/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.objectinspector; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde.Constants; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.io.DateWritable; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.io.TimestampWritable; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.objectinspector.ConstantObjectInspector; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.objectinspector.ObjectInspector.Category; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.objectinspector.ObjectInspectorFactory.ObjectInspectorOptions; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.objectinspector.primitive.AbstractPrimitiveWritableObjectInspector; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.objectinspector.primitive.BinaryObjectInspector; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.objectinspector.primitive.BooleanObjectInspector; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.objectinspector.primitive.ByteObjectInspector; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.objectinspector.primitive.DoubleObjectInspector; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.objectinspector.primitive.FloatObjectInspector; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.objectinspector.primitive.IntObjectInspector; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.objectinspector.primitive.LongObjectInspector; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.objectinspector.primitive.PrimitiveObjectInspectorFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.objectinspector.primitive.ShortObjectInspector; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.objectinspector.primitive.StringObjectInspector; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.objectinspector.primitive.DateObjectInspector; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.objectinspector.primitive.TimestampObjectInspector; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.typeinfo.TypeInfoUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.hive.shims.ShimLoader; import org.apache.hadoop.io.BytesWritable; import org.apache.hadoop.io.Text; import org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils; /** * ObjectInspectorFactory is the primary way to create new ObjectInspector * instances. * * SerDe classes should call the static functions in this library to create an * ObjectInspector to return to the caller of SerDe2.getObjectInspector(). */ public final class ObjectInspectorUtils { protected final static Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(ObjectInspectorUtils.class.getName()); /** * This enum controls how we copy primitive objects. * * DEFAULT means choosing the most efficient way between JAVA and WRITABLE. * JAVA means converting all primitive objects to java primitive objects. * WRITABLE means converting all primitive objects to writable objects. * */ public enum ObjectInspectorCopyOption { DEFAULT, JAVA, WRITABLE } /** * Ensures that an ObjectInspector is Writable. */ public static ObjectInspector getWritableObjectInspector(ObjectInspector oi) { // All non-primitive OIs are writable so we need only check this case. if (oi.getCategory() == Category.PRIMITIVE) { PrimitiveObjectInspector poi = (PrimitiveObjectInspector) oi; if (!(poi instanceof AbstractPrimitiveWritableObjectInspector)) { return PrimitiveObjectInspectorFactory .getPrimitiveWritableObjectInspector(poi.getPrimitiveCategory()); } } return oi; } /** * Get the corresponding standard ObjectInspector for an ObjectInspector. * * The returned ObjectInspector can be used to inspect the standard object. */ public static ObjectInspector getStandardObjectInspector(ObjectInspector oi) { return getStandardObjectInspector(oi, ObjectInspectorCopyOption.DEFAULT); } public static ObjectInspector getStandardObjectInspector(ObjectInspector oi, ObjectInspectorCopyOption objectInspectorOption) { ObjectInspector result = null; switch (oi.getCategory()) { case PRIMITIVE: { PrimitiveObjectInspector poi = (PrimitiveObjectInspector) oi; switch (objectInspectorOption) { case DEFAULT: { if (poi.preferWritable()) { result = PrimitiveObjectInspectorFactory .getPrimitiveWritableObjectInspector(poi.getPrimitiveCategory()); } else { result = PrimitiveObjectInspectorFactory .getPrimitiveJavaObjectInspector(poi.getPrimitiveCategory()); } break; } case JAVA: { result = PrimitiveObjectInspectorFactory .getPrimitiveJavaObjectInspector(poi.getPrimitiveCategory()); break; } case WRITABLE: { result = PrimitiveObjectInspectorFactory .getPrimitiveWritableObjectInspector(poi.getPrimitiveCategory()); break; } } break; } case LIST: { ListObjectInspector loi = (ListObjectInspector) oi; result = ObjectInspectorFactory .getStandardListObjectInspector(getStandardObjectInspector(loi .getListElementObjectInspector(), objectInspectorOption)); break; } case MAP: { MapObjectInspector moi = (MapObjectInspector) oi; result = ObjectInspectorFactory.getStandardMapObjectInspector( getStandardObjectInspector(moi.getMapKeyObjectInspector(), objectInspectorOption), getStandardObjectInspector(moi .getMapValueObjectInspector(), objectInspectorOption)); break; } case STRUCT: { StructObjectInspector soi = (StructObjectInspector) oi; List<? extends StructField> fields = soi.getAllStructFieldRefs(); List<String> fieldNames = new ArrayList<String>(fields.size()); List<ObjectInspector> fieldObjectInspectors = new ArrayList<ObjectInspector>( fields.size()); for (StructField f : fields) { fieldNames.add(f.getFieldName()); fieldObjectInspectors.add(getStandardObjectInspector(f .getFieldObjectInspector(), objectInspectorOption)); } result = ObjectInspectorFactory.getStandardStructObjectInspector( fieldNames, fieldObjectInspectors); break; } case UNION: { UnionObjectInspector uoi = (UnionObjectInspector) oi; List<ObjectInspector> ois = new ArrayList<ObjectInspector>(); for (ObjectInspector eoi : uoi.getObjectInspectors()) { ois.add(getStandardObjectInspector(eoi, objectInspectorOption)); } result = ObjectInspectorFactory.getStandardUnionObjectInspector(ois); break; } default: { throw new RuntimeException("Unknown ObjectInspector category!"); } } return result; } /** * Copy specified fields in the input row to the output array of standard objects. * @param result output list of standard objects. * @param row input row. * @param startCol starting column number from the input row. * @param numCols number of columns to copy. * @param soi Object inspector for the to-be-copied columns. */ public static void partialCopyToStandardObject(List<Object> result, Object row, int startCol, int numCols, StructObjectInspector soi, ObjectInspectorCopyOption objectInspectorOption) { List<? extends StructField> fields = soi.getAllStructFieldRefs(); int i = 0, j = 0; for (StructField f : fields) { if (i++ >= startCol) { result.add(copyToStandardObject(soi.getStructFieldData(row, f), f.getFieldObjectInspector(), objectInspectorOption)); if (j == numCols) { break; } } } } /** * Returns a deep copy of the Object o that can be scanned by a * StandardObjectInspector returned by getStandardObjectInspector(oi). */ public static Object copyToStandardObject(Object o, ObjectInspector oi) { return copyToStandardObject(o, oi, ObjectInspectorCopyOption.DEFAULT); } public static Object copyToStandardJavaObject(Object o, ObjectInspector oi) { return copyToStandardObject(o, oi, ObjectInspectorCopyOption.JAVA); } public static Object copyToStandardObject(Object o, ObjectInspector oi, ObjectInspectorCopyOption objectInspectorOption) { if (o == null) { return null; } Object result = null; switch (oi.getCategory()) { case PRIMITIVE: { PrimitiveObjectInspector loi = (PrimitiveObjectInspector) oi; switch (objectInspectorOption) { case DEFAULT: { if (loi.preferWritable()) { result = loi.getPrimitiveWritableObject(loi.copyObject(o)); } else { result = loi.getPrimitiveJavaObject(o); } break; } case JAVA: { result = loi.getPrimitiveJavaObject(o); break; } case WRITABLE: { result = loi.getPrimitiveWritableObject(loi.copyObject(o)); break; } } break; } case LIST: { ListObjectInspector loi = (ListObjectInspector) oi; int length = loi.getListLength(o); ArrayList<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>(length); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { list.add(copyToStandardObject(loi.getListElement(o, i), loi .getListElementObjectInspector(), objectInspectorOption)); } result = list; break; } case MAP: { MapObjectInspector moi = (MapObjectInspector) oi; HashMap<Object, Object> map = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); Map<? extends Object, ? extends Object> omap = moi.getMap(o); for (Map.Entry<? extends Object, ? extends Object> entry : omap .entrySet()) { map.put(copyToStandardObject(entry.getKey(), moi .getMapKeyObjectInspector(), objectInspectorOption), copyToStandardObject(entry.getValue(), moi .getMapValueObjectInspector(), objectInspectorOption)); } result = map; break; } case STRUCT: { StructObjectInspector soi = (StructObjectInspector) oi; List<? extends StructField> fields = soi.getAllStructFieldRefs(); ArrayList<Object> struct = new ArrayList<Object>(fields.size()); for (StructField f : fields) { struct.add(copyToStandardObject(soi.getStructFieldData(o, f), f .getFieldObjectInspector(), objectInspectorOption)); } result = struct; break; } case UNION: { UnionObjectInspector uoi = (UnionObjectInspector)oi; List<ObjectInspector> objectInspectors = uoi.getObjectInspectors(); Object object = copyToStandardObject( uoi.getField(o), objectInspectors.get(uoi.getTag(o)), objectInspectorOption); result = object; break; } default: { throw new RuntimeException("Unknown ObjectInspector category!"); } } return result; } public static String getStandardStructTypeName(StructObjectInspector soi) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("struct<"); List<? extends StructField> fields = soi.getAllStructFieldRefs(); for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) { sb.append(","); } sb.append(fields.get(i).getFieldName()); sb.append(":"); sb.append(fields.get(i).getFieldObjectInspector().getTypeName()); } sb.append(">"); return sb.toString(); } public static String getStandardUnionTypeName(UnionObjectInspector uoi) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(Constants.UNION_TYPE_NAME + "<"); List<ObjectInspector> ois = uoi.getObjectInspectors(); for(int i = 0; i < ois.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) { sb.append(","); } sb.append(ois.get(i).getTypeName()); } sb.append(">"); return sb.toString(); } public static StructField getStandardStructFieldRef(String fieldName, List<? extends StructField> fields) { fieldName = fieldName.toLowerCase(); for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) { if (fields.get(i).getFieldName().equals(fieldName)) { return fields.get(i); } } // For backward compatibility: fieldNames can also be integer Strings. try { int i = Integer.parseInt(fieldName); if (i >= 0 && i < fields.size()) { return fields.get(i); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // ignore } throw new RuntimeException("cannot find field " + fieldName + " from " + fields); // return null; } /** * Get all the declared non-static fields of Class c. */ public static Field[] getDeclaredNonStaticFields(Class<?> c) { Field[] f = c.getDeclaredFields(); ArrayList<Field> af = new ArrayList<Field>(); for (int i = 0; i < f.length; ++i) { if (!Modifier.isStatic(f[i].getModifiers())) { af.add(f[i]); } } Field[] r = new Field[af.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < af.size(); ++i) { r[i] = af.get(i); } return r; } /** * Get the class names of the ObjectInspector hierarchy. Mainly used for * debugging. */ public static String getObjectInspectorName(ObjectInspector oi) { switch (oi.getCategory()) { case PRIMITIVE: { return oi.getClass().getSimpleName(); } case LIST: { ListObjectInspector loi = (ListObjectInspector) oi; return oi.getClass().getSimpleName() + "<" + getObjectInspectorName(loi.getListElementObjectInspector()) + ">"; } case MAP: { MapObjectInspector moi = (MapObjectInspector) oi; return oi.getClass().getSimpleName() + "<" + getObjectInspectorName(moi.getMapKeyObjectInspector()) + "," + getObjectInspectorName(moi.getMapValueObjectInspector()) + ">"; } case STRUCT: { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); result.append(oi.getClass().getSimpleName() + "<"); StructObjectInspector soi = (StructObjectInspector) oi; List<? extends StructField> fields = soi.getAllStructFieldRefs(); for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) { result.append(fields.get(i).getFieldName()); result.append(":"); result.append(getObjectInspectorName(fields.get(i) .getFieldObjectInspector())); if (i == fields.size() - 1) { result.append(">"); } else { result.append(","); } } return result.toString(); } case UNION: { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); result.append(oi.getClass().getSimpleName() + "<"); UnionObjectInspector uoi = (UnionObjectInspector)oi; List<ObjectInspector> ois = uoi.getObjectInspectors(); for (int i = 0; i < ois.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) { result.append(","); } result.append(getObjectInspectorName(ois.get(i))); } result.append(">"); return result.toString(); } default: { throw new RuntimeException("Unknown ObjectInspector category!"); } } } public static int hashCode(Object o, ObjectInspector objIns) { if (o == null) { return 0; } switch (objIns.getCategory()) { case PRIMITIVE: { PrimitiveObjectInspector poi = ((PrimitiveObjectInspector) objIns); switch (poi.getPrimitiveCategory()) { case VOID: return 0; case BOOLEAN: return ((BooleanObjectInspector) poi).get(o) ? 1 : 0; case BYTE: return ((ByteObjectInspector) poi).get(o); case SHORT: return ((ShortObjectInspector) poi).get(o); case INT: return ((IntObjectInspector) poi).get(o); case LONG: { long a = ((LongObjectInspector) poi).get(o); return (int) ((a >>> 32) ^ a); } case FLOAT: return Float.floatToIntBits(((FloatObjectInspector) poi).get(o)); case DOUBLE: { // This hash function returns the same result as Double.hashCode() // while DoubleWritable.hashCode returns a different result. long a = Double.doubleToLongBits(((DoubleObjectInspector) poi).get(o)); return (int) ((a >>> 32) ^ a); } case STRING: { // This hash function returns the same result as String.hashCode() when // all characters are ASCII, while Text.hashCode() always returns a // different result. Text t = ((StringObjectInspector) poi).getPrimitiveWritableObject(o); int r = 0; for (int i = 0; i < t.getLength(); i++) { r = r * 31 + t.getBytes()[i]; } return r; } case BINARY: return ((BinaryObjectInspector) poi).getPrimitiveWritableObject(o).hashCode(); case DATE: return ((DateObjectInspector) poi).getPrimitiveWritableObject(o).hashCode(); case TIMESTAMP: TimestampWritable t = ((TimestampObjectInspector) poi) .getPrimitiveWritableObject(o); return t.hashCode(); default: { throw new RuntimeException("Unknown type: " + poi.getPrimitiveCategory()); } } } case LIST: { int r = 0; ListObjectInspector listOI = (ListObjectInspector)objIns; ObjectInspector elemOI = listOI.getListElementObjectInspector(); for (int ii = 0; ii < listOI.getListLength(o); ++ii) { r = 31 * r + hashCode(listOI.getListElement(o, ii), elemOI); } return r; } case MAP: { int r = 0; MapObjectInspector mapOI = (MapObjectInspector)objIns; ObjectInspector keyOI = mapOI.getMapKeyObjectInspector(); ObjectInspector valueOI = mapOI.getMapValueObjectInspector(); Map<?, ?> map = mapOI.getMap(o); for (Map.Entry entry : map.entrySet()) { r += hashCode(entry.getKey(), keyOI) ^ hashCode(entry.getValue(), valueOI); } return r; } case STRUCT: case UNION: default: throw new RuntimeException( "Hash code on complex types not supported yet."); } } /** * Compare two arrays of objects with their respective arrays of * ObjectInspectors. */ public static int compare(Object[] o1, ObjectInspector[] oi1, Object[] o2, ObjectInspector[] oi2) { assert (o1.length == oi1.length); assert (o2.length == oi2.length); assert (o1.length == o2.length); for (int i = 0; i < o1.length; i++) { int r = compare(o1[i], oi1[i], o2[i], oi2[i]); if (r != 0) { return r; } } return 0; } /** * Whether comparison is supported for this type. * Currently all types that references any map are not comparable. */ public static boolean compareSupported(ObjectInspector oi) { switch (oi.getCategory()) { case PRIMITIVE: return true; case LIST: ListObjectInspector loi = (ListObjectInspector) oi; return compareSupported(loi.getListElementObjectInspector()); case STRUCT: StructObjectInspector soi = (StructObjectInspector) oi; List<? extends StructField> fields = soi.getAllStructFieldRefs(); for (int f = 0; f < fields.size(); f++) { if (!compareSupported(fields.get(f).getFieldObjectInspector())) { return false; } } return true; case MAP: return false; case UNION: UnionObjectInspector uoi = (UnionObjectInspector) oi; for (ObjectInspector eoi : uoi.getObjectInspectors()) { if (!compareSupported(eoi)) { return false; } } return true; default: return false; } } /** * Compare two objects with their respective ObjectInspectors. */ public static int compare(Object o1, ObjectInspector oi1, Object o2, ObjectInspector oi2) { return compare(o1, oi1, o2, oi2, new FullMapEqualComparer()); } /** * Compare two objects with their respective ObjectInspectors. */ public static int compare(Object o1, ObjectInspector oi1, Object o2, ObjectInspector oi2, MapEqualComparer mapEqualComparer) { if (oi1.getCategory() != oi2.getCategory()) { return oi1.getCategory().compareTo(oi2.getCategory()); } if (o1 == null) { return o2 == null ? 0 : -1; } else if (o2 == null) { return 1; } switch (oi1.getCategory()) { case PRIMITIVE: { PrimitiveObjectInspector poi1 = ((PrimitiveObjectInspector) oi1); PrimitiveObjectInspector poi2 = ((PrimitiveObjectInspector) oi2); if (poi1.getPrimitiveCategory() != poi2.getPrimitiveCategory()) { return poi1.getPrimitiveCategory().compareTo( poi2.getPrimitiveCategory()); } switch (poi1.getPrimitiveCategory()) { case VOID: return 0; case BOOLEAN: { int v1 = ((BooleanObjectInspector) poi1).get(o1) ? 1 : 0; int v2 = ((BooleanObjectInspector) poi2).get(o2) ? 1 : 0; return v1 - v2; } case BYTE: { int v1 = ((ByteObjectInspector) poi1).get(o1); int v2 = ((ByteObjectInspector) poi2).get(o2); return v1 - v2; } case SHORT: { int v1 = ((ShortObjectInspector) poi1).get(o1); int v2 = ((ShortObjectInspector) poi2).get(o2); return v1 - v2; } case INT: { int v1 = ((IntObjectInspector) poi1).get(o1); int v2 = ((IntObjectInspector) poi2).get(o2); return v1 > v2 ? 1 : (v1 < v2 ? -1 : 0); } case LONG: { long v1 = ((LongObjectInspector) poi1).get(o1); long v2 = ((LongObjectInspector) poi2).get(o2); return v1 > v2 ? 1 : (v1 < v2 ? -1 : 0); } case FLOAT: { float v1 = ((FloatObjectInspector) poi1).get(o1); float v2 = ((FloatObjectInspector) poi2).get(o2); return Float.compare(v1, v2); } case DOUBLE: { double v1 = ((DoubleObjectInspector) poi1).get(o1); double v2 = ((DoubleObjectInspector) poi2).get(o2); return Double.compare(v1, v2); } case STRING: { if (poi1.preferWritable() || poi2.preferWritable()) { Text t1 = (Text) poi1.getPrimitiveWritableObject(o1); Text t2 = (Text) poi2.getPrimitiveWritableObject(o2); return t1 == null ? (t2 == null ? 0 : -1) : (t2 == null ? 1 : ShimLoader.getHadoopShims().compareText(t1, t2)); } else { String s1 = (String) poi1.getPrimitiveJavaObject(o1); String s2 = (String) poi2.getPrimitiveJavaObject(o2); return s1 == null ? (s2 == null ? 0 : -1) : (s2 == null ? 1 : s1 .compareTo(s2)); } } case BINARY: { BytesWritable bw1 = ((BinaryObjectInspector) poi1).getPrimitiveWritableObject(o1); BytesWritable bw2 = ((BinaryObjectInspector) poi2).getPrimitiveWritableObject(o2); return bw1.compareTo(bw2); } case DATE: { DateWritable d1 = ((DateObjectInspector) poi1) .getPrimitiveWritableObject(o1); DateWritable d2 = ((DateObjectInspector) poi2) .getPrimitiveWritableObject(o2); return d1.compareTo(d2); } case TIMESTAMP: { TimestampWritable t1 = ((TimestampObjectInspector) poi1) .getPrimitiveWritableObject(o1); TimestampWritable t2 = ((TimestampObjectInspector) poi2) .getPrimitiveWritableObject(o2); return t1.compareTo(t2); } default: { throw new RuntimeException("Unknown type: " + poi1.getPrimitiveCategory()); } } } case STRUCT: { StructObjectInspector soi1 = (StructObjectInspector) oi1; StructObjectInspector soi2 = (StructObjectInspector) oi2; List<? extends StructField> fields1 = soi1.getAllStructFieldRefs(); List<? extends StructField> fields2 = soi2.getAllStructFieldRefs(); int minimum = Math.min(fields1.size(), fields2.size()); for (int i = 0; i < minimum; i++) { int r = compare(soi1.getStructFieldData(o1, fields1.get(i)), fields1 .get(i).getFieldObjectInspector(), soi2.getStructFieldData(o2, fields2.get(i)), fields2.get(i).getFieldObjectInspector(), mapEqualComparer); if (r != 0) { return r; } } return fields1.size() - fields2.size(); } case LIST: { ListObjectInspector loi1 = (ListObjectInspector) oi1; ListObjectInspector loi2 = (ListObjectInspector) oi2; int minimum = Math.min(loi1.getListLength(o1), loi2.getListLength(o2)); for (int i = 0; i < minimum; i++) { int r = compare(loi1.getListElement(o1, i), loi1 .getListElementObjectInspector(), loi2.getListElement(o2, i), loi2 .getListElementObjectInspector(), mapEqualComparer); if (r != 0) { return r; } } return loi1.getListLength(o1) - loi2.getListLength(o2); } case MAP: { if (mapEqualComparer == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Compare on map type not supported!"); } else { return mapEqualComparer.compare(o1, (MapObjectInspector)oi1, o2, (MapObjectInspector)oi2); } } case UNION: { UnionObjectInspector uoi1 = (UnionObjectInspector) oi1; UnionObjectInspector uoi2 = (UnionObjectInspector) oi2; byte tag1 = uoi1.getTag(o1); byte tag2 = uoi2.getTag(o2); if (tag1 != tag2) { return tag1 - tag2; } return compare(uoi1.getField(o1), uoi1.getObjectInspectors().get(tag1), uoi2.getField(o2), uoi2.getObjectInspectors().get(tag2), mapEqualComparer); } default: throw new RuntimeException("Compare on unknown type: " + oi1.getCategory()); } } /** * Get the list of field names as csv from a StructObjectInspector. */ public static String getFieldNames(StructObjectInspector soi) { List<? extends StructField> fields = soi.getAllStructFieldRefs(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) { sb.append(","); } sb.append(fields.get(i).getFieldName()); } return sb.toString(); } /** * Get the list of field type as csv from a StructObjectInspector. */ public static String getFieldTypes(StructObjectInspector soi) { List<? extends StructField> fields = soi.getAllStructFieldRefs(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) { sb.append(":"); } sb.append(TypeInfoUtils.getTypeInfoFromObjectInspector( fields.get(i).getFieldObjectInspector()).getTypeName()); } return sb.toString(); } /** * Get the type name of the Java class. */ public static String getTypeNameFromJavaClass(Type t) { try { ObjectInspector oi = ObjectInspectorFactory.getReflectionObjectInspector(t, ObjectInspectorOptions.JAVA); return oi.getTypeName(); } catch (Throwable e) { LOG.info(StringUtils.stringifyException(e)); return "unknown"; } } /** * Compares two types identified by the given object inspectors. This method * compares the types as follows: * <ol> * <li>If the given inspectors do not belong to same category, the result is * negative.</li> * <li>If the given inspectors are for <code>PRIMITIVE</code> type, the result * is the comparison of their type names.</li> * <li>If the given inspectors are for <code>LIST</code> type, then the result * is recursive call to compare the type of list elements.</li> * <li>If the given inspectors are <code>MAP</code> type, then the result is a * recursive call to compare the map key and value types.</li> * <li>If the given inspectors are <code>STRUCT</code> type, then the result * is negative if they do not have the same number of fields. If they do have * the same number of fields, the result is a recursive call to compare each * of the field types.</li> * <li>If none of the above, the result is negative.</li> * </ol> * @param o1 * @param o2 * @return true if the given object inspectors represent the same types. */ public static boolean compareTypes(ObjectInspector o1, ObjectInspector o2) { Category c1 = o1.getCategory(); Category c2 = o2.getCategory(); // Return false if categories are not equal if (!c1.equals(c2)) { return false; } // If both categories are primitive return the comparison of type names. if (c1.equals(Category.PRIMITIVE)) { return o1.getTypeName().equals(o2.getTypeName()); } // If lists, recursively compare the list element types if (c1.equals(Category.LIST)) { ObjectInspector child1 = ((ListObjectInspector) o1).getListElementObjectInspector(); ObjectInspector child2 = ((ListObjectInspector) o2).getListElementObjectInspector(); return compareTypes(child1, child2); } // If maps, recursively compare the key and value types if (c1.equals(Category.MAP)) { MapObjectInspector mapOI1 = (MapObjectInspector) o1; MapObjectInspector mapOI2 = (MapObjectInspector) o2; ObjectInspector childKey1 = mapOI1.getMapKeyObjectInspector(); ObjectInspector childKey2 = mapOI2.getMapKeyObjectInspector(); if (compareTypes(childKey1, childKey2)) { ObjectInspector childVal1 = mapOI1.getMapValueObjectInspector(); ObjectInspector childVal2 = mapOI2.getMapValueObjectInspector(); if (compareTypes(childVal1, childVal2)) { return true; } } return false; } // If structs, recursively compare the fields if (c1.equals(Category.STRUCT)) { StructObjectInspector structOI1 = (StructObjectInspector) o1; StructObjectInspector structOI2 = (StructObjectInspector) o2; List<? extends StructField> childFieldsList1 = structOI1.getAllStructFieldRefs(); List<? extends StructField> childFieldsList2 = structOI2.getAllStructFieldRefs(); if (childFieldsList1 == null && childFieldsList2 == null) { return true; } if (childFieldsList1.size() != childFieldsList2.size()) { return false; } Iterator<? extends StructField> it1 = childFieldsList1.iterator(); Iterator<? extends StructField> it2 = childFieldsList2.iterator(); while (it1.hasNext()) { StructField field1 = it1.next(); StructField field2 = it2.next(); if (!compareTypes(field1.getFieldObjectInspector(), field2.getFieldObjectInspector())) { return false; } } return true; } if (c1.equals(Category.UNION)) { UnionObjectInspector uoi1 = (UnionObjectInspector) o1; UnionObjectInspector uoi2 = (UnionObjectInspector) o2; List<ObjectInspector> ois1 = uoi1.getObjectInspectors(); List<ObjectInspector> ois2 = uoi2.getObjectInspectors(); if (ois1 == null && ois2 == null) { return true; } else if (ois1 == null || ois2 == null) { return false; } else if (ois1.size() != ois2.size()) { return false; } Iterator<? extends ObjectInspector> it1 = ois1.iterator(); Iterator<? extends ObjectInspector> it2 = ois2.iterator(); while (it1.hasNext()) { if (!compareTypes(it1.next(), it2.next())) { return false; } } return true; } // Unknown category throw new RuntimeException("Unknown category encountered: " + c1); } public static ConstantObjectInspector getConstantObjectInspector(ObjectInspector oi, Object value) { ObjectInspector writableOI = getStandardObjectInspector(oi, ObjectInspectorCopyOption.WRITABLE); Object writableValue = ObjectInspectorConverters.getConverter(oi, writableOI).convert(value); switch (writableOI.getCategory()) { case PRIMITIVE: PrimitiveObjectInspector poi = (PrimitiveObjectInspector) oi; return PrimitiveObjectInspectorFactory.getPrimitiveWritableConstantObjectInspector( poi.getPrimitiveCategory(), writableValue); case LIST: ListObjectInspector loi = (ListObjectInspector) oi; return ObjectInspectorFactory.getStandardConstantListObjectInspector( getStandardObjectInspector( loi.getListElementObjectInspector(), ObjectInspectorCopyOption.WRITABLE ), (List<?>)writableValue); case MAP: MapObjectInspector moi = (MapObjectInspector) oi; return ObjectInspectorFactory.getStandardConstantMapObjectInspector( getStandardObjectInspector( moi.getMapKeyObjectInspector(), ObjectInspectorCopyOption.WRITABLE ), getStandardObjectInspector( moi.getMapValueObjectInspector(), ObjectInspectorCopyOption.WRITABLE ), (Map<?, ?>)writableValue); default: throw new IllegalArgumentException( writableOI.getCategory() + " not yet supported for constant OI"); } } public static Object getWritableConstantValue(ObjectInspector oi) { return ((ConstantObjectInspector)oi).getWritableConstantValue(); } public static boolean supportsConstantObjectInspector(ObjectInspector oi) { switch (oi.getCategory()) { case PRIMITIVE: case LIST: case MAP: return true; default: return false; } } public static boolean isConstantObjectInspector(ObjectInspector oi) { return (oi instanceof ConstantObjectInspector); } private ObjectInspectorUtils() { // prevent instantiation } }