/* Copyright (C) 2003-2011 JabRef contributors. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ package net.sf.jabref; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Font; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.net.URL; import java.util.*; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.JLabel; import net.sf.jabref.specialfields.Priority; import net.sf.jabref.specialfields.Quality; import net.sf.jabref.specialfields.Rank; import net.sf.jabref.specialfields.Relevance; import net.sf.jabref.specialfields.SpecialFieldsUtils; /** * Static variables for graphics files and keyboard shortcuts. */ public class GUIGlobals { // Frame titles. public static String frameTitle = "JabRef", version = Globals.VERSION, stringsTitle = "Strings for database", //untitledStringsTitle = stringsTitle + Globals.lang("untitled"), untitledTitle = "untitled", helpTitle = "JabRef help", TYPE_HEADER = "entrytype", NUMBER_COL = "#", encPrefix = "Encoding: "; // Part of the signature in written bib files. public static Font CURRENTFONT, typeNameFont, jabRefFont, fieldNameFont; // Signature written at the top of the .bib file. public static final String SIGNATURE = "This file was created with JabRef"; // Size of help window. public static final Dimension helpSize = new Dimension(700, 600), aboutSize = new Dimension(600, 265), searchPaneSize = new Dimension(430, 70), searchFieldSize = new Dimension(215, 25); public static Double zoomLevel = new Double(1.0); // Divider size for BaseFrame split pane. 0 means non-resizable. public static final int SPLIT_PANE_DIVIDER_SIZE = 4, SPLIT_PANE_DIVIDER_LOCATION = 145 + 15, // + 15 for possible scrollbar. TABLE_ROW_PADDING = 4, KEYBIND_COL_0 = 200, KEYBIND_COL_1 = 80, // Added to the font size when determining table MAX_CONTENT_SELECTOR_WIDTH = 240; // The max width of the combobox for content selectors. // File names. public static String //configFile = "preferences.dat", backupExt = ".bak"; // Image paths. public static String imageSize = "24", extension = ".gif", ex = imageSize + extension, pre = "/images/", helpPre = "/help/", fontPath = "/images/font/"; static HashMap<String, JLabel> tableIcons = new HashMap<String, JLabel>(); // Contains table icon mappings. Set up // further below. public static Color activeEditor = new Color(230, 230, 255); static HashMap<String, String> iconMap; public static JLabel getTableIcon(String fieldType) { Object o = tableIcons.get(fieldType); if (o == null) { Globals.logger("Error: no table icon defined for type '"+fieldType+"'."); return null; } else return (JLabel)o; } //Help files (in HTML format): public static final String baseFrameHelp = "BaseFrameHelp.html", entryEditorHelp = "EntryEditorHelp.html", stringEditorHelp = "StringEditorHelp.html", helpContents = "Contents.html", searchHelp = "SearchHelp.html", groupsHelp = "GroupsHelp.html", customEntriesHelp = "CustomEntriesHelp.html", contentSelectorHelp = "ContentSelectorHelp.html", specialFieldsHelp = "SpecialFieldsHelp.html", labelPatternHelp = "LabelPatterns.html", ownerHelp = "OwnerHelp.html", timeStampHelp = "TimeStampHelp.html", pdfHelp = "ExternalFiles.html", exportCustomizationHelp = "CustomExports.html", importCustomizationHelp = "CustomImports.html", medlineHelp = "MedlineHelp.html", citeSeerHelp = "CiteSeerHelp.html", generalFieldsHelp = "GeneralFields.html", aboutPage = "About.html", shortPlainImport="ShortPlainImport.html", importInspectionHelp = "ImportInspectionDialog.html", shortIntegrityCheck="ShortIntegrityCheck.html", remoteHelp = "RemoteHelp.html", journalAbbrHelp = "JournalAbbreviations.html", regularExpressionSearchHelp = "ExternalFiles.html#RegularExpressionSearch", nameFormatterHelp = "CustomExports.html#NameFormatter", previewHelp = "PreviewHelp.html", pluginHelp = "Plugin.html", autosaveHelp = "Autosave.html"; // Colors. public static Color lightGray = new Color(230, 30, 30), // Light gray background entryEditorLabelColor = new Color(100, 100, 150), // Empty field, blue. nullFieldColor = new Color(75, 130, 95), // Valid field, green. gradientGray = new Color(112, 121, 165), // Title bar gradient color, sidepaneheader gradientBlue = new Color(0, 27, 102), // Title bar gradient color, sidepaneheader //activeTabbed = Color.black, // active Database (JTabbedPane) //inActiveTabbed = Color.gray.darker(), // inactive Database activeTabbed = entryEditorLabelColor.darker(), // active Database (JTabbedPane) inActiveTabbed = Color.black, // inactive Database infoField = new Color(254, 255, 225) // color for an info field ; public static Color editorTextColor = null, validFieldBackgroundColor = null, activeBackground = null, invalidFieldBackgroundColor = null; public static String META_FLAG = "jabref-meta: "; public static String META_FLAG_OLD = "bibkeeper-meta: "; public static String ENTRYTYPE_FLAG = "jabref-entrytype: "; // some fieldname constants public static final double DEFAULT_FIELD_WEIGHT = 1, MAX_FIELD_WEIGHT = 2; // constants for editor types: public static final int STANDARD_EDITOR=1, FILE_LIST_EDITOR=2; public static final int MAX_BACK_HISTORY_SIZE = 10; // The maximum number of "Back" operations stored. public static final String FILE_FIELD = "file"; public static final double SMALL_W = 0.30, MEDIUM_W = 0.5, LARGE_W = 1.5 ; public static final double PE_HEIGHT = 2; // Size constants for EntryTypeForm; small, medium and large. public static int[] FORM_WIDTH = new int[] { 500, 650, 820}; public static int[] FORM_HEIGHT = new int[] { 90, 110, 130}; // Constants controlling formatted bibtex output. public static final int INDENT = 4, LINE_LENGTH = 65; // Maximum public static int DEFAULT_FIELD_LENGTH = 100, NUMBER_COL_LENGTH = 32, WIDTH_ICON_COL_RANKING = 35, // Width of Ranking Icon Column WIDTH_ICON_COL = 19; // Column widths for export customization dialog table: public static final int EXPORT_DIALOG_COL_0_WIDTH = 50, EXPORT_DIALOG_COL_1_WIDTH = 200, EXPORT_DIALOG_COL_2_WIDTH = 30; // Column widths for import customization dialog table: public static final int IMPORT_DIALOG_COL_0_WIDTH = 200, IMPORT_DIALOG_COL_1_WIDTH = 80, IMPORT_DIALOG_COL_2_WIDTH = 200, IMPORT_DIALOG_COL_3_WIDTH = 200; public static final Map<String, String> LANGUAGES; static { LANGUAGES = new TreeMap<String, String>(); // LANGUAGES contains mappings for supported languages. LANGUAGES.put("English", "en"); LANGUAGES.put("Dansk", "da"); LANGUAGES.put("Deutsch", "de"); LANGUAGES.put("Fran\u00E7ais", "fr"); LANGUAGES.put("Italiano", "it"); LANGUAGES.put("Japanese", "ja"); LANGUAGES.put("Nederlands", "nl"); LANGUAGES.put("Norsk", "no"); //LANGUAGES.put("EspaƱol", "es"); // Not complete //LANGUAGES.put("Polski", "pl"); LANGUAGES.put("Turkish", "tr"); LANGUAGES.put("Simplified Chinese", "zh"); LANGUAGES.put("Vietnamese", "vi"); LANGUAGES.put("Bahasa Indonesia", "in"); LANGUAGES.put("Brazilian Portugese", "pt_BR"); // Set up entry editor colors, first time: updateEntryEditorColors(); } public static void updateEntryEditorColors() { activeBackground = JabRefPreferences.getInstance().getColor("activeFieldEditorBackgroundColor"); validFieldBackgroundColor = JabRefPreferences.getInstance().getColor("validFieldBackgroundColor"); invalidFieldBackgroundColor = JabRefPreferences.getInstance().getColor("invalidFieldBackgroundColor"); editorTextColor = JabRefPreferences.getInstance().getColor("fieldEditorTextColor"); } /** * Read either the default icon theme, or a custom one. If loading of the custom theme * fails, try to fall back on the default theme. */ public static void setUpIconTheme() { String defaultPrefix = "/images/crystal_16/", prefix = defaultPrefix; URL defaultResource = GUIGlobals.class.getResource(prefix+"Icons.properties"); URL resource = defaultResource; if (Globals.prefs.getBoolean("useCustomIconTheme")) { String filename = Globals.prefs.get("customIconThemeFile"); if (filename != null) try { File file = new File(filename); String parent = file.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath(); prefix = "file://"+parent+System.getProperty("file.separator"); resource = new URL("file://"+file.getAbsolutePath()); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } try { iconMap = readIconThemeFile(resource, prefix); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println(Globals.lang("Unable to read icon theme file")+" '"+ resource.toString()+"'"); // If we were trying to load a custom theme, try the default one as a fallback: if (resource != defaultResource) try { iconMap = readIconThemeFile(defaultResource, defaultPrefix); } catch (IOException e2) { System.err.println(Globals.lang("Unable to read default icon theme.")); } } } /** * Looks up the URL for the image representing the given function, in the resource * file listing images. * @param name The name of the icon, such as "open", "save", "saveAs" etc. * @return The URL to the actual image to use. */ public static URL getIconUrl(String name) { if (iconMap.containsKey(name)) { String path = iconMap.get(name); URL url = GUIGlobals.class.getResource(path); if (url == null) // This may be a resource outside of the jar file, so we try a general URL: try { url = new URL(path); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { } if (url == null) System.err.println(Globals.lang("Could not find image file")+" '"+path+"'"); return url; } else return null; } /** * Constructs an ImageIcon for the given function, using the image specified in * the resource files resource/Icons_en.properties. * @param name The name of the icon, such as "open", "save", "saveAs" etc. * @return The ImageIcon for the function. */ public static ImageIcon getImage(String name) { URL u = getIconUrl(name); return u != null ? new ImageIcon(getIconUrl(name)) : null; } /** * Get a Map of all application icons mapped from their keys. * @return A Map containing all icons used in the application. */ public static Map<String, String> getAllIcons() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(iconMap); } /** * Read a typical java property file into a HashMap. Currently doesn't support escaping * of the '=' character - it simply looks for the first '=' to determine where the key ends. * Both the key and the value is trimmed for whitespace at the ends. * @param file The URL to read information from. * @param prefix A String to prefix to all values read. Can represent e.g. the directory * where icon files are to be found. * @return A HashMap containing all key-value pairs found. * @throws IOException */ private static HashMap<String, String> readIconThemeFile(URL file, String prefix) throws IOException { HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); InputStream in = null; try { in = file.openStream(); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); int c; while ((c = in.read()) != -1) buffer.append((char)c); String[] lines = buffer.toString().split("\n"); for (int i=0; i<lines.length; i++) { String line = lines[i].trim(); int index = line.indexOf("="); if (index >= 0) { String key = line.substring(0, index).trim(); String value = prefix+line.substring(index+1).trim(); map.put(key, value); } } } catch (IOException ex) { throw ex; } finally { try { if (in != null) in.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } return map; } /** returns the path to language independent help files */ public static String getLocaleHelpPath() { JabRefPreferences prefs = JabRefPreferences.getInstance() ; String middle = prefs.get("language")+"/"; if (middle.equals("en/")) middle = ""; // english in base help dir. return (helpPre + middle ); } /** * Perform initializations that are only used in graphical mode. This is to prevent * the "Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server" error when access to the X server * on Un*x is unavailable. */ public static void init() { typeNameFont = new Font("arial", Font.ITALIC+Font.BOLD, 24); fieldNameFont = new Font("arial", Font.ITALIC+Font.BOLD, 14); JLabel lab; lab = new JLabel(getImage("pdfSmall")); lab.setToolTipText(Globals.lang("Open")+" PDF"); tableIcons.put("pdf", lab); lab = new JLabel(getImage("wwwSmall")); lab.setToolTipText(Globals.lang("Open")+" URL"); tableIcons.put("url", lab); lab = new JLabel(getImage("citeseer")); lab.setToolTipText(Globals.lang("Open")+" CiteSeer URL"); tableIcons.put("citeseerurl", lab); lab = new JLabel(getImage("arxiv")); lab.setToolTipText(Globals.lang("Open")+" ArXiv URL"); tableIcons.put("eprint", lab); lab = new JLabel(getImage("doiSmall")); lab.setToolTipText(Globals.lang("Open")+" DOI "+Globals.lang("web link")); tableIcons.put("doi", lab); lab = new JLabel(getImage("psSmall")); lab.setToolTipText(Globals.lang("Open")+" PS"); tableIcons.put("ps", lab); lab = new JLabel(getImage("psSmall")); lab.setToolTipText(Globals.lang("Open file")); tableIcons.put(GUIGlobals.FILE_FIELD, lab); lab = new JLabel(Relevance.getInstance().getRepresentingIcon()); lab.setToolTipText(Relevance.getInstance().getToolTip()); tableIcons.put(SpecialFieldsUtils.FIELDNAME_RELEVANCE, lab); lab = new JLabel(Quality.getInstance().getRepresentingIcon()); lab.setToolTipText(Quality.getInstance().getToolTip()); //tableIcons.put("quality", lab); tableIcons.put(SpecialFieldsUtils.FIELDNAME_QUALITY, lab); // Ranking item in the menu uses one star lab = new JLabel(Rank.getInstance().getRepresentingIcon()); lab.setToolTipText(Rank.getInstance().getToolTip()); // lab.setName("0"); tableIcons.put(SpecialFieldsUtils.FIELDNAME_RANKING, lab); // Priority icon used for the menu lab = new JLabel(Priority.getInstance().getRepresentingIcon()); lab.setToolTipText(Rank.getInstance().getToolTip()); tableIcons.put(SpecialFieldsUtils.FIELDNAME_PRIORITY, lab); //jabRefFont = new Font("arial", Font.ITALIC/*+Font.BOLD*/, 20); } }