package org.apache.hadoop.mapred.util; import; import; import; import; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; //import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskTrackerStatus; /** * Extension of the LinuxResourceCalculatorPlugin with new features such as: *Disk io resource information **/ public class LinuxResourceCalculatorExtendedPlugin extends LinuxResourceCalculatorPlugin{ private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(LinuxResourceCalculatorExtendedPlugin.class); private static final String PROCFS_DISKSTATSFILE= "/proc/diskstats"; private String procfsDiskStatsFile; private static final int UNAVAILABLE = -1; private float diskIOUsage = UNAVAILABLE; private long sampleTime = UNAVAILABLE; private long lastSampleTime = UNAVAILABLE; private long cumulativeReads = UNAVAILABLE; private long lastCumulativeReads = UNAVAILABLE; private long cumulativeWrites = UNAVAILABLE; private long lastCumulativeWrites = UNAVAILABLE; private long cumulativeDiskIOTime = UNAVAILABLE; public LinuxResourceCalculatorExtendedPlugin(){ super(); procfsDiskStatsFile=PROCFS_DISKSTATSFILE; } /** * Obtain the cumulative time spent doing I/Os. * @return cumulative time spent on IO in ms. */ public long getCumulativeDiskIOTime(){ readProcDiskStatFile(); return cumulativeDiskIOTime; } /** * Obtain the disk IO Bandwidth of the machine. Return -1 if it is unavailable * * @return Disk IO Bandwidth usage in IOs/sec */ public float getDiskIOUsage(){ readProcDiskStatFile(); sampleTime = getCurrentTime(); if (lastSampleTime == UNAVAILABLE || lastSampleTime > sampleTime) { // lastSampleTime > sampleTime may happen when the system time is changed lastSampleTime = sampleTime; lastCumulativeReads = cumulativeReads; lastCumulativeWrites = cumulativeWrites; return diskIOUsage; } // When lastSampleTime is sufficiently old, update cpuUsage. // Also take a sample of the current time and cumulative CPU time for the // use of the next calculation. final long MINIMUM_UPDATE_INTERVAL = 10 * jiffyLengthInMillis; if (sampleTime > lastSampleTime + MINIMUM_UPDATE_INTERVAL) { diskIOUsage = 1000*(float)((cumulativeReads-lastCumulativeReads) + (cumulativeWrites-lastCumulativeWrites)) / ((float)(sampleTime - lastSampleTime)); lastSampleTime = sampleTime; lastCumulativeReads= cumulativeReads; lastCumulativeWrites = cumulativeWrites; } return diskIOUsage; } /** * Read the /proc/diskstats file, parse, and calculate cumulative IO */ private void readProcDiskStatFile(){ BufferedReader in = null; FileReader fReader = null; try{ fReader = new FileReader(procfsDiskStatsFile); in = new BufferedReader(fReader); } catch(FileNotFoundException f){ // shouldn't happen... return; } Matcher mat = null; try{ String str = in.readLine(); while(str != null){ //mat = DISKSTATS_IO_FORMAT.matcher(str); String[] diskInfo = str.trim().split("[ \t ]+"); if(diskInfo[2].equals("sda")){ cumulativeReads = Long.parseLong(diskInfo[3]); cumulativeWrites = Long.parseLong(diskInfo[7]); cumulativeDiskIOTime = Long.parseLong(diskInfo[13]); break; } str = in.readLine(); } }catch(IOException io){ LOG.warn("Error reading the stream "+ io); } finally { //close the streams try{ fReader.close(); try{ in.close(); }catch(IOException i){ LOG.warn("Error closing the stream " + in); } } catch(IOException i){ LOG.warn("Error closing the stream "+ fReader); } } } public static void main(String[] args) { LinuxResourceCalculatorExtendedPlugin plugin = new LinuxResourceCalculatorExtendedPlugin(); System.out.println("Physical memory Size (bytes) : " + plugin.getPhysicalMemorySize()); System.out.println("Total Virtual memory Size (bytes) : " + plugin.getVirtualMemorySize()); System.out.println("Available Physical memory Size (bytes) : " + plugin.getAvailablePhysicalMemorySize()); System.out.println("Total Available Virtual memory Size (bytes) : " + plugin.getAvailableVirtualMemorySize()); System.out.println("Number of Processors : " + plugin.getNumProcessors()); System.out.println("CPU frequency (kHz) : " + plugin.getCpuFrequency()); System.out.println("Cumulative CPU time (ms) : " + plugin.getCumulativeCpuTime()); plugin.getCpuUsage(); plugin.getDiskIOUsage(); try { // Sleep so we can compute the CPU usage Thread.sleep(500L); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // do nothing } System.out.println("CPU usage % : " + plugin.getCpuUsage()); System.out.println("Disk IO Bandwidth % : " + plugin.getDiskIOUsage()); try { // Sleep so we can compute the CPU usage Thread.sleep(10000L); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // do nothing } System.out.println("CPU usage % : " + plugin.getCpuUsage()); System.out.println("Disk IO Bandwidth % : " + plugin.getDiskIOUsage()); } }