/* * $Id: Lists.java 3373 2008-05-12 16:21:24Z xlv $ * * This code is part of the 'iText Tutorial'. * You can find the complete tutorial at the following address: * http://itextdocs.lowagie.com/tutorial/ * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * itext-questions@lists.sourceforge.net */ package com.lowagie.examples.objects; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import com.lowagie.text.Chunk; import com.lowagie.text.Document; import com.lowagie.text.DocumentException; import com.lowagie.text.Font; import com.lowagie.text.FontFactory; import com.lowagie.text.List; import com.lowagie.text.ListItem; import com.lowagie.text.Paragraph; import com.lowagie.text.html.HtmlWriter; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfWriter; /** * Demonstrates some List functionality. * * @author blowagie */ public class Lists { /** * Demonstrates some List functionality. * * @param args no arguments needed here */ public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("the List object"); // step 1: creation of a document-object Document document = new Document(); try { // step 2: PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream("lists.pdf")); HtmlWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream("lists.html")); // step 3: we open the document document.open(); // step 4: List list = new List(true, 20); list.add(new ListItem("First line")); list.add(new ListItem("The second line is longer to see what happens once the end of the line is reached. Will it start on a new line?")); list.add(new ListItem("Third line")); document.add(list); document.add(new Paragraph("some books I really like:")); ListItem listItem; list = new List(true, 15); listItem = new ListItem("When Harlie was one", FontFactory.getFont(FontFactory.TIMES_ROMAN, 12)); listItem.add(new Chunk(" by David Gerrold", FontFactory.getFont(FontFactory.TIMES_ROMAN, 11, Font.ITALIC))); list.add(listItem); listItem = new ListItem("The World according to Garp", FontFactory.getFont(FontFactory.TIMES_ROMAN, 12)); listItem.add(new Chunk(" by John Irving", FontFactory.getFont(FontFactory.TIMES_ROMAN, 11, Font.ITALIC))); list.add(listItem); listItem = new ListItem("Decamerone", FontFactory.getFont(FontFactory.TIMES_ROMAN, 12)); listItem.add(new Chunk(" by Giovanni Boccaccio", FontFactory.getFont(FontFactory.TIMES_ROMAN, 11, Font.ITALIC))); list.add(listItem); document.add(list); Paragraph paragraph = new Paragraph("some movies I really like:"); list = new List(false, 10); list.add("Wild At Heart"); list.add("Casablanca"); list.add("When Harry met Sally"); list.add("True Romance"); list.add("Le mari de la coiffeuse"); paragraph.add(list); document.add(paragraph); document.add(new Paragraph("Some authors I really like:")); list = new List(false, 20); list.setListSymbol(new Chunk("\u2022", FontFactory.getFont(FontFactory.HELVETICA, 20, Font.BOLD))); listItem = new ListItem("Isaac Asimov"); list.add(listItem); List sublist; sublist = new List(false, true, 10); sublist.setListSymbol(new Chunk("", FontFactory.getFont(FontFactory.HELVETICA, 8))); sublist.add("The Foundation Trilogy"); sublist.add("The Complete Robot"); sublist.add("Caves of Steel"); sublist.add("The Naked Sun"); list.add(sublist); listItem = new ListItem("John Irving"); list.add(listItem); sublist = new List(false, true, 10); sublist.setFirst('a'); sublist.setListSymbol(new Chunk("", FontFactory.getFont(FontFactory.HELVETICA, 8))); sublist.add("The World according to Garp"); sublist.add("Hotel New Hampshire"); sublist.add("A prayer for Owen Meany"); sublist.add("Widow for a year"); list.add(sublist); listItem = new ListItem("Kurt Vonnegut"); list.add(listItem); sublist = new List(false, true, 10); sublist.setListSymbol(new Chunk("", FontFactory.getFont(FontFactory.HELVETICA, 8))); sublist.add("Slaughterhouse 5"); sublist.add("Welcome to the Monkey House"); sublist.add("The great pianola"); sublist.add("Galapagos"); list.add(sublist); document.add(list); } catch (DocumentException de) { System.err.println(de.getMessage()); } catch (IOException ioe) { System.err.println(ioe.getMessage()); } // step 5: we close the document document.close(); } }