package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class OpfMatpowerAdapter extends AbstractODMAdapter { private static final int BusData = 1; private static final int BranchData = 2; private static final int GencostData = 3; private static final int AreaData = 4; private static final int GenData = 5; private ArrayList<OpfGenBusXmlType> opfGenContainer = null; private ObjectFactory factory = null; public OpfMatpowerAdapter() { super(); this.factory = new ObjectFactory(); this.opfGenContainer = new ArrayList<OpfGenBusXmlType>(); } @Override protected OpfModelParser parseInputFile(final IFileReader din, String encoding) throws ODMException { OpfModelParser parser = new OpfModelParser(encoding); parser.getStudyCase().setId("ODM_OPF_Studycase"); parser.setOPFTransInfo(OriginalDataFormatEnumType.OPF_MATPOWER); OpfNetworkXmlType baseCaseNet = parser.getOpfNetwork(); String str = din.readLine(); processTitleData(str, baseCaseNet); int dataType = 0; int gencnt = 0; // Matpower does not specify cirId for parallel lines // Here cirId is used for this purpose //int cirId = 1; do { str = din.readLine(); // kvaBase if (str != null) { try { // process the data if (str.startsWith("]")) { dataType = 0; } else if (str.startsWith("%")) { // comment line, do nothing but go to the next line; } else if (str.startsWith("mpc.baseMVA")) { processBaseMVAData(str, baseCaseNet); } else if (str.startsWith("mpc.version")) { // processBusData(str, parser); } else if (dataType == BusData) { processBusData(str, parser); } else if (dataType == GenData) { processGenData(str, parser); } else if (dataType == BranchData) { processBranchData(str, /*cirId++,*/ parser); } else if (dataType == AreaData) { // TODO: Not implemented yet. // processAreaData(str, parser); } else if (dataType == GencostData) { int sizeGen = opfGenContainer.size(); if (gencnt < sizeGen) { processGencostData(str, gencnt); gencnt++; } else dataType = 0; } else if (str.startsWith("mpc.bus")) { dataType = BusData; ODMLogger.getLogger().fine("load bus data"); } else if (str.trim().split("=")[0].trim().equals( ("mpc.gen"))) { dataType = GenData; ODMLogger.getLogger().fine("load branch data"); } else if (str.startsWith("mpc.branch")) { dataType = BranchData; // baseCaseNet.addNewLossZoneList(); ODMLogger.getLogger().fine("load loss zone data"); } else if (str.startsWith("mpc.area")) { dataType = AreaData; // baseCaseNet.addNewInterchangeList(); ODMLogger.getLogger().fine("load interchange data"); } else if (str.trim().split("=")[0].trim().equals( ("mpc.gencost"))) { dataType = GencostData; // baseCaseNet.addNewTieLineList(); ODMLogger.getLogger().fine("load tieline data"); } } catch (final Exception e) { ODMLogger.getLogger().severe(e.toString() + "\n" + str); e.printStackTrace(); } } } while (str != null); return parser; } protected IODMModelParser parseInputFile(IODMAdapter.NetType type, final IFileReader[] din, String encoding) throws ODMException { throw new ODMException("not implemented yet"); } private void processTitleData(String str, final LoadflowNetXmlType baseCaseNet) { str = str.replace(';', ' '); final StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(str, " "); st.nextToken(); // function st.nextToken(); // mpc st.nextToken(); // = final String id = st.nextToken().toString(); ODMLogger.getLogger().fine("fileName: " + id); baseCaseNet.setId("Opf_from_Matpower_" + id); } private void processBaseMVAData(String str, final LoadflowNetXmlType baseCaseNet) { str = str.replace(';', ' '); final StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(str, " "); st.nextToken(); // mpc.baseMVA st.nextToken(); // = final String basemva = st.nextToken().toString(); double baseMva = str2d(basemva); ODMLogger.getLogger().fine("baseMva: " + baseMva); baseCaseNet.setBasePower(BaseDataSetter.createPowerMvaValue(baseMva)); } private void processBusData(final String str, OpfModelParser parser) { // parse the input data line final String[] s = getBusDataFields(str); final String busId = IODMModelParser.BusIdPreFix + s[0]; final int type = str2i(s[1]); final double pl = str2d(s[2]); final double ql = str2d(s[3]); final double pshunt = str2d(s[4]); final double qshunt = str2d(s[5]); final int area = str2i(s[6]); final double vm = str2d(s[7]); final double va = str2d(s[8]); final double baseKv = str2d(s[9]); final int zone = str2i(s[10]); final double vmax = str2d(s[11]); final double vmin = str2d(s[12]); LoadflowBusXmlType aclfBus = null; // OpfGenBusXmlType opfGenBus = null; try { if (type == 2 || type == 3) { OpfGenBusXmlType opfGenBus = parser.createOpfGenBus(busId); aclfBus = (LoadflowBusXmlType) opfGenBus; opfGenBus .setOperatingMode(OpfGenOperatingModeEnumType.PV_GENERATOR); } else { aclfBus = parser.createBus(busId); } } catch (Exception e) { this.logErr(e.toString()); return; } ODMLogger.getLogger().fine("Bus data loaded, id: " + busId); aclfBus.setNumber(new Long(s[0])); final String busName = busId; aclfBus.setName(busName); aclfBus.setAreaNumber(area); aclfBus.setZoneNumber(zone); aclfBus.setBaseVoltage(BaseDataSetter.createVoltageValue(baseKv, VoltageUnitType.KV)); aclfBus.setVoltage(BaseDataSetter.createVoltageValue(vm, VoltageUnitType.PU)); aclfBus.setAngle(BaseDataSetter.createAngleValue(va, AngleUnitType.DEG)); if (pl != 0.0 || ql != 0.0) { AclfDataSetter.setLoadData(aclfBus, LFLoadCodeEnumType.CONST_P, pl, ql, ApparentPowerUnitType.MVA); } // 1 - PQ; 2 - pv; 3 - swing; 4 - isolated LFGenCodeEnumType genType = type == 3 ? LFGenCodeEnumType.SWING : (type == 2 ? LFGenCodeEnumType.PV : (type == 1 ? LFGenCodeEnumType.PQ : LFGenCodeEnumType.OFF)); if (type == 2 || type == 3) { AclfDataSetter.setGenData(aclfBus, genType, vm, VoltageUnitType.PU, 0, 0, ApparentPowerUnitType.MVA); } double baseKva = parser.getBaseOpfNet().getBasePower().getValue() / 1000; if (pshunt != 0.0 || qshunt != 0.0) { aclfBus.getShuntYData().setEquivY(BaseDataSetter.createYValue(pshunt / baseKva, qshunt / baseKva, YUnitType.PU)); } } private void processGenData(final String str, OpfModelParser parser) { // parse the input data line final String[] s = getGenDataFields(str); final String id = s[0]; final String busId = IODMModelParser.BusIdPreFix + id; OpfGenBusXmlType bus = (OpfGenBusXmlType) parser.getBus(busId); opfGenContainer.add(bus); double pg = str2d(s[1]); double qg = str2d(s[2]); LoadflowGenDataXmlType defaultGen = AclfParserHelper.getDefaultGen(bus.getGenData()); defaultGen.setPower(BaseDataSetter.createPowerValue(pg, qg, ApparentPowerUnitType.MVA)); int status = str2i(s[7]); if (status > 0) { defaultGen.setOffLine(false); } else { defaultGen.setOffLine(true); } double pgmax = str2d(s[8]); double pgmin = str2d(s[9]); ActivePowerLimitXmlType plimit = BaseDataSetter.createActivePowerLimit( pgmax, pgmin, ActivePowerUnitType.MW); ConstraintsXmlType constraint = new ConstraintsXmlType(); constraint.setActivePowerLimit(plimit); bus.setConstraints(constraint); } private void processBranchData(final String str, /*int cirId,*/ OpfModelParser parser) { // parse the input data line final String[] s = getBranchDataFields(str); final String fid = IODMModelParser.BusIdPreFix + s[0]; final String tid = IODMModelParser.BusIdPreFix + s[1]; OpfBranchXmlType opfBra = null; try { // MapPower does not have branch cirId defined. It will be auto set in the // branch creation process opfBra = parser.createOpfBranch(fid, tid); } catch (Exception e) { this.logErr("branch data error, " + e.toString()); } double r = str2d(s[2]); double z = str2d(s[3]); AclfDataSetter.setLineData(opfBra, r, z, ZUnitType.PU, 0.0, 0, YUnitType.PU); double rating1Mvar = 0.0, rating2Mvar = 0.0, rating3Mvar = 0.0; if (!s[5].trim().equals("")) rating1Mvar = new Integer(s[5]).intValue(); if (!s[6].trim().equals("")) rating2Mvar = new Integer(s[6]).intValue(); if (!s[7].trim().equals("")) rating3Mvar = new Integer(s[7]).intValue(); opfBra.setRatingLimit(this.factory.createBranchRatingLimitXmlType()); ActivePowerRatingXmlType rating = new ActivePowerRatingXmlType(); rating.setRating1(rating1Mvar); rating.setRating2(rating2Mvar); rating.setRating3(rating3Mvar); rating.setUnit(ActivePowerUnitType.MW); opfBra.getRatingLimit().setMw(rating); } private void processGencostData(final String str, int gencnt) { final String[] s = getGencostDataFields(str); int type = str2i(s[0]); OpfGenBusXmlType bus = opfGenContainer.get(gencnt); IncCostXmlType incCost = new IncCostXmlType(); int np = str2i(s[3]); if (type == 2) { if (np > 3) { ODMLogger .getLogger() .severe("Polynomial gen cost function with order higher than 2 is not supported!"); return; } incCost.setCostModel(CostModelEnumType.QUADRATIC_MODEL); double[] point = new double[np]; int startIdx = 4; for (int i = 0; i < np; i++) { point[i] = str2d(s[startIdx++]); } OpfDataSetter.setQuadraticModel(incCost, point[0], ActivePowerPriceEnumType.DOLLAR_PER_MW_SQUARE, point[1], ActivePowerPriceEnumType.DOLLAR_PER_MW, point[2]); } else { incCost.setCostModel(CostModelEnumType.PIECE_WISE_LINEAR_MODEL); double[] point = new double[np * 2]; int startIdx = 4; for (int i = 0; i < 2 * np; i++) { point[i] = str2d(s[startIdx++]); } OpfDataSetter.setPWModel(incCost, point); } bus.setIncCost(incCost); } /* * private void processVersionData( String str, final AclfModelParser * parser) { str = str.replace(';', ' '); final StringTokenizer st = new * StringTokenizer(str); st.nextToken(); // mpc.version st.nextToken(); // = * //st.nextToken(); // = final String versionNum = * st.nextToken().toString(); // '2' final StringTokenizer st1 = new * StringTokenizer(versionNum, " "); String version = st1.nextToken(); * ODMLogger.getLogger().fine("Matpower version: " + version ); * * } */ private String[] getBusDataFields(String str) { str = str.replace(';', ' '); final String[] strAry = new String[17]; final StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(str); int cnt = 0; while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { strAry[cnt++] = st.nextToken().trim(); } return strAry; } private String[] getGenDataFields(String str) { str = str.replace(';', ' '); final String[] strAry = new String[25]; final StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(str); int cnt = 0; while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { strAry[cnt++] = st.nextToken().trim(); } return strAry; } private String[] getBranchDataFields(String str) { str = str.replace(';', ' '); final String[] strAry = new String[21]; final StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(str); int cnt = 0; while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { strAry[cnt++] = st.nextToken().trim(); } return strAry; } private String[] getGencostDataFields(String str) { str = str.replace(';', ' '); final StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(str); int size = st.countTokens(); final String[] strAry = new String[size]; int cnt = 0; while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { strAry[cnt++] = st.nextToken().trim(); } return strAry; } private double str2d(String str) { double d = new Double(str).doubleValue(); return d; } private int str2i(String str) { int d = new Integer(str).intValue(); return d; } }