package net.jhorstmann.i18n.mojo; import; import; import net.jhorstmann.i18n.GettextResourceBundle; import; import; import org.apache.maven.model.Resource; import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException; import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException; import org.codehaus.plexus.util.DirectoryScanner; import; /** * Generates ressource bundles. * * @goal dist * @phase generate-resources * * @author Jörn Horstmann */ public class DistMojo extends AbstractGettextMojo { /** * The package and file name of the generated class or properties files. * * @parameter expression="${targetBundle}" * @required */ protected String targetBundle; /** * The locale of the messages in the source code. * * @parameter expression="${sourceLocale}" default-value="en" * @required */ protected String sourceLocale; /** @parameter default-value="${project}" */ private org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject mavenProject; private static String getLocale(File file) { String fileName = file.getName(); // TODO: check correct locale name for "sr@latin" return fileName.substring(0, fileName.lastIndexOf('.')).replace("@", "_"); } private void processLocaleImpl(File inputFile, String locale) throws IOException, MojoExecutionException { String className = targetBundle; if (locale != null && locale.length() > 0) { className += "_" + locale; } MessageBundle bundle = MessageBundle.loadCatalog(inputFile); ResourceBundleCompiler.compileFile(bundle, GettextResourceBundle.class.getName(), className, classesDirectory); } private void processLocale(File inputFile, String locale) throws MojoExecutionException { try { processLocaleImpl(inputFile, locale); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new MojoExecutionException("Could not create ResourceBundle for input " + inputFile + " and locale " + locale, ex); } } private void touch(File file) { if (!file.exists()) { try { File parent = file.getParentFile(); if (parent != null && !parent.exists()) { parent.mkdirs(); } file.createNewFile(); } catch (IOException e) { getLog().warn("Could not touch file: " + file.getName(), e); buildContext.addMessage(file, 0, 0, "Could not touch file: " + file.getName(), BuildContext.SEVERITY_WARNING, e); } } buildContext.refresh(file); // inform Eclipse-Workspace about file-modifications } @Override public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException { if (skip) { getLog().info("Skipping gettext."); return; } // create output directory if it doesn't exists classesDirectory.mkdirs(); DirectoryScanner ds = new DirectoryScanner(); ds.setBasedir(poDirectory); ds.setIncludes(getPoIncludes()); ds.setExcludes(getPoExcludes()); ds.scan(); boolean processedSourceLocale = false; String[] files = ds.getIncludedFiles(); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { File inputFile = new File(poDirectory, files[i]); if (buildContext == null || buildContext.hasDelta(inputFile)) { getLog().info("Processing " + files[i]); String locale = getLocale(inputFile); getLog().info("Creating ResourceBundle for " + files[i] + " with locale " + locale); processLocale(inputFile, locale); if (sourceLocale != null && sourceLocale.length() > 0 && locale.equals(sourceLocale)) { processedSourceLocale = true; } } } if (keysFile.exists()) { if (!processedSourceLocale && sourceLocale != null && sourceLocale.length() > 0) { processLocale(keysFile, sourceLocale); } if (buildContext != null) { buildContext.refresh(keysFile); buildContext.refresh(classesDirectory); } } // Create empty default message bundle File msgBundle = new File(classesDirectory, targetBundle.replace('.', '/') + ".properties"); touch(msgBundle); Resource res = new Resource(); res.setDirectory(classesDirectory.getAbsolutePath()); mavenProject.addResource(res); } }