package; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; /** * Handles parsing parameters passed to the {@link Process} * @author Mateusz Kobos * */ public class CmdLineParserForProcessRunParameters { /** Parse the command line arguments. * * @param cmdLine command line arguments * @param ports names of ports that ought to be extracted from command line */ public ProcessParameters run(CommandLine cmdLine, Ports ports) { Properties inputProperties = cmdLine.getOptionProperties( CmdLineParser.inputPrefix); assumePortNamesMatch(CmdLineParser.inputPrefix, inputProperties, ports.getInput().keySet()); Map<String, Path> inputBindings = getBindings( inputProperties, ports.getInput().keySet()); Properties outputProperties = cmdLine.getOptionProperties( CmdLineParser.outputPrefix); assumePortNamesMatch(CmdLineParser.outputPrefix, outputProperties, ports.getOutput().keySet()); Map<String, Path> outputBindings = getBindings( outputProperties, ports.getOutput().keySet()); PortBindings bindings = new PortBindings(inputBindings, outputBindings); Properties specialProperties = cmdLine.getOptionProperties( CmdLineParser.specialParametersPrefix); assumeContainAllMandatoryParameters( specialProperties, CmdLineParser.mandatorySpecialParameters); Properties rawProperties = cmdLine.getOptionProperties( CmdLineParser.processParametersPrefix); Map<String, String> processParameters = new HashMap<String, String>(); for(Entry<Object, Object> entry: rawProperties.entrySet()){ processParameters.put( (String)entry.getKey(), (String)entry.getValue()); } return new ProcessParameters(bindings, processParameters); } private static void assumeContainAllMandatoryParameters( Properties properties, String[] mandatoryParameters){ for(String otherParameter: mandatoryParameters){ if(!properties.containsKey(otherParameter)){ throw new CmdLineParserException(String.format( "Not all mandatory properties are set using the \"%s\" " + "option are given, e.g. \"-%s\" parameter is missing", CmdLineParser.specialParametersPrefix, otherParameter)); } } } private static void assumePortNamesMatch(String cmdLineParamPrefix, Properties cmdLineProperties, Set<String> portNames) { for (String name : portNames) { if (!cmdLineProperties.containsKey(name)) { throw new CmdLineParserException(String.format( "The port with name \"%s\" is not specified in " + "command line (command line option \"-%s\" is missing)", name, cmdLineParamPrefix + name)); } } for (Object cmdLineKeyObject : cmdLineProperties.keySet()) { String name = (String) cmdLineKeyObject; if (!portNames.contains(name)) { throw new CmdLineParserException(String.format( "A port name \"%s\" which is not specified is given " + "in the command line " + "(command line option \"%s\" is excess)", name, cmdLineParamPrefix + name)); } } } private static Map<String, Path> getBindings( Properties cmdLineProperties, Set<String> portNames) { Map<String, Path> bindings = new HashMap<String, Path>(); for (String name : portNames) { Path path = new Path((String) cmdLineProperties.get(name)); bindings.put(name, path); } return bindings; } }