package test.tck.factory; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.TreeSet; import javax.sip.address.Address; import javax.sip.address.SipURI; import javax.sip.header.CSeqHeader; import javax.sip.header.CallIdHeader; import javax.sip.header.ContentLengthHeader; import javax.sip.header.ContentTypeHeader; import javax.sip.header.ExtensionHeader; import javax.sip.header.FromHeader; import javax.sip.header.Header; import javax.sip.header.MaxForwardsHeader; import javax.sip.header.ToHeader; import javax.sip.header.ViaHeader; import javax.sip.message.Message; import javax.sip.message.Request; import javax.sip.message.Response; import junit.framework.Test; import junit.framework.TestSuite; import test.tck.TckInternalError; import test.tck.TiUnexpectedError; public class MessageFactoryTest extends FactoryTestHarness { protected String method; protected javax.sip.address.URI tiRequestURI; protected CallIdHeader ticallId; protected FromHeader tifrom; protected ToHeader tito; protected MaxForwardsHeader timaxForwards; protected ContentTypeHeader ticontentType; protected List tivia; protected CSeqHeader ticSeq; protected ExtensionHeader tiextensionHeader; protected javax.sip.address.URI riRequestURI; protected CallIdHeader ricallId; protected FromHeader rifrom; protected ToHeader rito; protected MaxForwardsHeader rimaxForwards; protected ContentTypeHeader ricontentType; protected List rivia; protected CSeqHeader ricSeq; protected ExtensionHeader riextensionHeader; protected byte[] contentBytes; protected Object contentObject; protected int statusCode; public MessageFactoryTest() { super("MessageFactoryTest"); } private void cloneTest(Request request) { try { Request newRequest = (Request) request.clone(); assertEquals(newRequest,request); newRequest.setMethod("FOOBAR"); assertFalse(newRequest.equals(request)); newRequest = (Request) request.clone(); // Add the extension header. Header extensionHeader = tiHeaderFactory.createHeader("My-Header", "my header value"); request.addHeader(extensionHeader); assertFalse( newRequest.equals(request) ); request.removeHeader("My-Header"); assertEquals(newRequest, request); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); fail(ex.getMessage()); } finally { logTestCompleted("cloneTest(request)"); } } private void cloneTest(Response response) { try { Response newResponse = (Response) response.clone(); assertEquals(newResponse, response); assertNotSame(newResponse, response); newResponse = (Response) response.clone(); // Add the extension header. Header extensionHeader = tiHeaderFactory.createHeader("My-Header", "my header value"); newResponse.addHeader(extensionHeader); assertFalse(newResponse.equals(response)); newResponse.removeHeader("My-Header"); assertEquals(newResponse, response); } catch (ParseException ex) { fail(ex.getMessage()); } finally { logTestCompleted("cloneTest(response)"); } } /** * Tests whether the TI is compliant with the RI for a created message * 'Compliant' means that the TI message must at least contain all headers * that the RI message contains, and each such header must be equal * (according to the RI definition of equals()) * * Note that the ~order~ in which the headers appear is arbitrary, and that the * TI may contain additional headers (e.g. User-Agent) * * @author JvB * * @param tiMsg * @param riMsg */ private void testAgainstRIMsg( Message tiMsg, Message riMsg ) { // Test equality using RI definition of equals assertEquals( riMsg.getHeader( FromHeader.NAME ), tiMsg.getHeader( FromHeader.NAME ) ); assertEquals( riMsg.getHeader( ToHeader.NAME ), tiMsg.getHeader( ToHeader.NAME ) ); assertEquals( riMsg.getHeader( ViaHeader.NAME ), tiMsg.getHeader( ViaHeader.NAME ) ); assertEquals( riMsg.getHeader( CallIdHeader.NAME ), tiMsg.getHeader( CallIdHeader.NAME ) ); assertEquals( riMsg.getHeader( CSeqHeader.NAME ), tiMsg.getHeader( CSeqHeader.NAME ) ); } private void testAgainstRIMsgContent( Message tiMsg, Message riMsg ) { // Test equality using RI definition of equals assertEquals( riMsg.getHeader( ContentLengthHeader.NAME ), tiMsg.getHeader( ContentLengthHeader.NAME ) ); assertEquals( riMsg.getHeader( ContentTypeHeader.NAME ), tiMsg.getHeader( ContentTypeHeader.NAME ) ); assertEquals( riMsg.getContent(), tiMsg.getContent() ); } private void testAgainstRI(Response tiResponse, Response riResponse) { try { assertEquals( riResponse.getStatusCode(), tiResponse.getStatusCode() ); testAgainstRIMsg( tiResponse, riResponse ); } catch (Throwable ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); fail(ex.getMessage()); } finally { logTestCompleted("testAgainstRI(testResponse)"); } } private void testAgainstRI(Request tiRequest, Request riRequest) { try { assertEquals(riRequest.getMethod(), tiRequest.getMethod()); assertEquals(riRequest.getRequestURI(), tiRequest.getRequestURI() ); assertEquals(riRequest.getHeader( MaxForwardsHeader.NAME ), tiRequest.getHeader( MaxForwardsHeader.NAME ) ); testAgainstRIMsg(tiRequest, riRequest); } catch (Throwable ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); fail(ex.getMessage()); } finally { logTestCompleted("testAgainstRI(testRequest)"); } } public void testCreateRequest() { try { Request tiRequest = tiMessageFactory.createRequest (tiRequestURI, method, ticallId, ticSeq,tifrom,tito,tivia,timaxForwards, ticontentType, contentObject); cloneTest(tiRequest); Request riRequest = riMessageFactory.createRequest (riRequestURI, method, ricallId, ricSeq,rifrom,rito,rivia,rimaxForwards, ricontentType, contentObject); testAgainstRI( tiRequest, riRequest ); testAgainstRIMsgContent( tiRequest, riRequest ); tiRequest = tiMessageFactory.createRequest (tiRequestURI, method, ticallId,ticSeq,tifrom,tito,tivia,timaxForwards, ticontentType, contentBytes); cloneTest(tiRequest); riRequest = riMessageFactory.createRequest (riRequestURI, method, ricallId,ricSeq,rifrom,rito,rivia,rimaxForwards, ricontentType, contentBytes); cloneTest(tiRequest); testAgainstRI(tiRequest,riRequest); testAgainstRIMsgContent( tiRequest, riRequest ); Response tiResponse = tiMessageFactory.createResponse(statusCode, ticallId, ticSeq, tifrom, tito, tivia, timaxForwards, ticontentType, contentObject); cloneTest(tiResponse); Response riResponse = riMessageFactory.createResponse(statusCode, ricallId, ricSeq, rifrom, rito, rivia, rimaxForwards, ricontentType, contentObject); testAgainstRI(tiResponse,riResponse); testAgainstRIMsgContent( tiResponse, riResponse ); tiResponse = tiMessageFactory.createResponse(statusCode, ticallId, ticSeq, tifrom, tito, tivia, timaxForwards, ticontentType, contentObject); cloneTest(tiResponse); riResponse = riMessageFactory.createResponse(statusCode, ricallId, ricSeq, rifrom, rito, rivia, rimaxForwards, ricontentType, contentObject); testAgainstRI(tiResponse,riResponse); testAgainstRIMsgContent( tiResponse, riResponse ); tiResponse = tiMessageFactory.createResponse(statusCode, ticallId, ticSeq, tifrom, tito, tivia, timaxForwards); cloneTest(tiResponse); riResponse = riMessageFactory.createResponse(statusCode, ricallId, ricSeq, rifrom, rito, rivia, rimaxForwards); testAgainstRI(tiResponse,riResponse); tiResponse = tiMessageFactory.createResponse(statusCode, tiRequest, ticontentType, contentBytes) ; cloneTest(tiResponse); riResponse = riMessageFactory.createResponse(statusCode, riRequest, ricontentType, contentBytes) ; testAgainstRI(tiResponse,riResponse); testAgainstRIMsgContent( tiResponse, riResponse ); tiResponse = tiMessageFactory.createResponse(statusCode, tiRequest, ticontentType, contentObject) ; cloneTest(tiResponse); riResponse = riMessageFactory.createResponse(statusCode, riRequest, ricontentType, contentObject) ; testAgainstRI(tiResponse,riResponse); testAgainstRIMsgContent( tiResponse, riResponse ); tiResponse = tiMessageFactory.createResponse(statusCode, tiRequest) ; cloneTest(tiResponse); riResponse = riMessageFactory.createResponse(statusCode, riRequest) ; testAgainstRI(tiResponse,riResponse); } catch (Throwable ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); fail( ex.getMessage() ); } finally { logTestCompleted("testCreateRequest()"); } } public void testCreateRequest1() { try { Request request = tiMessageFactory.createRequest(tiRequestURI, method, ticallId, ticSeq, tifrom, tito, tivia, timaxForwards); String msgString = request.toString(); assertEquals(request, tiMessageFactory.createRequest(msgString)); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); fail( ex.getMessage() ); } finally { logTestCompleted("testCreateRequest1()"); } } private void testGetMethods(Request refRequest, Request requestToTest) throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException { try { Class implementationClass; implementationClass = refRequest.getClass(); Class[] implementedInterfaces = implementationClass.getInterfaces(); int j = 0; // Do a TCK consistency check. for ( j = 0; j < implementedInterfaces.length; j++) { if ( javax.sip.message.Request.class.isAssignableFrom (implementedInterfaces[j])) break; } if (j == implementedInterfaces.length) { System.out.println("Hmm... could not find it" + refRequest.getClass()); throw new TckInternalError("Request not implemented"); } String jainClassName = implementedInterfaces[j].getName(); // Make sure that all the methods of the interface are implemented checkImplementsInterface(requestToTest.getClass(), Request.class); // Test the get methods of the interface. Method methods[] = implementedInterfaces[j].getDeclaredMethods(); for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) { String methodName = methods[i].getName(); if (! methodName.startsWith("get") ) continue; // Testing only null argument gets if ( methods[i].getParameterTypes().length != 0) continue; Class returnType = methods[i].getReturnType(); Object refType = null; try { refType = methods[i].invoke(refRequest,(Object[])null); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new TckInternalError("Invocation failure " + methodName); } String ftype = returnType.toString(); if (returnType.isPrimitive()) { Object testValue = methods[i].invoke( requestToTest, (Object[])null); assertEquals( refType, testValue ); } else { // Non primitive. Object testValue = methods[i].invoke( requestToTest,(Object[])null); if (refType != null) { assertTrue(testValue != null); // Find the jain type implemented by the interface. Class fclass = refType.getClass(); Class[] fInterfaces = fclass.getInterfaces(); // Find what JAIN interface this is implementing. int k = 0; for ( k = 0; k < fInterfaces.length; k++) { if ( javax.sip.header.Header.class.isAssignableFrom(fInterfaces[k])) break; } // If this implements a header interface // check that the same header is returned in both // ti and ri if ( k < fInterfaces.length) { // Make sure that the return type matches. assertTrue(fInterfaces[k].isAssignableFrom(testValue.getClass())); String refhdrString = refType.toString(); String testhdrString = testValue.toString(); // Use the factory to test for equivalence Header riHeader = createRiHeaderFromString(refhdrString); if (riHeader == null) throw new TckInternalError( "could not parse " + refhdrString ); // Create a RI header from the string to test // for equivalence. Note that we cannot compare // ti header to RI header otherwise. Header tiHeader = createRiHeaderFromString(testhdrString); assertNotNull(tiHeader); assertEquals("Retrieved header did not match RI",riHeader,tiHeader); } } else if (refType == null) { assertTrue(testValue == null); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new TiUnexpectedError(ex.getMessage()); } } public void testMessageGetMethods() { try { Request tiRequest = tiMessageFactory.createRequest(msgString); Request riRequest = riMessageFactory.createRequest(msgString); testGetMethods(riRequest,tiRequest); } catch (Exception ex) { assertTrue(false); } finally { logTestCompleted("testMessageGetMethods()"); } } public void testGetHeaderNames() { // BUG report by Ben Evans (opencloud) // This test assumed implementations will store header names // using mixed case, eg. "Content-Type" not "content-type". // Header names are not case sensitive in RFC3261 so this is not // a real requirement. try { Request request = tiMessageFactory.createRequest (tiRequestURI, method, ticallId, ticSeq,tifrom,tito,tivia,timaxForwards, ticontentType, contentObject); ListIterator li = request.getHeaderNames(); // Use a tree set with case insensitive ordering & comparison TreeSet set = new TreeSet(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); while (li.hasNext()) { String hdrName = (String); set.add(hdrName); } assertTrue ( set.contains(CSeqHeader.NAME) ) ; assertTrue ( set.contains(FromHeader.NAME) ) ; assertTrue ( set.contains(ToHeader.NAME) ) ; assertTrue ( set.contains(ViaHeader.NAME) ); assertTrue ( set.contains(MaxForwardsHeader.NAME) ) ; assertTrue ( set.contains(ContentTypeHeader.NAME) ) ; assertTrue ( set.contains(CallIdHeader.NAME) ) ; Response response = tiMessageFactory.createResponse ( statusCode, ticallId, ticSeq, tifrom, tito, tivia, timaxForwards, ticontentType, contentObject); li = request.getHeaderNames(); set.clear(); while (li.hasNext()) { String hdrName = (String); set.add(hdrName); } // // JvB: Headers may use short names too // assertTrue ( set.contains(CSeqHeader.NAME) ) ; assertTrue ( set.contains(FromHeader.NAME) || set.contains("f") ) ; assertTrue ( set.contains(ToHeader.NAME) || set.contains("t") ) ; assertTrue ( set.contains(ViaHeader.NAME) || set.contains("v") ) ; assertTrue ( set.contains(MaxForwardsHeader.NAME) ) ; assertTrue ( set.contains(ContentTypeHeader.NAME) || set.contains("c") ) ; assertTrue ( set.contains(CallIdHeader.NAME) || set.contains("i") ) ; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); fail( ex.getMessage() ); } finally { logTestCompleted("testGetHeaderNames()"); } } public void testAddRemoveHeader() { try{ Request request = tiMessageFactory.createRequest (tiRequestURI, method, ticallId, ticSeq,tifrom,tito,tivia,timaxForwards, ticontentType, contentObject); request.addHeader(tiextensionHeader); ListIterator viaHeaders = request.getHeaders(ViaHeader.NAME); ViaHeader viaHeader = (ViaHeader); assertTrue ( viaHeader.equals(tivia.iterator().next())) ; Header header = request.getHeader("My-Header"); assertTrue (header != null && header.equals(tiextensionHeader)); request.removeHeader("My-Header"); assertNull( request.getHeader("My-Header") ) ; Response response = tiMessageFactory.createResponse (statusCode, ticallId, ticSeq, tifrom, tito, tivia, timaxForwards, ticontentType, contentObject); response.addHeader(tiextensionHeader); viaHeaders = request.getHeaders(ViaHeader.NAME); viaHeader = (ViaHeader); assertEquals( viaHeader, tivia.iterator().next() ) ; header = response.getHeader("My-Header"); assertEquals(header, tiextensionHeader); response.removeHeader("My-Header"); assertNull(response.getHeader("My-Header")) ; ContentLengthHeader cl = response.getContentLength(); assertNotNull(cl) ; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); fail( ex.getMessage() ); } finally { logTestCompleted("testAddRemoveHeader()"); } } public void testCharset() { try{ Request request = tiMessageFactory.createRequest( "MESSAGE sip: SIP/2.0\r\n"+ "Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;rport=5060;branch=z9hG4bKd2c87858eb0a7a09becc7a115c608d27\r\n"+ "CSeq: 2 BYE\r\n"+ "Call-ID: 84a5c57fd263bcce6fec05edf20c5aba@\r\n"+ "From: \"The Master Blaster\" <>;tag=12345\r\n"+ "To: \"The Little Blister\" <>;tag=2955\r\n"+ "Max-Forwards: 70\r\n"+ "Content-Type: text/plain;charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n" + "Content-Length: 0\r\n"+ "\r\n" ); // JvB: in UTF-8 these character would be encoded as multiple bytes byte[] content = "��".getBytes( "ISO-8859-1" ); request.setContent( new String(content,"ISO-8859-1"), (ContentTypeHeader) request.getHeader(ContentTypeHeader.NAME) ); assertEquals( 2, request.getRawContent().length ); } catch (Exception t) { t.printStackTrace(); fail( "ParseException", t ); } finally { logTestCompleted("testCharset()"); } } public void setUp() { try { String fromName = "BigGuy"; String fromSipAddress = ""; String fromDisplayName = "The Master Blaster"; String toSipAddress = ""; String toUser = "LittleGuy"; String toDisplayName = "The Little Blister"; // create >From Header SipURI tifromAddress = tiAddressFactory.createSipURI(fromName,fromSipAddress); SipURI rifromAddress = riAddressFactory.createSipURI(fromName,fromSipAddress); Address tifromNameAddress = tiAddressFactory.createAddress(tifromAddress); Address rifromNameAddress = riAddressFactory.createAddress(rifromAddress); tifromNameAddress.setDisplayName(fromDisplayName); rifromNameAddress.setDisplayName(fromDisplayName); tifrom = tiHeaderFactory.createFromHeader(tifromNameAddress, "12345"); rifrom = riHeaderFactory.createFromHeader(rifromNameAddress, "12345"); // create To Header SipURI titoAddress = tiAddressFactory.createSipURI(toUser,toSipAddress); SipURI ritoAddress = riAddressFactory.createSipURI(toUser,toSipAddress); Address titoNameAddress = tiAddressFactory.createAddress(titoAddress); Address ritoNameAddress = riAddressFactory.createAddress(ritoAddress); titoNameAddress.setDisplayName(toDisplayName); ritoNameAddress.setDisplayName(toDisplayName); tito = tiHeaderFactory.createToHeader(titoNameAddress, null); rito = riHeaderFactory.createToHeader(ritoNameAddress, null); // create Request URIs tiRequestURI = tiAddressFactory.createSipURI(toUser, toSipAddress); riRequestURI = riAddressFactory.createSipURI(toUser, toSipAddress); timaxForwards = tiHeaderFactory.createMaxForwardsHeader(70); rimaxForwards = riHeaderFactory.createMaxForwardsHeader(70); ticontentType = tiHeaderFactory.createContentTypeHeader("application", "sdp"); ricontentType = riHeaderFactory.createContentTypeHeader("application", "sdp"); tivia = new LinkedList(); rivia = new LinkedList(); ViaHeader tiviaHeader = tiHeaderFactory.createViaHeader("",5060, "udp", null); tivia.add(tiviaHeader); ViaHeader riviaHeader = riHeaderFactory.createViaHeader("",5060, "udp", null); rivia.add(riviaHeader); ticallId = tiHeaderFactory.createCallIdHeader("12345@"); ricallId = riHeaderFactory.createCallIdHeader("12345@"); contentObject = "v=0\r\n" + "o=4855 13760799956958020 13760799956958020" + " IN IP4\r\n" + "s=mysession session\r\n" + "p=+46 8 52018010\r\n" + "c=IN IP4\r\n" + "t=0 0\r\n" + "m=audio 6022 RTP/AVP 0 4 18\r\n" + "a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\n" + "a=rtpmap:4 G723/8000\r\n" + "a=rtpmap:18 G729A/8000\r\n" + "a=ptime:20\r\n"; contentBytes = ((String) contentObject).getBytes(); method = Request.INVITE; ticSeq = tiHeaderFactory.createCSeqHeader(1L, method); ricSeq = riHeaderFactory.createCSeqHeader(1L, method); statusCode = 200; tiextensionHeader = (ExtensionHeader) tiHeaderFactory.createHeader( "My-Header", "My Header Value"); riextensionHeader = (ExtensionHeader) riHeaderFactory.createHeader( "My-Header", "My Header Value"); } catch (Throwable ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); fail( ex.getMessage() ); } // finally { assertTrue(true); } } public void tearDown() { riFactory.resetFactory(); tiFactory.resetFactory(); } public static Test suite() { return new TestSuite(MessageFactoryTest.class); } public static void main(String[] args) {; } }