package eu.dnetlib.iis.common.pig.udfs; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.ImmutablePair; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import org.apache.pig.EvalFunc; import org.apache.pig.backend.executionengine.ExecException; import; import; import; import org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.FrontendException; import org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.schema.Schema; /** * @author Dominika Tkaczyk * @author Michal Oniszczuk */ public class IdReplacerUDF extends EvalFunc<Tuple> { /** * From the result we remove two first fields of the input tuple. This is because two first fields are UDF * parameters, the rest is the input record in which we replace ids. */ private static final int FIELDS_TO_REMOVE = 2; @Override /** * UDF replaces original id with new id string. The input tuple should contain following elements: * a dot-separated list of field ids representing a path in the input tree structure (first element), * new id string (second element), the rest of the tuple should contain the consecutive fields of the input record. * * Replacing of multiple id fields is not implemented yet. Only one field replacing is implemented. * * @param tuple a tuple (id path - dot-separated list of fields indicating position in the record schema tree, new id string, input tuple fields...) * @return * @throws IOException */ public Tuple exec(Tuple input) throws IOException { checkArguments(input); String oldIdPath = (String) input.get(0); String newId = (String) input.get(1); Tuple record = getRecord(input); Schema recordSchema = getRecordSchema(getInputSchema()); replaceIdFieldInTuple(newId, oldIdPath, record, recordSchema); return record; } private static void checkArguments(Tuple input) throws IllegalArgumentException { checkNotNull(input); checkInputSize(input); } private static void checkInputSize(Tuple input) throws IllegalArgumentException { final int minimalInputSize = FIELDS_TO_REMOVE + 1; final int actualSize = input.size(); if (actualSize < minimalInputSize) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Not enough arguments passed to " + IdReplacerUDF.class.getName() + ". Expected at least " + minimalInputSize + ", but got " + actualSize + " arguments."); } } private static void checkNotNull(Tuple input) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (input == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( IdReplacerUDF.class.getName() + ": Input tuple cannot be null"); } } /** * Leaves only fields belonging to the input record, removes fields corresponding to other UDF parameters. */ private static Tuple getRecord(Tuple input) throws ExecException {/*-?|2014-04-23 IdReplacer with 2 IDs to replace|mafju|c2|?*/ List<Object> strippedInput = new ArrayList<Object>(); for (int i = FIELDS_TO_REMOVE; i < input.size(); i++) { strippedInput.add(input.get(i)); } return TupleFactory.getInstance().newTuple(strippedInput); } /** * Leaves only fields belonging to the input record, removes fields corresponding to other UDF parameters. */ private static Schema getRecordSchema(Schema inputSchema) throws FrontendException { Schema output = new Schema(); for (int i = FIELDS_TO_REMOVE; i < inputSchema.size(); i++) { output.add(inputSchema.getField(i)); } return output; } private static void replaceIdFieldInTuple(String newId, String oldIdPath, Tuple tuple, Schema tupleSchema) throws ExecException, FrontendException { if (newId != null) { Pair<Tuple, Integer> idTupleAndPos = getIdField(oldIdPath, tuple, tupleSchema); idTupleAndPos.getLeft().set(idTupleAndPos.getRight(), newId); } } /** * Extracts from an input record the tuple containing the last field in a path and position of that field in that tuple. * Traverses the record schema tree using path. Path is a list of field names indicating position in that tree. * <p/> * In other words: returns a (sort-of-a) lens allowing modification of a field indicated by idPath. * More on lenses: * * @param path dot-separated list of field names * @param record input record * @param schema input record schema * @return a pair (the tuple containing the last field in a path, position of that field in that tuple) * @throws FrontendException * @throws ExecException */ private static Pair<Tuple, Integer> getIdField(String path, Tuple record, Schema schema) throws FrontendException, ExecException { String[] fields = path.split("\\."); for (int i = 0; i < fields.length - 1; i++) { int pos = schema.getPosition(fields[i]); schema = schema.getField(fields[i]).schema; record = (Tuple) record.get(pos); } return new ImmutablePair<Tuple, Integer>(record, schema.getPosition(fields[fields.length - 1])); } @Override public Schema outputSchema(Schema input) { try { return new Schema(new Schema.FieldSchema(getSchemaName(getClass().getName().toLowerCase().replace('.', '_'), input), getRecordSchema(input), DataType.TUPLE)); } catch (FrontendException ex) { return null; } } }