package net.jangaroo.jooc; import java_cup.runtime.Symbol; import net.jangaroo.utils.AS3Type; import net.jangaroo.jooc.api.CompileLog; import net.jangaroo.jooc.api.FilePosition; import net.jangaroo.jooc.api.Jooc; import net.jangaroo.jooc.ast.AstNode; import net.jangaroo.jooc.ast.CompilationUnit; import net.jangaroo.jooc.ast.Ide; import net.jangaroo.jooc.ast.IdeDeclaration; import net.jangaroo.jooc.ast.ImportDirective; import net.jangaroo.jooc.ast.PredefinedTypeDeclaration; import net.jangaroo.jooc.ast.VariableDeclaration; import net.jangaroo.jooc.config.ParserOptions; import net.jangaroo.jooc.config.SemicolonInsertionMode; import net.jangaroo.jooc.input.InputSource; import net.jangaroo.utils.BOMStripperInputStream; import net.jangaroo.utils.CompilerUtils; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public class JangarooParser { public static final String JOO_API_IN_JAR_DIRECTORY_PREFIX = "META-INF/joo-api/"; protected CompileLog log; // a hack to always be able to access the current log: private static ThreadLocal<CompileLog> defaultLog = new ThreadLocal<CompileLog>(); private InputSource sourcePathInputSource; private InputSource classPathInputSource; private ParserOptions config; private Map<String, CompilationUnit> compilationUnitsByQName = new LinkedHashMap<String, CompilationUnit>(); protected final Scope globalScope = new DeclarationScope(null, null); { declareType(globalScope, AS3Type.VOID.toString()); declareType(globalScope, AS3Type.ANY.toString()); } public JangarooParser() { } public JangarooParser(ParserOptions config, CompileLog log) { this.config = config; this.log = log; } public static CompilerError error(String msg) { return new CompilerError(msg); } public static CompilerError error(String msg, final File file) { return new CompilerError(new FilePositionImpl(file), msg); } public static CompilerError error(FilePosition symbol, String msg) { return new CompilerError(symbol, msg); } public static CompilerError error(FilePosition symbol, String msg, Throwable t) { return new CompilerError(symbol, msg, t); } public static CompilerError error(AstNode node, String msg) { return error(node.getSymbol(), msg); } public static CompilerError error(String msg, File file, Throwable t) { return new CompilerError(new FilePositionImpl(file), msg, t); } public static void warning(FilePosition symbol, String msg) { defaultLog.get().warning(symbol, msg); } public static void warning(String msg, File file) { defaultLog.get().warning(new FilePositionImpl(file), msg); } public static void warning(String msg) { defaultLog.get().warning(msg); } public ParserOptions getConfig() { return config; } public void setConfig(ParserOptions config) { this.config = config; } public CompileLog getLog() { return log; } public void setLog(CompileLog log) { this.log = log; } public static CompilationUnit doParse(InputSource in, CompileLog log, SemicolonInsertionMode semicolonInsertionMode) { Scanner s; try { s = new Scanner(new InputStreamReader(new BOMStripperInputStream(in.getInputStream()), "UTF-8")); } catch (IOException e) { throw new CompilerError("Cannot read input file: " + in.getPath(), e); } s.setInputSource(in); JooParser p = new JooParser(s); p.setCompileLog(log); p.setSemicolonInsertionMode(semicolonInsertionMode); try { Symbol tree = p.parse(); return (CompilationUnit) tree.value; } catch (Scanner.ScanError se) { log.error(se.getSym(), se.getMessage()); return null; } catch (JooParser.FatalSyntaxError e) { // message already logged in parser return null; } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("could not parse Jangaroo source", e); } } private static String nameWithoutExtension(InputSource input) { String name = input.getName(); int lastDot = name.lastIndexOf('.'); return lastDot >= 0 ? name.substring(0, lastDot) : name; } private static void declareType(Scope scope, String identifier) { IdeDeclaration decl = new PredefinedTypeDeclaration(identifier); decl.scope(scope); } protected static void declareValues(Scope scope, String[] identifiers) { for (String identifier : identifiers) { Ide ide = new Ide(new JooSymbol(identifier)); IdeDeclaration decl = new VariableDeclaration(new JooSymbol("var"), ide, null, null); decl.scope(scope); } } protected InputSource findSource(final String qname) { // scan sourcepath InputSource result = sourcePathInputSource.getChild(getInputSourceFileName(qname, sourcePathInputSource, Jooc.AS_SUFFIX)); if (result == null) { // scan classpath result = classPathInputSource.getChild(getInputSourceFileName(qname, classPathInputSource, Jooc.AS_SUFFIX)); } return result; } public static String getInputSourceFileName(final String qname, InputSource is, String extension) { return CompilerUtils.fileNameFromQName(qname, is.getFileSeparatorChar(), extension); } public CompilationUnit importSource(InputSource source) { CompilationUnit unit = parse(source); if (unit != null) { unit.scope(globalScope); String prefix = unit.getPackageDeclaration().getQualifiedNameStr(); String qname = CompilerUtils.qName(prefix, unit.getPrimaryDeclaration().getIde().getName()); checkValidFileName(qname, unit, source); compilationUnitsByQName.put(qname, unit); } return unit; } public IdeDeclaration resolveImport(final ImportDirective importDirective) { String qname = importDirective.getQualifiedName(); CompilationUnit compilationUnit; try { compilationUnit = getCompilationUnit(qname); } catch (CompilerError e) { throw error(importDirective.getSymbol(), "Unable to import " + qname + ": error while parsing its source (see below).", e); } if (compilationUnit == null) { throw error(importDirective.getSymbol(), "unable to resolve import of " + qname); } return compilationUnit.getPrimaryDeclaration(); } public CompilationUnit getCompilationUnit(String qname) { CompilationUnit compilationUnit = compilationUnitsByQName.get(qname); if (compilationUnit == null) { InputSource source = findSource(qname); if (source == null) { return null; } compilationUnit = importSource(source); } return compilationUnit; } private void checkValidFileName(final String qname, final CompilationUnit unit, final InputSource source) { // check valid file name for qname String path = source.getRelativePath(); if (path != null) { String expectedPath = getInputSourceFileName(qname, source, Jooc.AS_SUFFIX); if (!expectedPath.equals(path)) { warning(unit.getSymbol(), String.format("expected '%s' as the file name for %s, found: '%s'. -sourcepath not set (correctly)?", expectedPath, qname, path)); } } } protected CompilationUnit parse(InputSource in) { if (!in.getName().endsWith(Jooc.AS_SUFFIX)) { throw error("Input file must end with '" + Jooc.AS_SUFFIX + "': " + in.getName()); } if (config.isVerbose()) { System.out.println("Parsing " + in.getPath() + " (" + (in.isInSourcePath() ? "source" : "class") + "path)"); // NOSONAR this is a cmd line tool } CompilationUnit unit = doParse(in, log, config.getSemicolonInsertionMode()); if (unit != null) { unit.setCompiler(this); unit.setSource(in); } return unit; } public List<String> getPackageIdes(String packageName) { List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(10); addPackageFolderSymbols(result, packageName, sourcePathInputSource); addPackageFolderSymbols(result, packageName, classPathInputSource); return result; } private void addPackageFolderSymbols(final List<String> result, final String packageName, final InputSource path) { addPackageFolderSymbols(path.getChild(getInputSourceFileName(packageName, path, "")), result); } private void addPackageFolderSymbols(final InputSource folder, List<String> list) { if (folder != null) { for (InputSource child : folder.list()) { if (!child.isDirectory() && child.getName().endsWith(Jooc.AS_SUFFIX)) { list.add(nameWithoutExtension(child)); } } } } private void buildGlobalScope() { //todo declare this depending on context declareValues(globalScope, new String[]{ "this"}); } public void setUp(InputSource sourcePathInputSource, InputSource classPathInputSource) { defaultLog.set(log); this.sourcePathInputSource = sourcePathInputSource; this.classPathInputSource = classPathInputSource; buildGlobalScope(); } public void tearDown() { defaultLog.remove(); } private static class FilePositionImpl implements FilePosition { private final File file; public FilePositionImpl(File file) { this.file = file; } @Override public String getFileName() { return file.getAbsolutePath(); } @Override public int getLine() { return -1; } @Override public int getColumn() { return -1; } } }