package is.idega.idegaweb.egov.bpm.cases.presentation.beans; import is.idega.idegaweb.egov.bpm.IWBundleStarter; import is.idega.idegaweb.egov.bpm.cases.CasesBPMProcessView; import is.idega.idegaweb.egov.bpm.cases.CasesBPMProcessView.CasesBPMProcessViewBean; import is.idega.idegaweb.egov.bpm.cases.CasesBPMProcessView.CasesBPMTaskViewBean; import; import is.idega.idegaweb.egov.cases.presentation.CasesProcessor; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.faces.application.FacesMessage; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Scope; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import com.idega.block.process.presentation.beans.CasesSearchResultsHolder; import com.idega.block.process.presentation.beans.GeneralCasesListBuilder; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWMainApplication; import com.idega.idegaweb.IWResourceBundle; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.jbpm.exe.BPMFactory; import com.idega.jbpm.exe.ProcessInstanceW; import com.idega.jbpm.exe.ProcessWatch; import com.idega.jbpm.exe.TaskInstanceW; import com.idega.jbpm.identity.BPMUser; import com.idega.jbpm.rights.Right; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import com.idega.util.CoreConstants; import com.idega.util.CoreUtil; import com.idega.util.ListUtil; import com.idega.util.StringUtil; import com.idega.util.URIUtil; import com.idega.util.expression.ELUtil; /** * * @author <a href="">Vytautas Čivilis</a> * @version $Revision: 1.47 $ * * Last modified: $Date: 2009/07/14 16:26:58 $ by $Author: valdas $ * */ @Scope("request") @Service(CasesBPMAssetsState.beanIdentifier) public class CasesBPMAssetsState implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -6474883869451606583L; private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(CasesBPMAssetsState.class.getName()); public static final String beanIdentifier = "casesBPMAssetsState"; public static final String CASES_ASSETS_SPECIAL_BACK_PAGE_PARAMETER = "casesAssetsSpecialBackPage", TASK_INSTANCE_ID_PARAMETER = "tiId", SHOW_BACK_BUTTON_PARAMETER = "showBackButton"; @Autowired private transient CasesBPMProcessView casesBPMProcessView; private transient ProcessWatch processWatcher; @Autowired private transient BPMFactory bpmFactory; @Autowired private transient GeneralCasesListBuilder casesListBuilder; private Integer caseId, nextCaseId; private Long processInstanceId, viewSelected, nextProcessInstanceId, nextTaskId; private String displayPropertyForStyleAttribute = "block", specialBackPage, commentsPersistenceManagerIdentifier, currentTaskInstanceName, systemEmailAddress; private Boolean isWatched, usePDFDownloadColumn = Boolean.TRUE, allowPDFSigning = Boolean.TRUE, standAloneComponent = Boolean.TRUE, hideEmptySection = Boolean.FALSE, showAttachmentStatistics = Boolean.FALSE, showOnlyCreatorInContacts = Boolean.FALSE, showBackButton, showLogExportButton = Boolean.FALSE, showComments = Boolean.TRUE, showContacts = Boolean.TRUE, showNextTask, specialBackPageDecoded = Boolean.FALSE, autoShowComments = Boolean.FALSE, nameFromExternalEntity = Boolean.FALSE, showUserProfilePicture = Boolean.TRUE, addExportContacts = Boolean.FALSE, showUserCompany = Boolean.FALSE, showLastLoginDate = Boolean.FALSE; public Long getViewSelected() { if (viewSelected == null) viewSelected = getResolvedTaskInstanceId(); return viewSelected; } private Long getResolvedTaskInstanceId() { Object newValue = resolveObject(nextTaskId, "nextTaskInstanceIdParameter"); if (newValue instanceof Long) { viewSelected = (Long) newValue; } else { viewSelected = resolveTaskInstanceId(); } return viewSelected; } protected Long resolveTaskInstanceId() { String tiIdParam = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap().get(TASK_INSTANCE_ID_PARAMETER); Long tiId; if (tiIdParam != null && !CoreConstants.EMPTY.equals(tiIdParam)) { tiId = new Long(tiIdParam); } else tiId = null; return tiId; } public void setViewSelected(Long viewSelected) { this.viewSelected = viewSelected; } public boolean isAssetsRendered() { return (getViewSelected() == null && (getProcessInstanceId() != null || getCaseId() != null)) /* && facetRendered == FacetRendered.ASSETS_GRID*/; } public boolean isAssetViewRendered() { return (getProcessInstanceId() != null || getCaseId() != null) && getViewSelected() != null/* && facetRendered == FacetRendered.ASSET_VIEW*/; } public void showAssets() { setViewSelected(null); } public boolean isShowSpecialBackPage() { return !StringUtil.isEmpty(specialBackPage); } protected Long resolveProcessInstanceId() { String piIdParam = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap().get(ProcessManagerBind.processInstanceIdParam); Long piId; if(piIdParam != null && !CoreConstants.EMPTY.equals(piIdParam)) { piId = new Long(piIdParam); } else piId = null; return piId; } private Long getResolvedProcessInstanceId() { Object newValue = resolveObject(nextProcessInstanceId, "nextProcessInstanceIdParameter"); if (newValue instanceof Long) { processInstanceId = (Long) newValue; } else { if (caseId == null) { processInstanceId = resolveProcessInstanceId(); if (processInstanceId != null) { caseId = getCasesBPMProcessView().getCaseId(processInstanceId); } } else { processInstanceId = getCasesBPMProcessView().getProcessInstanceId(caseId); } } return processInstanceId; } public Long getProcessInstanceId() { if (processInstanceId == null) processInstanceId = getResolvedProcessInstanceId(); return processInstanceId; } public void setProcessInstanceId(Long processInstanceId) { this.processInstanceId = processInstanceId; } private CasesBPMDAO getCasesBPMDAO() { return ELUtil.getInstance().getBean(CasesBPMDAO.REPOSITORY_NAME); } public CasesBPMProcessViewBean getProcessView() { try { Long piId = getProcessInstanceId(); Integer caseId = getCaseId(); if (piId == null && caseId == null) { LOGGER.warning("Proc. inst. ID and case ID are unknown, can not generate view!"); return null; } CaseProcInstBind bind = piId == null ? getCasesBPMDAO().getCaseProcInstBindByCaseId(caseId) : getCasesBPMDAO().getCaseProcInstBindByProcessInstanceId(piId); if (bind == null) { LOGGER.warning("Error getting bind for case (ID: ) and proc. inst. (ID: ). Can not generate view!"); return null; } if (piId == null) { piId = bind.getProcInstId(); setProcessInstanceId(piId); } if (caseId == null) { caseId = bind.getCaseId(); setCaseId(caseId); } return getCasesBPMProcessView().getProcessView(piId, caseId); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Error getting " + CasesBPMProcessViewBean.class.getName() + " bean by process instance ID " + getProcessInstanceId() + " and case ID " + getCaseId(), e); } return null; } public CasesBPMTaskViewBean getTaskView() { return getTaskView(getViewSelected()); } private CasesBPMTaskViewBean getTaskView(Long taskId) { if (taskId == null) return null; return getCasesBPMProcessView().getTaskView(taskId); } public CasesBPMProcessView getCasesBPMProcessView() { if (casesBPMProcessView == null) ELUtil.getInstance().autowire(this); return casesBPMProcessView; } public Integer getCaseId() { if (caseId == null) caseId = getResolvedCaseId(); return caseId; } public Integer getResolvedCaseId() { Object newValue = resolveObject(nextCaseId, "nextCaseIdParameter"); if (newValue instanceof Integer) { caseId = (Integer) newValue; } else { if (processInstanceId == null) { caseId = resolveCaseId(); if (caseId != null) { processInstanceId = getCasesBPMProcessView().getProcessInstanceId(caseId); } } else { caseId = getCasesBPMProcessView().getCaseId(processInstanceId); } } return caseId; } // TODO: should be replaced with action listener that would set all properties "naturally" private Object resolveObject(Object valueHolder, String parameterName) { if (valueHolder == null) { return null; } IWContext iwc = CoreUtil.getIWContext(); if (iwc == null) { return null; } if (iwc.isParameterSet(parameterName)) { return valueHolder; } return null; } protected Integer resolveCaseId() { String caseIdParam = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap().get(CasesProcessor.PARAMETER_CASE_PK); Integer caseId; if(caseIdParam != null && !CoreConstants.EMPTY.equals(caseIdParam)) { caseId = new Integer(caseIdParam); } else caseId = null; return caseId; } public void setCaseId(Integer caseId) { this.caseId = caseId; viewSelected = null; showNextTask = null; nextProcessInstanceId = null; nextTaskId = null; nextCaseId = null; } public void takeWatch() { boolean result = getProcessWatch().takeWatch(getProcessInstanceId()); isWatched = null; String message = result ? "Case added to your cases list (My Cases)" : "We were unable to add this case to your watch list due to internal error"; FacesMessage msg = new FacesMessage(result ? FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO : FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, message, null); FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, msg); } public void removeWatch() { boolean result = getProcessWatch().removeWatch(getProcessInstanceId()); isWatched = null; String message = result ? "Case removed from your cases list (My Cases)" : "We were unable to remove this case from your watch list due to internal error"; FacesMessage msg = new FacesMessage(result ? FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO : FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, message, null); FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, msg); } public String getWatchCaseStatusLabel() { return getProcessWatch().getWatchCaseStatusLabel(isWatched()); } public String getTasksVisibilityProperty() { CasesBPMProcessViewBean view = getProcessView(); Boolean processHasEnded = view == null || view.getEnded(); if (processHasEnded != null && processHasEnded) { return "caseListTasksSectionNotVisibleStyleClass"; } return "caseListTasksSectionVisibleStyleClass"; } public String getGridStyleClasses() { String styleClasses = "caseGrids"; if (getBpmFactory() == null) { return styleClasses; } ProcessInstanceW piw = getCurrentProcess(); if (piw == null) { return styleClasses; } if (piw.hasRight(Right.processHandler)) { styleClasses = new StringBuilder(styleClasses).append(" bpmHandler").toString(); } return styleClasses; } private ProcessInstanceW getProcessInstance(Long processInstanceId) { if (processInstanceId == null) { return null; } try { return getBpmFactory().getProcessManagerByProcessInstanceId(processInstanceId).getProcessInstance(processInstanceId); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public void startTask() { if(getViewSelected() != null) { IWContext iwc = IWContext.getIWContext(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance()); getCasesBPMProcessView().startTask(getViewSelected(), iwc.getCurrentUserId()); } else throw new RuntimeException("No view selected"); } public void assignTask() { if(getViewSelected() != null) { IWContext iwc = IWContext.getIWContext(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance()); getCasesBPMProcessView().assignTask(getViewSelected(), iwc.getCurrentUserId()); } else throw new RuntimeException("No view selected"); } public boolean isWatched() { if(isWatched == null) { isWatched = getProcessWatch().isWatching(getProcessInstanceId()); } return isWatched == null ? false : isWatched; } public boolean getCanStartTask() { if(getViewSelected() != null) { Integer userId = getCurrentBPMUser().getIdToUse(); if(userId != null) { String errMsg = getCasesBPMProcessView().getCanStartTask(getViewSelected(), userId); if(errMsg == null) return true; } } return false; } public boolean getCanTakeTask() { if(getViewSelected() != null) { Integer userId = getCurrentBPMUser().getIdToUse(); if(userId != null) { String errMsg = getCasesBPMProcessView().getCanTakeTask(getViewSelected(), userId); if(errMsg == null) return true; } } return false; } // protected CasesBusiness getCaseBusiness(IWContext iwc) { // // try { // return (CasesBusiness)IBOLookup.getServiceInstance(iwc, CasesBusiness.class); // } // catch (IBOLookupException ile) { // throw new IBORuntimeException(ile); // } // } // public Integer getTabSelected() { // return tabSelected == null ? 0 : tabSelected; // } // // public void setTabSelected(Integer tabSelected) { // this.tabSelected = tabSelected; // } public BPMUser getCurrentBPMUser() { return getCasesBPMProcessView().getCurrentBPMUser(); } public String getDisplayPropertyForStyleAttribute() { return new StringBuilder("display: ").append(displayPropertyForStyleAttribute).append(CoreConstants.SEMICOLON).toString(); } public void setDisplayPropertyForStyleAttribute(boolean displayPropertyForStyleAttribute) { this.displayPropertyForStyleAttribute = displayPropertyForStyleAttribute ? "block" : "none"; } private ProcessWatch getProcessWatch() { if (processWatcher == null) { processWatcher = getCasesBPMProcessView().getBPMFactory().getProcessManagerByProcessInstanceId(getProcessInstanceId()).getProcessInstance(getProcessInstanceId()).getProcessWatcher(); } return processWatcher; } public Boolean getUsePDFDownloadColumn() { return usePDFDownloadColumn; } public void setUsePDFDownloadColumn(Boolean usePDFDownloadColumn) { this.usePDFDownloadColumn = usePDFDownloadColumn; } public Boolean getAllowPDFSigning() { return allowPDFSigning; } public void setAllowPDFSigning(Boolean allowPDFSigning) { this.allowPDFSigning = allowPDFSigning; } public BPMFactory getBpmFactory() { if(bpmFactory == null){ ELUtil.getInstance().autowire(this); } return bpmFactory; } public void setBpmFactory(BPMFactory bpmFactory) { this.bpmFactory = bpmFactory; } public GeneralCasesListBuilder getCasesListBuilder() { if (casesListBuilder == null) { try { ELUtil.getInstance().autowire(this); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return casesListBuilder; } public void setCasesListBuilder(GeneralCasesListBuilder casesListBuilder) { this.casesListBuilder = casesListBuilder; } public String getSendEmailImage() { return getCasesListBuilder().getSendEmailImage(); } public String getCaseEmailSubject() { if (systemEmailAddress == null) { systemEmailAddress = CoreConstants.EMPTY; Long processInstanceId = getProcessInstanceId(); String processIdentifier = getBpmFactory().getProcessManagerByProcessInstanceId(processInstanceId).getProcessInstance(processInstanceId) .getProcessIdentifier(); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(processIdentifier)) { LOGGER.warning("Unkown process identifier for process instance: " + processInstanceId); return null; } String emailAdress = getCasesListBuilder().getEmailAddressMailtoFormattedWithSubject(processIdentifier); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(emailAdress) || emailAdress.equals(processIdentifier)) { LOGGER.warning("Email adress is invalid: " + emailAdress); return null; } systemEmailAddress = emailAdress; } return systemEmailAddress; } public String getSendEmailTitle() { return getCasesListBuilder().getTitleSendEmail(); } public Boolean getStandAloneComponent() { return standAloneComponent; } public void setStandAloneComponent(Boolean standAloneComponent) { this.standAloneComponent = standAloneComponent; } public boolean getRenderCaseEmailContainer() { return getStandAloneComponent() && !StringUtil.isEmpty(getCaseEmailSubject()); } public Boolean getHideEmptySection() { return hideEmptySection; } public void setHideEmptySection(Boolean hideEmptySection) { this.hideEmptySection = hideEmptySection; } public boolean isShowNextTask() { if (showNextTask == null) { IWContext iwc = CoreUtil.getIWContext(); String id = iwc.getRequestURI(); showNextTask = Boolean.FALSE; if (!getCasesSearchResultsHolder().isSearchResultStored(id)) { return showNextTask; } Long nextTaskId = getNextTaskId(id, getNextCaseId()); if (nextTaskId == null) {"NOT shoing next task - couldn't resolve IDs for next task"); return showNextTask; } showNextTask = Boolean.TRUE; } return showNextTask; } public Integer getNextCaseId() { IWContext iwc = CoreUtil.getIWContext(); if (nextCaseId == null || (iwc != null && iwc.isParameterSet("nextCaseIdParameter"))) { String id = iwc.getRequestURI(); nextCaseId = getNextCaseId(id, getCaseId()); } return nextCaseId; } private Integer getNextCaseId(String id, Integer caseId) { ProcessInstanceW currentProcess = getCurrentProcess(); if (currentProcess == null) {"Cannot resolve next case id: current process is unknown! Case ID: " + caseId); return null; } return getCasesSearchResultsHolder().getNextCaseId(id, caseId); } public Long getNextTaskId() { if (nextTaskId == null) { IWContext iwc = CoreUtil.getIWContext(); String id = iwc.getRequestURI(); nextTaskId = getNextTaskId(id, getNextCaseId()); } return nextTaskId; } private Long getNextTaskId(String id, Integer nextCaseId) { if (nextTaskId == null) { if (nextCaseId == null) { return null; } ProcessInstanceW nextProcessInstance = getProcessInstance(getCasesBPMProcessView().getProcessInstanceId(nextCaseId)); if (nextProcessInstance == null) { LOGGER.warning("Process instance was not found for case: " + nextCaseId); return getNextTaskId(id, getNextCaseId(id, nextCaseId)); } String currentTaskName = getCurrentTaskInstanceName(); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(currentTaskName)) { LOGGER.warning("Cannot resolve current task's name for task instance: " + getViewSelected()); return null; } List<TaskInstanceW> allUnfinishedTasks = null; try { allUnfinishedTasks = nextProcessInstance.getAllUnfinishedTaskInstances(); } catch(Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Error getting unfinished tasks for process instance: " + nextProcessInstance.getProcessInstanceId(), e); return getNextTaskId(id, getNextCaseId(id, nextCaseId)); } if (ListUtil.isEmpty(allUnfinishedTasks)) { LOGGER.warning("There are no unfinished tasks for process instance: " + nextProcessInstance.getProcessInstanceId()); return getNextTaskId(id, getNextCaseId(id, nextCaseId)); } boolean found = false; for (Iterator<TaskInstanceW> tasksIter = allUnfinishedTasks.iterator(); (!found && tasksIter.hasNext());) { TaskInstanceW task =; if (currentTaskName.equals(task.getTaskInstance().getName())) { this.nextProcessInstanceId = nextProcessInstance.getProcessInstanceId(); this.nextTaskId = task.getTaskInstanceId(); this.nextCaseId = nextCaseId; found = true; } } if (nextTaskId == null) { // Particular task was not found - searching for it in next process instance return getNextTaskId(id, getNextCaseId(id, nextCaseId)); } } return nextTaskId; } public String getNextTaskName() { try { IWContext iwc = CoreUtil.getIWContext(); IWResourceBundle iwrb = iwc.getIWMainApplication().getBundle(IWBundleStarter.IW_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER).getResourceBundle(iwc); return new StringBuilder(iwrb.getLocalizedString("cases_bpm.go_to_next_task", "Go to next task")).append(": ") .append(getTaskView(getNextTaskId()).getTaskName()).toString(); } catch(Exception e) {} return null; } private ProcessInstanceW getCurrentProcess() { return getProcessInstance(processInstanceId); } private String getCurrentTaskInstanceName() { if (StringUtil.isEmpty(currentTaskInstanceName)) { currentTaskInstanceName = getBpmFactory().getProcessManagerByTaskInstanceId(getViewSelected()).getTaskInstance(getViewSelected()).getTaskInstance() .getName(); } return currentTaskInstanceName; } private CasesSearchResultsHolder getCasesSearchResultsHolder() { return ELUtil.getInstance().getBean(CasesSearchResultsHolder.SPRING_BEAN_IDENTIFIER); } public String getSpecialBackPage() { if (!specialBackPageDecoded) { specialBackPageDecoded = true; if (StringUtil.isEmpty(specialBackPage)) return null; try { specialBackPage = URLDecoder.decode(specialBackPage, CoreConstants.ENCODING_UTF8); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return specialBackPage; } public void setSpecialBackPage(String specialBackPage) { this.specialBackPage = specialBackPage; } public String getCommentsPersistenceManagerIdentifier() { return commentsPersistenceManagerIdentifier; } public void setCommentsPersistenceManagerIdentifier(String commentsPersistenceManagerIdentifier) { this.commentsPersistenceManagerIdentifier = commentsPersistenceManagerIdentifier; } public Boolean getShowAttachmentStatistics() { return showAttachmentStatistics; } public void setShowAttachmentStatistics(Boolean showAttachmentStatistics) { this.showAttachmentStatistics = showAttachmentStatistics; } public Boolean getShowOnlyCreatorInContacts() { return showOnlyCreatorInContacts; } public void setShowOnlyCreatorInContacts(Boolean showOnlyCreatorInContacts) { this.showOnlyCreatorInContacts = showOnlyCreatorInContacts; } public boolean isAutoShowComments() { return autoShowComments; } public void setAutoShowComments(boolean autoShowComments) { this.autoShowComments = autoShowComments; } public boolean isShowLogExportButton() { return showLogExportButton; } public void setShowLogExportButton(boolean showLogExportButton) { this.showLogExportButton = showLogExportButton; } public Boolean getShowBackButton() { if (showBackButton == null) { IWContext iwc = CoreUtil.getIWContext(); String param = iwc.getParameter(SHOW_BACK_BUTTON_PARAMETER); showBackButton = !StringUtil.isEmpty(param) && Boolean.valueOf(param); } return showBackButton; } public Boolean getShowComments() { return showComments; } public void setShowComments(Boolean showComments) { this.showComments = showComments; } public Boolean getShowContacts() { return showContacts; } public void setShowContacts(Boolean showContacts) { this.showContacts = showContacts; } public void setNameFromExternalEntity(boolean nameFromExternalEntity) { this.nameFromExternalEntity = nameFromExternalEntity; } public boolean isNameFromExternalEntity() { return nameFromExternalEntity; } public void setShowUserProfilePicture(Boolean showUserProfilePicture) { this.showUserProfilePicture = showUserProfilePicture; } public boolean getShowUserProfilePicture() { return showUserProfilePicture; } public Boolean getAddExportContacts() { return addExportContacts; } public void setAddExportContacts(Boolean addExportContacts) { this.addExportContacts = addExportContacts; } public String getExportUsersUrl(){ URIUtil uriUtil = new URIUtil(IWMainApplication.getDefaultIWMainApplication().getMediaServletURI()); uriUtil.setParameter(MediaWritable.PRM_WRITABLE_CLASS, IWMainApplication.getEncryptedClassName(ProcessUsersExporter.class)); uriUtil.setParameter(ProcessUsersExporter.PROCESS_INSTANCE_ID, String.valueOf(getProcessInstanceId())); uriUtil.setParameter(ProcessUsersExporter.SHOW_USER_COMPANY, getShowUserCompany() ? "y" : "n"); return uriUtil.getUri(); } public Boolean getShowUserCompany() { return showUserCompany; } public void setShowUserCompany(Boolean showUserCompany) { this.showUserCompany = showUserCompany; } public Boolean getShowLastLoginDate() { return showLastLoginDate; } public void setShowLastLoginDate(Boolean showLastLoginDate) { this.showLastLoginDate = showLastLoginDate; } }