/* Copyright (C) 2003-2011 JabRef contributors. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ package net.sf.jabref.bst; public class BibtexCaseChanger { String s; char format; boolean prevColon = true; int n; Warn warn; BibtexCaseChanger(String s, char format, Warn warn) { this.s = s; this.format = format; this.n = s.length(); this.warn = warn; } public static String changeCase(String s, char format, Warn warn) { return (new BibtexCaseChanger(s, format, warn)).changeCase(); } private String changeCase() { char[] c = s.toCharArray(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); int i = 0; while (i < n) { if (c[i] == '{') { braceLevel++; if (braceLevel != 1 || i + 4 > n || c[i + 1] != '\\') { prevColon = false; sb.append(c[i]); i++; continue; } if (format == 't' && (i == 0 || (prevColon && Character.isWhitespace(c[i - 1])))) { sb.append(c[i]); i++; prevColon = false; continue; } i = convertSpecialChar(sb, c, i, format); continue; } if (c[i] == '}') { sb.append(c[i]); i++; braceLevel = decrBraceLevel(s, braceLevel); prevColon = false; continue; } if (braceLevel == 0) { i = convertChar0(c, i, sb, format); continue; } sb.append(c[i]); i++; } checkBrace(s, braceLevel); return sb.toString(); } int braceLevel = 0; int decrBraceLevel(String string, int braceLevel) { if (braceLevel == 0) { complain(string); } else { braceLevel--; } return braceLevel; } static void complain(String s) { System.out.println("Warning -- String is not brace-balanced: " + s); } static void checkBrace(String s, int braceLevel) { if (braceLevel > 0) { complain(s); } } /** * We're dealing with a special character (usually either an undotted `\i' * or `\j', or an accent like one in Table~3.1 of the \LaTeX\ manual, or a * foreign character like one in Table~3.2) if the first character after the * |left_brace| is a |backslash|; the special character ends with the * matching |right_brace|. How we handle what's in between depends on the * special character. In general, this code will do reasonably well if there * is other stuff, too, between braces, but it doesn't try to do anything * special with |colon|s. * * @param c * @param i * @param format * @return */ public int convertSpecialChar(StringBuffer sb, char[] c, int i, char format) { sb.append(c[i]); i++; // skip over open brace while (i < c.length && braceLevel > 0) { sb.append(c[i]); i++; // skip over the |backslash| String s = findSpecialChar(c, i); if (s != null) { i = convertAccented(c, i, s, sb, format); } while (i < c.length && braceLevel > 0 && c[i] != '\\') { if (c[i] == '}') braceLevel--; else if (c[i] == '{') { braceLevel++; } i = convertNonControl(c, i, sb, format); } } return i; } /** * Convert the given string according to the format character (title, lower, * up) and append the result to the stringBuffer, return the updated * position. * * @param c * @param pos * @param s * @param sb * @param format * @return */ int convertAccented(char[] c, int pos, String s, StringBuffer sb, char format) { pos += s.length(); switch (format) { case TITLE_LOWERS: case ALL_LOWERS: if ("L O OE AE AA".indexOf(s) != -1) sb.append(s.toLowerCase()); else sb.append(s); break; case ALL_UPPERS: if ("l o oe ae aa".indexOf(s) != -1) sb.append(s.toUpperCase()); else if ("i j ss".indexOf(s) != -1) { sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1); // Kill backslash sb.append(s.toUpperCase()); while (pos < c.length && Character.isWhitespace(c[pos])) { pos++; } } else { sb.append(s); } break; } return pos; } int convertNonControl(char[] c, int pos, StringBuffer sb, char format) { switch (format) { case TITLE_LOWERS: case ALL_LOWERS: sb.append(Character.toLowerCase(c[pos])); pos++; break; case ALL_UPPERS: sb.append(Character.toUpperCase(c[pos])); pos++; break; } return pos; } public final static char TITLE_LOWERS = 't'; public final static char ALL_LOWERS = 'l'; public final static char ALL_UPPERS = 'u'; int convertChar0(char[] c, int i, StringBuffer sb, char format) { switch (format) { case TITLE_LOWERS: if (i == 0) { sb.append(c[i]); } else if (prevColon && Character.isWhitespace(c[i - 1])) { sb.append(c[i]); } else { sb.append(Character.toLowerCase(c[i])); } if (c[i] == ':') prevColon = true; else if (!Character.isWhitespace(c[i])) prevColon = false; break; case ALL_LOWERS: sb.append(Character.toLowerCase(c[i])); break; case ALL_UPPERS: sb.append(Character.toUpperCase(c[i])); } i++; return i; } static String findSpecialChar(char[] c, int pos) { if (pos + 1 < c.length) { if (c[pos] == 'o' && c[pos + 1] == 'e') return "oe"; if (c[pos] == 'O' && c[pos + 1] == 'E') return "OE"; if (c[pos] == 'a' && c[pos + 1] == 'e') return "ae"; if (c[pos] == 'A' && c[pos + 1] == 'E') return "AE"; if (c[pos] == 's' && c[pos + 1] == 's') return "ss"; if (c[pos] == 'A' && c[pos + 1] == 'A') return "AA"; if (c[pos] == 'a' && c[pos + 1] == 'a') return "aa"; } if (c[pos] == 'i') return String.valueOf(c[pos]); if (c[pos] == 'j') return String.valueOf(c[pos]); if (c[pos] == 'o') return String.valueOf(c[pos]); if (c[pos] == 'O') return String.valueOf(c[pos]); if (c[pos] == 'l') return String.valueOf(c[pos]); if (c[pos] == 'L') return String.valueOf(c[pos]); return null; } }