/* * Copyright (C) 2008 The Guava Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.google.common.collect; import static com.google.common.collect.CollectPreconditions.checkEntryNotNull; import static com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMapEntry.createEntryArray; import static com.google.common.collect.RegularImmutableMap.checkNoConflictInKeyBucket; import com.google.common.annotations.GwtCompatible; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMapEntry.TerminalEntry; import java.io.Serializable; import javax.annotation.Nullable; /** * Bimap with two or more mappings. * * @author Louis Wasserman */ @GwtCompatible(serializable = true, emulated = true) @SuppressWarnings("serial") // uses writeReplace(), not default serialization class RegularImmutableBiMap<K, V> extends ImmutableBiMap<K, V> { static final double MAX_LOAD_FACTOR = 1.2; private final transient ImmutableMapEntry<K, V>[] keyTable; private final transient ImmutableMapEntry<K, V>[] valueTable; private final transient ImmutableMapEntry<K, V>[] entries; private final transient int mask; private final transient int hashCode; RegularImmutableBiMap(TerminalEntry<?, ?>... entriesToAdd) { this(entriesToAdd.length, entriesToAdd); } /** * Constructor for RegularImmutableBiMap that takes as input an array of {@code TerminalEntry} * entries. Assumes that these entries have already been checked for null. * * <p>This allows reuse of the entry objects from the array in the actual implementation. */ RegularImmutableBiMap(int n, TerminalEntry<?, ?>[] entriesToAdd) { int tableSize = Hashing.closedTableSize(n, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR); this.mask = tableSize - 1; ImmutableMapEntry<K, V>[] keyTable = createEntryArray(tableSize); ImmutableMapEntry<K, V>[] valueTable = createEntryArray(tableSize); ImmutableMapEntry<K, V>[] entries = createEntryArray(n); int hashCode = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") TerminalEntry<K, V> entry = (TerminalEntry<K, V>) entriesToAdd[i]; K key = entry.getKey(); V value = entry.getValue(); int keyHash = key.hashCode(); int valueHash = value.hashCode(); int keyBucket = Hashing.smear(keyHash) & mask; int valueBucket = Hashing.smear(valueHash) & mask; ImmutableMapEntry<K, V> nextInKeyBucket = keyTable[keyBucket]; checkNoConflictInKeyBucket(key, entry, nextInKeyBucket); ImmutableMapEntry<K, V> nextInValueBucket = valueTable[valueBucket]; checkNoConflictInValueBucket(value, entry, nextInValueBucket); ImmutableMapEntry<K, V> newEntry = (nextInKeyBucket == null && nextInValueBucket == null) ? entry : new NonTerminalBiMapEntry<K, V>(entry, nextInKeyBucket, nextInValueBucket); keyTable[keyBucket] = newEntry; valueTable[valueBucket] = newEntry; entries[i] = newEntry; hashCode += keyHash ^ valueHash; } this.keyTable = keyTable; this.valueTable = valueTable; this.entries = entries; this.hashCode = hashCode; } /** * Constructor for RegularImmutableBiMap that makes no assumptions about the input entries. */ RegularImmutableBiMap(Entry<?, ?>[] entriesToAdd) { int n = entriesToAdd.length; int tableSize = Hashing.closedTableSize(n, MAX_LOAD_FACTOR); this.mask = tableSize - 1; ImmutableMapEntry<K, V>[] keyTable = createEntryArray(tableSize); ImmutableMapEntry<K, V>[] valueTable = createEntryArray(tableSize); ImmutableMapEntry<K, V>[] entries = createEntryArray(n); int hashCode = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Entry<K, V> entry = (Entry<K, V>) entriesToAdd[i]; K key = entry.getKey(); V value = entry.getValue(); checkEntryNotNull(key, value); int keyHash = key.hashCode(); int valueHash = value.hashCode(); int keyBucket = Hashing.smear(keyHash) & mask; int valueBucket = Hashing.smear(valueHash) & mask; ImmutableMapEntry<K, V> nextInKeyBucket = keyTable[keyBucket]; checkNoConflictInKeyBucket(key, entry, nextInKeyBucket); ImmutableMapEntry<K, V> nextInValueBucket = valueTable[valueBucket]; checkNoConflictInValueBucket(value, entry, nextInValueBucket); ImmutableMapEntry<K, V> newEntry = (nextInKeyBucket == null && nextInValueBucket == null) ? new TerminalEntry<K, V>(key, value) : new NonTerminalBiMapEntry<K, V>(key, value, nextInKeyBucket, nextInValueBucket); keyTable[keyBucket] = newEntry; valueTable[valueBucket] = newEntry; entries[i] = newEntry; hashCode += keyHash ^ valueHash; } this.keyTable = keyTable; this.valueTable = valueTable; this.entries = entries; this.hashCode = hashCode; } // checkNoConflictInKeyBucket is static imported from RegularImmutableMap private static void checkNoConflictInValueBucket(Object value, Entry<?, ?> entry, @Nullable ImmutableMapEntry<?, ?> valueBucketHead) { for (; valueBucketHead != null; valueBucketHead = valueBucketHead.getNextInValueBucket()) { checkNoConflict(!value.equals(valueBucketHead.getValue()), "value", entry, valueBucketHead); } } private static final class NonTerminalBiMapEntry<K, V> extends ImmutableMapEntry<K, V> { @Nullable private final ImmutableMapEntry<K, V> nextInKeyBucket; @Nullable private final ImmutableMapEntry<K, V> nextInValueBucket; NonTerminalBiMapEntry(K key, V value, @Nullable ImmutableMapEntry<K, V> nextInKeyBucket, @Nullable ImmutableMapEntry<K, V> nextInValueBucket) { super(key, value); this.nextInKeyBucket = nextInKeyBucket; this.nextInValueBucket = nextInValueBucket; } NonTerminalBiMapEntry(ImmutableMapEntry<K, V> contents, @Nullable ImmutableMapEntry<K, V> nextInKeyBucket, @Nullable ImmutableMapEntry<K, V> nextInValueBucket) { super(contents); this.nextInKeyBucket = nextInKeyBucket; this.nextInValueBucket = nextInValueBucket; } @Override @Nullable ImmutableMapEntry<K, V> getNextInKeyBucket() { return nextInKeyBucket; } @Override @Nullable ImmutableMapEntry<K, V> getNextInValueBucket() { return nextInValueBucket; } } @Override @Nullable public V get(@Nullable Object key) { return RegularImmutableMap.get(key, keyTable, mask); } @Override ImmutableSet<Entry<K, V>> createEntrySet() { return new ImmutableMapEntrySet.RegularEntrySet<K, V>(this, entries); } @Override boolean isHashCodeFast() { return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { return hashCode; } @Override boolean isPartialView() { return false; } @Override public int size() { return entries.length; } private transient ImmutableBiMap<V, K> inverse; @Override public ImmutableBiMap<V, K> inverse() { ImmutableBiMap<V, K> result = inverse; return (result == null) ? inverse = new Inverse() : result; } private final class Inverse extends ImmutableBiMap<V, K> { @Override public int size() { return inverse().size(); } @Override public ImmutableBiMap<K, V> inverse() { return RegularImmutableBiMap.this; } @Override public K get(@Nullable Object value) { if (value == null) { return null; } int bucket = Hashing.smear(value.hashCode()) & mask; for (ImmutableMapEntry<K, V> entry = valueTable[bucket]; entry != null; entry = entry.getNextInValueBucket()) { if (value.equals(entry.getValue())) { return entry.getKey(); } } return null; } @Override ImmutableSet<Entry<V, K>> createEntrySet() { return new InverseEntrySet(); } final class InverseEntrySet extends ImmutableMapEntrySet<V, K> { @Override ImmutableMap<V, K> map() { return Inverse.this; } @Override boolean isHashCodeFast() { return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { return hashCode; } @Override public UnmodifiableIterator<Entry<V, K>> iterator() { return asList().iterator(); } @Override ImmutableList<Entry<V, K>> createAsList() { return new ImmutableAsList<Entry<V, K>>() { @Override public Entry<V, K> get(int index) { Entry<K, V> entry = entries[index]; return Maps.immutableEntry(entry.getValue(), entry.getKey()); } @Override ImmutableCollection<Entry<V, K>> delegateCollection() { return InverseEntrySet.this; } }; } } @Override boolean isPartialView() { return false; } @Override Object writeReplace() { return new InverseSerializedForm<K, V>(RegularImmutableBiMap.this); } } private static class InverseSerializedForm<K, V> implements Serializable { private final ImmutableBiMap<K, V> forward; InverseSerializedForm(ImmutableBiMap<K, V> forward) { this.forward = forward; } Object readResolve() { return forward.inverse(); } private static final long serialVersionUID = 1; } }