package org.celllife.idart.gui.dataQualityexports; import model.manager.excel.conversion.exceptions.ReportException; import org.celllife.idart.database.hibernate.util.HibernateUtil; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.*; public class InaccurateEpisodes extends DataQualityBase{ int num ; private final String[] newpatientHeadings = new String[] { "PATIENT","FIRSTNAME","LASTNAME" }; private final String[] dpatientHeadings = new String[] { "Multiple New Patient Episodes\n\n"+ "The following patients have more than one episodes marked as 'New Patient'\n"+ "It's important that patients only have 1 'New Patient' episode (ror reporting purposes).\n"+ "To fix this go to 'Update Existing Patient' and select 'View or Edit All Previous Episodes '"+ "\n\nFolder Number","Firstname","Lastname","Date Of Birth","Sex" }; private final String[] deadpatientHeadings = new String[] { "Multiple Deceased Episodes\n\n" + "The following patients have more than one episodes marked as 'Deceased' \n"+ "It's important that patients only have 1 'Deceased' episode (for reporting purposes).\n"+ "To fix this go to 'Update Existing Patient' and select 'View or Edit All Previous Episodes '"+ "\n\nFolder Number","Firstname","Lastname","Date Of Birth","Sex" }; private final String[] overlappingHeadings = new String[] { "Startdate","Stopdate","Folder Number","Firstname","Lastname" }; private final String[] inconsistentStartStopHeadings = new String[] { "StartDate","StopDate","StartReason","StopReason","Folder Number","Firstname","Lastname" }; Date date = new Date(); public InaccurateEpisodes(int num){ this.num = num; } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void getData(){ setHeadings(dpatientHeadings); if(num == 1){ data = HibernateUtil.getNewSession().createSQLQuery("select pat.patientid, " + "pat.firstnames, " + "pat.lastname, " + "to_char(pat.dateofbirth, 'DD-Mon-YYYY' ), "+ " "+ "from episode a,patient pat, (select patient," + "count(patient) as pcount " + "from episode " + "where startreason = 'New Patient' " + "GROUP BY patient) as episodes " + "where a.patient = episodes.patient " + "and = episodes.patient " + "and episodes.pcount >1 " + "GROUP BY pat.patientid,episodes.pcount,pat.firstnames,pat.lastname,pat.dateofbirth,").list(); }else if (num == 2){ setHeadings(deadpatientHeadings); data = HibernateUtil.getNewSession().createSQLQuery("select pat.patientid, " + "pat.firstnames, " + "pat.lastname, " + "to_char(pat.dateofbirth, 'DD-Mon-YYYY' ), "+ " "+ "from episode a, patient pat, (select patient, " + "count(patient) as pcount " + "from episode " + "where stopreason = 'Deceased' " + "GROUP BY patient) as episodes " + "where a.patient = episodes.patient " + "and = episodes.patient " + "and episodes.pcount >1 " + "GROUP BY pat.patientid,episodes.pcount,pat.firstnames,pat.lastname,pat.dateofbirth,").list(); }else if(num == 3){ setHeadings(overlappingHeadings); data = HibernateUtil.getNewSession().createSQLQuery("select A.STARTDATE AS astart, " + "a.STOPDATE as astop, " + "pat.patientid, " + "pat.firstnames, " + "pat.lastname " + "FROM EPISODE A, EPISODE B, patient pat " + "where a.stopdate is not null " + "and = a.patient " + "and b.startdate < a.stopdate " + "and a.patient = b.patient " + "and a.index < b.index").list(); }else if(num == 4){ setHeadings(newpatientHeadings); data = HibernateUtil.getNewSession().createSQLQuery("select pat.patientid, " + "pat.firstnames, " + "pat.lastname, " + "episodes.pcount " + "from episode a,PATIENT pat, (select patient, " + "count(patient) as pcount " + "from episode " + "where stopdate is null " + "GROUP BY patient) as episodes " + "where a.patient = episodes.patient " + "and = a.patient " + "and episodes.pcount >1 " + "GROUP BY pat.patientid,episodes.pcount,pat.firstnames,pat.lastname").list(); }else if(num == 5){ setHeadings(inconsistentStartStopHeadings); data = HibernateUtil.getNewSession().createQuery("select ep.startDate, " + "ep.stopDate, " + "ep.startReason, " + "ep.stopReason, " + "ep.patient.patientId, " + "ep.patient.firstNames, "+ "ep.patient.lastname "+ "from Episode ep " + "where startReason not in " + "(select value from SimpleDomain where name ='activation_reason' )" + " OR " + "(stopReason not in (select value from SimpleDomain where name ='deactivation_reason' ) " + "and stopReason is not null )").list(); } } @Override public String getFileName() { String mess=null; if(num == 1){ mess= new SimpleDateFormat("dd.MM.yyyy").format(date)+" - iDART (Episodes - Multiple New Patients)"; }else if(num == 2){ mess= new SimpleDateFormat("dd.MM.yyyy").format(date)+" - iDART(Episodes - Multiple Deceased )"; }else if(num == 3){ mess="Inacccurate Overlapping Episodes -"+ new SimpleDateFormat("dd.MM.yyyy").format(date)+" - IDART(inacccurate overlapping episodes)"; }else if(num == 4){ mess="Inacccurate Open Episodes -"+ new SimpleDateFormat("dd.MM.yyyy").format(date)+" - IDART(inacccurate open episodes)"; }else if(num == 5){ mess="Inconsistent Start Stop Episodes -"+ new SimpleDateFormat("dd.MM.yyyy").format(date)+" - IDART(inconsistent start stop episodes)"; } return mess; } @Override public void performJob(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws ReportException { super.performJob(monitor); } @Override public String getMessage() { String message=null; if(num == 1){ message="Episodes - Multiple 'New Patient'"; }else if(num == 2){ message="Episodes - Multiple 'Deceased'"; }else if(num == 3){ message="Episodes - Overlapping in time"; }else if(num == 4){ message="Multiple Open Episodes"; }else if(num == 5){ message="Inconsistent Start an Stop Reasons"; } return message; } }