package org.reprap.machines; /* * TODO: To do's: * * TODO: fixup warmup segments GCode (forgets to turn on extruder) * TODO: fixup all the RR: println commands * TODO: find a better place for the code. You cannot even detect a layer change without hacking now. * TODO: read Zach's GCode examples to check if I messed up. * TODO: make GCodeWriter a subclass of NullCartesian, so I don't have to fix code all over the place. */ import org.reprap.Extruder; import org.reprap.Preferences; import org.reprap.comms.GCodeReaderAndWriter; import org.reprap.utilities.Debug; import org.reprap.devices.GCodeExtruder; import org.reprap.geometry.LayerRules; import org.reprap.geometry.polygons.Point2D; import; import; import; import java.util.Date; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; /** * */ public class GCodeRepRap extends GenericRepRap { /** * our class to send gcode instructions */ GCodeReaderAndWriter gcode; /** * @param prefs * @throws Exception */ public GCodeRepRap() throws Exception { super(); gcode = new GCodeReaderAndWriter(); String s = "M110"; if(Debug.d()) s += " ; Reset the line numbers"; gcode.queue(s); //gcode.queue("M115 ; Get the firmware version numbers etc"); //String FirmwareConfig = gcode.lastResponse(); //FirmwareConfig = FirmwareConfig.replace('\\','\n'); //make it easier to read for humans if it has "continuations" //Debug.d("Firmware configuration string: " + FirmwareConfig); loadExtruders(); forceSelection = true; } public void loadMotors() { // motorX = new GCodeStepperMotor(this, 1); // motorY = new GCodeStepperMotor(this, 2); // motorZ = new GCodeStepperMotor(this, 3); } public void loadExtruders() throws Exception { try { int extruderCount = Preferences.loadGlobalInt("NumberOfExtruders"); extruders = new GCodeExtruder[extruderCount]; } catch (Exception e) { Debug.e(e.toString()); } super.loadExtruders(); } public Extruder extruderFactory(int count) { return new GCodeExtruder(gcode, count, this); } private void qFeedrate(double feedrate) throws Exception { if(currentFeedrate == feedrate) return; String s = "G1 F" + feedrate; if(Debug.d()) s += " ; feed for start of next move"; gcode.queue(s); currentFeedrate = feedrate; } private void qXYMove(double x, double y, double feedrate) throws Exception { double dx = x - currentX; double dy = y - currentY; double extrudeLength = extruders[extruder].getDistance(Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy)); String se = ""; if(extrudeLength > 0) { if(extruders[extruder].getReversing()) extrudeLength = -extrudeLength; extruders[extruder].getExtruderState().add(extrudeLength); if(extruders[extruder].get5D()) { if(Preferences.loadGlobalBool("ExtrusionRelative")) se = " E" + round(extrudeLength, 2); else se = " E" + round(extruders[extruder].getExtruderState().length(), 2); } } double xyFeedrate = round(extruders[extruder].getFastXYFeedrate(), 1); if(xyFeedrate < feedrate && Math.abs(extrudeLength) > Preferences.tiny()) { Debug.d("GCodeRepRap().qXYMove: extruding feedrate (" + feedrate + ") exceeds maximum (" + xyFeedrate + ")."); feedrate = xyFeedrate; } if(getExtruder().getMaxAcceleration() <= 0) qFeedrate(feedrate); if(dx == 0.0 && dy == 0.0) { if(currentFeedrate != feedrate) qFeedrate(feedrate); return; } String s = "G1 "; if (dx != 0) s += "X" + x; if (dy != 0) s += " Y" + y; s += se; if (currentFeedrate != feedrate) { s += " F" + feedrate; currentFeedrate = feedrate; } if(Debug.d()) s += " ;horizontal move"; gcode.queue(s); currentX = x; currentY = y; } private void qZMove(double z, double feedrate) throws Exception { // note we set the feedrate whether we move or not double zFeedrate = round(getMaxFeedrateZ(), 1); if(zFeedrate < feedrate) { Debug.d("GCodeRepRap().qZMove: feedrate (" + feedrate + ") exceeds maximum (" + zFeedrate + ")."); feedrate = zFeedrate; } if(getMaxZAcceleration() <= 0) qFeedrate(feedrate); double dz = z - currentZ; if(dz == 0.0) return; String code; double extrudeLength; String s = "G1 Z" + z; extrudeLength = extruders[extruder].getDistance(dz); if(extrudeLength > 0) { if(extruders[extruder].getReversing()) extrudeLength = -extrudeLength; extruders[extruder].getExtruderState().add(extrudeLength); if(extruders[extruder].get5D()) { if(Preferences.loadGlobalBool("ExtrusionRelative")) s += " E" + round(extrudeLength, 2); else s += " E" + round(extruders[extruder].getExtruderState().length(), 2); } } if (currentFeedrate != feedrate) { s += " F" + feedrate; currentFeedrate = feedrate; } if(Debug.d()) s += " ;z move"; gcode.queue(s); currentZ = z; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.reprap.Printer#moveTo(double, double, double, boolean, boolean) */ public void moveTo(double x, double y, double z, double feedrate, boolean startUp, boolean endUp) throws Exception { if (isCancelled()) return; try { if(x > Preferences.loadGlobalDouble("WorkingX(mm)") || x < 0) { Debug.e("Attempt to move x to " + x + " which is outside [0, " + Preferences.loadGlobalDouble("WorkingX(mm)") + "]"); x = Math.max(0, Math.min(x, Preferences.loadGlobalDouble("WorkingX(mm)"))); } if(y > Preferences.loadGlobalDouble("WorkingY(mm)") || y < 0) { Debug.e("Attempt to move y to " + y + " which is outside [0, " + Preferences.loadGlobalDouble("WorkingY(mm)") + "]"); y = Math.max(0, Math.min(y, Preferences.loadGlobalDouble("WorkingY(mm)"))); } if(z > Preferences.loadGlobalDouble("WorkingZ(mm)") || z < 0) { Debug.d("Attempt to move z to " + z + " which is outside [0, " + Preferences.loadGlobalDouble("WorkingZ(mm)") + "]"); z = Math.max(0, Math.min(z, Preferences.loadGlobalDouble("WorkingZ(mm)"))); } } catch (Exception e) {} x = round(x, 1); y = round(y, 1); z = round(z, 4); feedrate = round(feedrate, 1); double dx = x - currentX; double dy = y - currentY; double dz = z - currentZ; if (dx == 0.0 && dy == 0.0 && dz == 0.0) return; // This should either be a Z move or an XY move, but not all three boolean zMove = dz != 0; boolean xyMove = dx!= 0 || dy != 0; if(zMove && xyMove) Debug.d("GcodeRepRap.moveTo(): attempt to move in X|Y and Z simultaneously: (x, y, z) = (" + currentX + "->" + x + ", " + currentY + "->" + y + ", " + currentZ + "->" + z + ", " + ")"); double zFeedrate = round(getMaxFeedrateZ(), 1); double liftIncrement = extruders[extruder].getLift(); //extruders[extruder].getExtrusionHeight()/2; double liftedZ = round(currentZ + liftIncrement, 4); //go up first? if (startUp) { qZMove(liftedZ, zFeedrate); qFeedrate(feedrate); } if(dz > 0) { if(zMove) qZMove(z, feedrate); if(xyMove) qXYMove(x, y, feedrate); } else { if(xyMove) qXYMove(x, y, feedrate); if(zMove) qZMove(z, feedrate); } if(endUp && !startUp) { qZMove(liftedZ, zFeedrate); qFeedrate(feedrate); } if(!endUp && startUp) { qZMove(liftedZ - liftIncrement, zFeedrate); qFeedrate(feedrate); } super.moveTo(x, y, z, feedrate, startUp, endUp); } /** * make a single, usually non-building move (between plots, or zeroing an axis etc.) */ public void singleMove(double x, double y, double z, double feedrate, boolean really) { double x0 = getX(); double y0 = getY(); double z0 = getZ(); x = round(x, 1); y = round(y, 1); z = round(z, 4); double dx = x - x0; double dy = y - y0; double dz = z - z0; boolean zMove = dz != 0; boolean xyMove = dx != 0 || dy != 0; if(zMove && xyMove) Debug.d("GcodeRepRap.singleMove(): attempt to move in X|Y and Z simultaneously: (x, y, z) = (" + x + ", " + y + ", " + z + ")"); if(!really) { currentX = x; currentY = y; currentZ = z; currentFeedrate = feedrate; return; } try { if(!Preferences.loadGlobalBool("RepRapAccelerations")) { moveTo(x, y, z, feedrate, false, false); return; } }catch (Exception e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } try { if(xyMove && getExtruder().getMaxAcceleration() <= 0) { moveTo(x, y, z, feedrate, false, false); return; } if(xyMove) { double s = Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy); VelocityProfile vp = new VelocityProfile(s, getExtruder().getSlowXYFeedrate(), feedrate, getExtruder().getSlowXYFeedrate(), getExtruder().getMaxAcceleration()); switch(vp.flat()) { case 0: qFeedrate(feedrate); moveTo(x, y, z0, feedrate, false, false); break; case 1: qFeedrate(getExtruder().getSlowXYFeedrate()); moveTo(x0 + dx*vp.s1()/s, y0 + dy*vp.s1()/s, z0, vp.v(), false, false); moveTo(x, y, z0, getExtruder().getSlowXYFeedrate(), false, false); break; case 2: qFeedrate(getExtruder().getSlowXYFeedrate()); moveTo(x0 + dx*vp.s1()/s, y0 + dy*vp.s1()/s, z0, feedrate, false, false); moveTo(x0 + dx*vp.s2()/s, y0 + dy*vp.s2()/s, z0, feedrate, false, false); moveTo(x, y, z0, getExtruder().getSlowXYFeedrate(), false, false); break; default: Debug.e("GCodeRepRap.singleMove(): dud VelocityProfile XY flat value."); } } if(zMove) { VelocityProfile vp = new VelocityProfile(Math.abs(dz), getSlowZFeedrate(), feedrate, getSlowZFeedrate(), getMaxZAcceleration()); double s = 1; if(dz < 0) s = -1; switch(vp.flat()) { case 0: qFeedrate(feedrate); moveTo(x0, y0, z, feedrate, false, false); break; case 1: qFeedrate(getSlowZFeedrate()); moveTo(x0, y0, z0 + s*vp.s1(), vp.v(), false, false); moveTo(x0, y0, z, getSlowZFeedrate(), false, false); break; case 2: qFeedrate(getSlowZFeedrate()); moveTo(x0, y0, z0 + s*vp.s1(), feedrate, false, false); moveTo(x0, y0, z0 + s*vp.s2(), feedrate, false, false); moveTo(x0, y0, z, getSlowZFeedrate(), false, false); break; default: Debug.e("GCodeRepRap.singleMove(): dud VelocityProfile Z flat value."); } } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.e(e.toString()); } } /** * make a single, non building move (between plots, or zeroing an axis etc.) when we know it starts somewhere * other than the current position. */ /* public void singleMove(double x0, double y0, double z0, double x, double y, double z, double feedrate) { currentX = round(x0, 1); currentY = round(y0, 1); currentZ = round(z0, 4); singleMove(x, y, z, feedrate); }*/ /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.reprap.Printer#printTo(double, double, double) */ public void printTo(double x, double y, double z, double feedrate, boolean stopExtruder, boolean closeValve) throws Exception { moveTo(x, y, z, feedrate, false, false); if(stopExtruder) getExtruder().stopExtruding(); if(closeValve) getExtruder().setValve(false); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.reprap.Printer#dispose() */ public void dispose() { // TODO: fix this to be more flexible // gcode.startingEpilogue(); // // try // { // // Fan off // getExtruder().setCooler(false); // moveToFinish(); // // Extruder off // getExtruder().setExtrusion(0, false); // // // heater off // getExtruder().heatOff(); // } catch(Exception e){ // //oops // } // //write/close our file/serial port // gcode.reverseLayers(); // gcode.finish(); super.dispose(); } /** * Go to the finish point */ public void moveToFinish(LayerRules lc) { //currentFeedrate = -100; // Force it to set the feedrate //singleMove(getX(), getY(), getZ() + 1, getFastFeedrateZ(), lc.getReversing()); //singleMove(getFinishX(), getFinishY(), getZ(), getExtruder().getFastXYFeedrate(), lc.getReversing()); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.reprap.Printer#initialise() */ public void startRun(LayerRules lc) throws Exception { // If we are printing from a file, that should contain all the headers we need. if(gcode.buildingFromFile()) return; gcode.startRun(); gcode.queue("; GCode generated by RepRap Java Host Software"); Date myDate = new Date(); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd:HH-mm-ss"); String myDateString = sdf.format(myDate); gcode.queue("; Created: " + myDateString); gcode.queue(";#!RECTANGLE: " + lc.getBox()); if(Debug.d()) gcode.queue("; Prologue:"); gcode.copyFile(Preferences.getPropsFolderPath() + Preferences.loadGlobalString("Canned_G_Codes") + File.separatorChar + Preferences.prologue); if(Debug.d()) gcode.queue("; ------"); /* String s = "M110"; if(Debug.d()) s += " ; Reset the line numbers"; gcode.queue(s); //take us to fun, safe metric land. s = "G21"; if(Debug.d()) s += " ; metric is good!"; gcode.queue(s); // Set absolute positioning, which is what we use. s = "G90"; if(Debug.d()) s += " ; absolute positioning"; gcode.queue(s); // Set the bed temperature setBedTemperature(bedTemperatureTarget); */ currentX = 0; currentY = 0; currentZ = 0; currentFeedrate = -100; // Force it to set the feedrate at the start forceSelection = true; // Force it to set the extruder to use at the start try { super.startRun(lc); } catch (Exception E) { Debug.d("Initialization error: " + E.toString()); } //gcode.queue(";HERE!"); } public void startingLayer(LayerRules lc) throws Exception { currentFeedrate = -1; // Force it to set the feedrate gcode.startingLayer(lc); if(lc.getReversing()) gcode.queue(";#!LAYER: " + (lc.getMachineLayer()) + "/" + (lc.getMachineLayerMax() - 1)); super.startingLayer(lc); } public void finishedLayer(LayerRules lc) throws Exception { super.finishedLayer(lc); gcode.finishedLayer(lc); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.reprap.Printer#terminate(LayerRules layerRules) */ public void terminate(LayerRules lc) throws Exception { gcode.startingEpilogue(lc); int topLayer = lc.realTopLayer(); try { // Fan off //getExtruder().setCooler(false); Point2D p = lc.getLastPoint(topLayer); currentX = round(p.x(),1); currentY = round(p.y(),1); //System.out.println("final XY: " + currentX + ", " + currentY); currentZ = round(lc.getLayerZ(topLayer),1); //gcode.queue("; Moving to finish:"); moveToFinish(lc); if(Debug.d()) gcode.queue("; Epilogue:"); gcode.copyFile(Preferences.getPropsFolderPath() + Preferences.loadGlobalString("Canned_G_Codes") + File.separatorChar + Preferences.epilogue); if(Debug.d()) gcode.queue("; ------"); /* // Extruder off //getExtruder().setExtrusion(0, false); String s = "M0"; if(Debug.d()) s += " ; shut RepRap down"; gcode.queue(s); // heater off //getExtruder().heatOff(); */ } catch(Exception e){ //oops } //write/close our file/serial port //gcode.reverseLayers(layerRules); gcode.finish(lc); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.reprap.Printer#printStartDelay(long) // */ // public void printStartDelay(long msDelay) { // // This would extrude for the given interval to ensure polymer flow. // getExtruder().startExtruding(); // // delay(msDelay); // } public void home() throws Exception { String s = "G28"; if(Debug.d()) s += " ; go home"; gcode.queue(s); // // Assume the extruder is off... // try // { // homeToZeroX(); // homeToZeroY(); // homeToZeroZ(); // } catch (Exception e) // { // // } extruders[extruder].zeroExtrudedLength(true); super.home(); } private void delay(long millis, boolean fastExtrude, boolean really) throws Exception { double extrudeLength = getExtruder().getDistanceFromTime(millis); String s; if(extrudeLength > 0) { if(extruders[extruder].get5D()) { double fr; if(fastExtrude) fr = getExtruder().getFastEFeedrate(); else fr = getExtruder().getFastXYFeedrate(); currentFeedrate = fr; // Fix the value for possible feedrate change extrudeLength = getExtruder().getDistanceFromTime(millis); if(getExtruder().getFeedDiameter() > 0) { fr = fr*getExtruder().getExtrusionHeight()*getExtruder().getExtrusionSize()/ (getExtruder().getFeedDiameter()*getExtruder().getFeedDiameter()*Math.PI/4); } fr = round(fr, 1); if(really) { currentFeedrate = 0; // force it to output feedrate qFeedrate(fr); } } if(extruders[extruder].getReversing()) extrudeLength = -extrudeLength; extruders[extruder].getExtruderState().add(extrudeLength); if(extruders[extruder].get5D()) { if(Preferences.loadGlobalBool("ExtrusionRelative")) s = "G1 E" + round(extrudeLength, 2); else s = "G1 E" + round(extruders[extruder].getExtruderState().length(), 2); if(Debug.d()) { if(extruders[extruder].getReversing()) s += " ; extruder retraction"; else s += " ; extruder dwell"; } double fr; if(Preferences.loadGlobalBool("RepRapAccelerations")) fr = getExtruder().getSlowXYFeedrate(); else fr = getExtruder().getFastXYFeedrate(); if(really) { gcode.queue(s); qFeedrate(fr); } else currentFeedrate = fr; return; } } s = "G4 P" + millis; if(Debug.d()) s += " ; delay"; gcode.queue(s); } // /** // * Pick out a coordinate from the returned string // * @param s // * @param coord // * @return // */ // private double getReturnedCoordinate(String s, String coord) // { // int i = s.indexOf(coord); // if(i < 0) // return 0; // String ss = s.substring(i + 1); // int j = ss.indexOf(" "); // return Double.parseDouble(ss.substring(0, j - 1)); // } /** * Are we paused? * @return */ public boolean iAmPaused() { return gcode.iAmPaused(); } /** * Get X, Y, Z and E (if supported) coordinates in an array * @return * @throws Exception */ public double[] getCoordinates() throws Exception { String s = "M114"; if(Debug.d()) s += " ; get coordinates"; gcode.queue(s); double [] result = new double[4]; result[0] = gcode.getX(); result[1] = gcode.getY(); result[2] = gcode.getZ(); result[3] = gcode.getE(); return result; } /** * Get the RepRap's SD card (if any) online */ public void initialiseSD() { String s = "M21"; if(Debug.d()) s += " ; Initialise SD card"; try { gcode.queue(s); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.e("GCodeRepRap.initialiseSD() has thrown:"); e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Get the file list from the machine's SD card * @return */ public String[] getSDFiles() { initialiseSD(); String s = "M20"; if(Debug.d()) s += " ; get file list"; try { gcode.queue(s); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.e("GCodeRepRap.getSDFiles() has thrown:"); e.printStackTrace(); } return gcode.getSDFileNames(); } /** * Print a file on the SD card * @param filename */ public boolean printSDFile(String filename) { if(filename == null) return false; if(filename.length() <= 0) return false; String s = "M23 " + filename; if(Debug.d()) s += " ; Send SD name to print"; try { gcode.queue(s); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.e("GCodeRepRap.printSDFile() has thrown:"); e.printStackTrace(); return false; } s = "M24"; if(Debug.d()) s += " ; Start print from SD"; try { gcode.queue(s); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.e("GCodeRepRap.printSDFile() has thrown:"); e.printStackTrace(); return false; } return true; } /** * Get X, Y, Z and E (if supported) coordinates in an array * @return * @throws Exception */ public double[] getZeroError() throws Exception { String s = "M117"; if(Debug.d()) s += " ; get error coordinates"; gcode.queue(s); double [] result = new double[4]; result[0] = gcode.getX(); result[1] = gcode.getY(); result[2] = gcode.getZ(); result[3] = gcode.getE(); return result; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.reprap.Printer#homeToZeroX() */ public void homeToZeroX() throws Exception { // // Assume extruder is off... // try // { // singleMove(-250, currentY, currentZ, getExtruder().getFastXYFeedrate()); // } catch (Exception e) // {} // gcode.queue("G92 X0 ;set x 0"); String s = "G28 X0"; if(Debug.d()) s += " ; set x 0"; gcode.queue(s); super.homeToZeroX(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.reprap.Printer#homeToZeroY() */ public void homeToZeroY() throws Exception { // Assume extruder is off... // try // { // singleMove(currentX, -250, currentZ, getExtruder().getFastXYFeedrate()); // } catch (Exception e) // {} // gcode.queue("G92 Y0 ;set y 0"); String s = "G28 Y0"; if(Debug.d()) s += " ; set y 0"; gcode.queue(s); super.homeToZeroY(); } public void homeToZeroXYE(boolean really) throws Exception { if(XYEAtZero) return; if(really) { homeToZeroX(); homeToZeroY(); } else { currentX = 0; currentY = 0; } int extruderNow = extruder; for(int i = 0; i < extruders.length; i++) { selectExtruder(i, really); extruders[i].zeroExtrudedLength(really); } selectExtruder(extruderNow, really); XYEAtZero = true; super.homeToZeroXYE(really); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.reprap.Printer#homeToZeroY() */ public void homeToZeroZ() throws Exception { // Assume extruder is off... // try // { // singleMove(currentX, currentY, -250, getMaxFeedrateZ()); // } catch (Exception e) // {} // gcode.queue("G92 Z0 ;set z 0"); String s = "G28 Z0"; if(Debug.d()) s += " ; set z 0"; gcode.queue(s); super.homeToZeroZ(); } public static double round(double c, double d) { double power = Math.pow(10.0, d); return Math.round(c*power)/power; } public void waitTillNotBusy() throws IOException {} //TODO: make this work normally. public void stopMotor() throws Exception { getExtruder().stopExtruding(); } //TODO: make this work normally. public void stopValve() throws Exception { getExtruder().setValve(false); } /** * All machine dwells and delays are routed via this function, rather than * calling Thread.sleep - this allows them to generate the right G codes (G4) etc. * * The RS232/USB etc comms system doesn't use this - it sets its own delays. * @param milliseconds * @throws Exception */ public void machineWait(double milliseconds, boolean fastExtrude, boolean really) throws Exception { if(milliseconds <= 0) return; delay((long)milliseconds, fastExtrude, really); } /** * Wait until the GCodeWriter has exhausted its buffer. */ public void waitWhileBufferNotEmpty() { // while(!gcode.bufferEmpty()) // gcode.sleep(97); } public void slowBuffer() { gcode.slowBufferThread(); } public void speedBuffer() { gcode.speedBufferThread(); } /** * Load a GCode file to be made. * @return the name of the file */ public String loadGCodeFileForMaking() { super.loadGCodeFileForMaking(); return gcode.loadGCodeFileForMaking(); } /** * Set an output file * @return */ public String setGCodeFileForOutput(String fileRoot) { return gcode.setGCodeFileForOutput(getTopDown(), fileRoot); } /** * If a file replay is being done, do it and return true * otherwise return false. * @return */ public Thread filePlay() { return gcode.filePlay(); } /** * Stop the printer building. * This _shouldn't_ also stop it being controlled interactively. */ public void pause() { gcode.pause(); } /** * Resume building. * */ public void resume() { gcode.resume(); } /** * Tell the printer class it's Z position. Only to be used if * you know what you're doing... * @param z */ public void setZ(double z) { currentZ = round(z, 4); } public void selectExtruder(int materialIndex, boolean really) throws Exception { int oldPhysicalExtruder = getExtruder().getPhysicalExtruderNumber(); super.selectExtruder(materialIndex, true); int newPhysicalExtruder = getExtruder().getPhysicalExtruderNumber(); if(newPhysicalExtruder != oldPhysicalExtruder || forceSelection) { if(really) { String s = "T" + newPhysicalExtruder; if(Debug.d()) s += " ; select new extruder"; gcode.queue(s); double pwm = getExtruder().getPWM(); if(pwm >= 0) { s = "M113 S" + pwm; if(Debug.d()) s += " ; set extruder PWM"; gcode.queue(s); }else { // s = "M113"; // if(Debug.d()) // s += " ; set extruder to use pot for PWM"; // gcode.queue(s); } } forceSelection = false; } } /** * Set the bed temperature. This value is given * in centigrade, i.e. 100 equals 100 centigrade. * @param temperature The temperature of the extruder in centigrade * @param wait - wait till it gets there (or not). * @throws Exception * @throws Exception */ public void setBedTemperature(double temperature) throws Exception { super.setBedTemperature(temperature); String s = "M140 S" + temperature; if(Debug.d()) s += " ; set bed temperature and return"; gcode.queue(s); } /** * Return the current temperature of the bed * @return * @throws Exception */ public double getBedTemperature() throws Exception { String s = "M105"; if(Debug.d()) s += " ; get temperature"; gcode.queue(s); return gcode.getBTemp(); } /** * Wait till the entire machine is ready to print. That is that such things as * extruder and bed temperatures are at the values set and stable. * @throws Exception */ public void stabilise() throws Exception { String s = "M116"; if(Debug.d()) s += " ; wait for stability then return"; gcode.queue(s); } /** * Force the output stream to be some value - use with caution * @param fos */ public void forceOutputFile(PrintStream fos) { gcode.forceOutputFile(fos); } /** * Return the name if the gcode file * @return */ public String getOutputFilename() { return gcode.getOutputFilename(); } }