package com.liveramp.hank.ui; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import org.apache.log4j.Level; import org.apache.thrift.TException; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import com.liveramp.hank.Hank; import com.liveramp.hank.client.HankSmartClient; import com.liveramp.hank.coordinator.Coordinator; import com.liveramp.hank.coordinator.Domain; import com.liveramp.hank.coordinator.DomainGroup; import com.liveramp.hank.coordinator.DomainVersion; import com.liveramp.hank.coordinator.Host; import com.liveramp.hank.coordinator.HostDomain; import com.liveramp.hank.coordinator.HostDomainPartition; import com.liveramp.hank.coordinator.HostState; import com.liveramp.hank.coordinator.Hosts; import com.liveramp.hank.coordinator.Ring; import com.liveramp.hank.coordinator.RingGroup; import com.liveramp.hank.generated.ClientMetadata; import com.liveramp.hank.generated.HankBulkResponse; import com.liveramp.hank.generated.HankResponse; import com.liveramp.hank.generated.SmartClient; import com.liveramp.hank.partition_assigner.PartitionAssigner; import com.liveramp.hank.partition_assigner.RendezVousPartitionAssigner; import com.liveramp.hank.partition_server.DoublePopulationStatisticsAggregator; import com.liveramp.hank.partition_server.FilesystemStatisticsAggregator; import com.liveramp.hank.partition_server.RuntimeStatisticsAggregator; import com.liveramp.hank.partitioner.Murmur64Partitioner; import com.liveramp.hank.ring_group_conductor.RingGroupConductorMode; import; import; import com.liveramp.hank.test.ZkMockCoordinatorTestCase; import com.liveramp.hank.util.LocalHostUtils; @Ignore("Should only be run manually") public class WebUiServerTester extends ZkMockCoordinatorTestCase { private static final int NUM_RING_GROUPS = 1; public static final String DOMAIN_ = "domain-"; public static final String DOMAIN_GROUP_ = "domain-group-"; public static final String RING_GROUP_ = "ring-group-"; private static final String HOST_ = "host-"; private static final int NUM_DOMAINS = 2; private static final int NUM_RINGS = 2; private static final int NUM_HOSTS = 10; private static final int NUM_CLIENTS = 100; private final Random random = new Random(); @Test public void testIt() throws Exception { org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger("com.liveramp.hank.zookeeper").setLevel(Level.INFO); final SmartClient.Iface mockClient = new SmartClient.Iface() { private final Map<String, ByteBuffer> values = new HashMap<String, ByteBuffer>() { { put("key1", ByteBuffer.wrap("value1".getBytes())); put("key2", ByteBuffer.wrap("a really long value that you will just love!".getBytes())); } }; @Override public HankResponse get(String domainName, ByteBuffer key) throws TException { String sKey; try { sKey = new String(key.array(), key.position(), key.limit(), "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new TException(e); } ByteBuffer v = values.get(sKey); if (v != null) { return HankResponse.value(v); } return HankResponse.not_found(true); } @Override public HankBulkResponse getBulk(String domainName, List<ByteBuffer> keys) throws TException { return null; } }; IClientCache clientCache = new IClientCache() { @Override public SmartClient.Iface getSmartClient(RingGroup rgc) throws IOException, TException { return mockClient; } }; WebUiServer uiServer = new WebUiServer(getWebUiMockCoordinator(), clientCache, 12345);; } private Coordinator getWebUiMockCoordinator() throws Exception { Coordinator coordinator = getMockCoordinator(); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_RING_GROUPS; ++i) { setUpRingGroup(i, coordinator); } return coordinator; } private void setUpRingGroup(int ringGroupId, Coordinator coordinator) throws IOException { DomainGroup dg = setUpDomainGroup(ringGroupId, coordinator); RingGroup rg = coordinator.addRingGroup(RING_GROUP_ + ringGroupId, dg.getName()); // Rings int numRings = random.nextInt(NUM_RINGS) + 2; for (int ringId = 0; ringId < numRings; ++ringId) { setUpRing(rg, ringGroupId, ringId); } // Assign PartitionAssigner partitionAssigner = new RendezVousPartitionAssigner(); for (Ring ring : rg.getRings()) { partitionAssigner.prepare(ring, dg.getDomainVersions(), RingGroupConductorMode.ACTIVE); for (Host host : ring.getHosts()) { partitionAssigner.assign(host); updateHost(ring, host); } } rg.claimRingGroupConductor(RingGroupConductorMode.ACTIVE); // Clients int numClients = random.nextInt(NUM_CLIENTS) + 1; for (int clientId = 0; clientId < numClients; ++clientId) { rg.registerClient(new ClientMetadata( LocalHostUtils.getHostName(), System.currentTimeMillis(), HankSmartClient.class.getName(), Hank.getGitCommit())); } } private void updateHost(Ring ring, Host host) throws IOException { HostState state = host.getState(); // runtime if (state == HostState.SERVING) { Map<Domain, RuntimeStatisticsAggregator> runtimeStatistics = new HashMap<Domain, RuntimeStatisticsAggregator>(); for (HostDomain hd : host.getAssignedDomains()) { int numRequests = randomNumRequests(); int numHits = (int)(randomNumHitsRatio() * numRequests); int numHitsL1 = (int)(randomL1HitsRatio() * numHits); int numHitsL2 = numHits - numHitsL1; double requestMinimum = randomRequestMinimum(); double requestMaximum = randomRequestMaximum(); long requestValues = randomRequestValues(); long requestTotal = randomRequestsTotal(); double[] randomSample = randomRequestSample(); CacheStatistics randomCacheStatistics = randomCacheStatistics(); runtimeStatistics.put(hd.getDomain(), new RuntimeStatisticsAggregator( randomThroughput(), randomResponseDataThroughput(), numRequests, numHits, numHitsL1, numHitsL2, new DoublePopulationStatisticsAggregator( requestMinimum, requestMaximum, requestValues, requestTotal, randomSample), randomCacheStatistics ) ); } Hosts.setRuntimeStatistics(host, runtimeStatistics); } if (state == HostState.SERVING || state == HostState.IDLE) { for (HostDomain hd : host.getAssignedDomains()) { for (HostDomainPartition partition : hd.getPartitions()) { partition.setCurrentDomainVersion(ring.getRingGroup().getDomainGroup().getDomainVersion(hd.getDomain()).getVersionNumber()); } } } if (state == HostState.UPDATING) { Hosts.setUpdateETA(host, randomETA()); for (HostDomain hd : host.getAssignedDomains()) { for (HostDomainPartition partition : hd.getPartitions()) { if (random.nextInt(3) == 0) { partition.setCurrentDomainVersion(ring.getRingGroup().getDomainGroup().getDomainVersion(hd.getDomain()).getVersionNumber()); } else { if (random.nextInt(3) != 0) { partition.setCurrentDomainVersion(ring.getRingGroup().getDomainGroup().getDomainVersion(hd.getDomain()).getVersionNumber() - 1); } } } } } // filesystem Map<String, FilesystemStatisticsAggregator> filesystemStatistics = new HashMap<String, FilesystemStatisticsAggregator>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { long totalSpace = randomTotalSpace(); filesystemStatistics.put("/data-" + i, new FilesystemStatisticsAggregator(totalSpace, randomUsableSpace(totalSpace))); } Hosts.setFilesystemStatistics(host, filesystemStatistics); } private void setUpRing(RingGroup ringGroup, int ringGroupId, int ringId) throws IOException { Ring ring = ringGroup.addRing(ringId); HostState state = randomHostState(); int numHosts = random.nextInt(NUM_HOSTS) + 10; for (int hostId = 0; hostId < numHosts; ++hostId) { setUpHost(ringGroupId, ring, hostId, state); } } private Host setUpHost(int ringGroupId, Ring ring, int hostId, HostState state) throws IOException { Host host = ring.addHost(addy(HOST_ + ringGroupId + "-" + ring.getRingNumber() + "-" + hostId), Collections.<String>emptyList()); if (random.nextInt(20) == 0) { state = randomOtherHostState(); } host.setState(state); return host; } private DomainGroup setUpDomainGroup(int domainGroupId, Coordinator coordinator) throws IOException { int numDomains = random.nextInt(NUM_DOMAINS) + 3; DomainGroup dg = coordinator.addDomainGroup(DOMAIN_GROUP_ + domainGroupId); Map<Domain, Integer> versions = new HashMap<Domain, Integer>(); for (int domainId = 0; domainId < numDomains; ++domainId) { Domain domain = setUpDomain(domainGroupId, domainId, coordinator); versions.put(domain, 0); } dg.setDomainVersions(versions); return dg; } private Domain setUpDomain(int domainGroupId, int domainId, Coordinator coordinator) throws IOException { int numPartitions = random.nextInt(32) + 4; final Domain domain = coordinator.addDomain(DOMAIN_ + domainGroupId + "-" + domainId, numPartitions, Echo.Factory.class.getName(), "", Murmur64Partitioner.class.getName(), Collections.<String>emptyList()); DomainVersion ver = domain.openNewVersion(null); ver.close(); return domain; } private HostState randomHostState() { switch (random.nextInt(5)) { case 0: return HostState.SERVING; case 1: return HostState.SERVING; case 2: return HostState.SERVING; case 3: return HostState.SERVING; case 4: return HostState.UPDATING; default: throw new IllegalStateException(); } } private HostState randomOtherHostState() { switch (random.nextInt(2)) { case 0: return HostState.IDLE; case 1: return HostState.OFFLINE; default: throw new IllegalStateException(); } } private long randomETA() { return random.nextInt(3600); } private long randomUsableSpace(long totalSpace) { return Math.max(0, (totalSpace / (random.nextInt(3) + 3)) - random.nextInt(1 << 30)); } private long randomTotalSpace() { return (random.nextInt(500) + 500) * (long)Math.pow(1021, 3); } private long randomRequestsTotal() { return 10000; } private long randomRequestValues() { return 1000; } private double randomRequestMaximum() { return random.nextInt(10) + 80; } private double randomRequestMinimum() { return random.nextInt(10) * 0.001; } private double randomL1HitsRatio() { return ((double)random.nextInt(100) / 100); } private double randomNumHitsRatio() { return ((double)random.nextInt(25) + 75) / 100; } private int randomNumRequests() { return 142; } private CacheStatistics randomCacheStatistics() { int scale = random.nextInt(10) + 1; return new CacheStatistics((1L * scale) << 18, (1L * scale) << 20, (100L * scale) << 20, (1L * scale) << 30); } private double[] randomRequestSample() { int scale = random.nextInt(3) + 1; double[] input = new double[]{0.01 * scale, 0.01 * scale, 0.1 * scale, 0.5 * scale, 0.8 * scale, 1 * scale, 1.5 * scale, 3 * scale, 8 * scale}; double[] result = new double[1000]; for (int i = 0; i < result.length; ++i) { result[i] = input[random.nextInt(input.length)]; } return result; } private double randomResponseDataThroughput() { return random.nextInt(10) * (1 << 20); } private double randomThroughput() { return random.nextInt(1000); } }