/* * NOTE: This copyright does *not* cover user programs that use HQ * program services by normal system calls through the application * program interfaces provided as part of the Hyperic Plug-in Development * Kit or the Hyperic Client Development Kit - this is merely considered * normal use of the program, and does *not* fall under the heading of * "derived work". * * Copyright (C) [2004, 2005, 2006], Hyperic, Inc. * This file is part of HQ. * * HQ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms version 2 of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed * in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without * even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA. */ package org.hyperic.hq.product.util; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import org.hyperic.hq.agent.AgentConfig; import org.hyperic.hq.appdef.shared.AIPlatformValue; import org.hyperic.hq.appdef.shared.AIServerExtValue; import org.hyperic.hq.appdef.shared.AIServerValue; import org.hyperic.hq.appdef.shared.AIServiceValue; import org.hyperic.hq.autoinventory.AutoinventoryException; import org.hyperic.hq.autoinventory.ScanConfiguration; import org.hyperic.hq.autoinventory.ScanListener; import org.hyperic.hq.autoinventory.ScanManager; import org.hyperic.hq.autoinventory.ScanMethod; import org.hyperic.hq.autoinventory.ScanState; import org.hyperic.hq.autoinventory.Scanner; import org.hyperic.hq.autoinventory.ServerSignature; import org.hyperic.hq.autoinventory.scanimpl.FileScan; import org.hyperic.hq.autoinventory.scanimpl.NullScan; import org.hyperic.hq.autoinventory.scanimpl.WindowsRegistryScan; import org.hyperic.hq.common.SystemException; import org.hyperic.hq.product.AutoServerDetector; import org.hyperic.hq.product.AutoinventoryPluginManager; import org.hyperic.hq.product.FileServerDetector; import org.hyperic.hq.product.PlatformDetector; import org.hyperic.hq.product.PlatformResource; import org.hyperic.hq.product.PlatformTypeInfo; import org.hyperic.hq.product.PluginException; import org.hyperic.hq.product.PluginNotFoundException; import org.hyperic.hq.product.ProductPlugin; import org.hyperic.hq.product.RegistryServerDetector; import org.hyperic.hq.product.RuntimeDiscoverer; import org.hyperic.hq.product.RuntimeResourceReport; import org.hyperic.hq.product.ServerDetector; import org.hyperic.hq.product.ServiceResource; import org.hyperic.hq.product.TypeInfo; import org.hyperic.util.ArrayUtil; import org.hyperic.util.PluginLoader; import org.hyperic.util.config.ConfigOption; import org.hyperic.util.config.ConfigResponse; import org.hyperic.util.config.EncodingException; import org.hyperic.util.file.FileUtil; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.hyperic.util.AutoApproveConfig; public class PluginDiscoverer implements ScanListener { private static final boolean IS_WIN32 = PlatformDetector.IS_WIN32; private AutoinventoryPluginManager pm; private ScanManager scanManager; private Log log; private ArrayList autoSignatures = new ArrayList(); private ArrayList rgySignatures = new ArrayList(); private ArrayList fileSignatures = new ArrayList(); private Set servers; private PluginDumper pd; private boolean dumpProps = false; private boolean fetchMetrics = false; private ConfigResponse platformConfig; private String os; public PluginDiscoverer(PluginDumper pd) { this.pd = pd; this.log = LogFactory.getLog(PluginDiscoverer.class); this.pm = pd.apm; this.platformConfig = getPlatformConfig(); String aacPath = System.getProperty("autoapproveconfig.path", "config"); AutoApproveConfig aac = null; try{ aac = new AutoApproveConfig(aacPath, AgentConfig.DEFAULT_PROP_ENC_KEY_FILE); } catch(IllegalArgumentException ex){ } this.scanManager = new ScanManager(this, this.pm, null, aac); this.scanManager.startup(); this.fetchMetrics = PluginDumper.METHOD_METRIC.equals(this.pd.config.action); this.dumpProps = this.fetchMetrics || "properties".equals(this.pd.config.action); } private ServerDetector getPlugin(String name) throws PluginNotFoundException { ServerDetector detector = (ServerDetector)this.pm.getPlatformPlugin(this.os, name); return detector; } public void scanComplete(ScanState state) throws AutoinventoryException, SystemException { this.servers = state.getAllServers(); } private void addScanners(ScanConfiguration scanConfig, ScanMethod method, List sigList, ConfigResponse config) { ServerSignature[] sigs = (ServerSignature[])sigList.toArray(new ServerSignature[0]); ServerSignature[] signatures = scanConfig.getServerSignatures(); signatures = (ServerSignature[])ArrayUtil.combine(signatures, sigs); scanConfig.setServerSignatures(signatures); scanConfig.setScanMethodConfig(method, config); } public void add(String name) { ServerDetector plugin; try { plugin = getPlugin(name); } catch (PluginNotFoundException e) { this.log.debug("No detector for " + name); return; } ServerSignature sig = plugin.getServerSignature(); if (plugin instanceof FileServerDetector) { this.fileSignatures.add(sig); } if (plugin instanceof AutoServerDetector) { this.autoSignatures.add(sig); } if (IS_WIN32) { if (plugin instanceof RegistryServerDetector) { this.rgySignatures.add(sig); } } } private ConfigResponse getFileScanConfig(FileScan fileScan) { List options; ConfigResponse config = new ConfigResponse(); Properties props = pm.getProperties(); //if we find any property from this ConfigSchema //(fileScan.scanDirs, fileScan.depth, etc.) //then we will run a file scan. try { options = fileScan.getConfigSchema().getOptions(); } catch (AutoinventoryException e) { e.printStackTrace(); //notgonnahappen return null; } for (int i=0; i<options.size(); i++) { ConfigOption option = (ConfigOption)options.get(i); String key = option.getName(); String propName = "fileScan." + key; String value = props.getProperty(propName); if (value != null) { config.setValue(key, value); } } if (config.getKeys().size() > 0) { //set defaults for any not specified for (int i=0; i<options.size(); i++) { ConfigOption option = (ConfigOption)options.get(i); String key = option.getName(); if (config.getValue(key) == null) { config.setValue(key, option.getDefault()); } } return config; } else { return null; } } private ConfigResponse getPlatformConfig() { ConfigResponse config = new ConfigResponse(); String name = this.pd.config.plugin; String configType = this.pd.config.type; if (name != null) { //for device plugins when given -p name, change the default platform.type ProductPlugin plugin = this.pd.ppm.getProductPlugin(name); TypeInfo[] types = plugin.getTypes(); for (int i=0; i<types.length; i++) { if (types[i] instanceof PlatformTypeInfo) { PlatformTypeInfo type = (PlatformTypeInfo)types[i]; if (!type.isDevice()) { continue; } if ((configType != null) && !type.getName().equals(configType)) { continue; //if given -t type param for another type } config.setValue(ProductPlugin.PROP_PLATFORM_TYPE, type.getName()); log.debug("Set " + ProductPlugin.PROP_PLATFORM_TYPE + "=" + type.getName()); //propagate platform config String[] props = plugin.getConfigSchema(type, config).getOptionNames(); for (int j=0; j<props.length; j++) { String val = pd.getProperty(props[j]); if (val != null) { config.setValue(props[j], val); } } } } } Properties props = this.pm.getProperties(); String[][] platformProps = { { ProductPlugin.PROP_PLATFORM_TYPE, PluginDumper.OS }, { ProductPlugin.PROP_PLATFORM_FQDN, "localhost" }, { ProductPlugin.PROP_PLATFORM_NAME, "localhost" }, { ProductPlugin.PROP_PLATFORM_IP, "" }, }; for (int i=0; i<platformProps.length; i++) { String key = platformProps[i][0]; String defval = platformProps[i][1]; String value = props.getProperty(key, config.getValue(key, defval)); if (value != null) { config.setValue(key, value); } } this.os = config.getValue(ProductPlugin.PROP_PLATFORM_TYPE); return config; } public void start() { ScanConfiguration scanConfig = new ScanConfiguration(); scanConfig.setConfigResponse(this.platformConfig); FileScan fileScan = new FileScan(); ConfigResponse config = getFileScanConfig(fileScan); if (config != null) { this.log.debug("FileScan config=" + config); addScanners(scanConfig, fileScan, this.fileSignatures, config); } else { scanConfig.setIsDefaultScan(true); addScanners(scanConfig, new NullScan(), this.autoSignatures, config); this.log.debug("Adding Auto Scanners=" + this.autoSignatures); if (IS_WIN32) { this.log.debug("Adding Registry Scanners=" + this.rgySignatures); addScanners(scanConfig, new WindowsRegistryScan(), this.rgySignatures, config); } } // clear the plugin shared data, caches, etc. this.pm.endScan(); synchronized (this.scanManager) { this.scanManager.queueScan(scanConfig); } while (this.scanManager.isScanQueued() || this.scanManager.isScanRunning()) { try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } if (this.servers == null) { System.out.println("No servers detected"); return; } else { System.out.println(this.servers.size() + " servers detected"); } String discoverServices = this.pm.getProperties().getProperty("discover-services", "true"); runtimeScan(discoverServices.equals("true")); } private void dumpConfig(ConfigResponse config, ConfigResponse metricConfig, ConfigResponse controlConfig, ConfigResponse cprops, String indent) { System.out.println(indent + "config..."); System.out.println(indent + "product.." + config); System.out.println(indent + "metric..." + metricConfig); System.out.println(indent + "control.." + controlConfig); if (cprops != null) { System.out.println(indent + "cprops..." + cprops); } } private ConfigResponse decodeConfig(byte[] config) { if (config == null) { return null; } try { return ConfigResponse.decode(config); } catch (EncodingException e) { return null; //notgonnahappen } } private void dumpConfig(ConfigResponse config, ConfigResponse metricConfig, ConfigResponse controlConfig, ConfigResponse cprops, ConfigResponse rtConfig, String indent) { dumpConfig(config, metricConfig, controlConfig, cprops, indent); System.out.println(indent + "rt......." + rtConfig); } private void dumpProperties(Properties props, String type, String name) { if (this.fetchMetrics) { TypeInfo info = this.pd.ppm.getTypeInfo(this.os, type); if (info == null) { this.log.error("No TypeInfo found for: " + type); return; } //add command line props for stuff like passwords props.putAll(this.pd.getProperties()); ConfigResponse config = new ConfigResponse(props); try { this.pd.fetchMetrics(info, false, config); } catch (PluginException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return; } PrintStream ps = null; String file = FileUtil.escape(name); String dir = "plugin-properties" + File.separator + TypeInfo.formatName(type); String plugin = (String)this.pd.productTypes.get(type); try { ps = PluginDumper.openFile(dir, file + ".properties"); ps.println("# same as '-p \"" + plugin + "\"'"); ps.println(PluginDumper.PROP_PLUGIN+ "=" + plugin); ps.println("# same as '-t \"" + type + "\"'"); ps.println(PluginDumper.PROP_TYPE + "=" + type); props.store(ps, name); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (ps != null) { ps.close(); } } } private void dumpProperties(Properties props, ConfigResponse pConfig, ConfigResponse mConfig, ConfigResponse cConfig, String type, String name) { if (pConfig != null) { props.putAll(pConfig.toProperties()); } if (mConfig != null) { props.putAll(mConfig.toProperties()); } if (cConfig != null) { props.putAll(cConfig.toProperties()); } dumpProperties(props, type, name); } private String getDescription(String desc) { if (desc == null) { return ""; } return " (" + desc + ")"; } private void dumpService(Properties serverProps, AIServiceValue service, String indent) { System.out.println(indent + service.getName() + getDescription(service.getDescription())); ConfigResponse config = decodeConfig(service.getProductConfig()); ConfigResponse metricConfig = decodeConfig(service.getMeasurementConfig()); ConfigResponse controlConfig = decodeConfig(service.getControlConfig()); ConfigResponse rtConfig = decodeConfig(service.getResponseTimeConfig()); ConfigResponse cprops = decodeConfig(service.getCustomProperties()); dumpConfig(config, metricConfig, controlConfig, cprops, rtConfig, indent + " "); if (this.dumpProps) { Properties props = new Properties(); props.putAll(serverProps); dumpProperties(props, config, metricConfig, controlConfig, service.getServiceTypeName(), service.getName()); } } private ConfigResponse dumpServer(AIServerValue server, Properties serverProps, ServerDetector detector) { ConfigResponse config = decodeConfig(server.getProductConfig()); ConfigResponse metricConfig = decodeConfig(server.getMeasurementConfig()); ConfigResponse controlConfig = decodeConfig(server.getControlConfig()); ConfigResponse cprops = decodeConfig(server.getCustomProperties()); System.out.println("\nServer: " + server.getName() + " [" + server.getInstallPath() + "]" + getDescription(server.getDescription())); System.out.println(" AIID....." + server.getAutoinventoryIdentifier()); dumpConfig(config, metricConfig, controlConfig, cprops, " "); if (config == null) { return null; } if (this.dumpProps) { dumpProperties(serverProps, config, metricConfig, controlConfig, server.getServerTypeName(), server.getName()); } if (detector == null) { return null; } if (metricConfig != null) { config.merge(metricConfig, true); } //merge config from command line -Dprop=value if (this.pd.config.plugin != null) { ProductPlugin pPlugin = this.pd.ppm.getProductPlugin(this.pd.config.plugin); try { config.merge(this.pd.getPluginConfig(pPlugin, detector.getTypeInfo()), false); } catch (PluginException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } config.setValue(ProductPlugin.PROP_INSTALLPATH, server.getInstallPath()); return config; } private void runtimeScan(boolean discoverServices) { PlatformResource platform; HashMap serviceNames = new HashMap(); try { platform = Scanner.detectPlatform(this.pm, this.platformConfig); } catch (AutoinventoryException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } String fqdn = this.platformConfig.getValue(ProductPlugin.PROP_PLATFORM_FQDN); if ("localhost".equals(fqdn)) { this.platformConfig.setValue(ProductPlugin.PROP_PLATFORM_FQDN, platform.getFqdn()); } ConfigResponse platformMeasurementConfig = decodeConfig(platform.getMeasurementConfig()); boolean useDelim = (this.servers.size() > 1); for (Iterator it=this.servers.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { AIServerValue server = (AIServerValue)it.next(); String typeName = server.getServerTypeName(); String name = server.getName(); RuntimeResourceReport report; ServerDetector detector; ConfigResponse config; Properties serverProps = new Properties(); if (useDelim) { System.out.println("\n=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-" + "=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-="); } try { detector = getPlugin(typeName); } catch (PluginNotFoundException e) { detector = null; } config = dumpServer(server, serverProps, detector); if (!discoverServices) { continue; } if (detector == null) { continue; } if (!detector.isRuntimeDiscoverySupported()) { continue; } if (config == null) { continue; } this.log.debug("Runtime discover for " + name + ", config=" + config); config.merge(this.platformConfig, false); if (platformMeasurementConfig != null) { //snmp based platform device plugins use platform.ip //to auto-configure snmpIp config.merge(platformMeasurementConfig, false); } try { PluginLoader.setClassLoader(detector); RuntimeDiscoverer discoverer = detector.getRuntimeDiscoverer(); //flush old values so we dont have to run //PlatformDetector everytime platform.cleanAIServerValue(); platform.cleanAIIpValue(); platform.removeAllAIServerValues(); platform.removeAllAIIpValues(); try { report = discoverer.discoverResources(0, platform, config); } catch (PluginException e) { String msg = detector.getName() + "-->" + e; if (server.measurementConfigHasBeenSet()) { this.log.error(msg, e); } else { this.log.debug(msg, e); } continue; } } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) { this.log.debug(detector.getName() + "-->" + e, e); continue; } finally { PluginLoader.resetClassLoader(detector); } System.out.print("\nRuntime Resource Report..."); if (report == null) { System.out.println("none"); continue; } System.out.print("\n"); AIPlatformValue[] platforms = report.getAIPlatforms(); if (platforms == null) { System.out.println("No platforms discovered"); continue; } for (int i=0; i<platforms.length; i++) { System.out.println("Platform=" + platforms[i].getPlatformTypeName() + ", fqdn=" + platforms[i].getFqdn() + getDescription(platforms[i].getDescription())); System.out.println("config..."); System.out.println("product.." + decodeConfig(platforms[i].getProductConfig())); System.out.println("metric..." + decodeConfig(platforms[i].getMeasurementConfig())); System.out.println("control.." + decodeConfig(platforms[i].getControlConfig())); System.out.println("cprops..." + decodeConfig(platforms[i].getCustomProperties())); AIServerValue[] servers = platforms[i].getAIServerValues(); for (int j=0; j<servers.length; j++) { if (!(servers[j] instanceof AIServerExtValue)) { continue; } AIServerExtValue s = (AIServerExtValue)servers[j]; String sName; if (s.getName() == null) { sName = server.getName(); } else { //e.g. iPlanet, WebLogic, WebSphere discover servers sName = s.getName(); if (!server.getName().equals(sName)) { dumpServer(s, new Properties(), null); } } if (s.getCustomProperties() != null) { System.out.println(" " + sName + " cprops: " + decodeConfig(s.getCustomProperties())); } AIServiceValue[] services = s.getAIServiceValues(); if ((services == null) || (services.length == 0)) { System.out.println(" [No services discovered]"); continue; } System.out.println(" " + sName + " services:"); for (int k=0; k<services.length; k++) { String svcName = services[k].getName(); String prefix = ServiceResource.SERVER_NAME_PREFIX; if (svcName.startsWith(prefix)) { svcName = svcName.substring(prefix.length()-1); svcName = sName + svcName; services[k].setName(svcName); } if (serviceNames.get(svcName) == null) { serviceNames.put(svcName, Boolean.TRUE); } else { String msg = "!!!ERROR!!! duplicate service name=" + svcName; System.out.println(msg); } dumpService(serverProps, services[k], " "); } } } } } }