package; import; import; import; public class PSLFDynGENSALDataParser extends AbstractDataFieldParser { @Override public String[] getMetadata() { return new String[]{ // 0----------1----------2----------3----------4 "Type", "IBUS", "NAME", "BASEKV", "MachId", // 5----------6----------7----------8----------9 "MVA", "T'do", "T''do", "T''qo", "H", // 10----------11----------12--------13--------14 "D", "Xd", "Xq", "X'd", "X''d", // 15----------16-------17---------18---------19---- "Xl", "S(1.0)", "S(1.2)", "Ra", "Rcomp", // 20--------21--------22---------23-------------- "Xcomp" }; } @Override public void parseFields(final String lineStr) throws ODMException { boolean hasMVAData = lineStr.contains("mva="); this.clearNVPairTableData(); // split the line string by multi-blanks while treating contents within quotes as a single entities String[] strAry=lineStr.split("\\s+(?=([^\"]*\"[^\"]*\")*[^\"]*$)"); int cnt =strAry.length; int k = 0; // for the ID, there could be blank within quotes for (int i = 0; i <cnt ; i++){ if(i==0) setValue(k++, strAry[i].trim().toUpperCase()); else if(i<5){ if(strAry[i].contains("\"")){ setValue(k++,ODMModelStringUtil.trimQuote(strAry[i]).trim()); } else setValue(k++, strAry[i].trim()); } else if(i==5 || i==6){ // skip the " : #9" } else if(i>=7){ if(strAry[i].contains("\"")){ // just skip items like "tpdo" } else{ if(i==7){ if(hasMVAData){ if(strAry[i].contains("mva=")){ String mvaString = strAry[i].substring(4, strAry[i].length()); setValue(k++,mvaString); } } else{ // since MVA is in the meta data part, even it is not provided, k index need to be updated //setValue(k++,"-999"); //use -999 to denote that MVA is not provided; k++; // the data corresponding to i=7 becomes the parameter next to MVA. setValue(k++, strAry[i].trim()); } } else setValue(k++, strAry[i].trim()); } } //end of i>=7 } } }