/* * NOTE: This copyright does *not* cover user programs that use HQ * program services by normal system calls through the application * program interfaces provided as part of the Hyperic Plug-in Development * Kit or the Hyperic Client Development Kit - this is merely considered * normal use of the program, and does *not* fall under the heading of * "derived work". * * Copyright (C) [2004-2007], Hyperic, Inc. * This file is part of HQ. * * HQ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed * in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without * even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA. */ package org.hyperic.hq.livedata.formatters; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Locale; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import org.hyperic.hq.livedata.FormatType; import org.hyperic.hq.livedata.LiveDataFormatter; import org.hyperic.hq.livedata.shared.LiveDataCommand; import org.hyperic.hq.plugin.system.DfData; import org.hyperic.hq.plugin.system.FileSystemData; import org.hyperic.sigar.FileSystem; import org.hyperic.sigar.FileSystemUsage; import org.hyperic.util.config.ConfigResponse; import org.hyperic.util.config.ConfigSchema; import org.hyperic.util.i18n.MessageBundle; import org.hyperic.util.units.UnitNumber; import org.hyperic.util.units.UnitsConstants; import org.hyperic.util.units.UnitsFormat; public class DfFormatter implements LiveDataFormatter { private static final MessageBundle BUNDLE = MessageBundle.getBundle("org.hyperic.hq.livedata.Resources"); private static final ConfigSchema EMPTY_SCHEMA = new ConfigSchema(); public boolean canFormat(LiveDataCommand cmd, FormatType type) { return cmd.getCommand().equals("df"); } public String format(LiveDataCommand cmd, FormatType type, ConfigResponse formatCfg, Object val) { DfData df = (DfData)val; if (type.equals(FormatType.TEXT)) return formatText(formatCfg, df); else if (type.equals(FormatType.HTML)) return formatHtml(formatCfg, df); throw new IllegalStateException("Unhandled format type [" + type + "]"); } private String formatText(ConfigResponse cfg, DfData df) { return "Text stuff "+ df; } private String h(String s) { return StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml(s); } private String formatHtml(ConfigResponse cfg, DfData df) { StringBuffer r = new StringBuffer(); r.append("<div class='df_livedata'><table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='100%'><thead><tr>"); r.append("<td>") .append(BUNDLE.format("formatter.df.head.name")) .append("</td>") .append("<td>") .append(BUNDLE.format("formatter.df.head.size")) .append("</td>") .append("<td>") .append(BUNDLE.format("formatter.df.head.used")) .append("</td>") .append("<td>") .append(BUNDLE.format("formatter.df.head.avail")) .append("</td>") .append("<td>") .append(BUNDLE.format("formatter.df.head.usePerc")) .append("</td>") .append("<td>") .append(BUNDLE.format("formatter.df.head.mount")) .append("</td>") .append("<td>") .append(BUNDLE.format("formatter.df.head.type")) .append("</td>") .append("</tr></thead><tbody>"); for (Iterator i=df.getFileSystems().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { FileSystemData fd = (FileSystemData)i.next(); FileSystemUsage stat = fd.getStat(); FileSystem fs = fd.getConfig(); long total, used, avail, pct; if (stat == null) { //e.g. cdrom drive total = used = avail = pct = 0; } else { total = stat.getTotal(); used = stat.getUsed(); avail = stat.getAvail(); pct = (long)(stat.getUsePercent() * 100); } String spct; if (pct == 0) spct = "-"; else spct = pct + "%"; r.append("<tr><td>") .append(h(fs.getDevName())) .append("</td><td>") .append(formatBytes(total)) .append("</td><td>") .append(formatBytes(used)) .append("</td><td>") .append(formatBytes(avail)) .append("</td><td>") .append(spct) .append("</td><td>") .append(h(fs.getDirName())) .append("</td><td>") .append(h(fs.getSysTypeName() + "/" + fs.getTypeName())) .append("</td></tr>"); } r.append("</tbody></table></div>"); return r.toString(); } private String formatBytes(long b) { return UnitsFormat.format(new UnitNumber(b, UnitsConstants.UNIT_BYTES, UnitsConstants.SCALE_KILO), Locale.getDefault(), null).toString(); } public ConfigSchema getConfig(LiveDataCommand cmd) { return EMPTY_SCHEMA; } public String getDescription() { return BUNDLE.format("formatter.df.desc"); } public String getName() { return BUNDLE.format("formatter.df.name"); } public String getId() { return "df"; } }