package org.reprap.machines; import; import; import javax.swing.JCheckBoxMenuItem; import javax.swing.JFrame; import org.reprap.Attributes; import org.reprap.CartesianPrinter; import org.reprap.Preferences; import org.reprap.ReprapException; import org.reprap.devices.NullExtruder; import org.reprap.devices.GenericExtruder; //import org.reprap.devices.GenericStepperMotor; //import org.reprap.devices.NullStepperMotor; import org.reprap.geometry.LayerRules; import org.reprap.gui.ContinuationMesage; //import org.reprap.gui.Previewer; import org.reprap.gui.StatusMessage; import org.reprap.Extruder; import org.reprap.utilities.Debug; import org.reprap.utilities.Timer; import org.reprap.geometry.polygons.Rectangle; import org.reprap.geometry.polyhedra.AllSTLsToBuild; public abstract class GenericRepRap implements CartesianPrinter { protected boolean stlLoaded = false; protected boolean gcodeLoaded = false; /** * Force an extruder to be selected on startup */ protected boolean forceSelection; // If true this starts by drawing a rectangle round everything // If false the extruder purges at the purge point //protected boolean startRectangle = true; //protected boolean accelerating; protected boolean XYEAtZero; /** * */ protected StatusMessage statusWindow; /** * */ protected JCheckBoxMenuItem layerPauseCheckbox = null, segmentPauseCheckbox = null; /** * This is our previewer window */ //protected Previewer previewer = null; /** * How far have we moved, in mm. */ protected double totalDistanceMoved = 0.0; /** * What distnace did we extrude, in mm. */ protected double totalDistanceExtruded = 0.0; /** * The location of the place to purge extruders */ protected double dumpX, dumpY; /** * The location of the place to go at the end */ //protected double finishX, finishY; /** * Rezero X and y every... */ double xYReZeroInterval = -1; /** * Distance since last zero */ double distanceFromLastZero = 0; /** * Distance at last call of maybeZero */ double distanceAtLastCall = 0; /** * Scale for each axis in steps/mm. */ protected double scaleX, scaleY, scaleZ; /** * Current X, Y and Z position of the extruder */ protected double currentX, currentY, currentZ; /** * X, Y and Z position of the extruder at the end of the topmost layer */ protected double topX, topY, topZ; /** * Maximum feedrate for Z axis */ protected double maxFeedrateZ; /** * Current feedrate for the machine. */ protected double currentFeedrate; /** * Feedrate for fast XY moves on the machine. */ protected double fastXYFeedrate; /** * The fastest the machine can accelerate in X and Y */ protected double maxXYAcceleration; /** * The speed from which the machine can do a standing start */ protected double slowXYFeedrate; /** * The fastest the machine can accelerate in Z */ protected double maxZAcceleration; /** * The speed from which the machine can do a standing start in Z */ protected double slowZFeedrate; /** * Feedrate for fast Z moves on the machine. */ protected double fastFeedrateZ; /** * Number of extruders on the 3D printer */ //protected int extruderCount; /** * Array containing the extruders on the 3D printer */ protected Extruder extruders[]; /** * Current extruder? */ protected int extruder; /** * When did we start printing? */ protected long startTime; protected double startCooling; /** * Do we idle the z axis? */ protected boolean idleZ; /** * Do we include the z axis? */ protected boolean excludeZ = false; private int foundationLayers = 0; private boolean topDown; /** * The temperature to set the bed to */ protected double bedTemperatureTarget; /** * Stepper motors for the 3 axis */ // public GenericStepperMotor motorX; // public GenericStepperMotor motorY; // public GenericStepperMotor motorZ; public GenericRepRap() throws Exception { topDown = false; XYEAtZero = false; startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); startCooling = -1; statusWindow = new StatusMessage(new JFrame()); forceSelection = true; //load extruder prefs int extruderCount = Preferences.loadGlobalInt("NumberOfExtruders"); if (extruderCount < 1) throw new Exception("A Reprap printer must contain at least one extruder."); //load our actual extruders. extruders = new GenericExtruder[extruderCount]; loadExtruders(); loadMotors(); //load our prefs refreshPreferences(); //init our stuff. currentX = 0; currentY = 0; currentZ = 0; currentFeedrate = 0; } public void loadMotors() { // motorX = new NullStepperMotor(1); // motorY = new NullStepperMotor(2); // motorZ = new NullStepperMotor(3); } public void loadExtruders() throws Exception { int pe; for(int i = 0; i < extruders.length; i++) { extruders[i] = extruderFactory(i); // Make sure all instances of each physical extruder share the same // ExtrudedLength instance pe = extruders[i].getPhysicalExtruderNumber(); for(int j = 0; j < i; j++) { if(extruders[j].getPhysicalExtruderNumber() == pe) { extruders[i].setExtrudeState(extruders[j].getExtruderState()); break; } } extruders[i].setPrinter(this); } extruder = 0; } public Extruder extruderFactory(int count) { return new NullExtruder(count, this); } public void refreshPreferences() { try { //load axis prefs int axes = 3;//Preferences.loadGlobalInt("AxisCount"); if (axes != 3) throw new Exception("A Cartesian Bot must contain 3 axes"); xYReZeroInterval = -1; //Preferences.loadGlobalDouble("XYReZeroInterval(mm)"); // TODO This should be from calibration scaleX = 7.99735; //Preferences.loadGlobalDouble("XAxisScale(steps/mm)"); scaleY = 7.99735; //Preferences.loadGlobalDouble("YAxisScale(steps/mm)"); scaleZ = 320; //Preferences.loadGlobalDouble("ZAxisScale(steps/mm)"); // Load our maximum feedrate variables double maxFeedrateX = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble("MaximumFeedrateX(mm/minute)"); double maxFeedrateY = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble("MaximumFeedrateY(mm/minute)"); maxFeedrateZ = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble("MaximumFeedrateZ(mm/minute)"); maxXYAcceleration = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble("MaxXYAcceleration(mm/mininute/minute)"); slowXYFeedrate = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble("SlowXYFeedrate(mm/minute)"); maxZAcceleration = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble("MaxZAcceleration(mm/mininute/minute)"); slowZFeedrate = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble("SlowZFeedrate(mm/minute)"); //set our standard feedrates. fastXYFeedrate = Math.min(maxFeedrateX, maxFeedrateY); setFastFeedrateZ(maxFeedrateZ); idleZ = true; //Preferences.loadGlobalBool("IdleZAxis"); foundationLayers = Preferences.loadGlobalInt("FoundationLayers"); dumpX = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble("DumpX(mm)"); dumpY = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble("DumpY(mm)"); //finishX = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble("FinishX(mm)"); //finishY = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble("FinishY(mm)"); bedTemperatureTarget = Preferences.loadGlobalDouble("BedTemperature(C)"); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.e("Refresh Reprap preferences: " + ex.toString()); } for(int i = 0; i < extruders.length; i++) extruders[i].refreshPreferences(); Debug.refreshPreferences(); } /** * Plot a rectangle round the build on layer 0 * @param lc */ private void plotOutline(LayerRules lc) { Rectangle r = lc.getBox(); r = r.offset(2); try { singleMove(r.x().low(), r.y().low(), currentZ, getExtruder().getFastXYFeedrate(), true); //getExtruder().zeroExtrudedLength(true); getExtruder().setExtrusion(getExtruder().getExtruderSpeed(), false); singleMove(r.x().high(), r.y().low(), currentZ, getExtruder().getFastXYFeedrate(), true); singleMove(r.x().high(), r.y().high(), currentZ, getExtruder().getFastXYFeedrate(), true); singleMove(r.x().low(), r.y().high(), currentZ, getExtruder().getFastXYFeedrate(), true); singleMove(r.x().low(), r.y().low(), currentZ, getExtruder().getFastXYFeedrate(), true); currentX = r.x().low(); currentY = r.y().low(); printEndReverse(); getExtruder().stopExtruding(); getExtruder().setValve(false); //getExtruder().zeroExtrudedLength(true); } catch (ReprapException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.reprap.Printer#startRun() */ public void startRun(LayerRules lc) throws Exception { //if (previewer != null) //previewer.reset(); //Debug.d("Selecting material 0"); //selectExtruder(0, true); //getExtruder().zeroExtrudedLength(true); //Debug.d("Homing machine in X and Y"); //homeToZeroX(); //homeToZeroY(); //Debug.d("Setting temperature"); //getExtruder().heatOn(true); // plot the outline, or move to the purge point, home Z and purge the extruder if(Preferences.loadGlobalBool("StartRectangle")) plotOutline(lc); else getExtruder().purge(0); //System.out.println(getExtruder().) } /** * Just finished a layer * @param lc */ public void finishedLayer(LayerRules lc) throws Exception { double coolTime = getExtruder().getCoolingPeriod(); startCooling = -1; if(coolTime > 0 && !lc.notStartedYet()) { getExtruder().setCooler(true, lc.getReversing()); //*** Debug.d("Start of cooling period"); //setFeedrate(getFastXYFeedrate()); // Go home. Seek (0,0) then callibrate X first homeToZeroXYE(lc.getReversing()); //*** startCooling = Timer.elapsed(); } } /** * Deals with all the actions that need to be done between one layer * and the next. * THIS FUNCTION MUST NOT MAKE THE REPRAP MACHINE DO ANYTHING (LIKE MOVE). * @param lc */ public void betweenLayers(LayerRules lc) throws Exception { // Now is a good time to garbage collect System.gc(); } /** * Just about to start the next layer * @param lc */ public void startingLayer(LayerRules lc) throws Exception { lc.setFractionDone(); // Don't home the first layer // The startup procedure has already done that if(lc.getMachineLayer() > 0 && Preferences.loadGlobalBool("InterLayerCooling")) { double liftZ = -1; for(int i = 0; i < extruders.length; i++) if(extruders[i].getLift() > liftZ) liftZ = extruders[i].getLift(); double currentZ = getZ(); if(liftZ > 0) singleMove(getX(), getY(), currentZ + liftZ, getFastFeedrateZ(), lc.getReversing()); //*** homeToZeroXYE(lc.getReversing()); //*** if(liftZ > 0) singleMove(getX(), getY(), currentZ, getFastFeedrateZ(), lc.getReversing()); //*** } else { getExtruder().zeroExtrudedLength(lc.getReversing()); // int extruderNow = extruder; // for(int i = 0; i < extruders.length; i++) // { // selectExtruder(i, lc.getReversing()); // extruders[i].zeroExtrudedLength(lc.getReversing()); //*** // } // selectExtruder(extruderNow, lc.getReversing()); //*** } // double datumX = getExtruder().getNozzleWipeDatumX(); // double datumY = getExtruder().getNozzleWipeDatumY(); // double strokeY = getExtruder().getNozzleWipeStrokeY(); // double clearTime = getExtruder().getNozzleClearTime(); // double waitTime = getExtruder().getNozzleWaitTime(); double coolTime = getExtruder().getCoolingPeriod(); if (layerPauseCheckbox != null && layerPauseCheckbox.isSelected()) layerPause(); //*** if(isCancelled()) { getExtruder().setCooler(false, lc.getReversing());//*** getExtruder().stopExtruding(); // Shouldn't be needed, but no harm//*** return; } // Cooling period // How long has the fan been on? double cool = Timer.elapsed(); if(startCooling >= 0) cool = cool - startCooling; else cool = 0; // Wait the remainder of the cooling period if(startCooling >= 0) { cool = coolTime - cool; // NB - if cool is -ve machineWait will return immediately machineWait(1000*cool, false, lc.getReversing()); //*** } // Fan off if(coolTime > 0) getExtruder().setCooler(false, lc.getReversing()); // If we were cooling, wait for warm-up // if(startCooling >= 0) // { // machineWait(200 * coolTime, false); // Debug.d("End of cooling period"); // } // Do the clearing extrude then // Wipe the nozzle on the doctor blade // if(getExtruder().getNozzleWipeEnabled()) // { // //setFeedrate(getExtruder().getOutlineFeedrate()); // // // Now hunt down the wiper. // singleMove(datumX, datumY, currentZ, getExtruder().getOutlineFeedrate()); // // if(clearTime > 0) // { // getExtruder().setValve(true); // getExtruder().setMotor(true); // machineWait(1000*clearTime, false); // getExtruder().setMotor(false); // getExtruder().setValve(false); // machineWait(1000*waitTime, false); // } // // singleMove(datumX, datumY + strokeY, currentZ, currentFeedrate); // } lc.moveZAtStartOfLayer(lc.getReversing()); //*** //setFeedrate(getFastXYFeedrate()); } /** * Go to the purge point */ public void moveToPurge(double liftZ) { if(liftZ > 0) singleMove(currentX, currentY, currentZ + liftZ, getFastFeedrateZ(), true); singleMove(dumpX, dumpY, currentZ, getExtruder().getFastXYFeedrate(), true); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.reprap.Printer#calibrate() */ public void calibrate() { } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.reprap.Printer#calibrate() */ public void dispose() { for(int i = 0; i < extruders.length; i++) extruders[i].dispose(); } // public Extruder extruderFactory(int count) // { // return new NullExtruder(count); // } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.reprap.Printer#selectMaterial(int) */ public void selectExtruder(int materialIndex, boolean really) throws Exception { if (isCancelled()) return; if(materialIndex < 0 || materialIndex >= extruders.length) { Debug.e("Selected material (" + materialIndex + ") is out of range."); extruder = 0; } else extruder = materialIndex; //todo: move back to cartesian snap //layerPrinter.changeExtruder(getExtruder()); // if (previewer != null) // previewer.setExtruder(getExtruder()); if (isCancelled()) return; // TODO Select new material // TODO Load new x/y/z offsets for the new extruder } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.reprap.Printer#selectMaterial(int) */ public void selectExtruder(Attributes att) throws Exception { for(int i = 0; i < extruders.length; i++) { if(att.getMaterial().equals(extruders[i].getMaterial())) { selectExtruder(i, true); return; } } Debug.e("selectExtruder() - extruder not found for: " + att.getMaterial()); } // /** // * FIXME: Why don't these use round()? - AB. // * @param n // * @return // */ // protected int convertToStepX(double n) { // return (int)((n + getExtruder().getOffsetX()) * scaleX); // } // // /** // * @param n // * @return // */ // protected int convertToStepY(double n) { // return (int)((n + getExtruder().getOffsetY()) * scaleY); // } // // /** // * @param n // * @return // */ // protected int convertToStepZ(double n) { // return (int)((n + getExtruder().getOffsetZ()) * scaleZ); // } // // /** // * @param n // * @return // */ // protected double convertToPositionX(int n) { // return n / scaleX - getExtruder().getOffsetX(); // } // // /** // * @param n // * @return // */ // protected double convertToPositionY(int n) { // return n / scaleY - getExtruder().getOffsetY(); // } // // /** // * @param n // * @return // */ // protected double convertToPositionZ(int n) { // return n / scaleZ - getExtruder().getOffsetZ(); // } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.reprap.Printer#getX() */ public double getX() { return currentX; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.reprap.Printer#getY() */ public double getY() { return currentY; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.reprap.Printer#getZ() */ public double getZ() { return currentZ; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.reprap.Printer#getTotalDistanceMoved() */ public double getTotalDistanceMoved() { return totalDistanceMoved; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.reprap.Printer#getTotalDistanceExtruded() */ public double getTotalDistanceExtruded() { return totalDistanceExtruded; } /** * @param x * @param y * @return segment length in millimeters */ public double segmentLength(double x, double y) { return Math.sqrt(x*x + y*y); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.reprap.Printer#getTotalElapsedTime() */ public double getTotalElapsedTime() { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); return (now - startTime) / 1000.0; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.reprap.Printer#getExtruder(String) */ public Extruder getExtruder(String name) { for(int i = 0; i < extruders.length; i++) if(name.equals(extruders[i].toString())) return extruders[i]; return null; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.reprap.Printer#getExtruder() */ public Extruder getExtruder() { //System.out.println("getExtruder(), extruder: " + extruder); return extruders[extruder]; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.reprap.Printer#getExtruder() */ public Extruder[] getExtruders() { return extruders; } // public void delay(long millis) // { // if(millis <= 0) // return; // try { // Thread.sleep(millis); // } catch (Exception e) {} // } /** * Extrude for the given time in milliseconds, so that polymer is flowing * before we try to move the extruder. But first take up the slack from any * previous reverse. */ public void printStartDelay(boolean firstOneInLayer) { try { double rDelay = getExtruder().getExtrusionReverseDelay(); if(rDelay > 0) { getExtruder().setMotor(true); machineWait(rDelay, true, true); } // Extrude motor and valve delays (ms) double eDelay, vDelay; if(firstOneInLayer) { eDelay = getExtruder().getExtrusionDelayForLayer(); vDelay = getExtruder().getValveDelayForLayer(); } else { eDelay = getExtruder().getExtrusionDelayForPolygon(); vDelay = getExtruder().getValveDelayForPolygon(); } if(eDelay >= vDelay) { getExtruder().setMotor(true); machineWait(eDelay - vDelay, false, true); getExtruder().setValve(true); machineWait(vDelay, false, true); } else { getExtruder().setValve(true); machineWait(vDelay - eDelay, false, true); getExtruder().setMotor(true); machineWait(eDelay, false, true); } //getExtruder().setMotor(false); // What's this for? - AB } catch(Exception e) { // If anything goes wrong, we'll let someone else catch it. } } /** * Extrude backwards for the given time in milliseconds, so that polymer is stopped flowing * at the end of a track. */ public void printEndReverse() { // Extrude motor and valve delays (ms) double delay = getExtruder().getExtrusionReverseDelay(); if(delay <= 0) return; try { getExtruder().setExtrusion(getExtruder().getExtruderSpeed(), true); machineWait(delay, true, true); getExtruder().stopExtruding(); } catch (Exception e) {} } /** * @param startX * @param startY * @param startZ * @param endX * @param endY * @param endZ * @throws ReprapException * @throws IOException * @throws Exception */ // public void printSegment(double startX, double startY, double startZ, // double endX, double endY, double endZ, boolean turnOff) throws ReprapException, IOException { // moveTo(startX, startY, startZ, true, true); // printTo(endX, endY, endZ, turnOff); // } private void checkCoordinates(double x, double y, double z) { try { if(x > Preferences.loadGlobalDouble("WorkingX(mm)") || x < 0) Debug.e("Attempt to move x to " + x + " which is outside [0, " + Preferences.loadGlobalDouble("WorkingX(mm)") + "]"); if(y > Preferences.loadGlobalDouble("WorkingY(mm)") || y < 0) Debug.e("Attempt to move y to " + y + " which is outside [0, " + Preferences.loadGlobalDouble("WorkingY(mm)") + "]"); if(z > Preferences.loadGlobalDouble("WorkingZ(mm)") || z < 0) Debug.e("Attempt to move z to " + z + " which is outside [0, " + Preferences.loadGlobalDouble("WorkingZ(mm)") + "]"); } catch (Exception e) {} } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.reprap.Printer#moveTo(double, double, double, boolean, boolean) */ public void moveTo(double x, double y, double z, double feedRate, boolean startUp, boolean endUp) throws ReprapException, IOException, Exception { if (isCancelled()) return; checkCoordinates(x, y, z); totalDistanceMoved += segmentLength(x - currentX, y - currentY); //TODO - next bit needs to take account of startUp and endUp if (z != currentZ) totalDistanceMoved += Math.abs(currentZ - z); currentX = x; currentY = y; currentZ = z; XYEAtZero = false; } public void singleMove(double x, double y, double z, double feedrate, boolean really) { try { moveTo(x, y, z, feedrate, false, false); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.e(e.toString()); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.reprap.Printer#printTo(double, double, double) */ // public void printTo(double x, double y, double z, boolean turnOff) throws ReprapException, IOException // { // Debug.e("printing"); // if (previewer != null) // previewer.addSegment(currentX, currentY, currentZ, x, y, z); // else // Debug.e("previewer null!"); // // if (isCancelled()) // return; // // double distance = segmentLength(x - currentX, y - currentY); // if (z != currentZ) // distance += Math.abs(currentZ - z); // // totalDistanceExtruded += distance; // totalDistanceMoved += distance; // // currentX = x; // currentY = y; // currentZ = z; // } /** * Occasionally re-zero X and Y if that option is selected (i.e. xYReZeroInterval > 0) * @throws Exception */ protected void maybeReZero() throws Exception { if(xYReZeroInterval <= 0) return; distanceFromLastZero += totalDistanceMoved - distanceAtLastCall; distanceAtLastCall = totalDistanceMoved; if(distanceFromLastZero < xYReZeroInterval) return; distanceFromLastZero = 0; double oldFeedrate = getFeedrate(); getExtruder().setValve(false); getExtruder().setMotor(false); if (!excludeZ) { double liftedZ = currentZ + (getExtruder().getMinLiftedZ()); //setFeedrate(getFastFeedrateZ()); moveTo(currentX, currentY, liftedZ, getFastFeedrateZ(), false, false); } double oldX = currentX; double oldY = currentY; homeToZeroX(); homeToZeroY(); //setFeedrate(getFastXYFeedrate()); moveTo(oldX, oldY, currentZ, getExtruder().getFastXYFeedrate(), false, false); if (!excludeZ) { double liftedZ = currentZ - (getExtruder().getMinLiftedZ()); //setFeedrate(getFastFeedrateZ()); moveTo(currentX, currentY, liftedZ, getFastFeedrateZ(), false, false); } moveTo(currentX, currentY, currentZ, oldFeedrate, false, false); //setFeedrate(oldFeedrate); printStartDelay(false); } /** * @param enable * @throws Exception */ public void setCooling(boolean enable) throws Exception { getExtruder().setCooler(enable, true); } // /* (non-Javadoc) // * @see org.reprap.Printer#setLowerShell( // */ // public void setLowerShell(BranchGroup ls) // { // if (previewer != null) // previewer.setLowerShell(ls); // } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.reprap.Printer#setPreviewer(org.reprap.gui.Previewer) */ // public void setPreviewer(Previewer previewer) { // this.previewer = previewer; // } // public void setFeedrate(double feedrate) // { // currentFeedrate = feedrate; // } public double getFeedrate() { return currentFeedrate; } // private void setFastXYFeedrate(double feedrate) // { // fastXYFeedrate = feedrate; // } // public double getFastXYFeedrate() // { // return getExtruder().getFastXYFeedrate(); // } private void setFastFeedrateZ(double feedrate) { fastFeedrateZ = feedrate; } public double getFastFeedrateZ() { return fastFeedrateZ; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.reprap.Printer#setZManual() */ public void setZManual() throws IOException { setZManual(0.0); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.reprap.Printer#setZManual(double) */ public void setZManual(double zeroPoint) throws IOException { } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.reprap.Printer#homeToZeroX() */ public void homeToZeroX() throws ReprapException, IOException, Exception{ currentX = 0.0; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.reprap.Printer#homeToZeroY() */ public void homeToZeroY() throws ReprapException, IOException, Exception { currentY = 0.0; } public void homeToZeroZ() throws ReprapException, IOException, Exception { currentZ = 0.0; } public void homeToZeroXYE(boolean really) throws ReprapException, IOException, Exception {} public void home() throws Exception{ currentX = currentY = currentZ = 0.0; } public int getExtruderNumber() { return extruder; } // public double getMaxFeedrateX() // { // return maxFeedrateX; // } // public double getMaxFeedrateY() // { // return maxFeedrateY; // } public double getMaxFeedrateZ() { return maxFeedrateZ; } /** * Display a message indicating a segment is about to be * printed and wait for the user to acknowledge */ protected void segmentPause() { try { getExtruder().setValve(false); getExtruder().setMotor(false); } catch (Exception ex) {} ContinuationMesage msg = new ContinuationMesage(null, "A new segment is about to be produced"); //,segmentPauseCheckbox, layerPauseCheckbox); msg.setVisible(true); try { synchronized(msg) { msg.wait(); } } catch (Exception ex) { } if (msg.getResult() == false) setCancelled(true); else { try { getExtruder().setExtrusion(getExtruder().getExtruderSpeed(), false); getExtruder().setValve(false); } catch (Exception ex) {} } msg.dispose(); } /** * Display a message indicating a layer is about to be * printed and wait for the user to acknowledge */ protected void layerPause() { ContinuationMesage msg = new ContinuationMesage(null, "A new layer is about to be produced"); //,segmentPauseCheckbox, layerPauseCheckbox); msg.setVisible(true); try { synchronized(msg) { msg.wait(); } } catch (Exception ex) { } if (msg.getResult() == false) setCancelled(true); msg.dispose(); } /** * Set the source checkbox used to determine if there should * be a pause between segments. * * @param segmentPause The source checkbox used to determine * if there should be a pause. This is a checkbox rather than * a boolean so it can be changed on the fly. */ public void setSegmentPause(JCheckBoxMenuItem segmentPause) { segmentPauseCheckbox = segmentPause; } /** * Set the source checkbox used to determine if there should * be a pause between layers. * * @param layerPause The source checkbox used to determine * if there should be a pause. This is a checkbox rather than * a boolean so it can be changed on the fly. */ public void setLayerPause(JCheckBoxMenuItem layerPause) { layerPauseCheckbox = layerPause; } public void setMessage(String message) { if (message == null) statusWindow.setVisible(false); else { statusWindow.setMessage(message); statusWindow.setVisible(true); } } public boolean isCancelled() { return statusWindow.isCancelled(); } public void setCancelled(boolean isCancelled) { statusWindow.setCancelled(isCancelled); } public int getFoundationLayers() { return foundationLayers; } /** * Load an STL file to be made. * @return the name of the file */ public String addSTLFileForMaking() { gcodeLoaded = false; stlLoaded = true; File f = org.reprap.Main.gui.onOpen("STL triangulation file", new String[] {"stl"}, ""); if(f == null) return ""; else return f.getName(); } /** * Load an RFO file to be made. * @return the name of the file */ public String loadRFOFileForMaking() { gcodeLoaded = false; stlLoaded = true; File f = org.reprap.Main.gui.onOpen("RFO multiple-object file", new String[] {"rfo"}, ""); if(f == null) return ""; else return f.getName(); } /** * Load an RFO file to be made. * @return the name of the file */ public String saveRFOFile(String filerRoot) { return org.reprap.Main.gui.saveRFO(filerRoot); } /** * Load a GCode file to be made. * @return the name of the file */ public String loadGCodeFileForMaking() { if(stlLoaded) org.reprap.Main.gui.deleteAllSTLs(); stlLoaded = false; gcodeLoaded = true; return null; } /** * Stop the printer building. * This _shouldn't_ also stop it being controlled interactively. */ public void pause() { } /** * Resume building. * */ public void resume() { } public void setTopDown(boolean td) { topDown = td; } /** * @return the flag that decided which direction to compute the layers */ public boolean getTopDown() { return topDown; } /** * Set all the extruders' separating mode * @param s */ public void setSeparating(boolean s) { for(int i = 0; i < extruders.length; i++) extruders[i].setSeparating(s); } /** * Get the feedrate currently being used * @return */ public double getCurrentFeedrate() { return currentFeedrate; } /** * @return slow XY movement feedrate in mm/minute */ public double getFastXYFeedrate() { return fastXYFeedrate; } /** * @return slow XY movement feedrate in mm/minute */ public double getSlowXYFeedrate() { return slowXYFeedrate; } /** * @return the fastest the machine can accelerate */ public double getMaxXYAcceleration() { return maxXYAcceleration; } /** * @return slow XY movement feedrate in mm/minute */ public double getSlowZFeedrate() { return slowZFeedrate; } /** * @return the fastest the machine can accelerate */ public double getMaxZAcceleration() { return maxZAcceleration; } /** * Tell the printer class it's Z position. Only to be used if * you know what you're doing... * @param z */ public void setZ(double z) { currentZ = z; } /** * Set the position at the end of the topmost layer * @param x * @param y * @param z */ public void setTop(double x, double y, double z) { topX = x; topY = y; topZ = z; } /** * The location of the dump for purging extruders * @return */ public double getDumpX() { return dumpX; } public double getDumpY() { return dumpY; } /** * The XY location to go to at the end of a build * @return */ // public double getFinishX() // { // return finishX; // } // // public double getFinishY() // { // return finishY; // } /** * Set the bed temperature. This value is given * in centigrade, i.e. 100 equals 100 centigrade. * @param temperature The temperature of the extruder in centigrade * @param wait - wait till it gets there (or not). * @throws Exception * @throws Exception */ public void setBedTemperature(double temperature) throws Exception { bedTemperatureTarget = temperature; } /** * The temperature we want the bed to be at * @return */ public double getBedTemperatureTarget() { return bedTemperatureTarget; } public void forceNextExtruder() { forceSelection = true; } }