/** * Copyright 2011 LiveRamp * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.liveramp.hank.coordinator.zk; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException; import org.apache.zookeeper.data.Stat; import com.liveramp.hank.coordinator.Coordinator; import com.liveramp.hank.coordinator.CoordinatorFactory; import com.liveramp.hank.coordinator.Domain; import com.liveramp.hank.coordinator.DomainGroup; import com.liveramp.hank.coordinator.RingGroup; import com.liveramp.hank.zookeeper.WatchedMap; import com.liveramp.hank.zookeeper.ZkPath; import com.liveramp.hank.zookeeper.ZooKeeperConnection; import com.liveramp.hank.zookeeper.ZooKeeperPlus; /** * An implementation of the Coordinator built on top of the Apache ZooKeeper * service. The ZooKeeperCoordinator initially loads all the configuration into * local memory for fast reads. It places watches on nodes in the ZooKeeper * service so that it is updated when data is changed, so that it can update its * local cache and also notify any listeners that are listening on the data. * Currently responds to changes in version number for domains and domain * groups, as well as the addition or removal of rings. However, the current * implementation of ZooKeeperCoordinator will not respond to addition or * removal of domains, domain groups, ring groups, or hosts. */ public class ZooKeeperCoordinator extends ZooKeeperConnection implements Coordinator { private static final String KEY_DOMAIN_ID_COUNTER = ".domain_id_counter"; private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ZooKeeperCoordinator.class); /** * Used to instantiate a ZooKeeperCoordinator generically. */ public static final class Factory implements CoordinatorFactory { private static final String RING_GROUPS_ROOT_KEY = "ring_groups_root"; private static final String DOMAIN_GROUPS_ROOT_KEY = "domain_groups_root"; private static final String DOMAINS_ROOT_KEY = "domains_root"; private static final String SESSION_TIMEOUT_KEY = "session_timeout"; private static final String CONNECT_STRING_KEY = "connect_string"; private static final String MAX_CONNECTION_ATTEMPTS_KEY = "max_connection_attempts"; private static final List<String> REQUIRED_KEYS = Arrays.asList(RING_GROUPS_ROOT_KEY, DOMAIN_GROUPS_ROOT_KEY, DOMAINS_ROOT_KEY, SESSION_TIMEOUT_KEY, CONNECT_STRING_KEY); public static Map<String, Object> requiredOptions(String zkConnectString, int sessionTimeoutMs, String domainsRoot, String domainGroupsRoot, String ringGroupsRoot, Integer maxConnectionAttempts) { Map<String, Object> opts = new HashMap<String, Object>(); opts.put(CONNECT_STRING_KEY, zkConnectString); opts.put(SESSION_TIMEOUT_KEY, sessionTimeoutMs); opts.put(DOMAINS_ROOT_KEY, domainsRoot); opts.put(DOMAIN_GROUPS_ROOT_KEY, domainGroupsRoot); opts.put(RING_GROUPS_ROOT_KEY, ringGroupsRoot); opts.put(MAX_CONNECTION_ATTEMPTS_KEY, maxConnectionAttempts); return opts; } @Override public Coordinator getCoordinator(Map<String, Object> options) { LOG.info("Creating Coordinator with options: "+options); validateOptions(options); try { // TODO temporary until clean upusages if(options.containsKey(MAX_CONNECTION_ATTEMPTS_KEY)) { return new ZooKeeperCoordinator( (String)options.get(CONNECT_STRING_KEY), (Integer)options.get(SESSION_TIMEOUT_KEY), (String)options.get(DOMAINS_ROOT_KEY), (String)options.get(DOMAIN_GROUPS_ROOT_KEY), (String)options.get(RING_GROUPS_ROOT_KEY), (Integer)options.get(MAX_CONNECTION_ATTEMPTS_KEY)); }else{ return new ZooKeeperCoordinator( (String)options.get(CONNECT_STRING_KEY), (Integer)options.get(SESSION_TIMEOUT_KEY), (String)options.get(DOMAINS_ROOT_KEY), (String)options.get(DOMAIN_GROUPS_ROOT_KEY), (String)options.get(RING_GROUPS_ROOT_KEY)); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't make a ZooKeeperCoordinator from options " + options, e); } } private void validateOptions(Map<String, Object> options) { Set<String> missingKeys = new HashSet<String>(); for (String requiredKey : REQUIRED_KEYS) { if (!options.containsKey(requiredKey)) { missingKeys.add(requiredKey); } } if (!missingKeys.isEmpty()) { throw new RuntimeException("Options for ZooKeeperCoordinator was missing required keys: " + missingKeys); } } } /** * We save our watchers so that we can reregister them in case of session * expiry. */ private boolean isSessionExpired = false; private final WatchedMap<ZkDomain> domains; private final WatchedMap<ZkDomainGroup> domainGroups; private final WatchedMap<ZkRingGroup> ringGroups; private final String domainsRoot; private final String domainGroupsRoot; private final String ringGroupsRoot; ZooKeeperCoordinator(String zkConnectString, int sessionTimeoutMs, String domainsRoot, String domainGroupsRoot, String ringGroupsRoot) throws InterruptedException, IOException, KeeperException { this(zkConnectString, sessionTimeoutMs, domainsRoot, domainGroupsRoot, ringGroupsRoot, ZooKeeperConnection.DEFAULT_MAX_ATTEMPTS); } /** * Blocks until the connection to the ZooKeeper service has been established. * See {@link ZooKeeperConnection#ZooKeeperConnection(String, int)} * <p/> * Package-private constructor that is mainly used for testing. The last * boolean flag allows you to prevent the ZooKeeperCoordinator from * immediately trying to cache all the configuration information from the * ZooKeeper service, which is useful if you don't want to have to setup your * entire configuration just to run a few simple tests. * * @param zkConnectString comma separated host:port pairs, each corresponding to a ZooKeeper * server. e.g. ",," * @param sessionTimeoutMs session timeout in milliseconds * @param domainsRoot * @param domainGroupsRoot * @param ringGroupsRoot * @throws InterruptedException * @throws KeeperException * @throws IOException */ ZooKeeperCoordinator(String zkConnectString, int sessionTimeoutMs, String domainsRoot, String domainGroupsRoot, String ringGroupsRoot, int maxConnectAttempts) throws InterruptedException, KeeperException, IOException { super(zkConnectString, sessionTimeoutMs, maxConnectAttempts); this.domainsRoot = domainsRoot; this.domainGroupsRoot = domainGroupsRoot; this.ringGroupsRoot = ringGroupsRoot; LOG.info("ZooKeeperCoordinator.domainsRoot: ",domainsRoot); LOG.info("ZooKeeperCoordinator.domainGroupsRoot: ",domainGroupsRoot); LOG.info("ZooKeeperCoordinator.ringGroupsRoot: ",ringGroupsRoot); // Domains zk.ensureCreated(domainsRoot, null); domains = new WatchedMap<ZkDomain>(zk, domainsRoot, new WatchedMap.ElementLoader<ZkDomain>() { @Override public ZkDomain load(ZooKeeperPlus zk, String basePath, String relPath) throws KeeperException, InterruptedException { if (ZkPath.isHidden(relPath)) { return null; } else { return new ZkDomain(zk, ZkPath.append(basePath, relPath)); } } }); // Domain Groups zk.ensureCreated(domainGroupsRoot, null); domainGroups = new WatchedMap<ZkDomainGroup>(zk, domainGroupsRoot, new WatchedMap.ElementLoader<ZkDomainGroup>() { @Override public ZkDomainGroup load(ZooKeeperPlus zk, String basePath, String relPath) throws KeeperException, InterruptedException { try { return new ZkDomainGroup(zk, ZooKeeperCoordinator.this, ZkPath.append(basePath, relPath)); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }); // Ring Groups zk.ensureCreated(ringGroupsRoot, null); ringGroups = new WatchedMap<ZkRingGroup>(zk, ringGroupsRoot, new WatchedMap.ElementLoader<ZkRingGroup>() { @Override public ZkRingGroup load(ZooKeeperPlus zk, String basePath, String relPath) throws KeeperException, InterruptedException { if (ZkPath.isHidden(relPath)) { return null; } else { String ringGroupPath = ZkPath.append(basePath, relPath); return new ZkRingGroup(zk, ringGroupPath, domainGroups.get(new String(zk.getData(ringGroupPath, false, null))), ZooKeeperCoordinator.this); } } }, new DotComplete()); } @Override protected void onConnect() { if (isSessionExpired) { isSessionExpired = false; } } @Override protected void onSessionExpire() { isSessionExpired = true; } @Override public Domain getDomain(String domainName) { return domains.get(domainName); } @Override public Domain getDomainShallow(String domainName) { if (domains.isLoaded()) { return getDomain(domainName); } else { try { return new ZkDomain(zk, ZkPath.append(domainsRoot, domainName)); } catch (InterruptedException e) { return null; } catch (KeeperException e) { return null; } } } @Override public Domain getDomainById(int domainId) { for (Domain domain : getDomains()) { if (domain.getId() == domainId) { return domain; } } return null; } @Override public DomainGroup getDomainGroup(String domainGroupName) { return domainGroups.get(domainGroupName); } @Override public RingGroup getRingGroup(String ringGroupName) { return ringGroups.get(ringGroupName); } @Override public Set<Domain> getDomains() { return new HashSet<Domain>(domains.values()); } @Override public SortedSet<Domain> getDomainsSorted() { return new TreeSet<Domain>(getDomains()); } @Override public Set<DomainGroup> getDomainGroups() { synchronized (domainGroups) { return new HashSet<DomainGroup>(domainGroups.values()); } } @Override public SortedSet<DomainGroup> getDomainGroupsSorted() { return new TreeSet<DomainGroup>(getDomainGroups()); } @Override public Set<RingGroup> getRingGroups() { return new HashSet<RingGroup>(ringGroups.values()); } @Override public SortedSet<RingGroup> getRingGroupsSorted() { return new TreeSet<RingGroup>(ringGroups.values()); } @Override public Set<RingGroup> getRingGroupsForDomainGroup(DomainGroup domainGroup) { String domainGroupName = domainGroup.getName(); Set<RingGroup> groups = new HashSet<RingGroup>(); for (RingGroup group : ringGroups.values()) { if (group.getDomainGroup().getName().equals(domainGroupName)) { groups.add(group); } } return groups; } @Override public Domain addDomain(String domainName, int numParts, String storageEngineFactoryName, String storageEngineOptions, String partitionerName, List<String> requiredHostFlags) throws IOException { try { ZkDomain domain = ZkDomain.create(zk, domainsRoot, domainName, numParts, storageEngineFactoryName, storageEngineOptions, partitionerName, getNextDomainId(), requiredHostFlags); domains.put(domainName, domain); return domain; } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException(e); } } private int getNextDomainId() throws KeeperException, InterruptedException { final String domainIdCounterPath = ZkPath.append(domainsRoot, KEY_DOMAIN_ID_COUNTER); if (zk.exists(domainIdCounterPath, false) == null) { zk.create(domainIdCounterPath, Integer.toString(1).getBytes()); return 1; } while (true) { final Stat stat = new Stat(); final byte[] data = zk.getData(domainIdCounterPath, false, stat); int lastVersionNumber = Integer.parseInt(new String(data)); try { lastVersionNumber++; zk.setData(domainIdCounterPath, Integer.toString(lastVersionNumber).getBytes(), stat.getVersion()); return lastVersionNumber; } catch (KeeperException.BadVersionException e) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Tried to set the domain id counter to " + lastVersionNumber + " but was preempted by another writer. Retrying."); } } } } @Override public Domain updateDomain(String domainName, int numParts, String storageEngineFactoryClassName, String storageEngineOptions, String partitionerClassName, List<String> requiredHostFlags) throws IOException { ZkDomain domain = (ZkDomain)getDomain(domainName); if (domain == null) { throw new IOException("Could not get Domain '" + domainName + "' from Coordinator."); } else { try { domain.update(domain.getId(), numParts, storageEngineFactoryClassName, storageEngineOptions, partitionerClassName, requiredHostFlags); return domain; } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException(e); } } } @Override public DomainGroup addDomainGroup(String name) throws IOException { try { ZkDomainGroup dgc = ZkDomainGroup.create(zk, this, domainGroupsRoot, name); synchronized (domainGroups) { domainGroups.put(name, dgc); } return dgc; } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException(e); } } @Override public RingGroup addRingGroup(String ringGroupName, String domainGroupName) throws IOException { try { RingGroup rg = ZkRingGroup.create(zk, ZkPath.append(ringGroupsRoot, ringGroupName), (ZkDomainGroup)getDomainGroup(domainGroupName), this); ringGroups.put(ringGroupName, (ZkRingGroup)rg); return rg; } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException(e); } } @Override public void close() throws IOException { try { LOG.info("Closing ZooKeeperCoordinator."); zk.close(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new IOException("Interrupted while trying to close ZooKeeper connection.", e); } } @Override public String toString() { return "ZooKeeperCoordinator [quorum=" + getConnectString() + ", domainsRoot=" + domainsRoot + ", domainGroupsRoot=" + domainGroupsRoot + ", ringGroupsRoot=" + ringGroupsRoot + "]"; } @Override public boolean deleteDomain(String domainName) throws IOException { ZkDomain domain = domains.remove(domainName); if (domain == null) { return false; } // remove domain from all domain groups for (DomainGroup domainGroup : getDomainGroups()) { domainGroup.removeDomain(domain); } return domain.delete(); } @Override public boolean deleteDomainVersion(String domainName, int versionNumber) throws IOException { Domain domain = getDomain(domainName); if (domain == null) { return false; } return domain.deleteVersion(versionNumber); } @Override public boolean deleteDomainGroup(String domainGroupName) throws IOException { ZkDomainGroup domainGroup = domainGroups.remove(domainGroupName); if (domainGroup == null) { return false; } return domainGroup.delete(); } @Override public boolean deleteRingGroup(String ringGroupName) throws IOException { ZkRingGroup ringGroup = ringGroups.remove(ringGroupName); if (ringGroup == null) { return false; } return ringGroup.delete(); } }