/* * $Id: Pattern.java 3838 2009-04-07 18:34:15Z mstorer $ * * This code is part of the 'iText Tutorial'. * You can find the complete tutorial at the following address: * http://itextdocs.lowagie.com/tutorial/ * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * itext-questions@lists.sourceforge.net */ package com.lowagie.examples.directcontent.colors; import java.awt.Color; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import com.lowagie.text.Document; import com.lowagie.text.PageSize; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.CMYKColor; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.GrayColor; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfContentByte; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfPatternPainter; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfSpotColor; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfTemplate; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfWriter; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.SpotColor; /** * Painting Patterns. */ public class Pattern { /** * Painting Patterns. * @param args no arguments needed */ public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Stencil"); // step 1: creation of a document-object Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4, 50, 50, 50, 50); try { // step 2: // we create a writer that listens to the document // and directs a PDF-stream to a file PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream("pattern.pdf")); // step 3: we open the document document.open(); // step 4: we add some content PdfContentByte cb = writer.getDirectContent(); PdfTemplate tp = cb.createTemplate(400, 300); PdfPatternPainter pat = cb.createPattern(15, 15, null); pat.rectangle(5, 5, 5, 5); pat.fill(); pat.sanityCheck(); PdfSpotColor spc_cmyk = new PdfSpotColor("PANTONE 280 CV", 0.25f, new CMYKColor(0.9f, .2f, .3f, .1f)); SpotColor spot = new SpotColor(spc_cmyk); tp.setPatternFill(pat, spot, .9f); tp.rectangle(0, 0, 400, 300); tp.fill(); tp.sanityCheck(); cb.addTemplate(tp, 50, 50); PdfPatternPainter pat2 = cb.createPattern(10, 10, null); pat2.setLineWidth(2); pat2.moveTo(-5, 0); pat2.lineTo(10, 15); pat2.stroke(); pat2.moveTo(0, -5); pat2.lineTo(15, 10); pat2.stroke(); cb.setLineWidth(1); cb.setColorStroke(Color.black); cb.setPatternFill(pat2, Color.red); cb.rectangle(100, 400, 30, 210); cb.fillStroke(); cb.setPatternFill(pat2, Color.green); cb.rectangle(150, 400, 30, 100); cb.fillStroke(); cb.setPatternFill(pat2, Color.blue); cb.rectangle(200, 400, 30, 130); cb.fillStroke(); cb.setPatternFill(pat2, new GrayColor(0.5f)); cb.rectangle(250, 400, 30, 80); cb.fillStroke(); cb.setPatternFill(pat2, new GrayColor(0.7f)); cb.rectangle(300, 400, 30, 170); cb.fillStroke(); cb.setPatternFill(pat2, new GrayColor(0.9f)); cb.rectangle(350, 400, 30, 40); cb.fillStroke(); cb.sanityCheck(); } catch (Exception de) { de.printStackTrace(); } // step 5: we close the document document.close(); } }