package org.apache.hadoop.util.bloom; /** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import; import java.util.AbstractCollection; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Random; import org.junit.Assert; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.util.hash.Hash; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import; import; public class BloomFilterCommonTester<T extends Filter> { private static final double LN2 = Math.log(2); private static final double LN2_SQUARED = LN2 * LN2; private final int hashType; private final int numInsertions; private final ImmutableList.Builder<T> builder = ImmutableList.builder(); private ImmutableSet<BloomFilterTestStrategy> filterTestStrateges; private final PreAssertionHelper preAssertionHelper; static int optimalNumOfBits(int n, double p) { return (int) (-n * Math.log(p) / LN2_SQUARED); } public static <T extends Filter> BloomFilterCommonTester<T> of(int hashId, int numInsertions) { return new BloomFilterCommonTester<T>(hashId, numInsertions); } public BloomFilterCommonTester<T> withFilterInstance(T filter) { builder.add(filter); return this; } private BloomFilterCommonTester(int hashId, int numInsertions) { this.hashType = hashId; this.numInsertions = numInsertions; this.preAssertionHelper = new PreAssertionHelper() { @Override public ImmutableSet<Integer> falsePositives(int hashId) { switch (hashId) { case Hash.JENKINS_HASH: { // // false pos for odd and event under 1000 return ImmutableSet.of(99, 963); } case Hash.MURMUR_HASH: { // false pos for odd and event under 1000 return ImmutableSet.of(769, 772, 810, 874); } default: { // fail fast with unknown hash error !!! Assert.assertFalse("unknown hash error", true); return ImmutableSet.of(); } } } }; } public BloomFilterCommonTester<T> withTestCases( ImmutableSet<BloomFilterTestStrategy> filterTestStrateges) { this.filterTestStrateges = ImmutableSet.copyOf(filterTestStrateges); return this; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void test() { final ImmutableList<T> filtersList =; final ImmutableSet<Integer> falsePositives = preAssertionHelper .falsePositives(hashType); for (T filter : filtersList) { for (BloomFilterTestStrategy strategy : filterTestStrateges) { strategy.getStrategy().assertWhat(filter, numInsertions, hashType, falsePositives); // create fresh instance for next test iteration filter = (T) getSymmetricFilter(filter.getClass(), numInsertions, hashType); } } } interface FilterTesterStrategy { final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(FilterTesterStrategy.class); void assertWhat(Filter filter, int numInsertions, int hashId, ImmutableSet<Integer> falsePositives); } private static Filter getSymmetricFilter(Class<?> filterClass, int numInsertions, int hashType) { int bitSetSize = optimalNumOfBits(numInsertions, 0.03); int hashFunctionNumber = 5; if (filterClass == BloomFilter.class) { return new BloomFilter(bitSetSize, hashFunctionNumber, hashType); } else if (filterClass == CountingBloomFilter.class) { return new CountingBloomFilter(bitSetSize, hashFunctionNumber, hashType); } else if (filterClass == RetouchedBloomFilter.class) { return new RetouchedBloomFilter(bitSetSize, hashFunctionNumber, hashType); } else if (filterClass == DynamicBloomFilter.class) { return new DynamicBloomFilter(bitSetSize, hashFunctionNumber, hashType, 3); } else { //fail fast assertFalse("unexpected filterClass", true); return null; } } public enum BloomFilterTestStrategy { ADD_KEYS_STRATEGY(new FilterTesterStrategy() { private final ImmutableList<Key> keys = ImmutableList.of(new Key( new byte[] { 49, 48, 48 }), new Key(new byte[] { 50, 48, 48 })); @Override public void assertWhat(Filter filter, int numInsertions, int hashId, ImmutableSet<Integer> falsePositives) { filter.add(keys); assertTrue(" might contain key error ", filter.membershipTest(new Key("100".getBytes()))); assertTrue(" might contain key error ", filter.membershipTest(new Key("200".getBytes()))); filter.add(keys.toArray(new Key[] {})); assertTrue(" might contain key error ", filter.membershipTest(new Key("100".getBytes()))); assertTrue(" might contain key error ", filter.membershipTest(new Key("200".getBytes()))); filter.add(new AbstractCollection<Key>() { @Override public Iterator<Key> iterator() { return keys.iterator(); } @Override public int size() { return keys.size(); } }); assertTrue(" might contain key error ", filter.membershipTest(new Key("100".getBytes()))); assertTrue(" might contain key error ", filter.membershipTest(new Key("200".getBytes()))); } }), KEY_TEST_STRATEGY(new FilterTesterStrategy() { private void checkOnKeyMethods() { String line = "werabsdbe"; Key key = new Key(line.getBytes()); assertTrue("default key weight error ", key.getWeight() == 1d); key.set(line.getBytes(), 2d); assertTrue(" setted key weight error ", key.getWeight() == 2d); Key sKey = new Key(line.getBytes(), 2d); assertTrue("equals error", key.equals(sKey)); assertTrue("hashcode error", key.hashCode() == sKey.hashCode()); sKey = new Key(line.concat("a").getBytes(), 2d); assertFalse("equals error", key.equals(sKey)); assertFalse("hashcode error", key.hashCode() == sKey.hashCode()); sKey = new Key(line.getBytes(), 3d); assertFalse("equals error", key.equals(sKey)); assertFalse("hashcode error", key.hashCode() == sKey.hashCode()); key.incrementWeight(); assertTrue("weight error", key.getWeight() == 3d); key.incrementWeight(2d); assertTrue("weight error", key.getWeight() == 5d); } private void checkOnReadWrite() { String line = "qryqeb354645rghdfvbaq23312fg"; DataOutputBuffer out = new DataOutputBuffer(); DataInputBuffer in = new DataInputBuffer(); Key originKey = new Key(line.getBytes(), 100d); try { originKey.write(out); in.reset(out.getData(), out.getData().length); Key restoredKey = new Key(new byte[] { 0 }); assertFalse("checkOnReadWrite equals error", restoredKey.equals(originKey)); restoredKey.readFields(in); assertTrue("checkOnReadWrite equals error", restoredKey.equals(originKey)); out.reset(); } catch (Exception ioe) {"checkOnReadWrite ex error"); } } private void checkSetOnIAE() { Key key = new Key(); try { key.set(null, 0); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { // expected } catch (Exception e) {"checkSetOnIAE ex error"); } } @Override public void assertWhat(Filter filter, int numInsertions, int hashId, ImmutableSet<Integer> falsePositives) { checkOnKeyMethods(); checkOnReadWrite(); checkSetOnIAE(); } }), EXCEPTIONS_CHECK_STRATEGY(new FilterTesterStrategy() { @Override public void assertWhat(Filter filter, int numInsertions, int hashId, ImmutableSet<Integer> falsePositives) { checkAddOnNPE(filter); checkTestMembershipOnNPE(filter); checkAndOnIAE(filter); } private void checkAndOnIAE(Filter filter) { Filter tfilter = null; try { Collection<Key> keys = null; filter.add(keys); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { // } catch (Exception e) {"" + e); } try { Key[] keys = null; filter.add(keys); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { // } catch (Exception e) {"" + e); } try { ImmutableList<Key> keys = null; filter.add(keys); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { // } catch (Exception e) {"" + e); } try { filter.and(tfilter); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { // expected } catch (Exception e) {"" + e); } try { filter.or(tfilter); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { // expected } catch (Exception e) {"" + e); } try { filter.xor(tfilter); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { // expected } catch (UnsupportedOperationException unex) { // } catch (Exception e) {"" + e); } } private void checkTestMembershipOnNPE(Filter filter) { try { Key nullKey = null; filter.membershipTest(nullKey); } catch (NullPointerException ex) { // expected } catch (Exception e) {"" + e); } } private void checkAddOnNPE(Filter filter) { try { Key nullKey = null; filter.add(nullKey); } catch (NullPointerException ex) { // expected } catch (Exception e) {"" + e); } } }), ODD_EVEN_ABSENT_STRATEGY(new FilterTesterStrategy() { @Override public void assertWhat(Filter filter, int numInsertions, int hashId, ImmutableSet<Integer> falsePositives) { // add all even keys for (int i = 0; i < numInsertions; i += 2) { filter.add(new Key(Integer.toString(i).getBytes())); } // check on present even key for (int i = 0; i < numInsertions; i += 2) { Assert.assertTrue(" filter might contains " + i, filter.membershipTest(new Key(Integer.toString(i).getBytes()))); } // check on absent odd in event for (int i = 1; i < numInsertions; i += 2) { if (!falsePositives.contains(i)) { assertFalse(" filter should not contain " + i, filter.membershipTest(new Key(Integer.toString(i).getBytes()))); } } } }), WRITE_READ_STRATEGY(new FilterTesterStrategy() { private int slotSize = 10; @Override public void assertWhat(Filter filter, int numInsertions, int hashId, ImmutableSet<Integer> falsePositives) { final Random rnd = new Random(); final DataOutputBuffer out = new DataOutputBuffer(); final DataInputBuffer in = new DataInputBuffer(); try { Filter tempFilter = getSymmetricFilter(filter.getClass(), numInsertions, hashId); ImmutableList.Builder<Integer> blist = ImmutableList.builder(); for (int i = 0; i < slotSize; i++) { blist.add(rnd.nextInt(numInsertions * 2)); } ImmutableList<Integer> list =; // mark bits for later check for (Integer slot : list) { filter.add(new Key(String.valueOf(slot).getBytes())); } filter.write(out); in.reset(out.getData(), out.getLength()); tempFilter.readFields(in); for (Integer slot : list) { assertTrue("read/write mask check filter error on " + slot, filter.membershipTest(new Key(String.valueOf(slot).getBytes()))); } } catch (IOException ex) {"error ex !!!" + ex); } } }), FILTER_XOR_STRATEGY(new FilterTesterStrategy() { @Override public void assertWhat(Filter filter, int numInsertions, int hashId, ImmutableSet<Integer> falsePositives) { Filter symmetricFilter = getSymmetricFilter(filter.getClass(), numInsertions, hashId); try { // 0 xor 0 -> 0 filter.xor(symmetricFilter); // check on present all key for (int i = 0; i < numInsertions; i++) { Assert.assertFalse(" filter might contains " + i, filter.membershipTest(new Key(Integer.toString(i).getBytes()))); } // add all even keys for (int i = 0; i < numInsertions; i += 2) { filter.add(new Key(Integer.toString(i).getBytes())); } // add all odd keys for (int i = 0; i < numInsertions; i += 2) { symmetricFilter.add(new Key(Integer.toString(i).getBytes())); } filter.xor(symmetricFilter); // 1 xor 1 -> 0 // check on absent all key for (int i = 0; i < numInsertions; i++) { Assert.assertFalse(" filter might not contains " + i, filter.membershipTest(new Key(Integer.toString(i).getBytes()))); } } catch (UnsupportedOperationException ex) { // not all Filter's implements this method return; } } }), FILTER_AND_STRATEGY(new FilterTesterStrategy() { @Override public void assertWhat(Filter filter, int numInsertions, int hashId, ImmutableSet<Integer> falsePositives) { int startIntersection = numInsertions - (numInsertions - 100); int endIntersection = numInsertions - 100; Filter partialFilter = getSymmetricFilter(filter.getClass(), numInsertions, hashId); for (int i = 0; i < numInsertions; i++) { String digit = Integer.toString(i); filter.add(new Key(digit.getBytes())); if (i >= startIntersection && i <= endIntersection) { partialFilter.add(new Key(digit.getBytes())); } } // do logic AND filter.and(partialFilter); for (int i = 0; i < numInsertions; i++) { if (i >= startIntersection && i <= endIntersection) { Assert.assertTrue(" filter might contains " + i, filter.membershipTest(new Key(Integer.toString(i).getBytes()))); } } } }), FILTER_OR_STRATEGY(new FilterTesterStrategy() { @Override public void assertWhat(Filter filter, int numInsertions, int hashId, ImmutableSet<Integer> falsePositives) { Filter evenFilter = getSymmetricFilter(filter.getClass(), numInsertions, hashId); // add all even for (int i = 0; i < numInsertions; i += 2) { evenFilter.add(new Key(Integer.toString(i).getBytes())); } // add all odd for (int i = 1; i < numInsertions; i += 2) { filter.add(new Key(Integer.toString(i).getBytes())); } // union odd with even filter.or(evenFilter); // check on present all key for (int i = 0; i < numInsertions; i++) { Assert.assertTrue(" filter might contains " + i, filter.membershipTest(new Key(Integer.toString(i).getBytes()))); } } }); private final FilterTesterStrategy testerStrategy; BloomFilterTestStrategy(FilterTesterStrategy testerStrategy) { this.testerStrategy = testerStrategy; } public FilterTesterStrategy getStrategy() { return testerStrategy; } } interface PreAssertionHelper { public ImmutableSet<Integer> falsePositives(int hashId); } }