package com.idega.idegaweb.egov.bpm.pdf; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import javax.faces.component.UIComponent; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.config.BeanDefinition; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Scope; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.idega.idegaweb.egov.bpm.presentation.IWContextMockUp; import com.idega.jbpm.exe.BPMFactory; import com.idega.jbpm.exe.ProcessInstanceW; import com.idega.jbpm.exe.TaskInstanceW; import com.idega.jbpm.identity.BPMUserImpl; import com.idega.jbpm.variables.BinaryVariable; import com.idega.jbpm.variables.BinaryVariablesHandler; import com.idega.presentation.IWContext; import; import com.idega.util.CoreConstants; import com.idega.util.CoreUtil; import com.idega.util.IOUtil; import com.idega.util.IWTimestamp; import com.idega.util.ListUtil; import com.idega.util.StringHandler; import com.idega.util.StringUtil; @Service @Scope(BeanDefinition.SCOPE_SINGLETON) public class ProcessCaseConverterToPDF extends DefaultSpringBean implements CaseConverterToPDF { @Autowired private CasesBPMDAO casesBPMDAO; @Autowired private BPMFactory bpmFactory; @Autowired private PDFGenerator pdfGenerator; @Autowired private FormConverterToPDFBean formConverter; @Autowired private BinaryVariablesHandler attachmentsHandler; private ProcessInstanceW getProcessInstance(Integer caseId) throws Exception { CaseProcInstBind bind = casesBPMDAO.getCaseProcInstBindByCaseId(caseId); if (bind == null) { return null; } return bpmFactory.getProcessInstanceW(bind.getProcInstId()); } private List<TaskInstanceW> getFinishedTasks(ProcessInstanceW piW) { if (piW == null) return null; return piW.getSubmittedTaskInstances(); } @Override public List<CasePDF> getPDFsForCase(Integer caseId) throws Exception { if (caseId == null) { getLogger().warning("Case ID is not provided"); return null; } return getPDFsAndAttachmentsForCase(null, caseId, false, true); } @Override public List<CasePDF> getPDFsForCase(Case theCase) throws Exception { if (theCase == null) { getLogger().warning("Case is not provided"); return null; } return getPDFsAndAttachmentsForCase(theCase, null, false, true); } @Override public List<CasePDF> getPDFsAndAttachmentsForCase(Integer caseId) throws Exception { if (caseId == null) { getLogger().warning("Case ID is not provided"); return null; } return getPDFsAndAttachmentsForCase(null, caseId, true, true); } private List<CasePDF> getPDFsAndAttachmentsForCase(Case theCase, Integer caseId, boolean loadAttachments, boolean switchUser) throws Exception { if (theCase == null && caseId == null) { return null; } if (caseId == null) { caseId = Integer.valueOf(theCase.getId()); } if (theCase == null) { CaseBusiness caseBusiness = getServiceInstance(CaseBusiness.class); theCase = caseBusiness.getCase(caseId); } String identifier = theCase.getCaseIdentifier(); IWContext iwc = CoreUtil.getIWContext(); LoginBusinessBean login = null; User currentUser = iwc == null ? null : getCurrentUser(); Locale locale = iwc == null ? getCurrentLocale() : iwc.getCurrentLocale(); try { if (switchUser && iwc != null) { login = LoginBusinessBean.getLoginBusinessBean(iwc); User admin = iwc.getAccessController().getAdministratorUser(); if (currentUser == null || !admin.getId().equals(currentUser.getId())) { login.logOutUser(iwc); login.logInAsAnotherUser(iwc, admin); iwc.getRequest().setAttribute(BPMUserImpl.bpmUsrParam, admin.getUniqueId()); } } ProcessInstanceW piW = getProcessInstance(caseId); List<TaskInstanceW> finishedTasks = getFinishedTasks(piW); if (ListUtil.isEmpty(finishedTasks)) { getLogger().info("There are no submitted documents for case " + theCase + ", proc. inst. ID: " + piW.getProcessInstanceId() + ", identifier: " + identifier); return null; } iwc = iwc == null ? getIWContext() : iwc; HttpServletRequest request = iwc.getRequest(); List<CasePDF> pdfs = new ArrayList<CasePDF>(); for (TaskInstanceW tiW: finishedTasks) { String taskInstanceId = String.valueOf(tiW.getTaskInstanceId()); String taskEnd = new IWTimestamp(tiW.getTaskInstance().getEnd()).getDateString("yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss"); CasePDF casePDF = null; try { request.setAttribute(FormConverterToPDF.RENDERING_TASK_INSTANCE, taskInstanceId); formConverter.addStyleSheetsForPDF(iwc); UIComponent component = null; try { component = formConverter.getComponentToRender(iwc, taskInstanceId, null, null); } catch (Exception e) { } if (component == null) { getLogger().warning("Failed to get UI component for task instance: " + taskInstanceId); continue; } byte[] bytes = pdfGenerator.getBytesOfGeneratedPDF(iwc, component, true, true); if (bytes == null) { getLogger().warning("Failed to generate PDF for task instance: " + taskInstanceId); continue; } String name = tiW.getName(locale); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(name)) { getLogger().warning("Failed to resolve name for task instance: " + taskInstanceId); continue; } name = StringHandler.stripNonRomanCharacters(name, new char[] {'-', '_', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'}); casePDF = new CasePDF( caseId, name.concat(CoreConstants.UNDER).concat(taskEnd).concat(CoreConstants.DOT).concat("pdf"), identifier, bytes ); } finally { request.removeAttribute(FormConverterToPDF.RENDERING_TASK_INSTANCE); } if (casePDF != null) { pdfs.add(casePDF); if (loadAttachments) { List<BinaryVariable> attachments = tiW.getAttachments(); if (!ListUtil.isEmpty(attachments)) { for (BinaryVariable attachment: attachments) { InputStream stream = attachmentsHandler.getBinaryVariableContent(attachment); casePDF.addAttachment(new CaseAttachment( String.valueOf(attachment.hashCode()).concat(CoreConstants.UNDER).concat(attachment.getFileName()), IOUtil.getBytesFromInputStream(stream)) ); } } } } } return pdfs; } finally { if (switchUser && login != null) { login.logOutUser(iwc); iwc.getRequest().removeAttribute(BPMUserImpl.bpmUsrParam); if (currentUser != null) { login.logInAsAnotherUser(iwc, currentUser); iwc.getRequest().setAttribute(BPMUserImpl.bpmUsrParam, currentUser.getUniqueId()); LoginBusinessBean.getLoginSessionBean().setUser(currentUser); } iwc.setCurrentLocale(locale); } } } private IWContext getIWContext() { IWContext iwc = CoreUtil.getIWContext(); if (iwc == null) iwc = new IWContextMockUp(); return iwc; } }