package; import net.jangaroo.exml.model.ConfigAttribute; import net.jangaroo.exml.model.ConfigClass; import net.jangaroo.exml.model.ConfigClassType; import net.jangaroo.utils.AS3Type; import net.jangaroo.jooc.CompilerError; import net.jangaroo.jooc.JooSymbol; import net.jangaroo.jooc.ast.Annotation; import net.jangaroo.jooc.ast.AnnotationParameter; import net.jangaroo.jooc.ast.AstNode; import net.jangaroo.jooc.ast.AstVisitorBase; import net.jangaroo.jooc.ast.ClassBody; import net.jangaroo.jooc.ast.ClassDeclaration; import net.jangaroo.jooc.ast.CommaSeparatedList; import net.jangaroo.jooc.ast.CompilationUnit; import net.jangaroo.jooc.ast.FunctionDeclaration; import net.jangaroo.jooc.ast.Ide; import net.jangaroo.jooc.ast.LiteralExpr; import net.jangaroo.jooc.ast.PackageDeclaration; import net.jangaroo.jooc.ast.TypeRelation; import net.jangaroo.jooc.sym; import; public class ConfigClassBuilder extends AstVisitorBase { private static final String EXT_CONFIG_META_NAME = "ExtConfig"; private static final String TARGET_ANNOTATION_PARAMETER_NAME = "target"; private static final String COMMENT_START = "/*"; private static final String COMMENT_END = "*/"; private static final String LINE_COMMENT_START = "//"; private static final String ASDOC_COMMENT_START = "/**"; private ConfigClass configClass; private CompilationUnit compilationUnit; public ConfigClassBuilder(CompilationUnit compilationUnit) { this.compilationUnit = compilationUnit; } public ConfigClass buildConfigClass() { try { compilationUnit.visit(this); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("should not happen, because the ConfigClassBuilder does not do I/O", e); } return configClass.getComponentClassName() == null ? null : configClass; } @Override public void visitCompilationUnit(CompilationUnit compilationUnit) throws IOException { configClass = new ConfigClass(); compilationUnit.getPackageDeclaration().visit(this); for (AstNode node : compilationUnit.getDirectives()) { node.visit(new ClassAnnotationsVisitor()); } compilationUnit.getPrimaryDeclaration().visit(this); } @Override public void visitPackageDeclaration(PackageDeclaration packageDeclaration) throws IOException { String packageName = packageDeclaration.getQualifiedNameStr(); configClass.setPackageName(packageName); } @Override public void visitClassDeclaration(ClassDeclaration classDeclaration) throws IOException { String name = classDeclaration.getName(); configClass.setName(name); ClassDeclaration superTypeDeclaration = classDeclaration.getSuperTypeDeclaration(); //Ignore superclass if its object or null String superClassName = superTypeDeclaration == null ? null : "Object".equals(superTypeDeclaration.getQualifiedNameStr()) ? null : superTypeDeclaration.getQualifiedNameStr(); configClass.setSuperClassName(superClassName); String description = parseDescription(classDeclaration.getSymClass(), classDeclaration.getSymModifiers()); if (description != null && description.trim().length() > 0) { configClass.setDescription(description); } classDeclaration.getBody().visit(this); } @Override public void visitClassBody(ClassBody classBody) throws IOException { for (AstNode node : classBody.getDirectives()) { node.visit(new ClassBodyVisitor()); } } private class ClassAnnotationsVisitor extends AstVisitorBase { @Override public void visitAnnotation(Annotation annotation) throws IOException { detectAsDoc(annotation); detectExtConfigAnnotation(annotation); } private void detectAsDoc(Annotation annotation) { if (configClass.getDescription() == null) { String description = parseDescription(annotation.getLeftBracket(), new JooSymbol[0]); configClass.setDescription(description); } } private void detectExtConfigAnnotation(Annotation annotation) { if (EXT_CONFIG_META_NAME.equals(annotation.getMetaName())) { if (configClass.getComponentClassName() != null) { throw new CompilerError(annotation.getSymbol(), "Only one [" + EXT_CONFIG_META_NAME + "] annotation may be given."); } CommaSeparatedList<AnnotationParameter> annotationParameters = annotation.getOptAnnotationParameters(); while (annotationParameters != null) { AnnotationParameter annotationParameter = annotationParameters.getHead(); Ide optNameIde = annotationParameter.getOptName(); if (optNameIde != null) { String parameterName = optNameIde.getName(); LiteralExpr annotationParameterValue = annotationParameter.getValue(); String parameterValue = null; if (annotationParameterValue != null) { JooSymbol symbol = annotationParameterValue.getSymbol(); if (symbol.sym != sym.STRING_LITERAL) { throw new CompilerError(symbol, "The " + parameterName + " parameter of an [" + EXT_CONFIG_META_NAME + "] annotation must be a string literal."); } parameterValue = (String) symbol.getJooValue(); } if (TARGET_ANNOTATION_PARAMETER_NAME.equals(parameterName)) { if (parameterValue == null) { throw new CompilerError(optNameIde.getSymbol(), "The " + parameterName + " parameter of an [" + EXT_CONFIG_META_NAME + "] annotation must have a value."); } configClass.setComponentClassName(parameterValue); } else { try { configClass.setType(ConfigClassType.fromExtConfigAttribute(parameterName)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new CompilerError(optNameIde.getSymbol(), "'" + parameterName + "' is not a valid parameter of an [" + EXT_CONFIG_META_NAME + "] annotation (only 'xtype', 'ptype', 'type', 'gctype' are allowed).", e); } configClass.setTypeValue(parameterValue); } } annotationParameters = annotationParameters.getTail(); } if (configClass.getComponentClassName() == null) { throw new CompilerError(annotation.getSymbol(), "A " + TARGET_ANNOTATION_PARAMETER_NAME + " parameter must be provided for an [" + EXT_CONFIG_META_NAME + "] annotation."); } if (configClass.getType() == null) { configClass.setType(ConfigClassType.CLASS); } } } } private class ClassBodyVisitor extends AstVisitorBase { @Override public void visitFunctionDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration functionDeclaration) throws IOException { if (functionDeclaration.isGetter() && !functionDeclaration.isStatic()) { String name = functionDeclaration.getName(); String type = parseTypeDeclaration(functionDeclaration); String description = parseDescription(functionDeclaration.getSymbol(), functionDeclaration.getSymModifiers()); configClass.addCfg(new ConfigAttribute(name, type, description)); } } private String parseTypeDeclaration(FunctionDeclaration functionDeclaration) { TypeRelation optTypeRelation = functionDeclaration.getFun().getOptTypeRelation(); String type; if (optTypeRelation != null) { type = optTypeRelation.getType().getIde().getQualifiedNameStr(); } else { type = AS3Type.ANY.toString(); } return type; } } public static String parseDescription(JooSymbol symbol, JooSymbol[] symModifiers) { JooSymbol firstSymbol = symbol; if (symModifiers.length > 0) { firstSymbol = symModifiers[0]; } String whitespace = firstSymbol.getWhitespace(); int pos = 0; String lastAsDocComment = null; while (true) { int commentStart = whitespace.indexOf(COMMENT_START, pos); int lineCommentStart = whitespace.indexOf(LINE_COMMENT_START, pos); if (commentStart < 0) { break; } if (lineCommentStart >= 0 && lineCommentStart < commentStart) { pos = findLineCommentEnd(whitespace, lineCommentStart) + 1; } else { int endPos = findCommentEndPos(whitespace, commentStart); if (whitespace.substring(commentStart).startsWith(ASDOC_COMMENT_START)) { String comment = whitespace.substring(commentStart + ASDOC_COMMENT_START.length(), endPos); lastAsDocComment = parseAsDocComment(comment); } pos = endPos + COMMENT_END.length(); } } return lastAsDocComment; } public static int findCommentEndPos(String whitespace, int commentStart) { int endPos = whitespace.indexOf(COMMENT_END, commentStart + COMMENT_START.length()); if (endPos < 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("unterminated comment found; this should be detected by the lexer"); } return endPos; } public static int findLineCommentEnd(String whitespace, int lineCommentStart) { int returnPos = whitespace.indexOf('\r', lineCommentStart); int lineFeedPos = whitespace.indexOf('\n', lineCommentStart); int endPos = returnPos < 0 ? lineFeedPos : lineFeedPos < 0 ? returnPos : Math.min(returnPos, lineFeedPos); if (endPos < 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("unterminated line comment found; this should be detected by the lexer"); } return endPos; } public static String parseAsDocComment(String comment) { String lastAsDocComment = comment.replaceAll("\\s*[\\r\\n]\\s*\\*[ \\t\u000B\\f]*", " "); lastAsDocComment = lastAsDocComment.replaceAll("\\s+", " "); lastAsDocComment = lastAsDocComment.trim(); return lastAsDocComment; } }