument.getElementsByTagNameNS(Constants.NS_SAML,"EncryptedAssertion"); if (encryptedAssertionNodes.getLength() != 0) { decryptedDocument = Util.copyDocument(samlResponseDocument); encrypted = true; decryptedDocument = this.decryptAssertion(decryptedDocument); } } /** * Determines if the SAML Response is valid using the certificate. * * @param requestId The ID of the AuthNRequest sent by this SP to the IdP * * @return if the response is valid or not */ public boolean isValid(String requestId) { error = null; try { if (samlResponseDocument == null) { throw new Exception("SAML Response is not loaded"); } if (this.currentUrl == null || this.currentUrl.isEmpty()) { throw new Exception("The URL of the current host was not established"); } Element rootElement = samlResponseDocument.getDocumentElement(); rootElement.normalize(); // Check SAML version if (!rootElement.getAttribute("Version").equals("2.0")) { throw new ValidationError("Unsupported SAML Version.", ValidationError.UNSUPPORTED_SAML_VERSION); } // Check ID in the response if (!rootElement.hasAttribute("ID")) { throw new ValidationError("Missing ID attribute on SAML Response.", ValidationError.MISSING_ID); } this.checkStatus(); if (!this.validateNumAssertions()) { throw new ValidationError("SAML Response must contain 1 Assertion.", ValidationError.WRONG_NUMBER_OF_ASSERTIONS); } ArrayList<String> signedElements = processSignedElements(); String responseTag = "{" + Constants.NS_SAMLP + "}Response"; String assertionTag = "{" + Constants.NS_SAML + "}Assertion"; final boolean hasSignedResponse = signedElements.contains(responseTag); final boolean hasSignedAssertion = signedElements.contains(assertionTag); if (settings.isStrict()) { if (settings.getWantXMLValidation()) { if (!Util.validateXML(samlResponseDocument, SchemaFactory.SAML_SCHEMA_PROTOCOL_2_0)) { throw new ValidationError("Invalid SAML Response. Not match the saml-schema-protocol-2.0.xsd", ValidationError.INVALID_XML_FORMAT); } // If encrypted, check also the decrypted document if (encrypted) { if (!Util.validateXML(decryptedDocument, SchemaFactory.SAML_SCHEMA_PROTOCOL_2_0)) { throw new ValidationError("Invalid decrypted SAML Response. Not match the saml-schema-protocol-2.0.xsd", ValidationError.INVALID_XML_FORMAT); } } } String responseInResponseTo = rootElement.hasAttribute("InResponseTo") ? rootElement.getAttribute("InResponseTo") : null; if (requestId == null && responseInResponseTo != null && settings.isRejectUnsolicitedResponsesWithInResponseTo()) { throw new ValidationError("The Response has an InResponseTo attribute: " + responseInResponseTo + " while no InResponseTo was expected", ValidationError.WRONG_INRESPONSETO); } // Check if the InResponseTo of the Response matches the ID of the AuthNRequest (requestId) if provided if (requestId != null && !Objects.equals(responseInResponseTo, requestId)) { throw new ValidationError("The InResponseTo of the Response: " + responseInResponseTo + ", does not match the ID of the AuthNRequest sent by the SP: " + requestId, ValidationError.WRONG_INRESPONSETO); } if (!this.encrypted && settings.getWantAssertionsEncrypted()) { throw new ValidationError("The assertion of the Response is not encrypted and the SP requires it", ValidationError.NO_ENCRYPTED_ASSERTION); } if (settings.getWantNameIdEncrypted()) { NodeList encryptedNameIdNodes = this.queryAssertion("/saml:Subject/saml:EncryptedID/xenc:EncryptedData"); if (encryptedNameIdNodes.getLength() == 0) { throw new ValidationError("The NameID of the Response is not encrypted and the SP requires it", ValidationError.NO_ENCRYPTED_NAMEID); } } // Validate Conditions element exists if (!this.checkOneCondition()) { throw new ValidationError("The Assertion must include a Conditions element", ValidationError.MISSING_CONDITIONS); } // Validate Assertion timestamps if (!this.validateTimestamps()) { throw new Exception("Timing issues (please check your clock settings)"); } // Validate AuthnStatement element exists and is unique if (!this.checkOneAuthnStatement()) { throw new ValidationError("The Assertion must include an AuthnStatement element", ValidationError.WRONG_NUMBER_OF_AUTHSTATEMENTS); } // EncryptedAttributes are not supported NodeList encryptedAttributeNodes = this.queryAssertion("/saml:AttributeStatement/saml:EncryptedAttribute"); if (encryptedAttributeNodes.getLength() > 0) { throw new ValidationError("There is an EncryptedAttribute in the Response and this SP not support them", ValidationError.ENCRYPTED_ATTRIBUTES); } // Check destination if (rootElement.hasAttribute("Destination")) { String destinationUrl = rootElement.getAttribute("Destination"); if (destinationUrl != null) { if (destinationUrl.isEmpty()) { throw new ValidationError("The response has an empty Destination value", ValidationError.EMPTY_DESTINATION); } else if (!destinationUrl.equals(currentUrl)) { throw new ValidationError("The response was received at " + currentUrl + " instead of " + destinationUrl, ValidationError.WRONG_DESTINATION); } } } // Check Audience List<String> validAudiences = this.getAudiences(); if (!validAudiences.isEmpty() && !validAudiences.contains(settings.getSpEntityId())) { throw new ValidationError(settings.getSpEntityId() + " is not a valid audience for this Response", ValidationError.WRONG_AUDIENCE); } // Check the issuers List<String> issuers = this.getIssuers(); for (int i = 0; i < issuers.size(); i++) { String issuer = issuers.get(i); if (issuer.isEmpty() || !issuer.equals(settings.getIdpEntityId())) { throw new ValidationError( String.format("Invalid issuer in the Assertion/Response. Was '%s', but expected '%s'", issuer, settings.getIdpEntityId()), ValidationError.WRONG_ISSUER); } } // Check the session Expiration DateTime sessionExpiration = this.getSessionNotOnOrAfter(); if (sessionExpiration != null) { sessionExpiration = * 1000); if (sessionExpiration.isEqualNow() || sessionExpiration.isBeforeNow()) { throw new ValidationError("The attributes have expired, based on the SessionNotOnOrAfter of the AttributeStatement of this Response", ValidationError.SESSION_EXPIRED); } } validateSubjectConfirmation(responseInResponseTo); if (settings.getWantAssertionsSigned() && !hasSignedAssertion) { throw new ValidationError("The Assertion of the Response is not signed and the SP requires it", ValidationError.NO_SIGNED_ASSERTION); } if (settings.getWantMessagesSigned() && !hasSignedResponse) { throw new ValidationError("The Message of the Response is not signed and the SP requires it", ValidationError.NO_SIGNED_MESSAGE); } } if (signedElements.isEmpty() || (!hasSignedAssertion && !hasSignedResponse)) { throw new ValidationError("No Signature found. SAML Response rejected", ValidationError.NO_SIGNATURE_FOUND); } else { X509Certificate cert = settings.getIdpx509cert(); String fingerprint = settings.getIdpCertFingerprint(); String alg = settings.getIdpCertFingerprintAlgorithm(); if (hasSignedResponse && !Util.validateSign(samlResponseDocument, cert, fingerprint, alg, Util.RESPONSE_SIGNATURE_XPATH)) { throw new ValidationError("Signature validation failed. SAML Response rejected", ValidationError.INVALID_SIGNATURE); } final Document documentToCheckAssertion = encrypted ? decryptedDocument : samlResponseDocument; if (hasSignedAssertion && !Util.validateSign(documentToCheckAssertion, cert, fingerprint, alg, Util.ASSERTION_SIGNATURE_XPATH)) { throw new ValidationError("Signature validation failed. SAML Response rejected", ValidationError.INVALID_SIGNATURE); } } LOGGER.debug("SAMLResponse validated --> " + samlResponseString); return true; } catch (Exception e) { error = e.getMessage(); LOGGER.debug("SAMLResponse invalid --> " + samlResponseString); LOGGER.error(error); return false; } } /** * Check SubjectConfirmation, at least one SubjectConfirmation must be valid * * @param responseInResponseTo * The InResponseTo value of the SAML Response * * @throws XPathExpressionException * @throws ValidationError */ private void validateSubjectConfirmation(String responseInResponseTo) throws XPathExpressionException, ValidationError { final List<SubjectConfirmationIssue> validationIssues = new ArrayList<>(); boolean validSubjectConfirmation = false; NodeList subjectConfirmationNodes = this.queryAssertion("/saml:Subject/saml:SubjectConfirmation"); for (int i = 0; i < subjectConfirmationNodes.getLength(); i++) { Node scn = subjectConfirmationNodes.item(i); Node method = scn.getAttributes().getNamedItem("Method"); if (method != null && !method.getNodeValue().equals(Constants.CM_BEARER)) { continue; } NodeList subjectConfirmationDataNodes = scn.getChildNodes(); for (int c = 0; c < subjectConfirmationDataNodes.getLength(); c++) { if (subjectConfirmationDataNodes.item(c).getLocalName() != null && subjectConfirmationDataNodes.item(c).getLocalName().equals("SubjectConfirmationData")) { Node recipient = subjectConfirmationDataNodes.item(c).getAttributes().getNamedItem("Recipient"); if (recipient == null) { validationIssues.add(new SubjectConfirmationIssue(i, "SubjectConfirmationData doesn't contain a Recipient")); continue; } if (!recipient.getNodeValue().equals(currentUrl)) { validationIssues.add(new SubjectConfirmationIssue(i, "SubjectConfirmationData doesn't match a valid Recipient")); continue; } Node inResponseTo = subjectConfirmationDataNodes.item(c).getAttributes().getNamedItem("InResponseTo"); if (inResponseTo == null && responseInResponseTo != null || inResponseTo != null && !inResponseTo.getNodeValue().equals(responseInResponseTo)) { validationIssues.add(new SubjectConfirmationIssue(i, "SubjectConfirmationData has an invalid InResponseTo value"));; continue; } Node notOnOrAfter = subjectConfirmationDataNodes.item(c).getAttributes().getNamedItem("NotOnOrAfter"); if (notOnOrAfter == null) { validationIssues.add(new SubjectConfirmationIssue(i, "SubjectConfirmationData doesn't contain a NotOnOrAfter attribute")); continue; } DateTime noa = Util.parseDateTime(notOnOrAfter.getNodeValue()); noa = * 1000); if (noa.isEqualNow() || noa.isBeforeNow()) { validationIssues.add(new SubjectConfirmationIssue(i, "SubjectConfirmationData is no longer valid")); continue; } Node notBefore = subjectConfirmationDataNodes.item(c).getAttributes().getNamedItem("NotBefore"); if (notBefore != null) { DateTime nb = Util.parseDateTime(notBefore.getNodeValue()); nb = nb.minus(Constants.ALOWED_CLOCK_DRIFT * 1000); if (nb.isAfterNow()) { validationIssues.add(new SubjectConfirmationIssue(i, "SubjectConfirmationData is not yet valid")); continue; } } validSubjectConfirmation = true; } } } if (!validSubjectConfirmation) { throw new ValidationError(SubjectConfirmationIssue.prettyPrintIssues(validationIssues), ValidationError.WRONG_SUBJECTCONFIRMATION); } } /** * Determines if the SAML Response is valid using the certificate. * * @return if the response is valid or not */ public boolean isValid() { return isValid(null); } /** * Gets the NameID provided from the SAML Response Document. * * @return the Name ID Data (Value, Format, NameQualifier, SPNameQualifier) * * @throws Exception * */ public HashMap<String,String> getNameIdData() throws Exception { HashMap<String,String> nameIdData = new HashMap<String, String>(); NodeList encryptedIDNodes = this.queryAssertion("/saml:Subject/saml:EncryptedID"); NodeList nameIdNodes; Element nameIdElem; if (encryptedIDNodes.getLength() == 1) { NodeList encryptedDataNodes = this.queryAssertion("/saml:Subject/saml:EncryptedID/xenc:EncryptedData"); if (encryptedDataNodes.getLength() == 1) { Element encryptedData = (Element) encryptedDataNodes.item(0); PrivateKey key = settings.getSPkey(); if (key == null) { throw new SettingsException("Key is required in order to decrypt the NameID", SettingsException.PRIVATE_KEY_NOT_FOUND); } Util.decryptElement(encryptedData, key); } nameIdNodes = this.queryAssertion("/saml:Subject/saml:EncryptedID/saml:NameID|/saml:Subject/saml:NameID"); if (nameIdNodes == null || nameIdNodes.getLength() == 0) { throw new Exception("Not able to decrypt the EncryptedID and get a NameID"); } } else { nameIdNodes = this.queryAssertion("/saml:Subject/saml:NameID"); } if (nameIdNodes != null && nameIdNodes.getLength() == 1) { nameIdElem = (Element) nameIdNodes.item(0); if (nameIdElem != null) { String value = nameIdElem.getTextContent(); if (settings.isStrict() && value.isEmpty()) { throw new ValidationError("An empty NameID value found", ValidationError.EMPTY_NAMEID); } nameIdData.put("Value", value); if (nameIdElem.hasAttribute("Format")) { nameIdData.put("Format", nameIdElem.getAttribute("Format")); } if (nameIdElem.hasAttribute("SPNameQualifier")) { String spNameQualifier = nameIdElem.getAttribute("SPNameQualifier"); if (settings.isStrict() && !spNameQualifier.equals(settings.getSpEntityId())) { throw new ValidationError("The SPNameQualifier value mistmatch the SP entityID value.", ValidationError.SP_NAME_QUALIFIER_NAME_MISMATCH); } else { nameIdData.put("SPNameQualifier", spNameQualifier); } } if (nameIdElem.hasAttribute("NameQualifier")) { nameIdData.put("NameQualifier", nameIdElem.getAttribute("NameQualifier")); } } } else { if (settings.getWantNameId()) { throw new ValidationError("No name id found in Document.", ValidationError.NO_NAMEID); } } return nameIdData; } /** * Gets the NameID value provided from the SAML Response String. * * @return string Name ID Value * * @throws Exception */ public String getNameId() throws Exception { HashMap<String,String> nameIdData = getNameIdData(); String nameID = null; if (!nameIdData.isEmpty()) { LOGGER.debug("SAMLResponse has NameID --> " + nameIdData.get("Value")); nameID = nameIdData.get("Value"); } return nameID; } /** * Gets the NameID Format provided from the SAML Response String. * * @return string NameID Format * * @throws Exception */ public String getNameIdFormat() throws Exception { HashMap<String,String> nameIdData = getNameIdData(); String nameidFormat = null; if (!nameIdData.isEmpty() && nameIdData.containsKey("Format")) { LOGGER.debug("SAMLResponse has NameID Format --> " + nameIdData.get("Format")); nameidFormat = nameIdData.get("Format"); } return nameidFormat; } /** * Gets the Attributes from the AttributeStatement element. * * @return the attributes of the SAML Assertion * * @throws XPathExpressionException * @throws ValidationError * */ public HashMap<String, List<String>> getAttributes() throws XPathExpressionException, ValidationError { HashMap<String, List<String>> attributes = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); NodeList nodes = this.queryAssertion("/saml:AttributeStatement/saml:Attribute"); if (nodes.getLength() != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { NamedNodeMap attrName = nodes.item(i).getAttributes(); String attName = attrName.getNamedItem("Name").getNodeValue(); if (attributes.containsKey(attName)) { throw new ValidationError("Found an Attribute element with duplicated Name", ValidationError.DUPLICATED_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_FOUND); } NodeList childrens = nodes.item(i).getChildNodes(); List<String> attrValues = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int j = 0; j < childrens.getLength(); j++) { if ("AttributeValue".equals(childrens.item(j).getLocalName())) { attrValues.add(childrens.item(j).getTextContent()); } } attributes.put(attName, attrValues); } LOGGER.debug("SAMLResponse has attributes: " + attributes.toString()); } else { LOGGER.debug("SAMLResponse has no attributes"); } return attributes; } /** * Checks the Status * * @throws ValidationError * If status is not success */ public void checkStatus() throws ValidationError { SamlResponseStatus responseStatus = getStatus(samlResponseDocument); if (! { String statusExceptionMsg = "The status code of the Response was not Success, was " + responseStatus.getStatusCode(); if (responseStatus.getStatusMessage() != null) { statusExceptionMsg += " -> " + responseStatus.getStatusMessage(); } throw new ValidationError(statusExceptionMsg, ValidationError.STATUS_CODE_IS_NOT_SUCCESS); } } /** * Get Status from a Response * * @param dom * The Response as XML * * @return array with the code and a message * * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the response not contain status or if Unexpected XPath error * @throws ValidationError */ public static SamlResponseStatus getStatus(Document dom) throws ValidationError { try { String statusExpr = "/samlp:Response/samlp:Status"; NodeList statusEntry = Util.query(dom, statusExpr, null); if (statusEntry.getLength() != 1) { throw new ValidationError("Missing Status on response", ValidationError.MISSING_STATUS); } NodeList codeEntry; codeEntry = Util.query(dom, statusExpr + "/samlp:StatusCode", (Element) statusEntry.item(0)); if (codeEntry.getLength() != 1) { throw new ValidationError("Missing Status Code on response", ValidationError.MISSING_STATUS_CODE); } String stausCode = codeEntry.item(0).getAttributes().getNamedItem("Value").getNodeValue(); SamlResponseStatus status = new SamlResponseStatus(stausCode); NodeList messageEntry = Util.query(dom, statusExpr + "/samlp:StatusMessage", (Element) statusEntry.item(0)); if (messageEntry.getLength() == 1) { status.setStatusMessage(messageEntry.item(0).getTextContent()); } return status; } catch (XPathExpressionException e) { String error = "Unexpected error in getStatus." + e.getMessage(); LOGGER.error(error); throw new IllegalArgumentException(error); } } /** * Checks that the samlp:Response/saml:Assertion/saml:Conditions element exists and is unique. * * @return true if the Conditions element exists and is unique * * @throws XPathExpressionException */ public Boolean checkOneCondition() throws XPathExpressionException { NodeList entries = this.queryAssertion("/saml:Conditions"); if (entries.getLength() == 1) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Checks that the samlp:Response/saml:Assertion/saml:AuthnStatement element exists and is unique. * * @return true if the AuthnStatement element exists and is unique * * @throws XPathExpressionException */ public Boolean checkOneAuthnStatement() throws XPathExpressionException { NodeList entries = this.queryAssertion("/saml:AuthnStatement"); if (entries.getLength() == 1) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Gets the audiences. * * @return the audiences of the response * * @throws XPathExpressionException */ public List<String> getAudiences() throws XPathExpressionException { List<String> audiences = new ArrayList<String>(); NodeList entries = this.queryAssertion("/saml:Conditions/saml:AudienceRestriction/saml:Audience"); for (int i = 0; i < entries.getLength(); i++) { if (entries.item(i) != null) { String value = entries.item(i).getTextContent(); if (value != null && !value.trim().isEmpty()) { audiences.add(value.trim()); } } } return audiences; } /** * Gets the Issuers (from Response and Assertion). * * @return the issuers of the assertion/response * * @throws XPathExpressionException * @throws ValidationError */ public List<String> getIssuers() throws XPathExpressionException, ValidationError { List<String> issuers = new ArrayList<String>(); String value; NodeList responseIssuer = Util.query(samlResponseDocument, "/samlp:Response/saml:Issuer"); if (responseIssuer.getLength() > 1) { if (responseIssuer.getLength() == 1) { value = responseIssuer.item(0).getTextContent(); if (!issuers.contains(value)) { issuers.add(value); } } else { throw new ValidationError("Issuer of the Response is multiple.", ValidationError.ISSUER_MULTIPLE_IN_RESPONSE); } } NodeList assertionIssuer = this.queryAssertion("/saml:Issuer"); if (assertionIssuer.getLength() == 1) { value = assertionIssuer.item(0).getTextContent(); if (!issuers.contains(value)) { issuers.add(value); } } else { throw new ValidationError("Issuer of the Assertion not found or multiple.", ValidationError.ISSUER_NOT_FOUND_IN_ASSERTION); } return issuers; } /** * Gets the SessionNotOnOrAfter from the AuthnStatement. Could be used to * set the local session expiration * * @return the SessionNotOnOrAfter value * * @throws XPathExpressionException */ public DateTime getSessionNotOnOrAfter() throws XPathExpressionException { String notOnOrAfter = null; NodeList entries = this.queryAssertion("/saml:AuthnStatement[@SessionNotOnOrAfter]"); if (entries.getLength() > 0) { notOnOrAfter = entries.item(0).getAttributes().getNamedItem("SessionNotOnOrAfter").getNodeValue(); return Util.parseDateTime(notOnOrAfter); } return null; } /** * Gets the SessionIndex from the AuthnStatement. * Could be used to be stored in the local session in order * to be used in a future Logout Request that the SP could * send to the SP, to set what specific session must be deleted * * @return the SessionIndex value * * @throws XPathExpressionException */ public String getSessionIndex() throws XPathExpressionException { String sessionIndex = null; NodeList entries = this.queryAssertion("/saml:AuthnStatement[@SessionIndex]"); if (entries.getLength() > 0) { sessionIndex = entries.item(0).getAttributes().getNamedItem("SessionIndex").getNodeValue(); } return sessionIndex; } /** * @return the ID of the Response */ public String getId() { return samlResponseDocument.getDocumentElement().getAttributes().getNamedItem("ID").getNodeValue(); } /** * @return the ID of the assertion in the Response * @throws XPathExpressionException * */ public String getAssertionId() throws XPathExpressionException { if (!validateNumAssertions()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("SAML Response must contain 1 Assertion."); } final NodeList assertionNode = queryAssertion(""); return assertionNode.item(0).getAttributes().getNamedItem("ID").getNodeValue(); } /** * @return a list of NotOnOrAfter values from SubjectConfirmationData nodes in this Response * @throws XPathExpressionException * */ public List<Instant> getAssertionNotOnOrAfter() throws XPathExpressionException { final NodeList notOnOrAfterNodes = queryAssertion("/saml:Subject/saml:SubjectConfirmation/saml:SubjectConfirmationData"); final ArrayList<Instant> notOnOrAfters = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < notOnOrAfterNodes.getLength(); i++) { final Node notOnOrAfterAttribute = notOnOrAfterNodes.item(i).getAttributes().getNamedItem("NotOnOrAfter"); if (notOnOrAfterAttribute != null) { notOnOrAfters.add(new Instant(notOnOrAfterAttribute.getNodeValue())); }} return notOnOrAfters; } /** * Verifies that the document only contains a single Assertion (encrypted or not). * * @return true if the document passes. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException */ public Boolean validateNumAssertions() throws IllegalArgumentException { NodeList encryptedAssertionNodes = samlResponseDocument.getElementsByTagNameNS(Constants.NS_SAML, "EncryptedAssertion"); NodeList assertionNodes = samlResponseDocument.getElementsByTagNameNS(Constants.NS_SAML, "Assertion"); Boolean valid = assertionNodes.getLength() + encryptedAssertionNodes.getLength() == 1; if (encrypted) { valid = valid && decryptedDocument.getElementsByTagNameNS(Constants.NS_SAML, "Assertion").getLength() == 1; } return valid; } /** * Verifies the signature nodes: * - Checks that are Response or Assertion * - Check that IDs and reference URI are unique and consistent. * * @return array Signed element tags * * @throws XPathExpressionException * @throws ValidationError */ public ArrayList<String> processSignedElements() throws XPathExpressionException, ValidationError { ArrayList<String> signedElements = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> verifiedSeis = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> verifiedIds = new ArrayList<String>(); NodeList signNodes = query("//ds:Signature", null); for (int i = 0; i < signNodes.getLength(); i++) { Node signNode = signNodes.item(i); String signedElement = "{" + signNode.getParentNode().getNamespaceURI() + "}" + signNode.getParentNode().getLocalName(); String responseTag = "{" + Constants.NS_SAMLP + "}Response"; String assertionTag = "{" + Constants.NS_SAML + "}Assertion"; if (!signedElement.equals(responseTag) && !signedElement.equals(assertionTag)) { throw new ValidationError("Invalid Signature Element " + signedElement + " SAML Response rejected", ValidationError.WRONG_SIGNED_ELEMENT); } // Check that reference URI matches the parent ID and no duplicate References or IDs Node idNode = signNode.getParentNode().getAttributes().getNamedItem("ID"); if (idNode == null || idNode.getNodeValue() == null || idNode.getNodeValue().isEmpty()) { throw new ValidationError("Signed Element must contain an ID. SAML Response rejected", ValidationError.ID_NOT_FOUND_IN_SIGNED_ELEMENT); } String idValue = idNode.getNodeValue(); if (verifiedIds.contains(idValue)) { throw new ValidationError("Duplicated ID. SAML Response rejected", ValidationError.DUPLICATED_ID_IN_SIGNED_ELEMENTS); } verifiedIds.add(idValue); NodeList refNodes = Util.query(null, "ds:SignedInfo/ds:Reference", signNode); if (refNodes.getLength() == 1) { Node refNode = refNodes.item(0); Node seiNode = refNode.getAttributes().getNamedItem("URI"); if (seiNode != null && seiNode.getNodeValue() != null && !seiNode.getNodeValue().isEmpty()) { String sei = seiNode.getNodeValue().substring(1); if (!sei.equals(idValue)) { throw new ValidationError("Found an invalid Signed Element. SAML Response rejected", ValidationError.INVALID_SIGNED_ELEMENT); } if (verifiedSeis.contains(sei)) { throw new ValidationError("Duplicated Reference URI. SAML Response rejected", ValidationError.DUPLICATED_REFERENCE_IN_SIGNED_ELEMENTS); } verifiedSeis.add(sei); } } else { // Signatures MUST contain a single <ds:Reference> containing a same-document reference to the ID // attribute value of the root element of the assertion or protocol message being signed throw new ValidationError("Unexpected number of Reference nodes found for signature. SAML Response rejected.", ValidationError.UNEXPECTED_REFERENCE); } signedElements.add(signedElement); } if (!signedElements.isEmpty()) { if (!validateSignedElements(signedElements)) { throw new ValidationError("Found an unexpected Signature Element. SAML Response rejected", ValidationError.UNEXPECTED_SIGNED_ELEMENTS); } } return signedElements; } /** * Verifies that the document has the expected signed nodes. * * @param signedElements * the elements to be validated * @return true if is valid * * @throws XPathExpressionException * @throws ValidationError * */ public boolean validateSignedElements(ArrayList<String> signedElements) throws XPathExpressionException, ValidationError { if (signedElements.size() > 2) { return false; } Map<String, Integer> occurrences = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); for (String e : signedElements) { if (occurrences.containsKey(e)) { occurrences.put(e, occurrences.get(e).intValue() + 1); } else { occurrences.put(e, 1); } } String responseTag = "{" + Constants.NS_SAMLP + "}Response"; String assertionTag = "{" + Constants.NS_SAML + "}Assertion"; if ((occurrences.containsKey(responseTag) && occurrences.get(responseTag) > 1) || (occurrences.containsKey(assertionTag) && occurrences.get(assertionTag) > 1) || !occurrences.containsKey(responseTag) && !occurrences.containsKey(assertionTag)) { return false; } // check that the signed elements found here, are the ones that will be verified // by com.onelogin.saml2.util.Util.validateSign() if (occurrences.containsKey(responseTag)) { final NodeList expectedSignatureNode = query(Util.RESPONSE_SIGNATURE_XPATH, null); if (expectedSignatureNode.getLength() != 1) { throw new ValidationError("Unexpected number of Response signatures found. SAML Response rejected.", ValidationError.WRONG_NUMBER_OF_SIGNATURES_IN_RESPONSE); } } if (occurrences.containsKey(assertionTag)) { final NodeList expectedSignatureNode = query(Util.ASSERTION_SIGNATURE_XPATH, null); if (expectedSignatureNode.getLength() != 1) { throw new ValidationError("Unexpected number of Assertion signatures found. SAML Response rejected.", ValidationError.WRONG_NUMBER_OF_SIGNATURES_IN_ASSERTION); } } return true; } /** * Verifies that the document is still valid according Conditions Element. * * @return true if still valid * * @throws ValidationError */ public boolean validateTimestamps() throws ValidationError { NodeList timestampNodes = samlResponseDocument.getElementsByTagNameNS("*", "Conditions"); if (timestampNodes.getLength() != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < timestampNodes.getLength(); i++) { NamedNodeMap attrName = timestampNodes.item(i).getAttributes(); Node nbAttribute = attrName.getNamedItem("NotBefore"); Node naAttribute = attrName.getNamedItem("NotOnOrAfter"); // validate NotOnOrAfter if (naAttribute != null) { DateTime notOnOrAfterDate = Util.parseDateTime(naAttribute.getNodeValue()); notOnOrAfterDate = * 1000); if (notOnOrAfterDate.isEqualNow() || notOnOrAfterDate.isBeforeNow()) { throw new ValidationError("Could not validate timestamp: expired. Check system clock.", ValidationError.ASSERTION_EXPIRED); } } // validate NotBefore if (nbAttribute != null) { DateTime notBeforeDate = Util.parseDateTime(nbAttribute.getNodeValue()); notBeforeDate = notBeforeDate.minus(Constants.ALOWED_CLOCK_DRIFT * 1000); if (notBeforeDate.isAfterNow()) { throw new ValidationError("Could not validate timestamp: not yet valid. Check system clock.", ValidationError.ASSERTION_TOO_EARLY); } } } } return true; } /** * Aux method to set the destination url * * @param urld * the url to set as currentUrl */ public void setDestinationUrl(String urld) { currentUrl = urld; } /** * After execute a validation process, if fails this method returns the cause * * @return the cause of the validation error */ public String getError() { if (error != null) { return error; } return null; } /** * Extracts a node from the DOMDocument (Assertion). * * @param assertionXpath * Xpath Expression * * @return the queried node * @throws XPathExpressionException * */ private NodeList queryAssertion(String assertionXpath) throws XPathExpressionException { final String assertionExpr = "/saml:Assertion"; final String signatureExpr = "ds:Signature/ds:SignedInfo/ds:Reference"; String nameQuery; String signedAssertionQuery = "/samlp:Response" + assertionExpr + "/" + signatureExpr; NodeList nodeList = query(signedAssertionQuery, null); if (nodeList.getLength() == 0 ) { // let see if the whole response signed? String signedMessageQuery = "/samlp:Response/" + signatureExpr; nodeList = query(signedMessageQuery, null); if (nodeList.getLength() == 1) { Node responseReferenceNode = nodeList.item(0); String responseId = responseReferenceNode.getAttributes().getNamedItem("URI").getNodeValue(); if (responseId != null && !responseId.isEmpty()) { responseId = responseId.substring(1); } else { responseId = responseReferenceNode.getParentNode().getParentNode().getParentNode().getAttributes().getNamedItem("ID").getNodeValue(); } nameQuery = "/samlp:Response[@ID='" + responseId + "']"; } else { // On this case there is no element signed, the query will work but // the response validation will throw and error. nameQuery = "/samlp:Response"; } nameQuery += assertionExpr; } else { // there is a signed assertion Node assertionReferenceNode = nodeList.item(0); String assertionId = assertionReferenceNode.getAttributes().getNamedItem("URI").getNodeValue(); if (assertionId != null && !assertionId.isEmpty()) { assertionId = assertionId.substring(1); } else { assertionId = assertionReferenceNode.getParentNode().getParentNode().getParentNode().getAttributes().getNamedItem("ID").getNodeValue(); } nameQuery = "/samlp:Response/" + assertionExpr + "[@ID='" + assertionId + "']"; } nameQuery += assertionXpath; return query(nameQuery, null); } /** * Extracts nodes that match the query from the DOMDocument (Response Menssage) * * @param nameQuery * Xpath Expression * @param context * The context node * * @return DOMNodeList The queried nodes */ private NodeList query(String nameQuery, Node context) throws XPathExpressionException { Document doc; if (encrypted) { doc = decryptedDocument; } else { doc = samlResponseDocument; } // LOGGER.debug("Executing query " + nameQuery); return Util.query(doc, nameQuery, context); } /** * Decrypt assertion. * * @param dom * Encrypted assertion * * @return Decrypted Assertion. * * @throws XPathExpressionException * @throws IOException * @throws SAXException * @throws ParserConfigurationException * @throws SettingsException */ private Document decryptAssertion(Document dom) throws XPathExpressionException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException, SettingsException { PrivateKey key = settings.getSPkey(); if (key == null) { throw new SettingsException("No private key available for decrypt, check settings", SettingsException.PRIVATE_KEY_NOT_FOUND); } NodeList encryptedDataNodes = Util.query(dom, "/samlp:Response/saml:EncryptedAssertion/xenc:EncryptedData"); Element encryptedData = (Element) encryptedDataNodes.item(0); Util.decryptElement(encryptedData, key); // We need to Remove the saml:EncryptedAssertion Node NodeList AssertionDataNodes = Util.query(dom, "/samlp:Response/saml:EncryptedAssertion/saml:Assertion"); Node assertionNode = AssertionDataNodes.item(0); assertionNode.getParentNode().getParentNode().replaceChild(assertionNode, assertionNode.getParentNode()); // In order to avoid Signature Validation errors we need to rebuild the dom. //!topic/opensaml-users/gpXvwaZ53NA String xmlStr = Util.convertDocumentToString(dom); Document doc = Util.convertStringToDocument(xmlStr); // LOGGER.debug("Decrypted SAMLResponse --> " + xmlStr); return doc; } /** * @return the SAMLResponse XML, If the Assertion of the SAMLResponse was encrypted, * returns the XML with the assertion decrypted */ public String getSAMLResponseXml() { String xml; if (encrypted) { xml = Util.convertDocumentToString(decryptedDocument); } else { xml = samlResponseString; } return xml; } /** * @return the SAMLResponse Document, If the Assertion of the SAMLResponse was encrypted, * returns the Document with the assertion decrypted */ protected Document getSAMLResponseDocument() { Document doc; if (encrypted) { doc = decryptedDocument; } else { doc = samlResponseDocument; } return doc; } }