package model.manager.reports; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import model.manager.excel.conversion.exceptions.ReportException; import; import org.celllife.idart.commonobjects.LocalObjects; import org.celllife.idart.database.hibernate.Drug; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell; import org.hibernate.HibernateException; public class ARVDrugUsageReport extends AbstractJasperReport { private final String stockCenterName; private final List<Drug> drugList; private final Date endDate; private final Date startDate; private File csvFile; private String[] totalString; public ARVDrugUsageReport(Shell parent, String stockCenterName, List<Drug> drugList, Date theStartDate, Date theEndDate) { super(parent); this.stockCenterName = stockCenterName; this.drugList = drugList; this.startDate = getBeginningOfDay(theStartDate); this.endDate = getEndOfDay(theEndDate); } @Override protected void generateData() throws ReportException { final List<String[]> theStringList = new ArrayList<String[]>(); theStringList.addAll(getARVDrugUsagePerDay()); // print the header theStringList.add(0, new String[] { "date", "drug1", "drug2", "drug3", "drug4", "drug5", "drug6", "drug7", "drug8", "drug9", "drug10", "drug11" }); // take off the last row - this is the totals, passed as parameters // later totalString = theStringList.get(theStringList.size() - 1); theStringList.remove(theStringList.size() - 1); csvFile = createCSVFile("tmpARVDrugUsage.csv", theStringList, true); } @Override protected Object getDataSource() throws ReportException { try { JRCsvDataSource jcvs = new JRCsvDataSource(new File("Reports" + + csvFile.getName())); jcvs.setUseFirstRowAsHeader(true); return jcvs; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ReportException("Error getting data source", e); } } @Override protected Map<String, Object> getParameterMap() throws ReportException { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); map.put("path", getReportPath()); map.put("facilityName",; map.put("pharmacist1",; map.put("pharmacist2",; Iterator it2 = drugList.iterator(); int count = 1; while (it2.hasNext()) { map.put("drug" + count + "Name", ((Drug); map.put("drug" + count + "Count", totalString[count]); count++; } return map; } @Override protected String getReportFileName() { return "ARVDrugUsage"; } public List<String[]> getARVDrugUsagePerDay() throws HibernateException { List<String[]> theReturnList = new ArrayList<String[]>(); Date theDate = startDate; String[] usageArray = new String[12]; int[] totalArray = new int[11]; // totals in pills Integer stockCenterId = (Integer) hSession .createQuery( "select id from StockCenter sc where sc.stockCenterName = :name") .setString("name", stockCenterName).uniqueResult(); while (!theDate.after(endDate)) { // write the date as the first string in the array usageArray[0] = (new SimpleDateFormat("dd MMM yy")).format(theDate); // write the totals for each drug in the drug list Iterator<Drug> it = drugList.iterator(); for (int i = 1; i < 12; i++) { if (it.hasNext()) { Drug theDrug =; Integer[] dispQuantities = getTotalForDrugForDay(theDrug, theDate, stockCenterId); usageArray[i] = (dispQuantities[1] == 0 ? "" + dispQuantities[0] : "" + dispQuantities[0] + " (" + dispQuantities[1] + ")"); totalArray[i - 1] = totalArray[i - 1] + (dispQuantities[0] * theDrug.getPackSize()) + dispQuantities[1]; } } // increment the date by 1 day Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(theDate); cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1); theDate.setTime(cal.getTimeInMillis()); theReturnList.add(usageArray); usageArray = new String[12]; } // add the total strings to the end of the string list usageArray = new String[12]; usageArray[0] = ""; Iterator<Drug> it2 = drugList.iterator(); int count = 0; while (it2.hasNext()) { Drug theDrug =; int fullPacks = totalArray[count] / theDrug.getPackSize(); int loosePills = totalArray[count] % theDrug.getPackSize(); usageArray[count + 1] = loosePills == 0 ? "" + fullPacks : "" + fullPacks + " (" + loosePills + ")"; count++; } theReturnList.add(usageArray); return theReturnList; } public Integer[] getTotalForDrugForDay(Drug theDrug, Date theDate, Integer stockCenterId) throws HibernateException { Integer[] totalDispensedInteger = new Integer[2]; Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(theDate); cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0); cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); Date startDate = cal.getTime(); cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1); Date endDate = cal.getTime(); Long sum = ((Long) hSession .createQuery( "select sum(pd.amount) " + "from PackagedDrugs pd where pd.stock.drug = :drug " + "and pd.parentPackage.packDate between :startDate and :endDate " + "and pd.parentPackage.prescription is not null " + "and pd.stock.stockCenter = :stockCenter") .setInteger("drug", theDrug.getId()).setInteger("stockCenter", stockCenterId).setDate("startDate", startDate).setDate( "endDate", endDate).uniqueResult()); if (sum == null) { totalDispensedInteger[0] = 0; totalDispensedInteger[1] = 0; } else { int totalDrugsPackaged = sum.intValue(); int fullContainersDispensed = totalDrugsPackaged / theDrug.getPackSize(); int loosePillsDispensed = totalDrugsPackaged % theDrug.getPackSize(); if (loosePillsDispensed == 0) { totalDispensedInteger[0] = fullContainersDispensed; totalDispensedInteger[1] = 0; } else { totalDispensedInteger[0] = fullContainersDispensed; totalDispensedInteger[1] = loosePillsDispensed; } } return totalDispensedInteger; } }