/* * This source code has been contributed to the public domain by Mobicents * * This software is provided by NIST as a service and is expressly * provided "AS IS." NIST MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS, IMPLIED * OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NON-INFRINGEMENT * AND DATA ACCURACY. NIST does not warrant or make any representations * regarding the use of the software or the results thereof, including but * not limited to the correctness, accuracy, reliability or usefulness of * the software. * * Permission to use this software is contingent upon your acceptance * of the terms of this agreement. */ package test.unit.gov.nist.javax.sip.stack.tx.timeout; import gov.nist.javax.sip.DialogTimeoutEvent; import gov.nist.javax.sip.SipListenerExt; import gov.nist.javax.sip.DialogTimeoutEvent.Reason; import gov.nist.javax.sip.stack.SIPDialog; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import javax.sip.Dialog; import javax.sip.DialogTerminatedEvent; import javax.sip.IOExceptionEvent; import javax.sip.ListeningPoint; import javax.sip.RequestEvent; import javax.sip.ResponseEvent; import javax.sip.ServerTransaction; import javax.sip.SipProvider; import javax.sip.Timeout; import javax.sip.Transaction; import javax.sip.TransactionTerminatedEvent; import javax.sip.address.Address; import javax.sip.address.AddressFactory; import javax.sip.header.CSeqHeader; import javax.sip.header.ContactHeader; import javax.sip.header.HeaderFactory; import javax.sip.header.ToHeader; import javax.sip.message.MessageFactory; import javax.sip.message.Request; import javax.sip.message.Response; import org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.log4j.SimpleLayout; import org.apache.log4j.helpers.NullEnumeration; import test.tck.msgflow.callflows.ProtocolObjects; /** * This class receives an INVITE and sends a 180 and a 200 OK, the Shootist will not send the ACK to test is the Dialog Timeout Event is correctly passed to the application. * The timeout Reason should be ACK not received * * @author jean deruelle */ public class Shootme implements SipListenerExt { class TTask extends TimerTask { RequestEvent requestEvent; ServerTransaction st; public TTask(RequestEvent requestEvent, ServerTransaction st) { this.requestEvent = requestEvent; this.st = st; } public void run() { Request request = requestEvent.getRequest(); try { String toTag = new Integer((int) (Math.random() * 100000)).toString()+"_ResponseCode_"+responseCodeToINFO; // System.out.prntln("shootme: got an Invite sending OK"); int statusCode = 180; Response response = messageFactory.createResponse(statusCode, request); ToHeader toHeader = (ToHeader) response.getHeader(ToHeader.NAME); toHeader.setTag(toTag); Address address = addressFactory.createAddress("Shootme <sip:" + myAddress + ":" + myPort + ">"); ContactHeader contactHeader = headerFactory.createContactHeader(address); response.addHeader(contactHeader); if(!protocolObjects.autoDialog) { ((SipProvider)requestEvent.getSource()).getNewDialog(st); st.getDialog().setApplicationData("some junk"); } // System.out.println("got a server tranasaction " + st); st.sendResponse(response); // send 180(RING) if(sendOK) { response = messageFactory.createResponse(200, request); toHeader = (ToHeader) response.getHeader(ToHeader.NAME); toHeader.setTag(toTag); // Application is supposed to set. response.addHeader(contactHeader); st.sendResponse(response);// send 200(OK) } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); TxTimeoutTest.fail("Shootme: Failed in timer task!!!", ex); } } } private static AddressFactory addressFactory; private static MessageFactory messageFactory; private static HeaderFactory headerFactory; private boolean stateIsOk = false; private boolean receiveBye = false; private ProtocolObjects protocolObjects; private int responseCodeToINFO = 500; private boolean sendOK = true; // To run on two machines change these to suit. public static final String myAddress = ""; public static final int myPort = 5070; private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Shootme.class); static { if (logger.getAllAppenders().equals(NullEnumeration.getInstance())) { logger.addAppender(new ConsoleAppender(new SimpleLayout())); } } public Shootme(ProtocolObjects protocolObjects) { this.protocolObjects = protocolObjects; stateIsOk = protocolObjects.autoDialog; } public boolean checkState() { return stateIsOk; } public SipProvider createSipProvider() throws Exception { ListeningPoint lp = protocolObjects.sipStack.createListeningPoint(myAddress, myPort, protocolObjects.transport); SipProvider sipProvider = protocolObjects.sipStack.createSipProvider(lp); return sipProvider; } public void init() { headerFactory = protocolObjects.headerFactory; addressFactory = protocolObjects.addressFactory; messageFactory = protocolObjects.messageFactory; } public void init(boolean sendOK) { this.init(); this.sendOK= sendOK; } /** * Process the ACK request. Send the bye and complete the call flow. */ public void processAck(RequestEvent requestEvent, ServerTransaction serverTransaction) { SipProvider sipProvider = (SipProvider) requestEvent.getSource(); try { // System.out.println("*** shootme: got an ACK " // + requestEvent.getRequest()); if (serverTransaction == null) { System.out.println("null server transaction -- ignoring the ACK!"); return; } Dialog dialog = serverTransaction.getDialog(); System.out.println("Dialog Created = " + dialog.getDialogId() + " Dialog State = " + dialog.getState()); System.out.println("Waiting for INFO"); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); TxTimeoutTest.fail("Shootme: Failed on process ACK", ex); } } public void processDialogTerminated(DialogTerminatedEvent dialogTerminatedEvent) { if(!protocolObjects.autoDialog && !receiveBye) { stateIsOk = false; TxTimeoutTest.fail("This shouldn't be called since a dialogtimeout event should be passed to the application instead!"); } else { stateIsOk = true; } TimerTask timerTask = new CheckAppData(dialogTerminatedEvent.getDialog()); new Timer().schedule(timerTask, 15000); } public void processInfo(RequestEvent requestEvent) { try { Response info500Response = messageFactory.createResponse(this.responseCodeToINFO, requestEvent.getRequest()); requestEvent.getServerTransaction().sendResponse(info500Response); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); TxTimeoutTest.fail("Shootme: Failed on process INFO", e); } } /** * Process the invite request. */ public void processInvite(RequestEvent requestEvent, ServerTransaction serverTransaction) { try { // System.out.println("ProcessInvite"); Request request = requestEvent.getRequest(); SipProvider sipProvider = (SipProvider) requestEvent.getSource(); // Note you need to create the Server Transaction // before the listener returns but you can delay sending the // response ServerTransaction st = sipProvider.getNewServerTransaction(request); TTask ttask = new TTask(requestEvent, st); int ttime = 100; new Timer().schedule(ttask, ttime); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); TxTimeoutTest.fail("Shootme: Failed on process INVITE", ex); } } public void processIOException(IOExceptionEvent exceptionEvent) { System.out.println("IOException event"); TxTimeoutTest.fail("Got IOException event"); } public void processRequest(RequestEvent requestEvent) { Request request = requestEvent.getRequest(); ServerTransaction serverTransactionId = requestEvent.getServerTransaction(); System.out.println("GOT REQUEST: " + request.getMethod()); if (request.getMethod().equals(Request.INVITE) || request.getMethod().equals(Request.MESSAGE)) { processInvite(requestEvent, serverTransactionId); } else if (request.getMethod().equals(Request.ACK)) { processAck(requestEvent, serverTransactionId); } else if (request.getMethod().equals(Request.INFO)) { processInfo(requestEvent); } else if (request.getMethod().equals(Request.BYE)) { processBye(requestEvent, serverTransactionId); } } /** * Process the bye request. */ public void processBye(RequestEvent requestEvent, ServerTransaction serverTransactionId) { SipProvider sipProvider = (SipProvider) requestEvent.getSource(); Request request = requestEvent.getRequest(); Dialog dialog = requestEvent.getDialog(); System.out.println("local party = " + dialog.getLocalParty()); try { System.out.println("shootme: got a bye sending OK."); Response response = messageFactory.createResponse(200, request); serverTransactionId.sendResponse(response); System.out.println("Dialog State is " + serverTransactionId.getDialog().getState()); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); System.exit(0); } } public void processResponse(ResponseEvent responseReceivedEvent) { // System.out.println("Got a response"); Response response = (Response) responseReceivedEvent.getResponse(); Transaction tid = responseReceivedEvent.getClientTransaction(); // System.out.println("Response received with client transaction id " // + tid + ":\n" + response); System.out.println("GOT RESPONSE: " + response.getStatusCode()); try { if (response.getStatusCode() == Response.OK && ((CSeqHeader) response.getHeader(CSeqHeader.NAME)).getMethod().equals(Request.INVITE)) { Dialog dialog = tid.getDialog(); Request request = tid.getRequest(); dialog.sendAck(request); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); TxTimeoutTest.fail("Shootme: Failed on process response: " + response.getStatusCode(), ex); } } public void processTimeout(javax.sip.TimeoutEvent timeoutEvent) { System.out.println("Timeout event received : " + timeoutEvent); if(timeoutEvent.getTimeout() == Timeout.TRANSACTION) { stateIsOk = true; } /* * System.out.println("state = " + transaction.getState()); * System.out.println("dialog = " + transaction.getDialog()); * System.out.println("dialogState = " + * transaction.getDialog().getState()); * System.out.println("Transaction Time out" + * transaction.getBranchId()); */ } public void processDialogTimeout(DialogTimeoutEvent timeoutEvent) { System.out.println("processDialogTerminated " + timeoutEvent.getDialog()); DialogTimeoutEvent dialogAckTimeoutEvent = (DialogTimeoutEvent)timeoutEvent; Dialog timeoutDialog = dialogAckTimeoutEvent.getDialog(); if(timeoutDialog == null){ TxTimeoutTest.fail( "Shootist: Exception on timeout, dialog shouldn't be null"); stateIsOk = false; return; } if(dialogAckTimeoutEvent.getReason() == Reason.AckNotReceived) { stateIsOk = true; } if(dialogAckTimeoutEvent.getReason() == Reason.EarlyStateTimeout && !sendOK) { stateIsOk = true; } TimerTask timerTask = new CheckAppData(timeoutDialog); new Timer().schedule(timerTask, 9000); } public void processTransactionTerminated(TransactionTerminatedEvent transactionTerminatedEvent) { // System.out.println("TransactionTerminatedEvent"); } public void setResponseCodeToINFO(int responseCodeToINFO) { this.responseCodeToINFO = responseCodeToINFO; } /** * @param receiveBye the receiveBye to set */ public void setReceiveBye(boolean receiveBye) { this.receiveBye = receiveBye; } /** * @return the receiveBye */ public boolean isReceiveBye() { return receiveBye; } class CheckAppData extends TimerTask { Dialog dialog; public CheckAppData(Dialog dialog) { this.dialog = dialog; } public void run() { System.out.println("Checking app data " + dialog.getApplicationData()); if(dialog.getApplicationData() == null || !dialog.getApplicationData().equals("some junk")) { stateIsOk = false; TxTimeoutTest.fail("application data should never be null except if nullified by the application !"); } } } }